17 research outputs found

    Efeitos da microgalvanopuntura e da puntura seca em estrias albas – estudo randomizado, controlado

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    As estrias são lesões dérmicas que podem ser minimizadas com recurso à Fisioterapia Dermatofuncional através das técnicas de microgalvanopuntura e de puntura seca. Avaliar os efeitos da microgalvanopuntura e da puntura seca nas estrias albas na região glútea e no impacto do bem-estar, na autoestima e na qualidade de vida em mulheres dos 18 aos 45 anos. Estudo randomizado, controlado e duplamente cego, com um grupo intervencionado (GI: n=18) e um grupo placebo (GP: n=18). GI submetido em cada glúteo ou a microgalvanopuntura (GIMGP: n=18) ou a puntura seca (GIPS: n=18), GP sujeito a laserterapia desligado num dos glúteos. Utilizou-se um questionário para selecionar e caracterizar amostra, para avaliação inicial e apos 4 semanas de intervenção recorreu-se ao Questionário de satisfação com a vida, ao índice de qualidade de vida em dermatologia, à medição do peso e altura e à captação da fotografia, para análise no ImageJ®. GI apresentou uma melhoria maior nos instrumentos face ao GP (p=0,05). A microgalvanopuntura e a puntura seca parecem ter influência na redução da área da estria, na amostra em estudo, sendo que a microgalvanopuntura parece ter sido mais eficaz. Contudo, as técnicas parecem não ter influência no bem-estar, na autoestima e na qualidade de vida

    Novas inscrições funerárias da Torre Velha de Castro de Avelãs (Bragança)

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    Publicam-se 4 inscrições funerárias da Torre Velha de Castro de Avelãs (Bragança)

    As produções cerâmicas de imitação na Hispânia.

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    Cerâmicas romanas da Torre Velha (Castro de Avelãs, Bragança). Primeira síntese

    Um caso de osteomielite na tíbia de um esqueleto masculino da Igreja Românica de S. João de Almedina (Coimbra)

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    Arqueologia de Transição: O Mundo Funerário

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    Apresentam-se os resultados da primeira campanha de escavações efetuada no sítio da Torre Velha (Castro de Avelãs, Bragança), durante o verão de 2012, referentes ao seu espaço funerário. A análise será feita de forma integrada, articulando os (novos) dados de natureza arqueológica (cronologia, contexto estratigráfico e materiais associados) e antropológica (antropologia funerária e estudo paleobiológico da amostra exumada), a par de uma breve contextualização histórica do sítio – um dos mais referidos na bibliografia arqueológica de Trásos- Montes, identificado habitualmente como a capital dos Zoelas em época romana. No domínio antropológico serão caracterizados 19 indivíduos, bem como três ossários (um dos quais associado a um enterramento) e duas reduções, ambas com apenas um indivíduo. Os esqueletos recuperados representam quatro não adultos, um adulto jovem e 16 adultos. Destes últimos, seis pertencem ao sexo feminino, sete ao masculino, sendo que em quatro este parâmetro não pôde ser avaliado.Here we present the results of the first campaign of excavations made in the archaeological site of Torre Velha (Castro de Avelãs , Bragança) , during the summer of 2012, in its funerary space. The analysis will be done in an integrated way, articulating the (new) archaeological data (chronology, stratigraphic context and associated material) and anthropological (paleobiological study of the burials and funerary anthropology), along with a brief historical background of the site - one the most reported in the archaeological literature of Trás-os- Montes, usually identified as the capital of the people “Zoela” in Roman times. In the anthropological study, will be characterized 19 individuals and three ossuaries (one associated to a burial). The skeletons recovered represent four children, a young adult and 16 adults. In the group of the adults we have six females, seven males and four individuals that were impossible to determinate the sex

    Project management practices in private Portuguese organizations

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    Organizations are experiencing increasing pressure that is amplified by the current economic crises we are facing, where innovation, cost reduction, resource optimization, quality and customer satisfaction are increasingly even more important issues. Likewise, project management appears as a subject that has been growing over the years helping organizations to meet their goals, through the implementation of their projects, following good practices that are documented in various standards and methodologies. This research focuses on such practices. The goal was to find which are the most used project management tools and techniques in Portuguese Private Organizations and what factors influence their use

    Application of the PM² Methodology in the project management of the Portuguese project management observatory creation – initiating phase

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    The Portuguese Project Management Association (APOGEP) launched in September 2020 the project of implementation of the Portuguese Project Management Observatory (PPMO), a non-profit organization with a focus on the status and evolution of project management in Portugal. The project is being managed using the PM2methodology, developed by the European Commission (EC) that has been available, since 2016, free of charge to the general public. The methodology has few scientific references, so this project was used to contribute to filling this gap. The methodology incorporates best practices from other bodies of knowledge, can be easily applied and allows for customization. The initiating phase has been completed and the details of its implementation are focused on in this paper. The client involvement from an early stage was crucial and it was necessary to use more artefacts than those mentioned for this phase. Therefore, this paper presents the tailoring of the PM2methodology to the PPMO project, for the initiating phase.- (undefined

    A 1000-year-old case of Klinefelter's syndrome diagnosed by integrating morphology, osteology, and genetics

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    We thank the Municipality of Bragança, the University of Coimbra, the University of Adelaide, the Max Planck Society, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for the support provided. ST is supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/116363/2016). BL (FT170100448) and JCT (DE210101235) are supported by the Australian Research Council. ABR is supported by the European Research Council (771234-PALEoRIDER)

    Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Portugal: synthesis and prospects

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    The Tardiglacial of Portugal has been associated with the Magdalenian culture and lithic industries characterized by tool miniaturization, a diversity of microlith types, and the absence of a intentional blade production. The technological characterization, the chronology and the phasing of the Portuguese Magdalenian have been defined based on data recovered from open-air sites of the Estremadura region (Central Portugal). This paper presents an overview of the research undertaken over the last twenty-five years, including results from research and preventive archaeology fieldwork outside this region, namely in the Côa, Sabor and Vouga Valleys (northern Portugal), as well as in the Guadiana Valley and Algarve regions (southern Portugal). Our chronological boundaries are the Greenland Stadial 2-1b and the 8.2 ka event, from Early Magdalenian to Early Mesolithic. Regarding vegetation, deciduous Quercus underwent expansion during the warm phases of the Tardiglacial and retracted during cold ones, when pines increased. After the Solutrean, the faunal assemblages show a decrease in the variability of the represented species and an increase in fish, birds, small mammals and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Concerning the cultural sequence, the Middle Magdalenian remains uncharacterised. After the Upper Magdalenian, and thenceforward, the use of local raw materials and of cores-on-flakes (burin or carinated endscraper type) for bladelet production gradually increased. In terms of lithic armatures typology, a four-stage sequence can be discerned: 1) Upper Magdalenian with axial points rather than backed bladelets, quite common in previous phases; 2) Final Magdalenian with an increase in the diversity of armature types; 3) Azilian with geometric microliths, curved backed points (Azilian points) and Malaurie points, and 4) Early Mesolithic without retouched bladelet tools or at best a persistence of Azilian armature types. There were some changes in the Palaeolithic rock art of the Douro basin between phase 3 (Final Magdalenian) and phase 4 (Late Azilian): figurative animal representations give place to animal depictions characterized by their geometrical bodies, often filled-in, and red deer becomes the best-represented animal.FCT: PTDC/EPH-ARQ/0326/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Advances and regressions in women's rights in Turkey: a study of religion and the history of Turkey's modern political regime

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia, Políticas SociaisO presente trabalho pretende prestar um contributo para melhor compreender os direitos das mulheres, em países muçulmanos e como estes foram, ao longo do tempo, moldados por forças políticas vigentes, tomando como exemplo a Turquia. Desta forma, procurou-se responder à seguinte pergunta de partida: De que forma evoluíram os direitos das mulheres na Turquia entre os anos de 2003 e 2021? através de uma reflexão de tipo ensaístico assente na análise de fontes documentais e literatura científica. Analisando no passado pontos de interesse para o tema, num quadro geopolítico em permanente mudança, que muito influencia a vida das sociedades modernas e os movimentos que nasceram, o foco principal foi, e continua a ser, o de conquistar a igualdade de género. Os direitos das mulheres, em comunidades islâmicas, em vários espaços geográficos, apresentam avanços e recuos, uma vez que a interpretação do Alcorão, o fundamentalismo islâmico, a cultura, os interesses políticos e as mutações sociais lutam entre si, não permitindo uma aplicação efetiva da lei em vigor que prevê direitos iguais, independentemente do género. A Turquia sofreu profundas transformações, ao longo dos séculos, no que concerne ao regime político e nas questões da igualdade de género. Apesar dos esforços, por parte da comunidade internacional, das várias organizações governamentais e da contribuição dos movimentos feministas para garantir e promover os direitos das mulheres e a igualdade de género na Turquia, a saída do país da Convenção de Istambul, em 2021, marcou um retrocesso. As decisões políticas internas e ao nível internacional, mais recentes, contribuíram para um novo retrocesso na história dos direitos humanos, na Turquia.This thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of women's rights in Muslim countries and how they have been shaped over time by prevailing political forces, taking Turkey as an example. In this way, we sought to answer the following starting question: How have women's rights evolved in Turkey between 2003 and 2021? through an essay-type reflection based on the analysis of documentary sources and scientific literature. Analysing past points of interest to the topic, in an ever-changing geopolitical framework, which greatly influences the life of modern societies and the movements that have been born, the main focus has been, and continues to be, on achieving gender equality. Women's rights in Islamic communities, in various geographical spaces, present advances and setbacks, since the interpretation of the Quran, Islamic fundamentalism, culture, political interests and social changes struggle with each other, not allowing an effective application of the law in force that provides for equal rights, regardless of gender. Turkey has undergone profound transformations over the centuries in terms of political regime and gender equality issues. Despite efforts by the international community, various governmental organisations and the contribution of feminist movements to guarantee and promote women's rights and gender equality in Turkey, the country's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention in 2021 marked a setback. More recent domestic and international political decisions have contributed to a further setback in Turkey's human rights history