7,768 research outputs found

    Intervención internacional a través de los medios de comunicación en sociedades posguerra: Perspectivas a partir de las epistemologías del sur

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    Over the past two decades, international intervention in post-war settings has strictly followed liberal assumptions and practices. Efforts to build and shape the media in the aftermath of armed conflict are no exception. In setting the foundations for the rule of law, liberal democracy and free market, external actors have (re)defined what constitutes the mediascape – that is, the various spheres of communication within public discourse – and how to (re)construct it. Imprinted with modernity’s tenets and western assumptions about the public space, this approach has understood the mediascape narrowly as limited to traditional, established, liberal media, serving to validate particular actors and processes whilst obscuring, neglecting and shutting off global diversity. Law and technology, this paper argues, are the two main axes through which legitimation and exclusion are effected. A myopic focus on legal and technological aspects of the media reduces a rich space of local discourses, norms and practices to western-like media legislation, training and outlets, narrowing in turn the sites for addressing violence and building peace.Durante las últimas dos décadas, la intervención internacional en contextos posguerra ha seguido estrictamente los supuestos y prácticas liberales. Los esfuerzos para construir y dar forma a los medios de comunicación después de los conflictos armados no son una excepción. Al sentar las bases del estado de derecho, de la democracia liberal y del libre mercado, los actores externos han definido lo que constituye el paisaje mediático, es decir, las diversas esferas de la comunicación en el discurso público y cómo reconstruirlo. Imbuido con los principios de la modernidad y los supuestos occidentales sobre el espacio público, este enfoque ha entendido el panorama mediático estrechamente como limitado a los medios tradicionales, establecidos y liberales, sirviendo para validar actores y procesos particulares mientras oscurece, descuida y cierra la diversidad global. El derecho y la tecnología, sostiene este documento, son los dos ejes principales a través de los cuales se efectúan la legitimación y la exclusión. Un enfoque miope en los aspectos legales y tecnológicos de los medios de comunicación que reduce un rico espacio de discursos, normas y prácticas locales a la legislación, la formación y los medios de comunicación de los medios occidentales, reduciendo a su vez los sitios para abordar la violencia y construir la paz

    Effects of Irrigation and Tree Spacing on Soil and Air Temperature Profiles of Olive Orchards

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    Changes on the climate of the boundary layer occur when a vegetation cover above a bare soil is introduced, namely on temperatures and humidity profiles, above and under soil surface. Since air and soil temperatures affect crop growth and development and also soil moisture, they have been used as driving variables in numerous crop growth and development models as well as in those referred to soil mineralization, evaporation, transpiration, etc. The aim of this work was to evaluate (a) the soil thermal behavior in two olive orchards (Olea europaea sp. europaea), both grown on soils with little profile development (Regosol and Cambisol) and subject to drip irrigation but with different spacing between trees, and (b) the air thermal profile over olive rows. Experiments were performed from April to June 2012 in Southern Portugal. Soil and air temperatures were measured by thermocouples. The two orchards changed spatial distribution of soil surface temperature, soil temperature profiles and air temperature within the canopy, either on a daily or hourly basis. Olive tree spacing and irrigation affected both the soil thermal behavior and air thermal profiles. Tree spacing affected the horizontal gradients established along the interrows (intensity and rhythm). Irrigation reduced hourly and daily mean soil surface temperatures and daily thermal amplitudes of both profiles. Differences were also found on damping depths of the thermal wave estimated for the driest and the wettest profiles. Along the row, the effect of shading seems to overlap that of irrigation in a hourly basis

    Uma rapariga do liceu: o legado de um percurso

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    Do cruzamento da leitura de Telling Women´s Lives, de Linda Wagner-Martin, e de In a Differente Voice, de Carol Gilligan, surgiu a ideia de dar conta de um legado escolar deixado por uma aluna do Liceu de Évora, da década de 60. Destaca-se a vivência experiencial, ingénua, conservadora e trágica, que vai do reconhecimento da singularidade e da compreensão da realidade, à confrontação com a morte

    O estoicismo no pensamento de Luísa Sigea: a diotomia entre vida pùblica e vida privada

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    O presente texto pretende analisar o modo como Sigea se posiciona em face da questão prática de viver na corte, tópico central do Colloquium (Dialogue de deux jeunes filles sur la vie de cour et la vie de retraite), publicado em Lisboa no ano de 1552. O texto desenvolve-se através da explicitação de alguns aspectos como os do humanismo renascentista português, para depois analisar o modo como Sigea interpreta a formação necessária para se alcançar a vida feliz (beata uita). This paper aims to examine Sigea’s position to the question of life at court, the central topic of the Colloquium (Dialogue between two young women on courtly and private life), published in 1552 in Lisbon. The development of the text starts with the explanation of some aspects such as the princes’ mirror (specula principum) and the palace circle of the Princess D. Maria, during the Portuguese Renaissance Humanism. Further on the text, it is analyzed how Sigea interprets the training needed to achieve happy life (beata uita)

    A ferramenta que faz os contos

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    O texto faz uma leitura crítica do livro, inserindo-o na bibliografia portuguesa de Filosofia para Crianças

    Diversity and acceptance: views of children and youngsters

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    Comunicação apresentada no ISEC2010 – Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress "Promoting Diversity and Inclusive Practice", 2-5 Agosto 2010, Queen’s University Belfast"Modern societies are becoming more heterogeneous, multiethnic, multicultural, and schools have to deal with an increasing number of children whose characteristics are distinct in a multiplicity of aspects. Reflecting then the social reality, the public school is challenged to answer with quality in order to promote the full potential of its population (Ainscow, 1997; Morgado, 2004; Rodrigues, 2006). Human history is full of examples of segregation and humiliation of individuals and groups whose characteristics did not fit the social patterns and rules. This mechanism of categorizing some as different and deviant, upon which many prejudices were built, are still present in contemporary societies, though in more subtle and covered ways than in the past (França & Monteiro, 2004; Vala & Lima, 2003). School is the ideal context to provide the opportunity to contact with diversity. Young people realize this and are aware of school meaning for social development. But when diversity comes in very salient features, how they see it and react to it? Inscribed in the field of inclusive education, this study focuses on children and youngsters’ perceptions of different aspects of diversity in people (e.g., skin colour, handicap, ethnicity, violent behaviour, social-economic status) on their experience of contact with individuals of the referred groups and on the way they see and conceive relationships with them. The theoretical framework puts into perspective various approaches concerning education and difference, the self and others perception, the interpersonal and group relationships, stereotypes and prejudice and also the strategies to promote positive attitudes towards others. A group of 85 children and youngsters (10, 13 and 16 year-olds) of Beja (Portugal) elementary and secondary schools were interviewed. The data analysis was centred not only on the qualitative aspects of the content but also submitted to statistical procedures. As supported by the literature, it was expected that age, gender and parents’ academic level (independent variables) would influence children’s and youngsters’ perceptions, therefore bringing to light distinct patterns of thought and behaviour. However, in this study, there was no statistic evidence of such differences. As a whole, the results show a group whose perceptions of others, who belong to usually stereotyped and discriminated social categories, are mainly positive and so are the relationships established or foreseen with members of those groups. If skin colour, handicap and social-economic status are consider by the great majority as not offering any problem to relationships, the same is not so unanimous regarding the gipsy ethnic group and here the prejudice is more evident, with many stating how difficult they find to relate with members of this group. In fact, when we look into the various studies, the gipsy ethnic group is the minority group most rejected by the Portuguese Society (Dias et al., 2006; Fonseca et al., 2005; Mendes, 2005). Therefore, this presentation will analyse some of the results and discuss the role of school to promote the acceptance of diversity.

    The artistic activities in the curriculum of children with special educational needs

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    This study stresses the importance of artistic activities (visual arts, music, drama, movement and dance) for the educational process of children with special educational needs. Having as a reference the recent legislation and the context of the Educational Reform in Portugal, it aims to understand the meaning attributed to those activities in the curriculum of a group of children with special educational needs who were integrated in regular primary schools during 1993/94 in Beja. For this purpose the analysis focuses on their educational programmes and on the perspectives of their support teachers who were responsible for both the design and implement of those programmes. Even though one cannot generalize on the basis of such study, there are some reflections that can be raised about the educational proposals that are usually made for this group of children and how educational practice can improve through adequate models of teacher training

    Looking for a break in Spanish Inflation Data in the early eighties and assessing persistence

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    Using the Bai-Perron test, we look for a shift in the conditional mean of an AR representation of Spanish CPI inflation over the period: 1978-2006. It is clear that Spain, as most OECD economies, experienced an inflation slowdown in the early eithgties, which can be related to some policy measures undertook by the government coming out of the 1982 elections. It is shown, that when the break is accounted for, there are no signs of persistence in Spanish CPI inflation.inflation persistence; structural breaks; monetary policy

    Workshops for Learning in Computational Fluid Mechanics

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    The must-do of teaching Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the practical component. The main aim of the present paper is to propose test cases used in research. When these benchmarks are conveniently scaled-down and parameterized, students improve their understanding of the strong and weak points of the numerical models and gain an insight into the fluid dynamics processes learnt in the classroom. The goal is to prepare students who are new in this area to become self-sufficient in engineering practice.Comunicación del proyecto PID1415_030 presentada en la Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystem for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM'14