508 research outputs found

    Maxillary Lateral Incisor Agenesis (MLIA)

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    A intervenção fisioterapêutica e sua eficácia na incontinência urinária de stress: uma revisão bibliográfica

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaIntrodução: A incontinência urinária (IU) afeta milhões de pessoas em todo em todo mundo, sendo que maioritariamente são mulheres de todas as idades. A incontinência urinária de stress (IUS) é a forma mais comum e afeta a qualidade de vida, a função sexual, a socialização e o estado emocional. A abordagem conservadora inclui Fisioterapia, considerada a primeira linha de tratamento. Objetivo: Identificar os vários procedimentos fisioterapêuticos no tratamento da incontinência urinária de stress e consequentemente analisar a eficácia destes procedimentos. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados/motores de busca: Pubmed, PEDro e Web of Science. Após a seleção dos estudos, segundo os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foi avaliada a qualidade metodológica através da Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). Resultados: Foram selecionados 9 artigos, que englobam 1517 mulheres diagnosticadas com IUS. Apesar da diversidade de intervenções e protocolos utilizados, todas tiveram melhorias significativas no tratamento da IUS. Conclusão: A Fisioterapia parece ser eficaz no tratamento da IUS, uma vez que todas as intervenções estudadas apresentaram resultados positivos.Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) affects millions of people worldwide, most of whom are women of all ages. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most common form and affects quality of life, sexual function, socialization and emotional state. Physical therapy is included in the conservative approach, which is considered the first line of treatment. Objectives: Identify several physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence and analyze the effectiveness of these procedures. Methodology: A search was performed in the Pubmed, PEDro and Web of Science databases. After selecting the studies according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the methodological quality was evaluated through the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP). Results: A total of 9 articles were selected, comprising 1517 women diagnosed with SUI. Despite the diversity of interventions and protocols used, all interventions had significant improvements in SUI treatment. Conclusion: Physical therapy seems to be effective in the treatment of SUI as all interventions have been successful.N/

    Urban form and vacant shops: can one explain the other? – a case study in Portugal

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    [EN] Shopping is much more than a wealth-generator in post-modern societies; it is intrinsically linked with the way people experience the city and an indivisible part of their day-to-day social experiences. Consequently, the literature has gradually recognized that commercial geographies are not just a consequence of economic market logics. It has been proven that there is a relationship between store-types and urban morphology, and that commerce is an important catalyst for urban regeneration and revitalization. Thus, the urban form can also be a cause for the lack of success of a shop. The amount of vacant shops has been signaled as an important problem in urban areas, affecting the structure and the identity of neighborhoods, and reflects the negative effects of the economic-crisis. Strategies to overcome this problem are usually economically-oriented and fail to capitalize on the new-found relationships between store-success and urban morphology. Thus this research wishes to test whether there are indeed correlations between specific morphological features and the existence of vacant shops, and consequently to propose how changes in the urban environment can contribute to overcome, and even prevent, such cases. The geographical distribution of vacant shops in a sample of Portuguese cities was set against morphological variables such as building age or centrality in the network (Space Syntax). Positive association was found, for example, between new developments and vacant shops, questioning the need for more store space in certain areas; and, particularly outside central neighborhoods, between open shops and high ‘choice’ (rather than high ‘integration’) segments.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under Grant SFRH / BD / 45205 /2008.Saraiva, M.; Marques, T.; Pinho, P. (2018). Urban form and vacant shops: can one explain the other? – a case study in Portugal. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 209-220. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5141OCS20922

    Developmental absence of maxillary lateral incisors in the Portuguese population

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and clinical manifestation of developmental absence of maxillary permanent lateral incisors in the Portuguese population. The study group comprised 16 771 patients observed between 1993 and 2000 at the Faculty clinic. Two hundred and nineteen patients were found to have missing upper lateral incisors (131 females and 88 males, with ages ranging between 3 and 71 years), a prevalence of 1.3 per cent in this population. Absence of these teeth was bilateral in 44.7 per cent of the patients; of the unilateral cases, 33 per cent occurred on the right side and 21.9 per cent on the left side. In children under 8 years of age (n = 12), two (0.26 per cent) also had developmental absence of the primary lateral incisors, one unilateral and the other bilateral. Among the 121 subjects with unilateral developmental absence, the contralateral maxillary lateral incisor was found to be microdont in 57.1 per cent (right lateral 23 per cent, left lateral 34.1 per cent), suggesting the possibility that microdontia represents a variable expression of the same developmental defect that results in absence

    Effects of the ratio of porosity to volumetric cement content on the unconfined compressive strength of cement bound fine grained soils

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    This paper presents an experimental investigation into the effects of porosity, dry density and cement content on the unconfined compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of cementbound soil mixtures. A clayey sand was used with two different proportions of type IV Portland cement, 10% and 14% of the dry mass of the soil. Specimens were moulded with the same water content but using four different compaction efforts, corresponding to four different dry densities. Unconfined compression testing was conducted at seven days of curing time on unsoaked samples. The results showed that the compressive strength increased with the increase in cement content and with the decrease in porosity. From the experimental data, a unique relationship was found between the unconfined compressive strength and the ratio of porosity to volumetric cement content for all the mixtures and compaction efforts tested. The equation developed demonstrates that it is possible to estimate the amount of cement and the dry density to achieve a certain level of unconfined compressive strength. A normalized general equation was also found to fit other authors’ results for similar soils mixed with cement. From this, a cement-bound soil model was proposed for the development of a mixing design procedure for different soils.publishersversionpublishe

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Nanotechnology in Environmental Remediation of a Highly Metal-Contaminated Area—Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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    A column experiment at a laboratory level was carried out to assess the effect of the application of nanotechnology in the decontamination of soils and alluvial deposits with high levels of poten-tially toxic elements (PTEs). A suspension of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) was injected at three different concentrations in selected samples (two sediments, one soil). For most of the el-ements, the retention by nZVI was proportional to the concentration of the suspension and the trend was similar. Metals were immobilized by adsorption on the surface layer of the nanoparti-cles and/or by complexation, co-precipitation, and chemical reduction. By day 60 following injec-tion, the nZVI lost reactivity and the retained species were desorbed and back into the soluble phase. The definition of spatial patterns for PTEs’ distribution allowed for the construction of contamination risk maps using a geostatistical simulation approach. The analysis obtained from the extractable contents of five target elements (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, As) was cross-checked with the estimated map network to assess their retention efficiency. Data from the analysis of these ele-ments, in the extractable phase and in the porewater of the sediments/soils, indicate the nZVI injection as a suitable technique for reducing the risk level of PTEs in contaminated Fe-rich tropical environments

    Burnout: De um fenómeno complexo para uma análise sociológica

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    Este artigo propõe uma viagem ao fenómeno do burnout sustentada numa revisão da bibliografia publicada desde a década de 1960, e parte da contextualização histórica da evolução do conceito, com referência aos primeiros estudos que potenciaram o seu reconhecimento científico. A análise das principais definições e instrumentos de medida permite encontrar um suporte teórico comum alimentado pelos domínios social e organizacional da psicologia. A descrição de algumas das perspetivas teóricas mais presentes na literatura que abrangem uma análise de níveis individual, interpessoal e organizacional, é conduzida a um enfoque particular em abordagens de lente sociológica. A presença ténue do nível estrutural, identificada como uma das principais lacunas no estudo e compreensão deste fenómeno, propõe uma nova abordagem teórico-conceptual, designadamente o paralelismo entre o burnout profissional e a alienação industrial, e um modelo inovador que avança com uma leitura sociocultural e sociopolítica, e que se constitui como ponto de partida para estudos nesta área. A concluir, são esboçadas questões e interpelações que resultam da reflexão crítica em torno das diversas perspetivas teórico-conceptuais, sendo lançados ensaios de propostas que sugerem o aprofundamento do estudo do burnout a partir de uma dimensão sociológica

    Direito aéreo : responsabilidade civil do transportador aéreo em caso de atraso e overbooking

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    O setor aéreo comercial encontra-se em franca expansão, com novidades tecnológicas e novas rotas, a par da segurança e celeridade, a fomentarem a escolha deste meio de transporte pelos consumidores. O Direito tem um papel primordial para o controlo do mercado da aviação aérea, competindo-lhe resolver todas as questões relacionadas com o dito transporte e com o contrato de transporte. Nessa medida, os Estados ratificaram a Convenção de Varsóvia e, posteriormente, a Convenção de Montreal a fim de regular a responsabilidade do transportador aéreo e, consequentemente, proteger os interesses dos passageiros. A nível comunitário, a União Europeia criou o Regulamento (CE) n.º 261/2004 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 11 de fevereiro de 2004 com enfoque para a assistência e direitos dos passageiros. A combinação destes instrumentos é a fórmula para a concretização da responsabilização civil do transportador aéreo quando incumprido o contrato de transporte. Serão estes os diplomas a base do presente estudo para a análise do regime de responsabilidade civil do transportador aéreo em caso de recusa de embarque e de atraso dos voos.The aerial commercial sector is in a notorious expansion, with technological innovations and new routes, along with safety and speed, to promote the choice of this mean of transport by consumers. The Law has a primary role for the control of the aerial aviation market, being responsible for resolving all issues related to the referred transport and with the transport contract. To that extent, States have ratified the Warsaw Convention and, subsequently, the Montreal Convention in order to regulate the liability of the air carrier and, consequently, to protect the passengers interests. At Community level, the European Union has established the Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on 11 February 2004 focusing on assistance and passengers rights. The combination of these instruments is the formula for achieving the civil responsibility of the air carrier’s on condition the transport contract is not fulfilled. These will be the study basis for the analysis of civil responsibility regime of the air carrier in case of denied boarding and delayed flights

    Biorremediação de solos contaminados com produtos petrolíferos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental.O objectivo principal deste trabalho consistiu no estudo da eficiência da biorremediação de solos contaminados separadamente com benzeno, tolueno e etilbenzeno, utilizando exclusivamente os microrganismos nativos do solo. Nesse sentido foi estudada a influência de alguns parâmetros, tais como a concentração dos contaminantes no solo e o teor de matéria orgânica (MO). Outros objectivos mais específicos, tidos em conta no desenvolvimento deste tema, foram: i) o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que permita identificar o ponto em que se pode considerar que o solo está descontaminado; ii) determinar o tempo de biorremediação de solos contaminados com esses poluentes. O trabalho apresentado surge na sequência de um projecto que visava a remediação de solos contaminados com compostos orgânicos voláteis através da extracção de vapor (EV). Neste estudo a EV mostrou-se, em alguns solos, incapaz de atingir os limites legais para cada um dos contaminantes utilizados. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho, realizaram-se ensaios com benzeno, tolueno e etilbenzeno, utilizando os microrganismos nativos do solo, como as bactérias e os fungos, para degradar biologicamente os contaminantes remanescentes no solo após a EV. Estes ensaios envolveram solos com dois teores de MO (14 e 24%). Nos ensaios com benzeno experimentaram-se níveis de contaminação entre 70 e 120 mg kg-1 no solo com teor de MO de 14%, e concentrações entre 96 e 170 mg kg-1 no solo com 24% de MO. Os ensaios com tolueno foram efectuados exclusivamente no solo com teor de MO de 24%, com níveis de contaminação entre 319 e 392 mg kg-1. No caso do etilbenzeno, foi testada a biorremediação no solo com um teor de MO igual a 14% com níveis de contaminação de 235 e 335 mg kg-1 e no solo com teor de MO de 24% com níveis de contaminação entre 154 e 744 mg kg-1. O trabalho permitiu concluir que: i) dentro de determinados níveis de contaminação no solo, os microrganismos nativos do solo mostraram a capacidade de degradar o benzeno, tolueno e etilbenzeno (concentrações de etilbenzeno no solo acima de 154 mg kg-1 tornaram-se tóxicas para os microrganismos os quais, possivelmente ficaram inibidos de degradar o contaminante); ii) os ensaios realizados com o solo com 24% de MO apresentaram tempos de biorremediação mais curtos pois, nestes solos, o número de microrganismos é superior o que aumenta a capacidade degradativa do solo; iii) o tempo de biorremediação é directamente proporcional à concentração de contaminante no solo; e iv) a técnica de biorremediação, demonstrou ser eficiente na degradação dos contaminantes e por isso, será uma boa técnica para complementar a EV.This investigation reports the efficiency of bioremediation technology in benzene or toluene or ethylbenzene contaminated soil by the use of the native soil microorganisms. The influence of important parameters such as the level of contamination, the composition of natural soil organic matter and remediation time were studied. The main goals were: i) determination of the contaminant concentration level from which the soil is considered clean and ii) estimation of bioremediation time in soils contaminated with these pollutants. The presented work is a complement of the project involving the remediation of soils contaminated with volatile organic compounds by soil vapor extraction (SVE), however, it was verified that this technique, in some soils, is unable to reach the legal limits for contaminated soils. Several experiments were made with soils contaminated separately with benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene, where it was used native microorganisms of soil (for example bacteria and fungus) to degrade the contaminants. These experiments involved two different compositions of soil with 14% and 24% of natural organic matter. In the case of bioremediation studies for benzene, the following ranges of benzene contamination from 70 to 120 mg kg-1 for 14% of natural organic matter and from 96 to 170 mg kg-1 for 24% of natural organic matter were investigated. Toluene was performed exclusively in the soil with 24% of organic matter content considering contamination levels between 319 and 392 mg kg-1. For ethylbenzene, it was created a soil covering 235 and 335 mg kg-1 of concentration, for 14% of organic matter content and it was used an interval of 154 and 744 mg kg-1 for 24% of organic matter content. The remediation experiments performed in soils contaminated with benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene allowed concluding that: i) the bioremediation was efficient, because the native soil microorganisms successfully degraded the benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene (ethylbenzene concentrations in soil above 154 mg kg-1 became toxic to microorganisms which were inhibited to degradate the contaminant); ii) Soils tests performed with 24% organic matter have shown to be faster, because the microorganisms consortium is higher which increases the degrading capacity of the soil; iii) the time of biodegradation was proportional to the concentration of contaminant in the soil; and iv) bioremediation showed to be an efficient technology to complement SVE

    Mutational analysis of MSX1 and PAX9 genes in Portuguese families with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis

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    The observation that certain patterns of tooth agenesis occur more frequently in individuals of the same family may suggest the existence of predisposing genetic factors. The aim of this study was to search for mutations in the PAX9 and MSX1 genes and to investigate their potential association with the maxillary lateral incisor agenesis (MLIA) phenotype in 12 Portuguese families, a total of 52 individuals, 12 probands and 40 relatives (eight of which had MLIA). Twenty-three of the subjects were male and 29 female with an age range of 10-75 years. The control group comprised random DNA samples of 91 Portuguese individuals. Nucleotide alterations were not detected in the coding regions of the MSX1 gene, analysed by single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing; in the PAX9 gene, a polymorphism was found that led to transition of G718 to C, implying a change of alanine 240 for proline. However, the differences in the frequencies of the PAX9 gene polymorphism between the probands (67 per cent) and the control population (56 per cent carrying the c allele) were not statistically significant as determined by chi-square test, and the polymorphism did not clearly segregate with the trait in the families. Aggregating the available data, there does not seem to exist a clear association between the alanine 240 for proline variant in the PAX9 gene and the MLIA phenotype. Further studies are required to clarify the basic genetics of MLIA.The authors would like to thank the families who participated in this study. We are grateful to Pedro Seada for technical support. TP was the recipient of a scholarship from Instituto Superior de Ciencias da Saude Norte/CESPU for her PhD and AS-F is the recipient of a scholarship from FCT (SFRH/BD/15910/2005)