109 research outputs found

    3D structure of subsurface thrusts in the eastern Jaca Basin, southern Pyrenees

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    This paper presents a new model of the subsurface structure of the eastern Jaca flexural basin of the west-central southern Pyrenees, by means of subsurface structural maps and four new balanced cross-sections. The study is based on the interpretation of a set of publicly available seismic reflection profiles tied to deep exploration well logs, which constitute a unique database in the southern Pyrenees associated to the gas discovery of the Serrablo field. Investigation of the deep basin structure highlights strong mechanical-stratigraphic contrasts between basement, a competent Upper Cretaceous-Eocene carbonate sequence in the deep basin and a weak infill of Eocene to lower Miocene synorogenicclastic deposits. These contrasts promote the occurrence of various décollement levels and a decoupled style of deformation between intervals of different competence. A contour map for the top of basement reveals a complex structure with lateral variations of the number of thrusts and the displacement on these and local transverse elements.Between the Gavarnie thrust at the southern edge of the Axial Zone and the Guarga thrust at the leading edge of the basement thrust system, three main other basement thrusts are defined below the north-eastern Jaca Basin, from South to North the Fiscal, Yésero and Broto thrusts. In the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover, two low-angle thrusts are mappedin the subsurface across the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene carbonates: i) the deep Oturia thrust, connected upsection to the emerging Oturia thrust known at the surface, and ii) the deep Jaca thrust, drilled by the Serrablo wells, and connected to the emerging Jaca thrust and Yebra de Basa anticline through a zone of disharmonic deformation. The deducedsubsurface geometrical relationships are consistent with the connection of the Gavarnie and Broto basement thrusts to the Priabonian-Rupelian Oturia and Jaca thrusts while the younger Yésero, Fiscal and Guarga basement thrusts emerge at the South Pyrenean thrust front of the Sierras Exteriores, active until the early Miocene. This study highlights the complex structural pattern that characterizes the deep structure of the South Pyrenean basin and the role of disharmonic deformation that challenges the resolution of the deeper thrust system without the help of seismic profiles

    Rising and falling diapirs, shifting depocenters, and flap overturning in the Cretaceous Sopeira and Sant Gervàs subbasins (Ribagorça Basin, southern Pyrenees)

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    The halokinetic structure of inverted salt-related continental margins is frequently obliterated by compressional overprinting. The Cretaceous Sopeira and Sant Gervàs subbasins of the Ribagorça Basin (south central Pyrenees) show evidence of salt-related extensional tectonics and diapiric growth along the Iberian Margin of the Mesozoic Pyrenean rift. We present an integrated field-based tectonic-sedimentary study to reconstruct the evolution of the Ribagorça Basin system previous to, and in the early stages of, the Pyrenean orogeny. The ~4km thick Albian-Cenomanian Sopeira minibasin infill thins toward the basin borders, especially toward the eastern, N-S trending, Llastarri salt weld. The 90° tilt to the south of the Sopeira basin bottom records the growth of the buried north dipping Sopeira listric fault from Albian to Santonian times, when it evolved as an extensional rollover associated with the Aulet salt roller. The ~3km thick Cenomanian-Campanian succession filling the Sant Gervàs flap displays 130° bed fanning attitude from overturned Cenomanian carbonate platform strata to upright Campanian turbidite beds. The Sant Gervàs flap development since Cenomanian times was related to the fall of a large salt pillow after the main Soperia minibasin stage. Jurassic-Campanian diachronous subsidence is also observed in the adjacent Montiberri, Faiada, and Tamurcia depocenters. Correlation with the Pedraforca, Cotiella, and Basque-Cantabrian Basins along the southern Pyrenees suggests that a significant segment of the Iberian side of the Pyrenean rift experienced a gravity-driven extension from Albian to late Santonian. The Ribagorça Basin provides an excellent field analogue for presently buried salt-related structures of extended passive margins.This research was carried out with the aid of grants by CSIC-ESF 2007–2013 JAE-Doc postdoctoral research contract (E.S.) and with funding from the Spanish Research Agency through projects CGL2009-1355, CGL2011-26670, and CGL2010-15416. Additional funding was provided by Atlas Project and Statoil Research CenterPeer reviewe

    Evidence for surface uplift of the Atlas Mountains and the surrounding peripheral plateaux: Combining apatite fission-track results and geomorphic indicators in the Western Moroccan Meseta (coastal Variscan Paleozoic basement)

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    This work represents an initial attempt to link the evolution of the topography in relation to the general tectonic framework of western Morocco. For this purpose, in a section of the Western Moroccan Meseta different tools are combined in order to attain the general objective. Apatite fission-track (AFT) data of granitic rocks of the Rabat–Khenifra area give ages around 200 Ma with track length distributions which are compatible with the thermal models already established for the area. An inverse correlation between AFT ages and elevation is observed which is compatible with previous models indicating northward tilting of the whole Western Moroccan Meseta which is younger than 20–25 Ma. In order to test this possibility a detailed analysis of the topography at different scales in the Western Moroccan Meseta has been performed. Results indicate that two open folds with different amplitudes are recognized and that the one with wider wavelength could correspond to a lithospheric fold as previously stated by other authors on the basis of independent geological arguments. The northward tilting proposed based on the AFT data agrees with the results obtained in the analysis of the topography which reinforces the presence of a very open fold with a wavelength of 200–300 km in the north-western limb of the Western Moroccan Meseta


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    The velocity structure of the crust and the geometry of the Moho across Morocco has been the main target of two recently acquired wide-angle seismic reflection transects. One is the SIMA experiment which provided seismic constraints beneath the Atlas Mountains and the second has been the RIFSEIS experiment which sampled the RIF orogen. Jointly these controlled source wide-angle seismic reflection data results in an almost 700 km, seismic profile going from the the Sahara craton across the High and Middle Atlas and Rif Mountain till the Gibraltar-Arc (Alboran). Current work on the interpretation of the seismic data-set is based on forward modeling, ray-tracing, as well as low fold wide-angle stacking. The data has resulted in a detailed crustal structure and velocity model for the Atlas Mountains and a 700 km transect revealing the irregular topography of the Moho beneath these two mountain orogens. Results indicate that the High Atlas features a moderate crustal thickness and that shortening is resolved at depth through a crustal root where the Saharan crust under-thrusts below the Moroccan crust, defining a lower crust imbrication which locally places the Moho boundary at, approximately, 40 km depth. The P-wave velocity model is characterized, in averaged, by relatively low velocities. These low deep crustal velocities together with other geophysical observables such as: conductivity estimates derived from Mt measurements; moderate Bouguer gravity anomaly; surface exposures of recent alkaline volcanics; lead the interpretation to propose that partial melts are currently emplaced in the deep crustal levels and in the upper mantle. The Moho discontinuity defines a crust which is in average relatively thin beneath the Atlas which is almost a 4000 m high orogenic belt. The resulting model supports existence of mantle upwelling as a possible mechanism that contributes, significantly, to maintain the High Atlas topographyPeer Reviewe

    Origin and timing of stratabound dolomitization in the Cretaceous carbonate ramp of Benicàssim

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    Hydrothermal dolomitization is one of the most important processes that may enhance or degrade carbonate porosity and permeability. Burial, high emperature or hydrothermal dolomite forms due to the interaction of one or more solutions, mainly seawater-derived or deep brines, with limestone. The Early Cretaceous Benicassim ramp (Maestrat Basin, E Spain) is an excellent outcrop analog for partially dolomitized petroleum reservoirs. In this area seismic-scale sub-stratiform dolomitized bodies extend for several kilometers, away from large-scale faults, in Aptian limestones (Fig. 1). In the present work the Benicassim ramp is used as a case study to characterize dolomite events and to evaluate controls on dolomitization via reactive transport simulations

    Plateau reduction by drainage divide migration in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia defined by morphometry and ¹⁰Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides

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    Catchment-wide erosion rates were defined using Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides for the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes to help determine the nature of drainage development and landscape evolution. The Eastern Cordillera, characterized by a smooth axial plateau bordered by steep flanks, has a mean erosion rate of 11 ± 1 mm/ka across the plateau and 70 ± 10 mm/ka on its flanks, with local high rates >400 mm/ka. The erosional contrast between the plateau and its flanks was produced by the increase in the orogen regional slope, derived from the progressive shortening and thickening of the Eastern Cordillera. The erosion rates together with digital topographic analysis show that the drainage network is dynamic and confirms the view that drainage divides in the Eastern Cordillera are migrating towards the interior of the mountain belt resulting in progressive drainage reorganization from longitudinal to transverse-dominated rivers and areal reduction of the Sabana de Bogotá plateau

    Reactivity of dolomitizing fluids and Mg source evaluation of fault-controlled dolomitization at the Benicàssim outcrop analogue (Maestrat Basin, E Spain)

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    The mechanisms responsible for the formation of huge volumes of dolomitized rocks associated with faults are not well understood. We present a case study for high-temperature dolomitization of an Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) ramp in Benicàssim (Maestrat basin, E Spain). In this area, seismic-scale fault-controlled stratabound dolostone bodies extend over several kilometres away from large-scale faults. This work aims at evaluating different Mg sources for dolomitization, estimating the reactivity of dolomitizing fluids at variable temperature and quantifying the required versus available fluid volumes to account for the Benicàssim dolostones. Field relationships, stable 13C and 18O isotopes, as well as radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotopes, indicate that dolomitization at Benicàssim was produced by a high temperature fluid (> 80ºC). 13C and 18O isotopic compositions for dolomite vary from +0.5 and +2.9 V-PDB and from +21.1 and +24.3 V-SMOW, respectively. A Mg source analysis reveals that the most likely dolomitizing fluid was seawater-derived brine that interacted with underlying Triassic red beds and Paleozoic basement. Geochemical models suggest that evolved seawater can be considerably more reactive than high-salinity brines, and that the maximum reactivity occurs at about 100ºC. Mass-balance calculations indicate that interstitial fluids with high pressure and/or high temperature relative to the normal geothermal gradient cannot account for the volume of dolomite at Benicàssim. Instead a pervasive fluid circulation mechanism, like thermal convection, is required to provide a sufficient volume of dolomitizing fluid, which most likely occurred during the Late Cretaceous post-rift stage of the Maestrat Basin. This study illustrates the importance of fluid budget quantification to critically evaluate genetic models for dolomitization and other diagenetic processes

    Crustal thickness and velocity structure across the Moroccan Atlas from long offset wide-angle reflection seismic data: The SIMA experiment

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    The crustal structure and topography of the Moho boundary beneath the Atlas Mountains of Morocco has been constrained by a controlled source, wide-angle seismic reflection transect: the SIMA experiment. This paper presents the first results of this project, consisting of an almost 700 km long, high-resolution seismic profile acquired from the Sahara craton across the High and the Middle Atlas and the Rif Mountains. The interpretation of this seismic data set is based on forward modeling by raytracing, and has resulted in a detailed crustal structure and velocity model for the Atlas Mountains. Results indicate that the High Atlas features a moderate crustal thickness, with the Moho located at a minimum depth of 35 km to the S and at around 31 km to the N, in the Middle Atlas. Upper crustal shortening is resolved at depth through a crustal root where the Saharan crust underthrusts the northern Moroccan crust. This feature defines a lower crust imbrication that, locally, places the Moho boundary at 40-41 km depth in the northern part of the High Atlas. The P-wave velocity model is characterized by relatively low velocities, mostly in the lower crust and upper mantle, when compared to other active orogens and continental regions. These low deep crustal velocities together with other geophysical observables such as conductivity estimates derived from MT measurements, moderate Bouguer gravity anomaly, high heat flow, and surface exposures of recent alkaline volcanism lead to a model where partial melts are currently emplaced at deep crustal levels and in the upper mantle. The resulting model supports the existence of a mantle upwelling as mechanism that would contribute significantly to sustain the High Atlas topography. However, the detailed Moho geometry deduced in this work should lead to a revision of the exact geometry and position of this mantle feature and will require new modeling effortsThis work has been primarily funded by the Spanish MEC project CGL2007–63889. Additional funding was provided by projects CGL2010–15416, CSD2006-00041, and GL2009–09727 (Spain), CGL2008–03474-E, 07-TOPO_EUROPE_FP-006 (ESF Eurocores) and EAR-0808939 (US, NSF).Peer reviewe