338 research outputs found

    Fabrication of Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Xerogel based High Aspect Ratio 3-D Hierarchical C-MEMS Structures

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    We demonstrate a novel method to fabricate arrays of resorcinol- formaldehyde xerogel (RFX) based high aspect ratio (HAR) three- dimensional (3-D) hierarchical C-MEMS structures. Starting from a master pattern of HAR 3-D posts fabricated in SU-8 negative photoresist by photolithography, a negative PDMS stamp with arrays of holes was prepared by micromolding. The PDMS stamp was then used to fabricate HAR 3-D RFX posts by replica molding. The 3-D RFX posts thus fabricated were electrosprayed with SU-8 or an RF sol in the form of submicron or nano sized droplets and followed by pyrolysis to yield HAR 3-D hierarchical carbon posts. To characterize their use in C-MEMS based batteries, galvanostatic (charge and discharge) experiments on RFX derived carbon showed that it can be reversibly intercalated with Li ions and possesses superior intercalation properties as compared to SU- 8 derived carbon which is a widely used material in C-MEMS

    Fractura subtrocantérica tras fijación percutánea con tornillos de fracturas no desplazadas en el cuello femoral : presentación de tres casos y revisión de la literatura

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    Objective. To show 3 cases of subtrochanteric fracture as complication of screw fixation for femoral neck undisplaced fractures. Material and methods. We present 3 cases of subtrochanteric fractures after screw fixation of valgus impacted femoral neck fractures. In all cases, intramedulary nailing was the treatment choice for this complication. Results. One year after the surgery all fractures healed without needing additional procedures and all patients walked pain-free. Discussion. The results of percutaneous fixation of undisplaced fractures of the femoral neck using cannulated screws are good in aged patients. Subtrochanteric fracture is a rare complication. Most authors attribute it to wrong surgical technique. These errors represent weakening and more direct transmission of forces on the lateral cortex. We provide several advices to avoid the failure. Conclusions. The best way to avoid this complication is an appropriate surgical technique. The treatment of choice, if present, is the intramedullary nailin

    Metal·locarborans i biologia molecular: la sorprenent interacció de dos mons aparentment independents

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    La capacitat d'autoassemblatge dels metal·locarborans ha estat molt investigada recentment. La seva habilitat per formar membranes monocapa ens induí a l'estudi de la interacció d'aquestes membranes sintètiques amb membranes biològiques. Aquest treball evidencia que l'anió cobaltabisdicarballur, [3,3'-Co(C2B9H11)2]− (COSAN), i el seu derivat diiodat, [3,3'-Co(8-I-C2B9H10)2]− (I2-COSAN), poden interaccionar amb membranes biològiques i creuar-les, de manera que s'acumulen a l'interior de cèl·lules vives. En aplicar aquests compostos a diferents tipus de cèl·lules en cultiu, s'indueix una inhibició completa, però alhora reversible, de la proliferació cel·lular, amb una recuperació total de l'activitat de divisió cel·lular un cop extret el metal·locarborà del medi.Metallacarborane’s self-assembly has been recently widely investigated. Its ability to form monolayer membranes led us to study the interaction of these synthetic membranes with biological membranes. This work evidences that the cobaltibisdicarbollide anion, [3,3’-Co(C2B9H11)2]− (COSAN), and its di-iodinated derivative, [3,3’-Co(8-I-C2B9H10)2]− (I2-COSAN), can interact with biological membranes and cross them, accumulating inside living cells. When applying these compounds to different cells in culture, complete but reversible cell proliferation suppression is induced, with a total recovery of the cell division activity after removal of the metallacarborane from the media

    Presència i distribució espacial de concentracions anormals d'ió nitrat a les aigües subterrànies dels aqüífers del Baix Fluvià (Alt Empordà)

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    Presentem una caracterització de la distribució espacial de la contaminació per nitrats en els aqüífers de la plana del baix Fluvià. En concret, els valors de concentració més elevats s’han observat a l’aqüífer superficial, on sobrepassen, amb escreix, els límits de potabilitat aconsellats pel RD 1138/1990. L’àrea més afectada ocupa part dels termes municipals de Vilamacolum i Torroella de Fluvià, en els quals hi predominen concentracions que oscil·len entre 50 i 200 mg × L–1. Els focus de contaminació són de tipus puntual i difús. Documentada la presència anormal de nitrats en aquest aqüífer, es planteja el correcte maneig agrícola, en vistes a una doble finalitat: d’una banda, contribuir a la planificació d’unes bones pràctiques agrícoles tenint en compte la relació entre volums de reg i aportacions de nitrogen; d’altra banda, preveure una progressiva recuperació de la qualitat de l’aqüífer, a partir de l’ús de tecnologies que integrin la ubicació d’unes zones favorables on es pugui maximitzar l’extracció del recurs contaminat, i la ubicació d’uns sòls aptes per a l’aplicació d’aquest recurs, amb uns criteris agronòmics coherents.Presentamos una caracterización de la distribución espacial de la contaminación por nitratos en los acuíferos de la llanura del baix Fluvià. En concreto, los valores de concentración más elevados se han observado en el acuífero superficial, donde sobrepasan, con creces, los límites de potabilidad aconsejados por el RD 1138/1990. El área más afectada ocupa parte de los términos municipales de Vilamacolum y Torroella de Fluvià, en los cuales predominan concentraciones que oscilan entre 50 y 200 mg × L–1. Los focos de contaminación son de tipo puntual y difuso. Documentada la presencia anormal de nitratos en este acuífero, se plantea el correcto manejo agrícola, en vistas a una doble finalidad: por un lado, contribuir a la planificación de unas buenas prácticas agrícolas teniendo en cuenta la relación entre volúmenes de riego y aportaciones de nitrógeno; por otro lado, prever una progresiva recuperación de la calidad del acuífero, a partir de usar tecnologías que integren la ubicación de unas zonas favorables donde se pueda maximizar la extracción del recurso contaminado, y la ubicación de unos suelos aptos para la aplicación de este recurso, con unos criterios agronómicos coherentes.A characterisation of spatial distribution of the nitrate groundwater contamination in the baix Fluvià plain is presented. Specially, the highest values have been found in the upper aquifer, where the critical values specified by RD 1138/1990 for drinking water are clearly surpassed in some cases. The worse afeected areas are the municipalities of Vilamacolum and Torroella de Fluvià where concentrations between 50 and 200 meq × l–1 are dominant. The contamination comes from both point and non-point sources. After documenting the abnormal amounts of nitrate in such aquifer the next issue is good agricultural management. This has two aims. Firstly, to contribute to the planning of good agricultural practices taking the relationship between amount of irrigation water and inputs of nitrogen into account. Secondly, to try to recover the aquifer progressively using technologies capable of integrating the setting of favourable areas where the polluted resource could be withdranw and other spots where there are soils suitable for the application of such resource, all with coherent agronomic criteria

    Historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence test the phylogenetic inference of Viking-Age plant use

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    In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenges of interdisciplinary data collection and interpretation in cultural evolution. Plants are central to human life and yet, apart from the role of major crops, people–plant relations have been marginal to the study of culture. Archaeological, linguistic, and historical evidence are often limited when it comes to studying the past role of plants. This is the case in the Nordic countries, where extensive collections of various plant use records are absent until the 1700s. Here, we test if relatively recent ethnobotanical data can be used to trace back ancient plant knowledge in the Nordic countries. Phylogenetic inferences of ancestral states are evaluated against historical, linguistic, and archaeobotanical evidence. The exercise allows us to discuss the opportunities and shortcomings of using phylogenetic comparative methods to study past botanical knowledge. We propose a ‘triangulation method’ that not only combines multiple lines of evidence, but also quantitative and qualitative approaches. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Foundations of cultural evolution’

    Local Observations of Climate Change and Adaptation Responses: A Case Study in the Mountain Region of Burundi-Rwanda

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    Mountain regions and their communities are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. However, little is known on the impacts observed and adaptation responses used in Burundi’s mountain region and if these are different to those reported in the contiguous mountain region of Rwanda. This paper aims to fill in these knowledge gaps. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 300 smallholder farmers, 150 in northern Burundi and 150 in southern Rwanda. Farmers in both countries reported negative impacts on crops, animals, and human health, with small differences between countries driven by the main cultivated crops. More adaptation strategies were used in Burundi than in Rwanda, and more farmers in Burundi were using multiple strategies. In both countries, farmers’ wealth affected farmers’ adaptation responses and their food security. Notably, for all wealth groups (poor, average, rich), food security was lower in Rwanda than in Burundi. We relate our findings to current agricultural intensification policies in both countries and argue for the greater involvement of local farmers in adaptation planning using, for example, science-with-society approaches.We are deeply grateful to our study participants, who graciously shared their time, energy, and stories. We thank our field assistants and facilitators for making this research possible. We also acknowledge the Mountain Research Initiative for funding support

    Micro-fabrication of Carbon Structures by Pattern Miniaturization in Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Gel

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    A simple and novel method to fabricate and miniaturize surface and sub-surface micro-structures and micro-patterns in glassy carbon is proposed and demonstrated. An aqueous resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) sol is employed for micro-molding of the master-pattern to be replicated, followed by controlled drying and pyrolysis of the gel to reproduce an isotropically shrunk replica in carbon. The miniaturized version of the master-pattern thus replicated in carbon is about one order of magnitude smaller than original master by repeating three times the above cycle of molding and drying. The micro-fabrication method proposed will greatly enhance the toolbox for a facile fabrication of a variety of Carbon-MEMS and C-microfluidic devices.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure