62 research outputs found

    Diseño e instalación de un sistema de energía renovable para un edificio

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    This project seeks conduct a technical and economic study of a solar thermal and other of biomass in the residence "T16" located in Wroclaw, Poland. We will proceed to a remodeling of that building, in which to improve energy efficiency and insulation have introduced various systems in the building structure that reduce energy losses thereof. Two clear examples of this are the introduction energy improvement Coteterm insulation in the building's facade, with large insulating qualities that reduce our heat loss, and other insulation in the walls of the inside of the building. Another aspect in this summary is the modification of the stairs to so to comply with Fire Technical Code. Here are three examples of multiple renovations we have done to the building. Furthermore, in this study we wanted to explore existing technologies in renewable energy and we better come to our climatic and geographical area (Wroclaw). After an exhaustive study, we determined that the two best technologies for our building would be solar thermal and biomass boilers. This residence has an annual heat demand 1.809,127 kWh, divided into two parts according to what your consumption: Heating (1.118,272 kW), hot sanitary water (HSW) (690,855 kWh). This demand will be met by a solar collection system and a biomass boiler system. In this project we have tried to make a design of the installation which on the one hand as efficient as possible from the point of view of energy and on the other hand that its use as comfortable as possible for the rooms of the building in question, all without subtract services or guarantees the design of it. This has been achieved with a centralized solar collection facility for HSW and other of biomass accumulation installation for hot sanitary water and central heating, and auxiliary power production through online for the entire building (electricity), taking into account that all users of this get the same benefit of the solar and biomass. For the selection of collectors has made a study of various offers by an Internet search. We selected a set of plate collectors that we believe may be more representative. We chose collectors with an average price and standard technical specifications, since the purpose of this project is to evaluate the different brands and models, but comparisons between the various boards to see which gives better performance at a lower price. These models of flat plate collectors are: Veissmann Vitosol 100-F, Veissmann Vitosol 200-F, Veissmann Vitosol 300-F, Ecosol sol 2300, Ecosol sol 2800, Ecosol sol 2800-H. Given these considerations, we analyzed the thermal production for our catchment area available. After this analysis we have discarded all the solar cells less Veissmann Vitosol 200-F and 2800-H Ecosol sun. These two alternatives have been subjected to an economic study. The result of this study is the selection of the most cost effective installation option. We choose Ecosol sol 2800-H model as the installation cost difference compared to Veismann 200-F model is much higher than the difference in cost of energy consumed by both collectors. The solar installation consists of 63 flat plate solar collectors, SOL brand 2800-H, which convert solar radiation into thermal energy, which must be transported and stored in storage tanks for later use as hot sanitary water (HSW). The solar installation is fully regulated by an electronic regulation and control devices which act on the installation and all data stored for further analysis in the maintenance of the same. Installation of biomass contains 6 biomass boilers TUERO brand TUERO 48 model , which have a power of 48 kW each of the boilers. All boilers are connected in series, in order to make more efficient regulation of the energy needs. These 6 boilers is fed by a worm systems from a silo located at the rear of the boilers. This silo is filled six times a year in order to meet all the annual energy demand. In addition to the facilities mentioned above, there will be a backup system, according to the CTE, for those moments when you have energy deficit by both facilities or there is an emergency situation. This auxiliary system is based on electricity. To accumulation system we can talk about two different storage volumes, the solar system and the system of biomass boilers. The solar collection system consists of two tanks of 5.000 liters and will be used only for the thermal system dedicated to heating hot water (HSW). The system of accumulation of biomass boilers consists of 4 tanks 5.000 liters, enough to store the energy generated by the boilers. Designed solar installation will cover 11.52% of annual hot sanitary water (HSW) and designed biomass installation will cover the remaining energy needs of the building.Ingeniería Industria

    dEIC Kiosk : desenvolupament d'un punt d'informació tàctil basat en web

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    En aquest treball es presenta el desenvolupament de dEIC Kiosk, un quiosc digital tàctil que ofereix informació sobre el Departament d'Enginyeria de la Informació i de les Comunicacions. El quiosc extreu informació de la base de dades del departament i de webs externes i la mostra en una pantalla tàctil situada en el propi departament o en un dispositiu remot, convenientment adaptada a la seva resolució. El quiosc respon a la necessitat de donar informació com dades de professors, horaris de laboratoris... a les persones que estan físicament al departament. En aquest treball es mostra com s'ha desenvolupat el quiosc i s'analitzen les diferents metodologies de desenvolupament, conceptes de disseny i estructura de la web, tecnologies i llenguatges (PHP, Bootstrap, jQuery...), i diferents aspectes de configuració de la pantalla. El resultat es troba accessible al passadís del departament i a la web del dEIC.This work presents the development of dEIC Kiosk, a digital touch kiosk that offers information about the Information and Communications Engineering Department. The kiosk extracts information from the department database and external websites and shows it in a touch screen which can be found in the department or by a remote device, suitably adapted to its resolution. This kiosk meets the need to give information about professors, laboratory schedules, etc., to people who are in person in the department. This work shows the development of the kiosk and analyses different development methodologies, design concepts and web structure, technologies and languages (PHP, Bootstrap, jQuery...) and different aspects of the screen configuration. The result is available in the hallway of the department and in the dEIC website.En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de dEIC Kiosk, un quiosco digital táctil que ofrece información sobre el Departamento de Ingeniería de la Información de las Comunicaciones. El quiosco extrae información de la base de datos del departamento i de webs externas y la muestra en una pantalla táctil situada en el propio departamento o en un dispositivo remoto convenientemente adaptado a su resolución. El quiosco responde a la necesidad de proporcionar información tal como datos de profesores, horarios de laboratorios… a las personas que están físicamente en el departamento. En este trabajo se muestra como se ha desarrollado el quiosco y se analizan las diferentes metodologías de desarrollo, conceptos de diseño y estructura de la web, tecnologías y lenguajes (PHP, Bootstrap, jQuery…), y diferentes aspectos de configuración de la pantalla. El resultado se encuentra accesible en el pasillo del departamento y en la web del dEIC

    Enseñanza de la Química en Secundaria y Bachillerato: Elementos y compuestos de especial interés en diversas aplicaciones

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    En el presente trabajo se plantean varias actividades didácticas destinadas a los distintos niveles de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y Bachillerato para las asignaturas de Física y Química (en ESO y 1º de Bachillerato) y Química de 2º de Bachillerato. Para ello ha tomado como referencia la legislación vigente en materia de Educación: Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (LOMCE) y su implantación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León: Orden EDU/362/2015 y Orden EDU/363/2015. El tema vertebrador de las actividades propuestas es: “Elementos y compuestos de especial interés en diversas aplicaciones”, incluyendo una revisión del currículo de las materias mencionadas en relación con dicha temática. Asimismo, se recoge la aplicación práctica de dos de las actividades didácticas propuestas, llevada a cabo en el Instituto de Educación Secundaria “Vega del Prado” (Valladolid), en la que se incluye la programación, la evaluación, las conclusiones, las propuestas de mejora y su posible aplicación en otros niveles educativos.Departamento de Química Física y Química InorgánicaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Programación de controlador predictivo en EcosimPro® e implementación en planta de distribución de oxígeno

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    El presente proyecto presenta la aplicación de un controlador predictivo no lineal (NMPC), programado en EcosimPro®, a la planta de distribución de oxígeno instalada en el Laboratorio del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática (EII Sede Dr. Mergelina, Universidad de Valladolid), que simula el comportamiento de una red de distribución de hidrógeno en una refinería. La planta, cuya descripción detallada se muestra en el apartado 4, consta de dos generadores de oxígeno que aportan flujos de gas con distinta pureza. Se dispone de dos colectores para la circulación de sendos flujos con tres ramas de aporte por cada colector a tres unidades consumidoras de oxígeno. Dichas unidades son depósitos de tanque agitado por los que circula un flujo continuo de agua impulsado por bombas peristálticas, de tal modo que el consumo de oxígeno está basado en el fenómeno de difusión gas‐líquido. Las variables medidas en cada unidad son la concentración de oxígeno disuelto (variable controlada) y la temperatura (perturbación medible), siendo las referencias de los controladores PID de flujo de gas en las ramas de aporte a cada unidad las variables manipuladas en el problema de control. Inicialmente, se crea una librería en EcosimPro con la simulación del modelo, previamente identificado y validado, y la programación del controlador predictivo, tomando como suposición inicial que dicho modelo es idéntico al proceso, y posteriormente introduciendo desviaciones en los parámetros para estudiar la corrección de los errores de modelado. Para ello, se plantea un problema adicional de minimización en el que la función objetivo es el sumatorio del cuadrado de las diferencias entre los valores de la variable predicha por el modelo y los valores reales medidos del proceso, a lo largo de un horizonte móvil, teniendo como variable de decisión un parámetro de perturbación no medible que modifica el modelo para ajustarlo a los valores reales (Moving Horizon Estimation, MHE). Una vez programado el control predictivo, se establece el esquema de comunicaciones necesario para su implantación a la planta en tiempo real vía OPC, gracias a la posibilidad de crear servidores OPC a partir de los códigos de EcosimPro y configurando el intercambio de variables en el SCADA EDUSCA (Educational Scada), que permite la interacción del usuario con el proceso. En resumen, este proyecto presenta una nueva funcionalidad de EcosimPro, que además de simular el comportamiento de un modelo, es capaz de llevar a cabo el control y la supervisión de un proceso real mediante la creación de servidores OPC a partir de los códigos programados.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaMáster en Investigación en Ingeniería de Procesos y Sistemas Industriale

    Unusual occurrences of fishes along the Northeast Atlantic: new biological and distributional data

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    The occurrences of 13 specimens belonging to 9 species of little known marine fishes in the Northeast Atlantic in 2017 and 2018 are reported. Information about the morphology and new findings of Decapterus tabl and Decapterus macarellus (Carangidae), Kyphosus vaigiensis (Kyphosidae), Remora osteochir (Echeneidae), Antigonia capros (Caproidae), Hyperoglyphe perciformis (Centrolophidae), Halobatrachus didactylus (Batrachoididae), Parapristipoma octolineatum (Haemulidae) and Zu cristatus (Trachypteridae) are reported in different locations, where they are categorized as unusual or rare. Morphometric and meristic parameters confirm the identification to species level of each specimen, also supported by DNA barcoding. Histological examination of reproductive tissue is carried out in four specimens to know the sex and their reproductive stage. All species are known from other areas of the Atlantic Ocean, but these findings are an important contribution to understanding their biology and distribution. These include a new northernmost record of Remora osteochir and Decapterus tabl in the eastern Atlantic and the first records of Antigonia capros, Hyperoglyphe perciformis, Halobatrachus didactylus and Parapristipoma octolineatum from Galician waters

    Effect of Two Organic Production Strategies and Ageing Time on Textural Characteristics of Beef from the Retinta Breed

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    The primary aim of this paper is to determine the influence of two organic production systems, organic grass-fed (OG) and organic concentrate-fed (OC), vs. a conventional concentrate-fed (CC) system; the second aim is to determine the influence of the ageing period on the physical parameters and texture properties of beef from the Retinta breed. Muscle samples from Longissimus thoracis were stored at 2–4 ± 1 °C for 0, 7, 14, and 21 days for the purposes of ageing. Analyses of pH, water losses (drip loss and cooking loss), Warner-Bratzler shear force, texture profile analysis (TPA), and histological analysis of muscle fibre were carried out. The results revealed that organic meat experienced lower drip loss and higher cooking loss than conventional meat. Although the meat of organic grass-fed animals was tougher initially, it showed a higher tenderisation speed in the first ageing days than OC and CC meats. The sarcomere length increased during the ageing period, which showed a negative correlation to shear force. According to its texture characteristics, the Retinta meat produced in organic systems could be recommended by its qualit

    Fatty acid profile as a tool to trace the origin of beef in pasture- and grain-fed young bulls of Retinta breed

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    This research explores the possibility of using the fatty acid profiles of intramuscular fat to authenticate the origin of Retinta breed meat according to different feeding regimes based on the combined use of concentrate and grass or forage (GP, grass pasture; MC, medium concentrate; HC, high concentrate). Young bulls from GP (n=30) were reared on grass pasture and supplement with concentrate in controlled feeders; MC (n=30) and HC (n=15) were reared in farm buildings using 40 and 80% concentrate of total dry matter from diet, respectively. The stepclass function in R was used to perform a stepwise linear discriminant analysis including thirty fatty acids from intramuscular fat. Two fatty acids, 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 were selected as discriminators of the meat origin. Meat from the GP and MC was characterized by higher 22:5 n-3 (p<0.05), while HC meat showed higher 9c18:1 (p<0.05). The use of 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 fatty acids from intramuscular fat resulted in a correct assignation of 100% of beef samples to each of the feeding regimes. Therefore, in addition to serving as an effective tool for discriminating between feeding regimes in the origin of the beef, the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat could help companies to check the authenticity of the meat origin

    Fatty acid profile as a tool to trace the origin of beef in pasture- and grain-fed young bulls of Retinta breed

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    This research explores the possibility of using the fatty acid profiles of intramuscular fat to authenticate the origin of Retinta breed meat according to different feeding regimes based on the combined use of concentrate and grass or forage (GP, grass pasture; MC, medium concentrate; HC, high concentrate). Young bulls from GP (n=30) were reared on grass pasture and supplement with concentrate in controlled feeders; MC (n=30) and HC (n=15) were reared in farm buildings using 40 and 80% concentrate of total dry matter from diet, respectively. The stepclass function in R was used to perform a stepwise linear discriminant analysis including thirty fatty acids from intramuscular fat. Two fatty acids, 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 were selected as discriminators of the meat origin. Meat from the GP and MC was characterized by higher 22:5 n-3 (p<0.05), while HC meat showed higher 9c18:1 (p<0.05). The use of 9c18:1 and 22:5 n-3 fatty acids from intramuscular fat resulted in a correct assignation of 100% of beef samples to each of the feeding regimes. Therefore, in addition to serving as an effective tool for discriminating between feeding regimes in the origin of the beef, the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat could help companies to check the authenticity of the meat origin

    Prophylactic effect of brimonidine to minimize the incidence of subconjunctival hemorrhage in the early postoperative period after 23G pars plana vitrectomy

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    Background: Several studies have investigated and demonstrated the prophylactic effect of brimonidine drops in preventing subconjunctival hemorrhage in some microincisional ophthalmic surgeries, such as intravitreal injections or cataract surgery. However, there are no previous studies investigating this prophylactic effect after 23G microincisional vitreoretinal surgery. Aim: The aim of the current study was to determine whether subconjunctival hemorrhage after 23G pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) could be prevented with the use of prophylactic topical brimonidine. Methods: This was a phase III, prospective, interventional, randomized, controlled single-center clinical trial with a follow-up of 2 weeks. A total of 77 eyes (mean age: 68.4 ± 10.7 years) undergoing 23G PPV were included and randomized into two groups: group 1 including 41 patients receiving prophylactic preoperative treatment with brimonidine, and group 2 (control group) including 36 patients not receiving this prophylactic treatment. Differences in terms of number of conjunctival quadrants affected with subconjunctival hemorrhage were evaluated in each of the follow-up visits. Results: The presence of subconjunctival hemorrhage was similar in both groups the first days after surgery (p > 0.05). At the last visit (10–14 days after surgery), this condition was significantly more frequent in control group where there was a significant difference, being more frequent in the control group (7.3% vs 28.6%, p = 0.022). The number of conjunctival quadrants affected was also similar in both groups, except for the last visit in which most of the patients treated with brimonidine (92.7%) showed no bleeding compared to 71.4% in control group. No effect on the efficacy of brimonidine treatment of the presence of blood hypertension, diabetes, and antiplatelet or anticoagulant treatment was observed. Conclusion: Brimonidine seems to be a useful option to decrease subconjunctival hemorrhage after microincisional vitreoretinal surgery or improve its resolution during the first postoperative week. This finding should be mainly due to the vasoconstrictor effect of brimonidine. Trial registration: EudraCT, 2012-002895-15 (registered 19 December 2012); https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/search?query=2012-002895-15D.P.P. has been supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain within the program Ramón y Cajal, RYC-2016-20471

    [email protected]:preservamos y difundimos la investigación

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    Póster presentado en las II Jornadas de buenas prácticas en atención a espacios y usuarios. Bibliotecas G9 celebradas en Jaca, 5 y 6 de octubre de 201