5,058 research outputs found

    Holcus mollis L. var. parviflorus Parn. (Poaceae): an erroneous interpretation of abnormal morphology caused by fungi

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    During biometric studies it was observed that several specimens of Holcus mollis L. presented a peculiar but constant morphology caused by the presence of Tilletia holci (Westend.) J. Schrot. These changes in morphology were very clear in the spikelet where glumes were shorter and larger and both florets were awned. This morphology closely matches the description of Holcus mollis L. var. parviflora Parn. The type material was also infected with Tilletia holci. Taxonomic distinction of infected plants is not acceptable.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Countries' safety and competitiveness, and the estimation of current account misalignments

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    Los desequilibrios del saldo por cuenta corriente y su sostenibilidad están entre los temas de política internacional más debatidos. Mediante una metodología recientemente diseñada —external balance assessment (EBA)—, el FMI estima el impacto sobre el saldo por cuenta corriente de sus principales determinantes y de las políticas adoptadas en cada país, calcula el desequilibrio en su saldo exterior e indica recomendaciones de política que, de aplicarse, deberían contribuir a reducir estos desequilibrios. En este artículo se analizan algunas extensiones a la EBA, siguiendo dos líneas. En primer lugar, en las regresiones se contempla la posibilidad de que el efecto de las variables sobre el saldo por cuenta corriente sea diferente en los países que se consideran destinos seguros de inversión en relación con el efecto en economías no seguras. Dado que esta distinción es probable que adquiera especial relevancia en períodos de crisis global, también se distingue entre períodos de estrés global y tiempos tranquilos. En segundo lugar, se incorporan a las regresiones de la EBA variables que impulsan la competitividad externa de los países..Current account imbalances and their sustainability are among the most debated international policy issues. Through the recently designed External Balance Assessment methodology (EBA), the IMF estimates the impact of several countries’ fundamentals and policies on their current account balance, calculates misalignments in their current account position and indicates policy recommendations which, if implemented, should contribute to reducing these imbalances. In this paper, we explore some extensions to the EBA, following two courses. First, we distinguish in current account regressions between countries that are considered safe investment destinations and non-safe economies. Since this distinction is likely to acquire special relevance in periods of global turmoil, we also distinguish between periods of global stress and tranquil times. Second, we embed in EBA regressions variables that drive countries’ external competitiveness.

    Mergers and acquisitions in the Spanish banking industry : some empirical evidence

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    El nuevo entorno operativo del sistema bancario español, desde finales de la decada de los ochenta, ha obligado a las entidades bancarias a replantear sus estrategias a fin de adaptarse a la nueva situacion. Una de las estrategias elegidas ha sido la de la concentracion mediante fusiones. Este trabajo pretende aportar alguna evidencia empirica sobre el impacto que dicho proceso de concentracion ha tenido en la transmision de la politica monetaria, en el grado de competencia de los mercados bancarios y en la evolucion de las entidades fusionadas. Incluye bibliografia, graficos y datos estadisticos. (ad

    Comparative Analysis of Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions on Different Typologies of Residential Buildings in Europe

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    The building sector accounts for one third of the global energy consumption and it is expected to grow in the next decades. This evidence leads researchers, engineers and architects to develop innovative technologies based on renewable energies and to enhance the thermal performance of building envelopes. In this context, the potential applicability and further energy performance analysis of these technologies when implemented into different building typologies and climate conditions are not easily comparable. Although massive information is available in data sources, the lack of standardized methods for data gathering and the non-public availability makes the comparative analyses more diffcult. These facts limit the benchmarking of different building energy demand parameters such as space heating, cooling, air conditioning, domestic hot water, lighting and electric appliances. Therefore, the first objective of this study consists in providing a review about the common typologies of residential buildings in Europe from the main data sources. This study contains specific details on their architecture, building envelope, floor space and insulation properties. The second objective consists in performing a cross-country comparison in terms of energy demand for the applications with higher energy requirements in the residential building sector (heating and domestic hot water), as well as their related CO2 emissions. The approach of this comparative analysis is based on the residential building typology developed in TABULA/EPISCOPE projects. This comparative study provides a reference scenario in terms of energy demand and CO2 emissions for residential buildings and allows to evaluate the potential implementation of new supply energy technologies in hot, temperate and cold climate regions. From this study it was also concluded that there is a necessity of a free access database which could gather and classify reliable energy data in buildings.This study has received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº723596 (Innova MicroSolar). The work is partially funded by the Spanish government (RTI2018-093849-B-C31). Julià Coma would like to thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España for Grant Juan de la Cierva, FJCI-2016-30345. José Miguel Maldonado would like to thank the Spanish Government for his research fellowship (BES-2016-076554). This work is partially supported by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme

    Poly-l/dl-lactic acid films functionalized with collagen IV as carrier substrata for corneal epithelial stem cells

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    Limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) are responsible for the renewal of corneal epithelium. Cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation is the current treatment of choice for restoring the loss or dysfunction of LESCs. To perform this procedure, a substratum is necessary for in vitro culturing of limbal epithelial cells and their subsequent transplantation onto the ocular surface. In this work, we evaluated poly-L/DL-lactic acid 70:30 (PLA) films functionalized with type IV collagen (col IV) as potential in vitro carrier substrata for LESCs. We first demonstrated that PLA-col IV films were biocompatible and suitable for the proliferation of human corneal epithelial cells. Subsequently, limbal epithelial cell suspensions, isolated from human limbal rings, were cultivated using culture medium that did not contain animal components. The cells adhered significantly faster to PLA-col IV films than to tissue culture plastic (TCP). The mRNA expression levels for the LESC specific markers, K15, P63α and ABCG2 were similar or greater (significantly in the case of K15) in limbal epithelial cells cultured on PLA-col IV films than limbal epithelial cells cultured on TCP. The percentage of cells expressing the corneal (K3, K12) and the LESC (P63α, ABCG2) specific markers was similar for both substrata. These results suggest that the PLA-col IV films promoted LESC attachment and helped to maintain their undifferentiated stem cell phenotype. Consequently, these substrata offer an alternative for the transplantation of limbal cells onto the ocular surface.This work was supported by the Carlos III National Institute of Health, Spain (CIBER-BBN and Spanish Network on Cell Therapy, (TerCel RD12/0019/0036), MINECO/FEDER, EU), and the Castilla y León Regional Government, Spain (Regional Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy, SAN673/VA/28/08 and SAN126/VA11/09)

    El mercado de la tierra en Murcia, 1836-1862

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en un estudio dinámico de la propiedad de la tierra en Murcia en los primeros decenios del régimen liberal. El trabajo se articula en dos apartados, centrados sucesivamente en los aspectos económicos y sociales del proceso. En el primero se analizan los rasgos fundamentales de la oferta y la demanda del factor productivo en cuestión y la coyuntura de las operaciones. El segundo se ocupa de los protagonistas del proceso, es decir, los compradores y los vendedores, intentando cuantificar la participación de los distintos grupos sociales y el balance entre ganadores y perdedores. La conclusión insiste en el impacto económico del vasto trasiego de tierras y en la mayor o menor eficiencia de los cambios habidos en el proceso de crecimiento agrario que despega en Murcia a finales del XIX.The aim of work consists of a dynamic study of the land property in Murcia in the early decades of the liberal regime. This piece of work is made up of two sections which are focused on economic and social points of view of the process. In the first one the main characteristics of the supply and demand of the profitable factor are analysed and also the juncture of the transactions. The second one is concerned with the protagonist of the process, that is, the buyers and the sellers, trying to quantify the participation of the different social groups and the balance between earners and losers. The conclusion insist on the economic impact of the huge move of lands and on the efficiency of changes taken place in the process of the agrarian growth detached in Murcia at the end of the19th century

    Formación en enfermería escolar: Efectividad del taller 'Cine y salud escolar'

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    Objetivo. Este estudio pretende evaluar la efectividad del taller 'Cine y salud escolar', que trata la utilización de películas como recurso para reforzar los temas de salud que abordan las enfermeras escolares que han cursado el Máster de Enfer-mería Escolar. Materiales y métodos. Se empleó un diseño cuasiexperimental con pretest y postest y en el cual la intervención fue la realización del taller 'Cine y salud escolar'. Las variables estudiadas se referían al conocimiento de los recursos necesarios para preparar un tema de salud con el apoyo de secuencias cinematográficas; además, se analizaron los hábitos de las participantes respecto a su consumo de cine comercial. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 112 respuestas. En cuanto a la efectividad del taller se observa que en todas las preguntas el número de respuestas correctas es superior en el postest respecto al pretest. El 56,25% (n = 63) de encuestadas reconoce el uso de películas durante la carrera de enfermería. Se mencionan 37 títulos con contenidos sobre salud, con una media de 1,53 películas vistas en el último mes. Se vieron 5,11 películas en casa por cada una vista en salas de cine. Conclusiones. En el postest respecto al pretest, se observa un incremento de respuestas correctas en todos los ítems y también una disminución de las respuestas 'no sabe', lo que confirmaría la efectividad del taller

    Kalman reduced form and pole placement by state feedback for multi‐input linear systems over Hermite rings

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    [EN] A Kalman reduced form is obtained for linear systems over Hermite rings. This reduced form gives information of the set of assignable polynomials to a given linear system.S