1,265 research outputs found

    Coloquio de La Habana: "Encuentro sobre la deuda externa de América Latina y el Caribe". México

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    Actualmente, por beneficio mutuo, deudores y acreedores, deberán acordar suspender el servicio de la deuda externa, o por lo menos reducirlo en forma significativa por un lapso de tres a cinco años. En ese tiempo, sin las limitaciones que el pago de la deuda impone, los países deudores podrán reiniciar sus procesos de expansión económica. Ello nos dará a todos tiempo y serenidad para abordar el tema de una reforma a fondo del sistema financiero internacional

    Optimization and reinvention of the Canadian urban space

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    Densificar espacios urbanos implica incertidumbre en inversiones y tiempo. En el contexto de un proyecto piloto, este artículo apoyándose en una importante reducción que la Ciudad de Montreal sufrió en la población original de 1971 de su núcleo urbano primario, considera las tendencias de desarrollo 1991 – 2001 del censo oficial Canadiense, para estimar el poder de atracción probable en términos de expectativas de re-densificación que en ese núcleo el Municipio del mismo nombre (Montreal) ejercerá sobre la población en 2026 para recuperar el 100% de su demografía original. El propósito implícito es el de conocer si el proceso de planificación implantado podrá al re-densificar el centro, atenuar la desenfrenada densificación periférica. Las extrapolaciones realizadas en las poblaciones consideradas como representativas para configurar los futuros perfiles esperados, encontraron que estos oscilarán entre un 50-90% de recuperación de la base original 1971 al año 2026. El estudio concluye que el poder de atracción del Municipio de Montreal para recuperar toda su población y disminuir el crecimiento periférico será más significativo a escenarios posteriores.Densifying urban spaces leads to uncertainty with regard to investments and time. In the context of a pilot project and based on the important loss of Montreal’s1971 primary downtown population, this study considers the 1991–2001 development trends, taken from the Canadian official census, to estimate which attraction power in terms of re-densification expectations for Montreal will be most likely to exert the greatest effect on the population in 2026 to result in a 100% recovery of its original demographics. The implicit purpose is to know if the implemented planning process by re-densifying the downtown will attenuate the unbridled peripheral densification. Extrapolations made on populations considered as representative of the future expected profiles found that these will fluctuate between 50% and 90% recovery of the 1971 original base by the year 2026. The study concludes that the attractiveness and power of the Municipality of Montreal to recuperate its total population and diminish peripheral growth will be more significant during later stages

    Exploring learning techniques based on decision trees and their performance in platform games

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020This document presents the Final Degree Work of the Bachelor’s Degree in Video Game Design and Development. The work consists of the study and implementation of machine learning techniques based on decision trees. The focus is set on Quinlan’s Inductive Decision Tree algorithm (ID3) and its extension, the Incremental Decision Tree learning algorithm (ID4). The learning methods are applied to the classic Super Mario Bros. The artificial intelligence agents are implemented and trained within the Mario AI Framework . This is a framework for using AI methods with a version of Super Mario Bros. The framework includes features such as level generators, observation grid, and already implemented playing agents. In order to demonstrate the reliability and feasibility of the system, some tests have been carried out as an experimental validation. These preliminary results showcase the pros and cons of the applied learning approach and open the door to continue exploring learning techniques in other videogame contexts

    Estimating time delays between irregularly sampled time series

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    The time delay estimation between time series is a real-world problem in gravitational lensing, an area of astrophysics. Lensing is the most direct method of measuring the distribution of matter, which is often dark, and the accurate measurement of time delays set the scale to measure distances over cosmological scales. For our purposes, this means that we have to estimate a time delay between two or more noisy and irregularly sampled time series. Estimations have been made using statistical methods in the astrophysics literature, such as interpolation, dispersion analysis, discrete correlation function, Gaussian processes and Bayesian method, among others. Instead, this thesis proposes a kernel-based approach to estimating the time delay, which is inspired by kernel methods in the context of statistical and machine learning. Moreover, our methodology is evolved to perform model selection, regularisation and time delay estimation globally and simultaneously. Experimental results show that this approach is one of the most accurate methods for gaps (missing data) and distinct noise levels. Results on artificial and real data are shown

    Virtual leadership of the teacher in higher education: New educational proposal

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    Las actividades virtuales en las instituciones de educación superior se han convertido en metodologías frecuentes en el desarrollo de las clases presenciales, así como virtuales. Para que se dé un uso adecuado de dichas herramientas, es importante fomentar el adecuado liderazgo que debe tener el docente para guiar adecuadamente los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje apoyados en la virtualidad; de hecho, este liderazgo permite motivar al estudiante en las actividades académicas, coordinando, organizando y planificando las acciones elaboradas por los estudiantes en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, como p por ejemplo, Moodle. En este sentido, se ha realizado un estudio por medio de un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo para determinar las características del líder virtual, analizando el uso de los dispositivos digitales en las aulas y las actividades desarrolladas con apoyo de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Se observa que el líder virtual debe desarrollar características importantes para influir adecuadamente en la formación de los estudiantes, generando autonomía en su trabajo y motivando al desarrollo de los objetivos planteados en las clases, de hecho, a este proceso se le puede conocer como liderazgo virtualVirtual activities in higher education institutions have become frequent tools in the development of classroom as well as virtual classes; it is important the leadership that the teacher must have to lead teaching processes supported by virtuality; in fact, this leadership allows motivating students in academic activities, coordinating, organizing and planning the actions developed by students in virtual learning environments, especially Moodle; On the other hand, the study carried out through a quantitative and qualitative analysis determined characteristics of the virtual leader, analyzing the use of digital devices in classrooms, activities developed with the support of virtual learning environments; thanks to this the virtual leader takes important characteristics for the formation of students generating autonomy in their work and motivating the development of the objectives set in the classes, in fact this process can be known as a virtual leadership without forgetting the relationship between the educational actors in perso

    The Fun Garage

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Refutación del tiempo, elogio de la eternidad: “La invención de Morel” (1940) de Adolfo Bioy Casares y “Solaris” (1972) de Andréi Tarkovski

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    For transhumanist ideology, one of the discourses that can be associated with post-humanism, time, its passage and its consequences for human life are presented as a problem, as an obstacle to reaching the horizon of immortality. In the novel The Invention of Morel (1940) by Adolfo Bioy Casares and in the film Solaris (1972) by Andrei Tarkovski, two male characters are radically isolated, one lost on an island, the other on a distant planet. Thanks to technical or metaphysical devices (a complex machine in the novel and the materialization of ideas in the film), the two men come into contact with women who no longer exist. Morel’s technical invention and the natural - but unknown and incomprehensible - force of the planet Solaris, generate new forms of existence, human bodies beyond their conventional borders. These bodies, as post-human presences, operate a suppression of distances, nullify the distant and replace it with the near, and imply both a refutation of time and a eulogy of eternity. This article seeks to identify the characterization of these phenomena of spatio-temporal approach and study their forms of representation, literary and cinematographic.Para la ideología transhumanista, uno de los discursos que se pueden asociar al posthumanismo, el tiempo, su paso y sus consecuencias para la vida humana, se presentan como un problema, como un obstáculo para alcanzar el horizonte de la inmortalidad. En la novela La invención de Morel (1940) de Adolfo Bioy Casares y en la película Solaris (1972) de Andréi Tarkovski, dos personajes masculinos se hallan radicalmente aislados, uno perdido en una isla, el otro en un planeta lejano. Gracias a artificios técnicos o metafísicos (una compleja maquina en la novela y la materialización de ideas en la película), los dos hombres entran en contacto con mujeres que ya no existen. La invención técnica de Morel y la fuerza natural – pero desconocida e incomprensible – del planeta Solaris, generan nuevas formas de existencia, cuerpos humanos más allá de sus fronteras convencionales. Esos cuerpos, como presencias posthumanas, operan una supresión de las distancias, anulan lo lejano y lo remplazan por lo próximo, e implican a la vez una refutación del tiempo y un elogio de la eternidad. El presente artículo busca identificar la caracterización de esos fenómenos de acercamiento espacio-temporal y estudiar sus formas de representación, literaria y cinematográfica

    Cataract Surgery in Anterior Megalophthalmos: A Review

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    Anterior megalophthalmos is characterized by megalocornea associated with a very broad anterior chamber and ciliary ring elongation. It is also known as X-linked megalocornea. It is accompanied by the early development of cataracts, zonular anomalies, and rarely vitreoretinal disorders. Cataract surgery involves the risk of subluxation of the cataract because zonular weakness. In addition, in most cases, standard IOL decentration is a danger due to the enlargement of the sulcus and capsular bag. Cataract surgery is challenging because of these unique circumstances. Several approaches have been performed to date. Implantation of a retropupillary iris-claw aphakic intraocular lens might be a good option, since it is easier than suturing the IOL and could have better and more stable anatomic and visual outcomes compared with the other techniques