307 research outputs found

    Association behavior of binary polymer mixtures under elongational flow

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    The influence of elongational flow on the association behavior of binary mixtures of functionalized polymers capable of forming single reversible orientationally dependent bonds, such as hydrogen bonds, is studied analytically. Applying a mean-field approach with an external potential representing the effect of the elongational flow, the orientation distribution functions for the dumbbell model and the freely jointed model of a polymer chain were obtained. Two opposite factors determine the association of “linear” diblock copolymerlike chains: the unfavorable extra stretching under flow of associated polymer chains and the favorable orientation of the chains (segments) along the flow direction. The former dominates and the fraction of associated “linear” chains decreases with increasing flow rate. For mixtures of polymers which are capable of forming associated T-chains, the association also decreases, however, more slowly, and this time due to unfavorable orientational effects. If the formation of associated linear and T-polymers as well as complex linear/T-polymers is possible, a strong preference for the formation of associated T-chains is found. At high flow rates any type of association becomes unfavorable

    Litho-facies and paleotectonic background of hydrocarbon reservoirs in North Kalinov gas-condensate field (Tomsk Oblast)

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    Based on micro-macroscopic core analysis, geophysical field data, contour mapping and referencing detailed litho-facies and paleotectonic investigation of Upper Jurassic pay thickness in North Kalinov gas condensate field was conducted. Paleotectonic analysis reflected the structure development history and determined the formation and distribution of oil fields

    El mapa de la innovación social en la ciudad de Valencia, un ejemplo de buena práctica

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    La buena práctica que presentamos en este número de la Revista Terra, es el diseño y la configuración del Mapa de la Innovación social, realizado desde la Cátedra Ciudad de Valencia entre los meses de mayo de 2016 y junio de 2017. El mapa que puede ser consultado en el Geoportal del Ayuntamiento de Valencia, nace como un encargo del mismo consistorio, con el objeto de conocer las iniciativas de innovación social que hay en la ciudad de Valencia, la tipología de las mismas y su origen, así como comprender y analizar el escenario social concreto en el que se están desarrollando

    Снег, снег и магия цифр

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    Facilitating positive L1 transfer through explicit spelling instruction for EFL learners with dyslexia: An intervention study

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    There is growing evidence that dyslexia may involve difficulty with implicit learning, which may hinder learners with dyslexia to acquire spelling skills in a foreign language through implicit instruction. Paradoxically, this is exactly how Dutch students with dyslexia learn English spelling at school. This research aims to determine if implementing explicit spelling instruction, based on a direct comparison between L1 Dutch and L2 English spelling, facilitates the development of spelling skills of dyslexic learners in English as a Foreign Language. The participants were 40 Dutch-speaking secondary-school students independently diagnosed with dyslexia (age 12–14). Twenty participants attended their regular English lessons (comparison group), whereas 20 other participants received explicit contrastive spelling instruction once a week for eight weeks (intervention group). The results reveal that during the eight weeks of the intervention spelling skills of the intervention group developed faster than those of the control group, and they remained at the same level five weeks after the intervention. These findings suggest that even a relatively short intervention based on explicit instruction of spelling rules and cross-linguistic comparisons has a facilitative effect on the development of spelling skills of students with dyslexia in a foreign language

    Following the Phoenician example : Western Mediterranean colonization by Spirobranchus cf. tetraceros (Annelida:Serpulidae)

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    A newly established population of the fouling polychaete Spirobranchus cf. tetraceros is reported from the western Mediterranean (Valencia Port). Despite previous intensive surveys, this is the first record for the taxon in the Iberian Peninsula. Molecular analyses revealed that S. cf. tetraceros from Valencia are genetically identical to specimens from Heraklion, Crete, but different from those collected in the Red Sea and S. tetraceros sensu stricto from the type locality in Australia. Mediterranean and Red Sea S. cf. tetraceros form a well-supported monophyletic clade but are clearly distinct from New South Wales specimens of S. tetraceros. Our new molecular evidence supports the hypothesis that S. tetraceros is not a global invader of Australian origin but rather a large species complex in need of a comprehensive worldwide revision. These results highlight the importance of integrative taxonomic research for species with reported global distributions because these taxa may include cryptic invaders. An illustrated morphological account of the Valencia and Heraklion specimens and a taxonomic key for Spirobranchus species in the Mediterranean Sea are provided

    Conocer la distribución de la flora valenciana: Gonzalo Mateo y el Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    El Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana (BDBCV) alberga información fundamental para conocer la distribución regional de la biota silvestre. De toda ella, la flora vascular es, sin duda, el grupo mejor caracterizado, ya que representa el 76% de los más de 2 millones de referencias acumulada actualmente en la base de datos. Entre los observadores vinculados al BDBCV, Gonzalo Mateo destaca por el volumen de citas aportadas. Este trabajo valora su contribución al conocimiento corológico de la flora vascular valenciana a través de esta plataforma digital de conocimiento y comunicación

    Fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) from Indonesia collected by the Snellius II Expedition (1984) with descriptions of three new species and tube microstructure

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    The Indonesian archipelago is one of the most diverse regions in the marine World. Many contributions on polychaete worms have been published since the Dutch Siboga Expedition to the Indonesian archipelago at the end of the 19th century. In this study, we examined specimens of Sabellidae Latreille, 1825 collected during the Snellius II Expedition (1984) to Indonesia, carried out by the Dutch Research Vessel (RV) “Tyro” and the Indonesian RV “Samudera”. The results include reports of Acromegalomma acrophthalmos, A. interruptum, A. sp., Bispira manicata, B. porifera, B. secusoluta, Branchiomma boholense, Notaulax pyrrohogaster, N. tenuitorques, N. sp. 3, Parasabella crassichaetae, Perkinsiana anodina, and Sabellastarte spectabilis. In addition, three new species are described: Acromegalomma sumbense sp. nov., Claviramus olivager sp. nov., and Notaulax montiporicola sp. nov., the latter in living coral (Montipora nodosa). Further, Sabella (Potamilla) polyophthalmos Grube is transferred to Pseudopotamilla. Additional histological accounts of B. porifera and tube microstructure of A. acrophthalmos, B. porifera, P. anodina, Pseudopotamilla polyophthalmos and Sabellastarte spectabilis are also included