166 research outputs found

    The representation of woman in the Spanish press during the 2019 European electoral campaign

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    El siguiente artículo parte de un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la representación de la mujer en la información publicada durante la campaña electoral europea en los tres diarios más leídos en España (El País, El Mundo y La Vanguardia). Se trata de un estudio que conecta con la investigación clásica en el campo del periodismo, centrada en el análisis de la información como mecanismo de construcción social. La primera parte del artículo presenta el marco teórico sobre la influencia de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad y el análisis crítico del discurso, que propone investigar la desigualdad social entre géneros expresada, señalada, constituida y legitimada por los medios. A continuación, se realiza un estudio general de la evolución y particularidades de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo, para, finalmente, presentar los resultados y conclusiones de la investigación.The following article is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the representation of woman in the information published during the European campaign in the three most read newspapers in Spain (El País, El Mundo and La Vanguardia). The investigation connects with the classical research in the field of Journalism, focused on the study of the role of information as a mechanism for the construction of social reality. In the first part of this article a brief theoretical approach is presented to study the influence of media on society from a critical analysis of the discourse. After the theoretical framing, a general analysis of the evolution and the particularities of the European elections is presented to finally show the results and conclusions of the investigation

    Empowerment in the Public Sector: Testing the Influence of Goal Orientation

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    Empowerment has emerged as an important new issue in the public sector organization setting in the wake of mainstream new public management (NPM). Nevertheless, few studies in this frame have combined structural (managerial) and psychological (individual) approaches in an integrative study of empowerment. There is also a need to examine the moderating variables involved in this relationship, as well as to extend research on work motivation in public management. This study explores the effect of structural empowerment on psychological empowerment, and it also draws on goal orientation (GO) theory to examine the moderating role of employees’ GO in this link. The model is tested on a sample of 521 Spanish local authority employees. The results do not confirm the direct link between structural and psychological empowerment, but show that learning GO has considerable moderating power in this relationship, and its interaction with structural empowerment affects employees’ psychological empowerment levels

    Examining nonlinear relationships between quality management and financial performance

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    Purpose A thorough analysis of nonlinear relationships between quality management (QM) and organizational outcomes has largely been ignored in the current empirical QM literature, which can have profound theoretical and managerial implications. The existence of nonlinear relationships implies taking a contingent view in that QM practices are more effective depending on their level of implementation in an organization. The purpose of this paper is to focus on this possibility and undertake an in-depth study of the sparse nonlinear relationship suggested by the literature. Design/methodology/approach The authors introduce an empirical study carried out on a sample of 168 service firms belonging to sectors experienced in QM and, through polynomial regression analysis, identify the nature of the relationship between QM and financial performance (return on assets). Findings The results, by showing an S-shaped curve, support a nonlinear association between these two variables. The presence of this functional form provides a satisfactory solution to the growing debate among researchers who, from a linear perspective, defend the positive effects of QM on organizational outcomes, those who find no significant effect, and still others who claim that QM has a negative effect. Originality/value The results show that in organizations with a low level of QM implementation, managers should increase investment in QM, even though this increase will not be correspondingly beneficial in the same proportion. In contrast, in organizations with a high level of QM implementation, managers are advised to reflect on undertaking projects that represent an additional investment in QM, with the aim of finding their optimal level

    Estudio correlacional entre habilidades matemáticas y memoria y control inhibitorio en Educación Infantil

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    XVIII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2013)Algunas investigaciones apuntan que las funciones ejecutivas tienen una relación directa con los futuros aprendizajes matemáticos (Geary, Hoard y Nugent, 2012, Miranda et al., 2012, Toll et al., 2011). Es por ello que este estudio pretende analizar dicha relación en niños que cursaban 3 curso del segundo ciclo de educación infantil de la provincia de Castellón. Se utilizaron como método evaluador test clínicos, Tedi-Math (Grégoire, Noël y Van Nieuwenhoven, 2005) para evaluar habilidades matemáticas, Sun-Moon Stroop (Archibald y Kerns, 1999), una subprueba del NEPSY-II (golpeteo, Korkman, Kirk y Kemp, 2007) para control inhibitorio y de memoria cuatro subpruebas extraídas de Pickering, Baqués y Gathercole (1999, dígitos directos, dígitos inversos, conteo y laberintos) y Odd-One- Out (Henry y MacLean, 2003). Las correlaciones son estadísticamente significativas para la mayoría de los casos. Parece que las correlaciones de memoria de trabajo y habilidades matemáticas son significativas en mayor medida que las de control inhibitorio. Sólo una de las dos pruebas de inhibición tiene correlaciones similares a las de la memoria. Concluyo que las puntuaciones obtenidas en habilidades matemáticas son mayores cuanto más grande es la capacidad memorística e inhibitoria

    Structural empowerment and organisational performance: the mediating role of employees’ well-being in Spanish local governments

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    We extend the ‘black box’ picture of public management and the ‘balanced view’ of HRM literature to explore, in the public context, the impact of structural empowerment on organisational performance and the mediating role of three employee outcomes: job satisfaction and affective commitment as attitudinal variables related to eudaimonic well-being, and job anxiety as an employee health variable related to hedonic well-being. Using multilevel methodology on a sample of 103 local authorities, results show that structural empowerment is positively associated with organisational performance, both directly and indirectly, via employee health. This evidence supports the mutual gains perspective, but not as intensely as expected (empowerment does not affect attitudinal variables) and differently to the traditional perspective, since empowerment contributes to reduce job anxiety in Spanish local governments

    Mapa bioclimático del Parque Nacional Sierra de las Nieves (Málaga, España) basado en bioindicadores y aplicación a HIC (pinsapares y vegetación de alta montaña).

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    La Bioclimatología es la ciencia que se encarga de estudiar cómo afecta el clima a la Biodiversidad, generando índices y clasificaciones bioclimáticas que ayudan a entenderla distribución de los seres vivos en el Planeta y a escalas menores. Uno de los sistemas de clasificación bioclimática adaptado a la flora y vegetación de la Península ibéricay utilizado en este trabajo es el de Rivas-Martínez (2007), basado sobre todo en termotipos y ombrotipos (temperaturas y precipitaciones). El Parque Nacional de la Sierra de las Nieves fue declarado por la Ley 9/2021 del 1 de julio (BOE núm. 157), sin embargo, todavía carece de documentos que recogen todoslos aspectos del medio natural (PORN) para poder realizar una zonificación y ordenación de los usos acordes con la conservación (PRUG). Un mapa bioclimático a escala dedetalle sería muy útil para su zonificación y gestión, así como base para estudios de distribución y adaptaciones de su elevada Biodiversidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es generar un mapa bioclimático de termotipos del Parque Nacional para plataformas cartográficas y SIG. El mapa se desarrolla utilizandoinformación sobre fitoindicadores, sinfitoindicadores e isolineas de nivel como límite entre los distintos termotipos identificados. Otro objetivo es conocer la distribución de los HIC de pinsapar y de vegetación de alta montaña en el mapa bioclimático generado y el área que ocupan en cada termotipo y horizonte.Proyecto cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Ciencia eInnovación con fondos del Fondo Europeo deDesarrollo Regional (FEDER) Proyecto Environmental and Biodiversity ClimateChange Lab (EnBiC2-Lab). Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Utilization of muddy detritus as organic matter source by the fan mussel Pinna nobilis.

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    The knowledge of the feeding habits in marine species is fundamental to better understand their relationship with the environment. Although phytoplankton has been traditionally reported as the main food source consumed by the Mediterranean fan mussel Pinna nobilis, recent studies have revealed that detritus represents an important food source for this species. We analysed the degree of acceptance of muddy detritus and the utilisation of its organic matter (OM) by P. nobilis on a group of 21 individuals (30.3-59.7 cm of total shell height (Ht)). The specimens were collected between July and September 2012 in two areas (43°04´25” N; 5°46´7” E and 43°04´34” N; 5°47´32” E) of the Embiez archipelago, northwestern Mediterranean (France). Our studies show that P. nobilis retains high quantities of OM from muddy detritus (47.50 ± 11.23% of filtered OM) irrespectively of shell size. Smaller individuals, however, actively filter more detritus than large ones. The values of retained OM, together with previous studies on stomach contents, suggest that muddy detritus is a more important OM source than phytoplankton for this species

    Effect of secondary thermal treatment on crystallinity of spinel-type Co(Cr, Al)2O4 pigments synthesized by solution combustion route

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    The effect of a post-synthesis thermal treatment on CoCr2−2ΨAl2ΨO4 (0.0 ≤ Ψ ≤ 1.0) ceramic pigments synthesized by Solution Combustion Synthesis (SCS) has been studied. As-synthesized SCS pigments were treated at two different calcination temperatures (800 °C and 1000 °C) to study changes in mineralogy, microstructure and thermal behaviour, as well as their effect over the colouring power. Spinel-type Fd-3m crystalline structure was developed in all cases. Nevertheless, crystallinity parameters were highly affected by both analysed processing parameters: composition (Ψ) and post-synthesis calcination temperature (Tc). A Cr(III) enrichment along with Tc increase favoured ion rearrangement to promote sample crystallization and crystallite growth. Fast kinetics of SCS makes Al-rich spinels with transition metals difficult to be synthesized. The application of a secondary thermal treatment resulted in a favourable evolution towards a well-crystallized structure. Lattice parameter did not seem to be affected by Tc, although it evolved indeed with composition. From a microstructural point of view, as-synthesized pigments were foamy, with a very low bulk density and nanometric grain size. After the thermal treatment, larger grain sizes were obtained, especially for the samples richer in Al and treated at higher Tc. All pigments developed intense colours in a transparent glaze without showing heterogeneities, indicating a stable behaviour against glazing process. Glaze colour evolved from green to perfectly blue shades, indicating an important dependence on composition. Nevertheless, colouring power seemed to be rather affected by calcination process

    Les ocupacions de la cova de Sant Llorenç (Sitges, Garraf) : Noves aportacions al coneixement de la prehistòria del Garraf

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    Els treballs arqueològics fets a la cova de Sant Llorenç des del 2007 han permès documentar l'ús esporàdic, però dilatat de la cavitat al llarg de la prehistòria i amb diferents finalitats. Les evidències referents a l'ús sepulcral de la cova de Sant Llorenç resulten força interessants per la novetat que representen i per la complexitat i variabilitat que sembla que devien tenir les pràctiques funeràries d'aquestes comunitats al llarg del III mil·lenni

    Competencias matemáticas y funcionamiento ejecutivo en preescolar: Evaluación clínica y ecológica

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    This study compares the relationship between executive functioning, analyzed with clinical and ecological tests, and math skills in preschoolers. The children (255 children 5 to 6 years old) were evaluated using neuropsychological tests of inhibition, and working memory and the TEDI-MATH to estimate basic mathematical skills. The ecological evaluation of the executive functioning by the parents and teachers was carried out with the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). Compared to the ecological ratings, the neuropsychological measures show more correlations with math skills and a greater predictive capacity. The teachers’ BRIEF results were superior to those of the parents. In all cases, working memory is the process that shows the greatest predictive power.Este estudio compara la relación entre el funcionamiento ejecutivo, analizado a través de pruebas clínicas y ecológicas, y la competencia matemática en preescolares. La evaluación de los niños (255 de 5 y 6 años) incluía pruebas neuropsicológicas de inhibición y memoria de trabajo, y el TEDI-MATH para estimar las habilidades matemáticas básicas. La valoración ecológica del funcionamiento ejecutivo a través de los padres y maestros se realizó mediante el Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). En comparación con las estimaciones ecológicas, las medidas neuropsicológicas muestran más correlaciones con las competencias matemáticas y una mayor capacidad predictiva. Los resultados del BRIEF de los profesores han demostrado ser superiores a los de los padres. En todos los casos, la memoria de trabajo es el proceso que mayor poder predictivo manifiesta.Este trabajo está financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (EDU2012-37452) y la Universidad Jaume I (beca pre-doctoral 2I005-PREDOC/2013/34)