115 research outputs found

    Why, When, and How Much to Entertain Consumers in Advertisements? A Web-Based Facial Tracking Field Study

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    The presence of positive entertainment (e.g., visual imagery, upbeat music, humor) in TV advertisements can make them more attractive and persuasive. However, little is known about the downside of too much entertainment. This research focuses on why, when, and how much to entertain consumers in TV advertisements. We collected data in a large scale field study using 82 ads with various levels of entertainment shown to 178 consumers in their homes and workplaces. Using a novel web-based face tracking system, we continuously measure consumers' smile responses, viewing interest, and purchase intent. A simultaneous Bayesian hierarchical model is estimated to assess how different levels of entertainment affect purchases by endogenizing viewing interest. We find that entertainment has an inverted U-shape relationship to purchase intent. Importantly, we separate entertainment into that which comes before the brand versus that which comes after, and find that the latter is positively associated with purchase intent while the former is not

    Entre o texto e o contexto. Um chão de presas fáceis, de Fernando Fiorese

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    Com o romance Um chão de presas fáceis, Fernando Fiorese se situa entre os escritores que se dedicam a dar voz a quem nosso modelo social cala e, ao mesmo tempo, mantêm a preocupação artística, estética, com a escrita ficcional. Ambienta a narrativa numa região socioeconomicamente precária do interior de seu estado, nos arredores de uma rodovia. Assim, pode forjar a voz de seus conterrâneos esquecidos e, no mesmo movimento, desenvolver a autorreflexividade. Encanta pelo texto e comprova que a literatura que pensa a si mesma sem se fechar ao outro amplia as chances de permanecer

    A estética do acaso em "A céu aberto", de João Gilberto Noll

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    Este artigo procura demonstrar de que maneira o principio do acaso, tão caro à literatura ocidental, sobretudo após a revolução estética de Mallarmé, existe enquanto força-motor do processo de construção do romance A céu aberto, de João Gilberto Noll. Filho de um tempo de crise, a da representação, o autor gaúcho lança mão das ideias mallarmelianas para enfrentar as dificuldades narrativas que seu tempo lhe impõe. Abandona então a tradição milenar dos preceitos aristotélicos para forjar uma nova escrita ficcional, sintonizada agora com as novas concepções do fazer literário.&nbsp

    Metals, trace elements and ecotoxicity in sediments of the Cubatão River, Brazil

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    The Cubatão River is one of the most important waterways of the coast of São Paulo. The continuous discharge of domestic and industrial effluents into the river and its tributaries resulted in loss of water quality across the system. Industrial and domestic landfills are also located around the studied area. The purpose of this study was to assess two aspects of sediments from the river and two of its tributaries (Perequê and Pilões Rivers): presence of trace elements and toxic metals, and ecotoxicity. Four sampling surveys were conducted from 2010 to 2011 on six different sites (here named P0, P2, P4, P5, P7 and P8). Ecotoxicity was assessed by exposing Hyalella azteca to the collected sediments. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF AAS and CV AAS) techniques were applied for measuring concentration of metals and trace elements. The latter enabled quantification of Cd, Pb and Hg, while the former enabled quantification of a wide range of metals and trace elements. As, Cr and Zn concentrations obtained by INAA as well as AAS results were compared to threshold effect levels (TEL) and probable effect levels (PEL), the sediment quality guidelines proposed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) for evaluating the potential effects on aquatic organisms. Cd and Hg values did not exceed TEL at the most of samples. Pb exceeded TEL at only one site campaign. As, Cr and Zn values exceeded TEL in most of sampling sites, with P2 and P4 showing the highest concentrations. Enrichment Factor (EF) and Geoaccumulation Index (IGeo) were calculated for the elements determined by INAA using North American Shale Composite (NASC) and regional background values. In short, As, Br, Cr, Hf, Pb, Sb and Zn were the elements found in concerning amounts, especially As, Br, Cr and Zn. Toxicity results revealed toxic effects on sediments from P2 and P5 (mortality > 50%). Body size analysis demonstrated negative effects at P4 (length smaller than 2,500.00 μm). Data crossing analyses indicate As and Br as main possible contributors to high toxicity levels

    Injuries to Crossfit practitioners: narrative review

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    Introdução: O CrossFit tem como pilar o desenvolvimento do condicionamento físico e está se difundindo entre a população, tanto em modalidades competitivas quanto não competitivas. O treinamento faz uso de três padrões para orientar o condicionamento físico: desenvolvimento de habilidades, como resistência e força; bom rendimento em toda atividade; e competência e desenvolvimento das vias determinantes do condicionamento metabólico. Objetivo: Reunir os tipos mais frequentes de lesões provocadas pela prática de CrossFit e as causas e os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento destas. Metodologia: A revisão da literatura foi realizada ao longo dos meses de outubro e novembro de 2021, por meio das bases de dados PubMed, BVS, LILACS e IBECS, utilizando os termos MeSH “high intensity interval training”, “sports injury” e “injury”. Resultados: Foram inseridas 8 publicações neste estudo, após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão e foi confeccionada uma tabela com os principais achados de cada estudo. Os resultados encontrados foram subdivididos em 4 grupos relacionados a: MMSS; MMII; tronco e coluna; fatores de risco para lesões. As lesões de ombro e joelho são as mais prevalentes, e há necessidade de mais estudos sobre lesões de coluna e tronco. No que tange aos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de lesões, as correlações entre tempo de prática do CrossFit, frequência de treinos e participação de competições não são bem definidas. Conclusão: As prevalências das lesões divergem entre os estudos, todavia as lesões de ombro são mais predominantes em MMSS, joelhos, em MMII e região lombar, na coluna vertebral. Apesar da literatura escassa sobre o tema, torna-se evidente a necessidade de acompanhamento por meio de profissionais capacitados para evitar a ocorrência de lesões.Introduction: CrossFit is a training program based on fitness development which has been gaining popularity, both in its competitive and non-competitive modes. The training uses three standards to guide physical conditioning: development of skills, such as endurance and strength; good performance in all tasks; and competency and training of pathways that determine metabolic conditioning. Objective: To assess the most frequent types of injuries associated with CrossFit training and the causes and risk factors for their occurrence. Methodology: The literature review was conducted between October and November 2021 in the PubMed, BVS, LILACS and IBECS databases, using the MeSH terms “high intensity interval training”, “sports injury” and “injury”. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, eight studies were used in the review and a table with the main findings of each one was created. The results found were divided into 4 groups, referring to: upper limbs; lower limbs; trunk and spine; and risk factors for injuries. Shoulder and knee injuries were the most prevalent, and there is a need for further studies on spinal and trunk injuries. As for risk factors for the occurrence of injuries, the correlations between CrossFit experience, training frequency, and participation in competition are not well defined. Conclusion: The studies found different values of prevalence, but agreed that shoulder injuries were more prevalent in the upper limbs, knee injuries in lower limbs, and lumbar injuries in the spine. Despite the scarcity of literature on the subject, there is a clear need for the supervision of trained professionals in order to avoid injuries


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    A principal característica da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) é a diminuição da imunidade do indivíduo, tendo como consequência o aparecimento de infecções oportunistas

    Gastric metastasis as the first manifestation of an invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast

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    Gastrointestinal metastases from breast cancer are rare and generally occur several years after the diagnosis of the primary lesion. The diagnosis of gastric metastasis as the initial presentation of breast cancer is even rarer and can potentially mimic gastric carcinoma. We report the case of a 66-year-old female patient submitted to a total gastrectomy because of the histological diagnosis of undifferentiated gastric carcinoma. During the surgical procedure, biopsies of the peritoneum and the liver were performed, which were consistent with metastatic breast invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). The primary lesion of the breast was detected during the post-operative period, when a 4-cm-long lesion was detected on physical examination and mammography. The revision of the gastric biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of ILC. The authors call attention to the rarity of gastrointestinal metastases as the initial presentation of breast ILC

    Wooden breast e white striping : ocorrência em três empresas avícolas

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    To increase the amount of meat produced, researchers have promoted intensive genetic selection for growth rate and muscling and have improved nutrition and management conditions. However, there has been an increase in the number of reports of breast muscle myopathies observed in poultry processing plants, including white striping (WS) and wooden breast (WB). This study aimed to evaluate and to compare the occurrence of WS and WB myopathies in three poultry processing plants and to perform an anatomopathological characterization, including macroscopic and microscopic analyses. A total of 408,334 carcasses were condemned or downgraded due to the presence of WB or WS, which represents 0.73% of the total number of slaughtered animals during the evaluated period. WB was more frequent than WS, but the occurrence of each myopathy varied significantly according to each establishment. WB was more frequent in the establishment which includes only male flocks, an average age of 45 days, and an average live weight of 2775g (B). WS was more frequent in establishment with male, female and mixed flocks, average ages ranging from 41 to 44 days, and average live weight 1731g-2830g (A). It is probably related with specific condition of each poultry company, including genetics, age, nutrition and management conditions. Macroscopically, WB and WS lesions are characterized by hypertrophy and stiffness of the pectoralis major muscle. Under microscopy, the myopathies showed similarities regarding the detected histological abnormalities, characterized by a process of myodegeneration, although the connective tissue infiltrate was more severe in the breasts with WB than in those with WS myopathy. The results found in this study demonstrate that the rates of condemnation for these myopathies are high, vary significantly among the analyzed companies and may cause major economic losses for the productive sector in the region.Para melhorar a quantidadede carne produzida, os pesquisadores têm promovido ao longo dos anos uma seleção genética intensiva para a taxa de crescimento e desenvolvimento de músculos, além de melhorias nas condições nutricionais, sanitárias e de manejo. No entanto, houve um aumento no número de relatos de miopatias dos músculos do peito observados em abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves, incluindo white striping (WS) e wooden breast (WB). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de WB e WS em três abatedouros-frigoríficos de aves e realizar uma caracterização anatomopatológica, incluindo análises macroscópicas e microscópicas. Um total de 408.334 carcaças foi condenado (total ou parcialmente) devido à presença WB ou WS, o que representou 0,73% do número total de animais abatidos durante o período avaliado. Apesar de a ocorrência de WB ter sido maior do que a de WS, a frequência de cada uma variou significativamente de acordo com o estabelecimento. WB foi mais frequente no estabelecimento que incluía apenas lotes de machos, com média de 45 dias de idade e peso médio ao abate de 2775g (B). WS foi mais frequente no estabelecimento com lotes de machos, fêmeas e mistos, com idade entre 41 e 44 dias e peso médio ao abate entre 1731g-2830g (A). Isto pode ser justificado por condições específicas de cada empresa, incluindo genética, idade das aves, nutrição e condições de manejo. Macroscopicamente, as lesões de WB e de WS foram caracterizadas principalmente por hipertrofia e rigidez do músculo pectoralis major. À microscopia, ambas as miopatias mostraram semelhanças em relação às anormalidades histológicas detectadas, caracterizadas principalmente por um processo de miodegeneração. Nos músculos apresentando WB, o infiltrado de tecido conjuntivo foi mais intenso quando comparado àqueles com WS. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho demonstram que os índices de condenação por essas miopatias são altos, variam significativamente entre as empresas analisadas e podem causar grandes perdas econômicas para o setor produtivo da região

    Testicular Morphological and Ultrasonographic Characterization of Male Gray Brocket Deers (Mazama gouazoubira) in Different Reproductive Status

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    Background: Gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) populations have been declining due to human intervention. Yet, only a few studies have assessed ultrasonographic testicular characteristics in cervids. Considering the relevance of monitoring testicular size, blood flow, and parenchyma, the present study aims to establish baseline information on scrotal circumference, testicular volume, and spectral Doppler parameters, to describe differences among adult male gray brocket deer in different reproductive status, and to correlate ultrasound parameters with testes size measurements.Materials, Methods & Results: Six adult male gray brocket deers were used in the study. Scrotal circumference and testicular volume were measured. B mode ultrasound images of testes (longitudinal and cross-sectional views) and epididymes were subjected to computer-assisted analysis, obtaining the numerical pixel values (NPV) and pixel standard deviation (PSD). Using spectral Doppler, supratesticular artery blood flow velocities (peak systolic velocity - PSV, end diastolic velocity - EDV, time-average maximum velocity - TAMAX, resistivity - RI and pulsatility indices - PI) were obtained. Semen was analyzed through total motility, vigor, and concentration tests. Three animals were normospermic (F+ group) and three were oligo/azoospermic (F- group). Groups were compared using were compared using a one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis followed by Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) test. Ultrasound parameters were correlated to testes size parameters using Pearson’s correlation for parametric variables and Spearman’s correlation for non-parametric variables. F+ group presented significantly higher scrotal circumference (14.57 ± 1.19 cm), testicular volume (26.18 ± 4.94 cm3), and testes cross-sectional NPV (69.88 ± 24.00) and PSD (10.78 ± 3.42) than group F- (NPV: 28.26 ± 13.75, PSD: 6.70 ± 1.84). No significant differences were observed between the groups regarding the spectral Doppler ultrasound parameters. Significant correlations were observed between scrotal circumference and longitudinal (r = 0.76) and cross-sectional testes NPV (r = 0.89), and testicular volume was correlated with longitudinal (r = 0.78) and cross-sectional testes NPV (r = 0.91) and with cross-sectional testes PSD (ρ = 0.82).Discussion: Increased testicular echogenicity (higher NPV) has been positively associated with improved testicular growth, cell population expansion, inner and outer seminiferous tubules diameter, spermatids percentages and testis weight. In addition, more heterogenous testes (higher PSD) were associated with higher sperm output. It was suggested that the animals in group F- had compromised testicular development and spermatogenesis. The correlation observed between testes NPV and scrotal circumference was proposed to be associated with seminiferous tubules impairment. The F- group showed lower testicular volume, NPVs and PSDs in cross-sectional testicular images, suggesting higher protein levels and lower lipid contents were present in their parenchyma, influencing in testicular echogenicity and echotexture. No differences in spectral Doppler parameters were observed between the two groups. Also observed in stallions. However, PSV, EDV, TAMAX could be potential infertility indicators in other mammalians. These different results may be due to different locations of the evaluated vessel, species and techniques, age, ambient temperature, pathological conditions, and anaesthesia. Thus, it is suggested that scrotal circumference, testicular volume, and testes NPV are good indicators of male reproductive health in gray brocket deer and may help with better male selection in the species

    Pronação excessiva e varismos de pé e perna: relação com o desenvolvimento de patologias músculo-esqueléticas - Revisão de Literatura

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    A literatura propõe mecanismos biomecânicos que relacionam a pronação subtalar excessiva ao desenvolvimento de diversas patologias músculo-esqueléticas. A presença dos desalinhamentos anatômicos antepé varo, retropé varo e tíbia vara pode levar à ocorrência da pronação subtalar excessiva. Entretanto, não existe um consenso sobre a contribuição do padrão de movimento e da presença desses desalinhamentos para o desenvolvimento de patologias. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão da literatura para investigar a influência de varismos aumentados de antepé, retropé e tíbia e da pronação subtalar excessiva no surgimento de patologias músculo-esqueléticas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sistematizada nas bases Medline, ISI - Web of Science, Lilacs e Scielo, tendo sido selecionados 13 estudos analíticos. Do total de 13 estudos, 10 encontraram associação de patologias no membro inferior com um ou mais dos desalinhamentos anatômicos analisados ou com um ou mais parâmetros cinemáticos relacionadas à pronação subtalar excessiva. A análise dos estudos sugere que a pronação subtalar excessiva e/ou a presença de desalinhamentos que podem levar a esse padrão de movimento são possíveis fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de patologias músculo-esqueléticas no membro inferior.The literature proposes biomechanical mechanisms that link excessive subtalar joint pronation to the development of several musculoskeletal pathologies. The presence of forefoot varus, rearfoot varus and tibiofibular varum can lead to the occurrence of excessive subtalar pronation. However, there is no consensus about the contribution of the movement pattern and/or the presence of these anatomical misalignments to the development of pathologies. The aim of the present study was to conduct a literature review in order to investigate the influence of increased varus alignment of forefoot, rearfoot and shank and of excessive subtalar pronation on the development of musculoskeletal pathologies. A systematic literature search was performed in the databases Medline, ISI - Web of Science, Lilacs and Scielo, and 13 analytic studies were selected. Ten studies found significant associations of lower-limb musculoskeletal pathologies with one or more of the anatomical misalignments analyzed or with one or more kinematic parameters related to excessive subtalar pronation. The analysis of the studies suggests that excessive pronation and/or the presence of these anatomical misalagniments should be regarded as possible risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal pathologies in the lower limb