979 research outputs found

    Characterisation of a novel reverse-biased PPD CMOS image sensor

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    A new pinned photodiode (PPD) CMOS image sensor (CIS) has been developed and characterised. The sensor can be fully depleted by means of reverse bias applied to the substrate, and the principle of operation is applicable to very thick sensitive volumes. Additional n-type implants under the pixel p-wells, called Deep Depletion Extension (DDE), have been added in order to eliminate the large parasitic substrate current that would otherwise be present in a normal device. The first prototype has been manufactured on a 18 μm thick, 1000 Ω .cm epitaxial silicon wafers using 180 nm PPD image sensor process at TowerJazz Semiconductor. The chip contains arrays of 10 μm and 5.4 μm pixels, with variations of the shape, size and the depth of the DDE implant. Back-side illuminated (BSI) devices were manufactured in collaboration with Teledyne e2v, and characterised together with the front-side illuminated (FSI) variants. The presented results show that the devices could be reverse-biased without parasitic leakage currents, in good agreement with simulations. The new 10 μm pixels in both BSI and FSI variants exhibit nearly identical photo response to the reference non-modified pixels, as characterised with the photon transfer curve. Different techniques were used to measure the depletion depth in FSI and BSI chips, and the results are consistent with the expected full depletion

    Polarizations and Nullcone of Representations of Reductive Groups

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    The paper starts with the following simple observation. Let V be a representation of a reductive group G, and let f_1,f_2,...,f_n be homogeneous invariant functions. Then the polarizations of f_1,f_2,...,f_n define the nullcone of k 0} h(t) x = 0 for all x in L. This is then applied to many examples. A surprising result is about the group SL(2,C) where almost all representations V have the property that all linear subspaces of the nullcone are annihilated. Again, this has interesting applications to the invariants on several copies. Another result concerns the n-qubits which appear in quantum computing. This is the representation of a product of n copies of SL2SL_2 on the n-fold tensor product C^2 otimes C^2 otimes ... otimes C^2. Here we show just the opposite, namely that the polarizations never define the nullcone of several copies if n <= 3. (An earlier version of this paper, distributed in 2002, was split into two parts; the first part with the title ``On the nullcone of representations of reductive groups'' is published in Pacific J. Math. {bf 224} (2006), 119--140.

    Fault tolerance of MPI applications in exascale systems: The ULFM solution

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    [Abstract] The growth in the number of computational resources used by high-performance computing (HPC) systems leads to an increase in failure rates. Fault-tolerant techniques will become essential for long-running applications executing in future exascale systems, not only to ensure the completion of their execution in these systems but also to improve their energy consumption. Although the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the most popular programming model for distributed-memory HPC systems, as of now, it does not provide any fault-tolerant construct for users to handle failures. Thus, the recovery procedure is postponed until the application is aborted and re-spawned. The proposal of the User Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) interface in the MPI forum provides new opportunities in this field, enabling the implementation of resilient MPI applications, system runtimes, and programming language constructs able to detect and react to failures without aborting their execution. This paper presents a global overview of the resilience interfaces provided by the ULFM specification, covers archetypal usage patterns and building blocks, and surveys the wide variety of application-driven solutions that have exploited them in recent years. The large and varied number of approaches in the literature proves that ULFM provides the necessary flexibility to implement efficient fault-tolerant MPI applications. All the proposed solutions are based on application-driven recovery mechanisms, which allows reducing the overhead and obtaining the required level of efficiency needed in the future exascale platforms.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER; TIN2016-75845-PXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04National Science Foundation of the United States; NSF-SI2 #1664142Exascale Computing Project; 17-SC-20-SCHoneywell International, Inc.; DE-NA000352

    Transient response of a quantum wave to an instantaneous potential step switching

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    The transient response of a stationary state of a quantum particle in a step potential to an instantaneous change in the step height (a simplified model for a sudden bias switch in an electronic semiconductor device) is solved exactly by means of a semianalytical expression. The characteristic times for the transient process up to the new stationary state are identified. A comparison is made between the exact results and an approximate method.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Revtex

    Anonymous Single-Sign-On for n designated services with traceability

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    Anonymous Single-Sign-On authentication schemes have been proposed to allow users to access a service protected by a verifier without revealing their identity which has become more important due to the introduction of strong privacy regulations. In this paper we describe a new approach whereby anonymous authentication to different verifiers is achieved via authorisation tags and pseudonyms. The particular innovation of our scheme is authentication can only occur between a user and its designated verifier for a service, and the verification cannot be performed by any other verifier. The benefit of this authentication approach is that it prevents information leakage of a user's service access information, even if the verifiers for these services collude which each other. Our scheme also supports a trusted third party who is authorised to de-anonymise the user and reveal her whole services access information if required. Furthermore, our scheme is lightweight because it does not rely on attribute or policy-based signature schemes to enable access to multiple services. The scheme's security model is given together with a security proof, an implementation and a performance evaluation.Comment: 3

    Breakdown of the Two-Step Model in K-Shell Photoemission and Subsequent Decay Probed by the Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions of CO_2

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    We report results of measurements and of Hartree-Fock level calculations of molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) for C 1s photoemission from CO2. The agreement between the measured and calculated MFPADs is on average reasonable. The measured MFPADs display a weak but definite asymmetry with respect to the O+ and CO+ fragment ions at certain energies, providing evidence for an overlap of gerade and ungerade final ionic states giving rise to a partial breakdown of the two-step model of core-level photoionization and its subsequent Auger decay

    Quantum-wave evolution in a step potential barrier

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    By using an exact solution to the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a point source initial condition, we investigate both the time and spatial dependence of quantum waves in a step potential barrier. We find that for a source with energy below the barrier height, and for distances larger than the penetration length, the probability density exhibits a {\it forerunner} associated with a non-tunneling process, which propagates in space at exactly the semiclassical group velocity. We show that the time of arrival of the maximum of the {\it forerunner} at a given fixed position inside the potential is exactly the traversal time, τ\tau. We also show that the spatial evolution of this transient pulse exhibits an invariant behavior under a rescaling process. This analytic property is used to characterize the evolution of the {\it forerunner}, and to analyze the role played by the time of arrival, 31/2τ3^{-1/2}\tau, found recently by Muga and B\"{u}ttiker [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 62}, 023808 (2000)].Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. A (2002