75 research outputs found

    Praćenje promene broja bakterija familije enterobacteriaceae u pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u vakuum i modifikovanu atmosferu

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    Kvar ribe može se definisati kao bilo koja promena u mesu ribe koja proizvod čini neprihvatljivim za ljudsku ishranu i najčešće nastaje kao rezultat rasta mikroorganizama. Od toga koji su mikroorganizmi najzastupljeniji u ribi u trenutku ulova u velikoj meri zavisi i kolika će biti njena održivost tokom skladištenja. Bakterije koje pripadaju familiji Enterobacteriaceae su fakultativni anaerobi, gram negativni i katalaza pozitivni mikroorganizmi. Ovoj familiji pripadaju sledeći rodovi: Salmonelle, Escherichia, Proteus, Shigella, Serratia, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter i Erwinia, a neki od njih su izraziti patogeni i izazivači velikog broja različitih oboljenja kod ljudi, kao što su septikemija, pneumonija, meningitis, infekcije urinarnog trakta, bolesti organa za varenje i mnogih drugih bolesti. Široko su rasprostranjeni u spoljašnjoj sredini, a neki su saprofitski stanovnici digestivnog trakta. Cilj ovog eksperimenta je bio da se ispita rast bakterija familije Enterobacteriaceae u svežoj pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u vakuum i modifikovanu atmosferu. Uzorci su podeljeni u tri grupe. Grupa I je upakovana u modifikovanu atmosferu sa odnosom gasova 60%CO2 i 40%N2, grupa II je upakovana u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 40%CO2 i 60%N2 dok je III grupa upakovana u vakuum. Odnos gas/uzorak u pakovanju bio je 2:1. Svi uzorci su skladišteni pri istovetnim uslovima na temperaturi od +3˚C. Određivanje broja bakterija familije Enterobacteriaceae prema ISO 21528 -2:2004 obavljeno je 0, 7. i 14. dana skladištenja. U pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 60%CO2 i 40% N2 (I grupa), rast ukupnog broja enterobakterija bio je sporiji nego u pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 40%CO2 i 60%N2 (II grupa) ili pak u vakuum (III grupa). Ovo se može objasniti antimikrobnim dejstvom ugljen-dioksida, koji je procentualno najzastupljeniji u smeši gasova u koju su upakovani uzorci I grupe kao i činjenicom da ugljen-dioksid deluje inhibitorno pre svega na gram-negativne bakterije, kakvi i jesu mikroorganizmi iz familije Enterobacteriaceae. Najveću stopu rasta imale su enterobakterije u pastrmci i odrescima šarana III grupe tj. u uzorcima upakovanim u vakuum. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na sposobnost Enterobacteriaceae da rastu u anaerobnim uslovima, na temperaturi frižidera u proizvodima upakovanim u vakuum. Modifikovana atmosfera smanjuje ukupan broj enterobakterija, a najniža vrednost je dobijena kod odrezaka šarana upakovanih u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 60%CO2 i 40%N2

    Doxorubicin versus doxorubicin and cisplatin in endometrial carcinoma: definitive results of a randomised study (55872) by the EORTC Gynaecological Cancer Group

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    Background: Combination chemotherapy yields better response rates which do not always lead to a survival advantage. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the reported differences in the efficacy and toxicity of monotherapy with doxorubicin (DOX) versus combination therapy with cisplatin (CDDP) in endometrial adenocarcinoma lead to significant advantage in favour of the combination. Patients and methods: Eligible patients had histologically-proven advanced and/or recurrent endometrial adenocarcinoma and were chemo-naïve. Treatment consisted of either DOX 60 mg/m2 alone or CDDP 50 mg/m2 added to DOX 60 mg/m2, every 4 weeks. Results: A total of 177 patients were entered and median follow-up is 7.1 years. The combination DOX-CDDP was more toxic than DOX alone. Haematological toxicity consisted mainly of white blood cell toxicity grade 3 and 4 (55% versus 30%). Non-haematological toxicity consisted mainly of grade 3 and 4 alopecia (72% versus 65%) and nausea/vomiting (36 % versus 12%). The combination DOX-CDDP provided a significantly higher response rate than single agent DOX (P <0.001). Thirty-nine patients (43%) responded on DOX-CDDP [13 complete responses (CRs) and 26 partial responses (PRs)], versus 15 patients (17%) on DOX alone (8 CR and 7 PR). The median overall survival (OS) was 9 months in the DOX-CDDP arm versus 7 months in the DOX alone arm (Wilcoxon P = 0.0654). Regression analysis showed that WHO performance status was statistically significant as a prognostic factor for survival, and stratifying for this factor, treatment effect reaches significance (hazard ratio = 1.46, 95% confidence interval 1.05-2.03, P = 0.024). Conclusions: In comparison to single agent DOX, the combination of DOX-CDDP results in higher but acceptable toxicity. The response rate produced is significantly higher, and a modest survival benefit is achieved with this combination regimen, especially in patients with a good performance statu

    Network Centrality of Metro Systems

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    Whilst being hailed as the remedy to the world’s ills, cities will need to adapt in the 21st century. In particular, the role of public transport is likely to increase significantly, and new methods and technics to better plan transit systems are in dire need. This paper examines one fundamental aspect of transit: network centrality. By applying the notion of betweenness centrality to 28 worldwide metro systems, the main goal of this paper is to study the emergence of global trends in the evolution of centrality with network size and examine several individual systems in more detail. Betweenness was notably found to consistently become more evenly distributed with size (i.e. no “winner takes all”) unlike other complex network properties. Two distinct regimes were also observed that are representative of their structure. Moreover, the share of betweenness was found to decrease in a power law with size (with exponent 1 for the average node), but the share of most central nodes decreases much slower than least central nodes (0.87 vs. 2.48). Finally the betweenness of individual stations in several systems were examined, which can be useful to locate stations where passengers can be redistributed to relieve pressure from overcrowded stations. Overall, this study offers significant insights that can help planners in their task to design the systems of tomorrow, and similar undertakings can easily be imagined to other urban infrastructure systems (e.g., electricity grid, water/wastewater system, etc.) to develop more sustainable cities

    Gene selection for cancer classification with the help of bees

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    One planet: one health. A call to support the initiative on a global science–policy body on chemicals and waste

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    The chemical pollution crisis severely threatens human and environmental health globally. To tackle this challenge the establishment of an overarching international science–policy body has recently been suggested. We strongly support this initiative based on the awareness that humanity has already likely left the safe operating space within planetary boundaries for novel entities including chemical pollution. Immediate action is essential and needs to be informed by sound scientific knowledge and data compiled and critically evaluated by an overarching science–policy interface body. Major challenges for such a body are (i) to foster global knowledge production on exposure, impacts and governance going beyond data-rich regions (e.g., Europe and North America), (ii) to cover the entirety of hazardous chemicals, mixtures and wastes, (iii) to follow a one-health perspective considering the risks posed by chemicals and waste on ecosystem and human health, and (iv) to strive for solution-oriented assessments based on systems thinking. Based on multiple evidence on urgent action on a global scale, we call scientists and practitioners to mobilize their scientific networks and to intensify science–policy interaction with national governments to support the negotiations on the establishment of an intergovernmental body based on scientific knowledge explaining the anticipated benefit for human and environmental health.Projekt DEA

    Toxicity of Ag, CuO and ZnO nanoparticles to selected environmentally relevant test organisms and mammalian cells in vitro: a critical review

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    The influence of pre-mortem conditions on pale, Soft and Exudative (PSE) and Dark firm and dry (DFD) pork meat

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of gender, stocking density in the transport vehicle, lairage time and season on the incidence of skin lesions on pig carcasses and PSE and DFD meat. Skin lesions on carcasses (480, in total) were assessed according to the Welfare Quality® protocol (2009). The pH and temperature measurements were performed 45 minutes after slaughter. The group of carcasses with skin lesions score 2 had significantly higher incidence of PSE and DFD meat compared to the groups of carcasses with skin lesions score 0 and 1. With regard to gender, there were no differences in meat quality parameters, as well as for the incidence of skin lesions and PSE and DFD meat. The results showed that a space allowance lower than 0.3 m2/100 kg and higher than 0.5 m2/100 kg pig had a detrimental effect to animal welfare and meat quality. Lairage time affected meat quality parameters, incidence of skin lesions score and PSE and DFD meat, where after long lairaging (> 17 h) mean pH45 and t45 values became significantly higher, as well as the incidence of skin lesions and DFD meat. After short lairaging (< 1 h) mean pH45 value became significantly lower, while mean t45 value and the incidence of PSE meat became significantly higher. A significantly higher number of skin lesions on the carcass were observed in winter compared to all other seasons. High temperatures during summer and low temperatures during winter had a negative influence on meat quality parameters and incidence of PSE and DFD meat

    Valine-mediated borane reduction of ketones

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    Acetophenone, 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone, 3-methyl-2-butanone, and 2-pentanone were reduced with (S)-valine-mediated borane in very good yields (86-91 %) giving predominantly alcohols of the (R)-configuration (80, 64, 55 and 36 % ee, respectively)