309 research outputs found

    L'agriculture nuit-elle aux salmonidés en Estrie?

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    La physicochimie des ruisseaux estriens Brook, Cordon, Racey et Veillette a été comparée aux besoins de deux espèces de salmonidés : l’omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) et la truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhyncus mykiss). Le niveau de connaissance actuel de ces milieux n’est pas suffisant pour déterminer s’ils leurs sont adéquats. Néanmoins, il est raisonnable d’avancer que la turbidité, le potentiel hydrogène et l’azote dissous n’affectent pas négativement ces espèces. La température est adéquate pour la truite arc-en-ciel, mais on ignore si c’est aussi le cas pour l’omble de fontaine. En contrepartie, les concentrations de phosphore et d’ammoniac dépassent fréquemment les critères suggérés pour la protection des écosystèmes aquatiques. Bien qu’on ne dispose d’aucune information sur la quantité de pesticides se retrouvant dans les eaux de surface en Estrie, les tendances pour le reste du Québec indiquent qu’ils pourraient aussi affecter négativement la faune aquatique

    Congenital lung malformations: correlation between prenatal and postnatal imaging and pathological findings

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    Aim: Congenital lung malformations are a common finding during prenatal ultrasonography (US). Investigations were completed by means of prenatal MRI and postnatal computed tomographic (CT) scan. The purpose of this study was to compare these prenatal findings with postnatal findings and pathological findings after surgical resection.Materials and methods: Prenatal examinations and postnatal CTscan results of congenital malformations were compared with pathological findings.Results: From 2007 to 2013, 39 prenatally diagnosed congenital lung malformations were resected: 18 congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, eight pulmonary sequestration, five bronchogenic cyst, one bronchial atresia and six complex lesions. Correlation between imaging and diagnosis was as follows: congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation was seen in 17/17 patients using postnatal CT, in 10/15 patients using prenatal MRI and in 17/18 patients using prenatal US. Correlation between imaging and diagnosis was as follows: bronchogenic cyst was seen in 3/5, 3/5 and 3/5 patients, pulmonary sequestration was seen in 7/9, 5/9 and 4/9 patients, and complex lesion was seen in 4/5, 3/6, and 2/6 patients using postnatal CT, prenatal MRI, and prenatal US,  respectively. Overall, 32/37 cases were diagnosed by means of postnatal CT, 21/36 cases were diagnosed by means of prenatal MRI and 26/39 cases were diagnosed by means of prenatal US.Conclusion: Discordance between imaging data and definitive diagnosis is not rare. Our results suggest that postnatal CT scan is the most sensible and specific examination. Before birth, US seems better compared with MRI for description of the lesion. MRI seems to be useful in case of complex lesions and pulmonary sequestration.Keywords: congenital lung malformation, imaging, prenata

    L'électromigration appliquée à la dépollution des sols : le cas d'une pollution fluorée

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    International audienceL'objectif de l'étude est l'application du procédé électro cinétique à l'échelle d'un pilote. Ainsi, une méthodologie est développée afin de définir et de mettre en oeuvre des conditions adaptées à la décontamination d'un sol pollué en fluor par la technique d'électromigration. Tout d'abord, une étude expérimentale est réalisée à l'échelle du laboratoire, afin d'analyser préalablement le rôle de différents paramètres (nature de l'électrolyte uti lisé, granulométrie du sol, gradient de potentiel imposé). Puis, des travaux sont réalisés avec les conditions prédé finies, sur trois échelles différentes (0,8 et 20 litres ainsi que 1,5 m'), afin de mettre en évidence l'impact du changement d'échelle sur les paramètres: quantité de fluor récupérée, durée de traitement, consommation énergétique plus par ticulièrement. The aim of this study is to scale up the electrokinetic process. A methodology was then developed, in order to implement the adapted conditions for the fluorine polluted soil decontamination, by using an electromi gration process. First, a laboratory experimental study was carried out in order to analyse the influence of different parameters (electrolyte type, soil granulo metry, applied electrical potential). Then other studies have been performed, using three scales (0.8, 20 and 1500 litres) to observe the impact of the scale up on the removed fluorine amount, treatment time and the energy consumption parameters

    Trends in reasons for emergency calls during the COVID-19 crisis in the department of Gironde, France using artificial neural network for natural language classification

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    Abstract Objectives During periods such as the COVID-19 crisis, there is a need for responsive public health surveillance indicators in order to monitor both the epidemic growth and potential public health consequences of preventative measures such as lockdown. We assessed whether the automatic classification of the content of calls to emergency medical communication centers could provide relevant and responsive indicators. Methods We retrieved all 796,209 free-text call reports from the emergency medical communication center of the Gironde department, France, between 2018 and 2020. We trained a natural language processing neural network model with a mixed unsupervised/supervised method to classify all reasons for calls in 2020. Validation and parameter adjustment were performed using a sample of 39,907 manually-coded free-text reports. Results The number of daily calls for flu-like symptoms began to increase from February 21, 2020 and reached an unprecedented level by February 28, 2020 and peaked on March 14, 2020, 3 days before lockdown. It was strongly correlated with daily emergency room admissions, with a delay of 14 days. Calls for chest pain and stress and anxiety, peaked 12 days later. Calls for malaises with loss of consciousness, non-voluntary injuries and alcohol intoxications sharply decreased, starting one month before lockdown. No noticeable trends in relation to lockdown was found for other groups of reasons including gastroenteritis and abdominal pain, stroke, suicide and self-harm, pregnancy and delivery problems. Discussion The first wave of the COVID-19 crisis came along with increased levels of stress and anxiety but no increase in alcohol intoxication and violence. As expected, call related to road traffic crashes sharply decreased. The sharp decrease in the number of calls for malaise was more surprising. Conclusion The content of calls to emergency medical communication centers is an efficient epidemiological surveillance data source that provides insights into the societal upheavals induced by a health crisis. The use of an automatic classification system using artificial intelligence makes it possible to free itself from the context that could influence a human coder, especially in a crisis situation. The COVID-19 crisis and/or lockdown induced deep modifications in the population health profile.Surveillance épidémiologique de la période pandémique covid-19 par classification automatique en temps réel des notes cliniques des centres d'appels d'urgence du 15 à l'aide de réseaux de neurones artificiels de type Transformer

    Role of Human Leukocyte Antigen Allele Sharing in Human Papillomavirus Infection Transmission Among Heterosexual Couples : Findings From the HITCH Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) polymorphism influences innate and adaptive immune responses. Among heterosexual couples in the HPV Infection and Transmission Among Couples Through Heterosexual Activity (HITCH) cohort study, we examined whether allele sharing in a couple predicted the partners' infections with the same human papillomavirus (HPV) type. METHODS: We tested genital samples from 271 couples for 36 HPV genotypes by polymerase chain reaction. We used direct DNA sequencing to type HLA-B07, -DRB1, -DQB1 and -G. Generalized estimating equations were used to examine the associations between the extent of allele sharing and HPV type concordance in which at least 1 of the partners was HPV positive. RESULTS: We identified 106 different HLA alleles. The most common HLA alleles among couples were G*01:01:01 (95.6%), G*01:01:02 (60.1%), DQB1*03:01 (57.2%), and DRB1*07:01 (46.9%). Allele sharing was as follows: 19.6% shared none, 43.2% shared 1 only, 25.1% shared 2, and 12.5% shared 3-5. Irrespective of HLA class, grouped or in combination, the extent of allele sharing was not a significant predictor of type-specific HPV concordance in a couple (odds ratio, 1.1 [95% confidence interval, .5-2.1], for 3-5 vs none). CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence that the extent of HLA allele concordance influences the likelihood of HPV transmission in newly formed heterosexual couples.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Innate immunology in COVID-19?a living review. Part I: viral entry, sensing and evasion

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    The coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) remains a world health concern and can cause severe disease and high mortality in susceptible groups. While vaccines offer a chance to treat disease, prophylactic and anti-viral treatments are still of vital importance, especially in context of the mutative ability of this group of viruses. Therefore, it is essential to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of viral entry, innate sensing and immune evasion of SARS-CoV-2, which control the triggers of the subsequent excessive inflammatory response. Viral evasion strategies directly target anti-viral immunity, counteracting host restriction factors and hijacking signalling pathways to interfere with interferon production. In Part I of this review, we examine SARS-CoV-2 viral entry and the described immune evasion mechanisms to provide a perspective on how the failure in initial viral sensing by infected cells can lead to immune dysregulation causing fatal COVID-19, discussed in Part II

    Novel phosphate–phosphonate hybrid nanomaterials applied to biology

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    International audienceA new process for preparing oligonucleotide arrays is described that uses surface grafting chemistry which is fundamentally different from the electrostatic adsorption and organic covalent binding methods normally employed. Solid supports are modified with a mixed organic/inorganic zirconium phosphonate monolayer film providing a stable, well-defined interface. Oligonucleotide probes terminated with phosphate are spotted directly to the zirconated surface forming a covalent linkage. Specific binding of terminal phosphate groups with minimal binding of the internal phosphate diesters has been demonstrated. On the other hand, the reaction of a bisphosphonate bone resorption inhibitor (Zoledronate) with calcium deficient apatites (CDAs) was studied as a potential route to local drug delivery systems active against bone resorption disorders. A simple mathematical model of the Zoledronate/CDA interaction was designed that correctly described the adsorption of Zoledronate onto CDAs. The resulting Zoledronate-loaded materials were found to release the drug in different phosphate-containing media, with a satisfactory agreement between experimental data and the values predicted from the model

    Prevalence of and Predictive Factors for Burnout Among French Urologists in Training

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    The burnout rate among young doctors currently seems to be increasing [1]. It is essential to be able to diagnose and prevent this condition to better take care of young caregivers. Burnout is defined as a “feeling of intense exhaustion, loss of control and inability to achieve concrete results at work” according to the World Health Organisation. The assessment questionnaire used most often is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which covers (1) emotional exhaustion, (2) depersonalisation, and (3) personal accomplishment [2]

    Social Deprivation Is Associated With Lower Access to Pre-emptive Kidney Transplantation and More Urgent-Start Dialysis in the Pediatric Population

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    Introduction Socioeconomic status (SES) is recognized as an important determinant of kidney health. We aimed to evaluate the association of social deprivation with different indicators at kidney replacement therapy (KRT) initiation in the French pediatric metropolitan population. Methods All patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) who started KRT before 20 years old in France between 2002 and 2015 were included. We investigated different indicators at KRT initiation, which are as follows: KRT modality (dialysis vs. pre-emptive transplantation), late referral to a nephrologist, and dialysis modality (hemodialysis [HD] vs. peritoneal dialysis [PD], urgent vs. planned start of dialysis, use of catheter vs. use of fistula for HD vascular access). An ecological index (European Deprivation Index [EDI]) was used as a proxy for social deprivation. Results A total of 1115 patients were included (males 59%, median age at dialysis 14.4 years, glomerular/vascular diseases 36.8%). The most deprived group represented 38.7% of the patients, suggesting pediatric patients with ESKD come from a more socially deprived background. The most deprived group was more likely to initiate KRT with dialysis versus kidney transplantation. Among patients on HD, the odds of starting treatment in emergency with a catheter was >2-fold higher for the most deprived compared with the least deprived children (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.35, 95% CI 1.16–4.78). Conclusion Children from the most deprived area have lower access to pre-emptive transplantation, have lower access to PD, tend to be late referred to a nephrologist, and have more urgent initiation of HD with a catheter
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