35,447 research outputs found

    Background suppression in massive TeO2_2 bolometers with Neganov-Luke amplified light detectors

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    Bolometric detectors are excellent devices for the investigation of neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ\nu\beta\beta). The observation of such decay would demonstrate the violation of lepton number, and at the same time it would necessarily imply that neutrinos have a Majorana character. The sensitivity of cryogenic detectors based on TeO2_2 is strongly limited by the alpha background in the region of interest for the 0νββ\nu\beta\beta of 130^{130}Te. It has been demonstrated that particle discrimination in TeO2_2 bolometers is possible measuring the Cherenkov light produced by particle interactions. However an event-by-event discrimination with NTD-based light detectors has to be demonstrated. We will discuss the performance of a highly-sensitive light detector exploiting the Neganov-Luke effect for signal amplification. The detector, being operated with NTD-thermistor and coupled to a 750 g TeO2_2 crystal, shows the ability for an event-by-event identification of electron/gamma and alpha particles. The extremely low detector baseline noise, RMS 19 eV, demonstrates the possibility to enhance the sensitivity of TeO2_2-based 0νββ\nu\beta\beta experiment to an unprecedented level

    TeO2_2 bolometers with Cherenkov signal tagging: towards next-generation neutrinoless double beta decay experiments

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    CUORE, an array of 988 TeO2_2 bolometers, is about to be one of the most sensitive experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay. Its sensitivity could be further improved by removing the background from α\alpha radioactivity. A few years ago it has been pointed out that the signal from β\betas can be tagged by detecting the emitted Cherenkov light, which is not produced by α\alphas. In this paper we confirm this possibility. For the first time we measured the Cherenkov light emitted by a CUORE crystal, and found it to be 100 eV at the QQ-value of the decay. To completely reject the α\alpha background, we compute that one needs light detectors with baseline noise below 20 eV RMS, a value which is 3-4 times smaller than the average noise of the bolometric light detectors we are using. We point out that an improved light detector technology must be developed to obtain TeO2_2 bolometric experiments able to probe the inverted hierarchy of neutrino masses.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Added referee correction

    CALDER - Neutrinoless double-beta decay identification in TeO2_2 bolometers with kinetic inductance detectors

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    Next-generation experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay must be sensitive to a Majorana neutrino mass as low as 10 meV. CUORE, an array of 988 TeO2_2 bolometers being commissioned at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, features an expected sensitivity of 50-130 meV at 90% C.L, that can be improved by removing the background from α\alpha radioactivity. This is possible if, in coincidence with the heat release in a bolometer, the Cherenkov light emitted by the β\beta signal is detected. The amount of light detected is so far limited to only 100 eV, requiring low-noise cryogenic light detectors. The CALDER project (Cryogenic wide-Area Light Detectors with Excellent Resolution) aims at developing a small prototype experiment consisting of TeO2_2 bolometers coupled to new light detectors based on kinetic inductance detectors. The R&D is focused on the light detectors that could be implemented in a next-generation neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, added reference to first result

    Bahasa Melayu Dipinggir Bangsa Sendiri

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    SAYA tertarik dengan pandangan Dr Sharifudin Lubis dari Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi üniversiti Putra Malaysia berhubung kepiluan ProfDr Teo Kok Seong mengenai masa depan bahasa Melayu di akhbar ini kelmarin

    Genealogía del paradigma onto-teo-político

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    La genealogía del paradigma onto-teo-político es una investigación que ha comenzado en 2014 y que, mediante el método genealógico, se propone definir la vigencia o la ruptura del paradigma. Durante 2014 y 2015 se han trabajado las formas epocales del paradigma en algunos textos de la antigüedad y el medioevo, hasta el siglo XVII. La hipótesis de trabajo ha sido el dar cuenta del modo en que la perspectiva ontoteológica y su organización son puestas en cuestión, fundamentalmente desde la perspectiva de la ciencia y de la política, a partir del Renacimiento. Si bien hacia fines del XIX, y sobre todo con la aparición de la crítica más severa a este paradigma por parte de Nietzsche y Marx, que se mantiene en el siglo XX con la propuesta de la Posmodernidad, permanecen en el pensar contemporáneo, tanto universal como geocultural, conceptos que siguen produciendo efecto en la realidad y que provienen de una raíz ontoteológica (soberanía, esperanza, reconciliación, persona, etc.). Podemos afirmar que el rastreo genealógico del paradigma ontoteopolítico aparece en cada uno de los autores con los que hemos trabajado. En la Antigüedad, este paradigma estaba presente en la Metafísica de Aristóteles (por ejemplo, en su concepción del principio que mueve sin ser movido), aunque sin las características de una teología personal. En el polo opuesto, la crítica a la conjunción de lo teoontopolítico está explicitada en El Príncipe de Maquiavelo. Y ya en Hobbes podemos ver cómo se estructura una filosofía civil desligada de la ontoteología. También Baruch Spinoza analizó el concepto de individuo como potencia deseante, que critica el paradigma de la metafísica tradicional.El propósito, a partir de ahora, será rastrear el paradigma en el contexto contemporáneo bajo la misma hipótesis. Para ello, con el aporte de los pensadores del siglo XVII ya trabajados (principalmente Hobbes y Spinoza), se ubicarán los filósofos contemporáneos que, desde una perspectiva ontológica (Heidegger), crítica (Adorno), filosófico-política (Espósito), fenomenológica (Marion), teológica (Scannone y el Papa Francisco), y los filósofos que en nuestra América han trabajado las críticas a la civilización tecnocrática (Kusch, Mignolo), pueden aportar a la pregunta de si el paradigma ontoteopolítico es un marco posible para la comprensión de nuestro presente.The onto-theo-political paradigm is an investigation that began in 2014. By using the genealogical method, attempts to decide the validity or the disruption of the mentioned paradigm. During 2014 and 2015 an analysis has been made regarding the epochal manifestations of the paradigm in some ancient and medieval texts, until the XVII century. The working hypothesis has been to examine how the onto-theological perspective and its organization had been questioned, particularly from the scientific and political perspective that took place since the Renaissance. Although towards the end of the XIX century the most severe critique to the paradigm took place, especially with Nietzsche and Marx, and it continued with the postmodern proposal; there are remains in the contemporary views of concepts, both universal and geo-cultural, that still havean effect in reality and that posses a onto-theological origin (sovereignty, hope, reconciliation, person, etc.). We can confirm that the genealogical tracking of the onto-theo-political paradigm appears in each of the analyzed philosophers. In ancient times, this paradigm is present in Aristotle´s Metaphysics (for example, in his conception of the unmoved mover), even if it lacks the characteristics of a personal theology. On the opposite side, the critique to the onto-theo-political conjunction is quite explicit in Machiavelli´s The Prince. And, in Hobbes, we can already see how a philosophical civil structure is detached from the onto-theology. Also, an analysis has been made on Baruch Spinoza´s concept of the individual as a wishful power, concept that criticizes the traditional metaphysic paradigm. From this point forward, the objective is to track the paradigm in the contemporary context under the same hypothesis. With that in mind, together with the contribution of XVII century’s thinkers (mainly Hobbes and Spinoza), the analysis of contemporary authors will be added, from anontological (Heidegger), critical (Adorno), philosophical-political (Espósito), phenomenological(Marion), and theological (Scannone and Pope Francis) perspective, as well as the ideas that our American philosophers, so critical of the technocratic civilization (Kusch, Mignolo), might add to the inquiry of the onto-theo-political paradigm as a possible model for the comprehension of present times

    Sharing Digital Resources in Teacher Education: an Ontology-based Approach

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    Teacher Education (TE) is a dynamic, lifelong process that needs to fully embrace innovation and assume a broader European perspective. The ECfunded Share.TEC project aims to provide enhanced, culturally-aware access to TE-related resources across Europe by means of a federated resource brokerage system whose semantic core is the proposed Teacher Education Ontology (TEO). This paper describes the rationale for an ontology-driven approach, gives an overview of TEO’s multi-layered structure for addressing multicultural and multilinguistic issues, and presents some aspects of the TEO implementation that allow for language-independent conceptualization and multidimensional hierarchal searching and filtering Other TEO features are also discussed, including the support for dynamically generated user interface and system stability against ontology modifications

    Deferensial invarian pada permukaan

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    Diferensial invarian pada permukaan berperan pen - ting untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah didalam geometri 1 Mekanika dan permasalahan fisika. Didalam penulisan skripsi ini, bahan-bahan pembica raan diawali dengan diferensial dari vektor yang meliputi penggunaan operator ( d6l atau nabla ), gradien, diver gen dan kurl, juga fungsi vektor, rumus-rumus diferensiasi dan kelengkungan geodetik. Kemudian dibahas pules transformasi dari integral _yang meliputi integral garis integral permukaan dan teo rema integral yaitu teorema divergensi, teorema Green, teorema Stokes, juga contoh hitungan yang ,kemndian diu tup dengan kesimpulan

    Discrimination of alpha and beta/gamma interactions in a TeO2_2 bolometer

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    TeO2_2 crystals have proven to be superb bolometers for the search of neutrinoless double beta decay in many respects. However, if used alone, they do not exhibit any feature that allows to discriminate an alpha energy deposit from a beta/gamma one. This fact limits their ability to reject the background due to natural radioactivity and eventually affects the sensitivity of the search. In this paper we show the results of a TeO2_2 crystal where, in coincidence with its bolometric heat signal, also the luminescence light escaping the crystal is recorded. The results show that we are able to measure the light produced by beta/gamma particles, which can be explained as due to Cerenkov emission. No light is detected from alpha particles, allowing the rejection of this background source.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Identity and Friendship in Hsu-Ming Teo´s Behind the Moon (2000)

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    In her second novel, Behind the Moon (2000), Hsu-Ming Teo explores the identity construction of three teenage friends and how they defy the notion of the „ideal‟ Australian as a heterosexual, Protestant, white, English-speaking, Australian-born of British ancestry young adult person. Set in the western suburbs of Sydney in the 1990s, the three friends are an example of the multicultural society of the time: Justin Cheong, the son of a Chinese-Singaporean family who arrived in Australia with the Business Migration Programme; Tien Ho, a refugee girl of Chinese-Vietnamese and Afro-CajunCreole-American ancestry; and Nigel „Gibbo‟ Gibson, the son of an Anglo-Australian father and an English mother. The novel tackles different relations among these characters and their families during their teenage years and especially as young adults. This paper seeks to analyse the evolution of the identities of Justin, Tien and „Gibbo‟ through the notions of belonging, gender construction and sexuality. In order to do so, the main theories applied will be the insights on homosexuality and on masculinities of Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli (1995) and Raewyn W. Connell (1995) and Manuel Castellsʼ (2010) identity construction theor