46 research outputs found

    Structure and mass distribution of spiral galaxies at intermediate redshifts

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    Using the HST archive WFPC2 observations and rotation curves measeured by Vogt et al. (1996), we constructed self-consistent light and mass distribution models for three disk galaxies at redshifts z = 0.15, 0.90 and 0.99. The models consist of three components: the bulge, the disk and the dark matter. Spatial density distribution parameters for the components were calculated. After applying k-corrections, mass-to-light ratios for galactic disks within the maximum disk assumption are M/L_B = 4.4, 1.2 and 1.2, respectively. Corresponding central densities of dark matter halos within a truncated isothermal model are 0.0092, 0.028 and 0.015 in units M_sol/pc^3. The light distribution of galaxies in outer parts is steeper than a simple exponential disk

    Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters in M81

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    We present moderate-resolution spectroscopy of globular clusters (GCs) around the Sa/Sb spiral galaxy M81 (NGC 3031). Sixteen candidate clusters were observed with the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrograph on the Keck I telescope. All are confirmed as bona fide GCs, although one of the clusters appears to have been undergoing a transient event during our observations. In general, the M81 globular cluster system (GCS) is found to be very similar to the Milky Way (MW) and M31 systems, both chemically and kinematically. A kinematic analysis of the velocities of 44 M81 GCS, (the 16 presented here and 28 from previous work) strongly suggests that the red, metal-rich clusters are rotating in the same sense as the gas in the disk of M81. The blue, metal-poor clusters have halo-like kinematics, showing no evidence for rotation. The kinematics of clusters whose projected galactocentric radii lie between 4 and 8 kpc suggest that they are rotating much more than those which lie outside these bounds. We suggest that these rotating, intermediate-distance clusters are analogous to the kinematic sub-population in the metal-rich, disk GCs observed in the MW and we present evidence for the existence of a similar sub-population in the metal-rich clusters of M31. With one exception, all of the M81 clusters in our sample have ages that are consistent with MW and M31 GCs. One cluster may be as young as a few Gyrs. The correlations between absorption-line indices established for MW and M31 GCs also hold in the M81 cluster system, at least at the upper end of the metallicity distribution (which our sample probes). On the whole, the mean metallicity of the M81 GCS is similar to the metallicity of the MW and M31 GCSs. The projected mass of M81 is similar to the masses of the MW and M31. Its mass profile indicates the presence of a dark matter halo.Comment: 35 pages, including 11 figures and 9 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Recovering 3D structural properties of galaxies from SDSS-like photometry

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    Because of the 3D nature of galaxies, an algorithm for constructing spatial density distribution models of galaxies on the basis of galaxy images has many advantages over surface density distribution approximations. We present a method for deriving spatial structure and overall parameters of galaxies from images and estimate its accuracy and derived parameter degeneracies on a sample of idealised model galaxies. The test galaxies consist of a disc-like component and a spheroidal component with varying proportions and properties. Both components are assumed to be axially symmetric and coplanar. We simulate these test galaxies as if observed in the SDSS project through ugriz filters, thus gaining a set of realistically imperfect images of galaxies with known intrinsic properties. These artificial SDSS galaxies were thereafter remodelled by approximating the surface brightness distribution with a 2D projection of a bulge+disc spatial distribution model and the restored parameters were compared to the initial ones. Down to the r-band limiting magnitude 18, errors of the restored integral luminosities and colour indices remain within 0.05 mag and errors of the luminosities of individual components within 0.2 mag. Accuracy of the restored bulge-to-disc ratios (B/D) is within 40% in most cases, and becomes worse for galaxies with low B/D, but the general balance between bulges and discs is not shifted systematically. Assuming that the intrinsic disc axial ratio is < 0.3, the inclination angles can be estimated with errors < 5deg for most of the galaxies with B/D < 2 and with errors < 15deg up to B/D = 6. Errors of the recovered sizes of the galactic components are below 10% in most cases. In general, models of disc components are more accurate than models of spheroidal components for geometrical reasons.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in RA

    Origin and possible birthplace of the extreme runaway star HIP 60350

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    Using the recently determined spatial velocity components of the extreme runaway star HIP 60350 and a gravitation potential model of the Galaxy, we integrate the orbit of HIP 60350 back to the plane of the Galaxy. In this way, a possible location of the formation of the star is determined. We estimate the uncertainty of the result due to the uncertainties of the gravitational potential model and the errors in the spatial velocity components. The place of birth lies (within the errors) near the position of the open cluster NGC 3603. However, the ejection event which occured about 20 Myr ago is in contradiction with the cluster mean age of 3-4 Myr. We suggest that it occured at an earlier phase in sequential star formation in that region. We discuss also ejection mechanisms. Due to the rather high mass of the star (about 5 \Msol), the most probable model is that of dynamical ejection.Comment: Astron. Astrophys. submitted, 7 pages, 5 eps figure

    Structure of visible and dark matter components in spiral galaxies at redshifts z = 0.5-0.9

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    We have constructed self-consistent light and mass distribution models for four disk galaxies at redshifts z = 0.48, 0.58, 0.81 and 0.88, using the HST archive WFPC2 observations and rotation curves measured by Vogt et al. (1996) and Rigopoulou et al. (2002). The models consist of three components: a bulge, a disk and a dark matter halo. Similarly to the sample studied in Paper I (Tamm & Tenjes, 2003), light distribution of the galaxies in the outer parts is clearly steeper than a simple exponential disk. After applying k-corrections, calculated mass-to-light ratios for galactic disks within the maximum disk assumption are M/L_B = 0.9, 7.4, 4.3 and 1.4, respectively. Together with the galaxies from Paper I, the mean = 2.5 at ~0.9, indicating no significant evolution of M/L_B with redshift. Central densities of dark matter halos for an isothermal model are 0.008, 0.035, 0.013, and 0.022 in units M_sun/pc^3, respectively. Together with the galaxies from Paper I, the DM central density of the four galaxies at mean readshift ~0.9 is rho(0) = (0.012-0.028) M_sun/pc^3, also showing no significant evolution with redshift.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, Astron. Astrophys. accepte

    The orientation of elliptical galaxies

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    We determine the orientations of the light distribution of individual elliptical galaxies by combining the profiles of photometric data from the literature with triaxial models. The orientation is given by a Bayesian probability distribution. The likelihood of obtaining the data from a model is a function of the parameters describing the intrinsic shape and the orientation. Integrating the likelihood over the shape parameters, we obtain the estimates of the orientation. We find that the position angle difference between the two suitably chosen points from the profiles of the photometric data plays a key role in constraining the orientation of the galaxy. We apply the methodology to a sample of ten galaxies. The alignment of the intrinsic principle axes of the NGC 3379, 4486 and NGC 5638 are studied.Comment: accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Empirical Models for Dark Matter Halos. III. The Kormendy relation and the log(rho_e)-log(R_e) relation

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    We have recently shown that the 3-parameter density-profile model from Prugniel & Simien provides a better fit to simulated, galaxy- and cluster-sized, dark matter halos than an NFW-like model with arbitrary inner profile slope gamma (Paper I). By construction, the parameters of the Prugniel-Simien model equate to those of the Sersic R^{1/n} function fitted to the projected distribution. Using the Prugniel-Simien model, we are therefore able to show that the location of simulated (10^{12} M_sun) galaxy-sized dark matter halos in the _e-log(R_e) diagram coincides with that of brightest cluster galaxies, i.e., the dark matter halos appear consistent with the Kormendy relation defined by luminous elliptical galaxies. These objects are also seen to define the new, and equally strong, relation log(rho_e) = 0.5 - 2.5log(R_e), in which rho_e is the internal density at r=R_e. Simulated (10^{14.5} M_sun) cluster-sized dark matter halos and the gas component of real galaxy clusters follow the relation log(rho_e) = 2.5[1 - log(R_e)]. Given the shapes of the various density profiles, we are able to conclude that while dwarf elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters can have dark matter halos with effective radii of comparable size to the effective radii of their baryonic component, luminous elliptical galaxies can not. For increasingly large elliptical galaxies, with increasingly large profile shapes `n', to be dark matter dominated at large radii requires dark matter halos with increasingly large effective radii compared to the effective radii of their stellar component.Comment: AJ, in press. (Paper I can be found at astro-ph/0509417

    Surface photometry and structure of high redshift disk galaxies in the HDF-S NICMOS field

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    A photometric study of 22 disk galaxies at redshifs z=0.5-2.6 is conducted, using deep NICMOS J and H band and STIS open mode observations of the HDF-S NICMOS parallel field. Rest-frame B-profiles and (U-V) color profiles are constructed. A number of disks show steeper decrease of luminosity than exponential, referring to disk truncation. Shape of the luminosity profiles does not vary with redshift, but galactic sizes decrease significantly. (U-V) colors and color gradients suggest more intense and centrally concentrated star formation at earlier epochs. On the basis of (U-V) color and chemical evolution models, the disks at z~2.5 have formed between z=3.5-7. The studied parameters are idependent of absolute B luminosity within the sample.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Astron. Astrophys. accepte

    Stellar mass map and dark matter distribution in M31

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    Stellar mass distribution in M31 is estimated using optical and infrared imaging data. Combining the derived stellar mass model with various kinematical data, properties of the DM halo of the galaxy are constrained. SDSS observations through the ugriz filters and the Spitzer imaging at 3.6 microns are used to sample the SED of the galaxy at each imaging pixel. Intrinsic dust extinction effects are taken into account by using far-infrared observations. Synthetic SEDs created with different stellar population synthesis models are fitted to the observed SEDs, providing estimates for the stellar mass surface density. The stellar mass distribution of the galaxy is described with a 3D model consisting of a nucleus, a bulge, a disc, a young disc and a halo component, each following the Einasto density distribution (relations between different functional forms of the Einasto density distribution are given in App. B). By comparing the stellar mass distribution to the observed rotation curve and kinematics of outer globular clusters and satellite galaxies, the DM halo parameters are estimated. Stellar population synthesis models suggest that M31 is dominated by old stars throughout the galaxy. The total stellar mass is (10-15)10^10Msun, 30% of which is in the bulge and 56% in the disc. None of the tested DM distribution models can be falsified on the basis of the stellar matter distribution and the rotation curve of the galaxy. The virial mass of the DM halo is (0.8-1.1)10^12Msun and the virial radius is 189-213kpc, depending on the DM distribution. The central density of the DM halo is comparable to that of nearby dwarf galaxies, low-surface-brightness galaxies and distant massive disc galaxies, thus the evolution of central DM halo properties seems to be regulated by similar processes for a broad range of halo masses, environments, and cosmological epochs.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic