1,356 research outputs found

    The Process of Translating Process and Reality

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    Nel tradurre Processo e realtà è importante considerare che l'opus magnum di Whitehead ha una natura metafisica, cosmologica e sistematica. Il sitema di Whitehead è aperto; le sue categorie sono interrelate e non vanno considerate separate dall'intero del sistema metafisico. Le generalità metafisiche sono difficili da esprimere e il nostro linguaggio è fortemente limitato. Ciononostante, il traduttore di Processo e realtà deve saper cogliere le parole esatte e rigorose al fine di rendere quella vera e propria "rivoluzione linguistica" introdotta da Whitehead nel suo testo. La traduzione italiana bilingue di Processo e realtà condotta da Maria Regina Brioschi ha in questo senso raggiunto un risultato eccezionale.In translating Process and Reality it is important to bear in mind that Whitehead’s magnum opus has a metaphysical, cosmological and systematic nature. Whitehead’s system is an open one; its categories are interrelated and should not be considered apart from the wholeness of the metaphysical system. Metaphysical generalities are hard to express and our language is greatly limited. Notwithstanding, the translator of Process and Reality needs to seize exact and rigorous words in order to achieve the true “linguistic revolution” introduced by Whitehead in Process and Reality. The bilingual Italian translation of PR is an outstanding achievement that was carried out by Maria Regina Brioschi

    Impairments: Materiality and fiscal impact on Cape Verde’ major contributors

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    This study aims to evaluate the material level of impairment losses registered by the Cape Verdean companies, as well as to analyze its fiscal impact. For this purpose, we ran the Cape Verdean’ accounting standards about this subject and studied the tax procedures on impairment registration in the country. In the empirical study, we performed an analysis of the annual report and accounts for 2012 and 2011 of fifty-seven large companies in Cape Verde. These were the benchmark years for establishing the country's major contributors and the normative framework on impairment’ application. Evidences showed that, in its vast majority, companies registered impairment losses, namely on customer debts and inventories. We also found that, empirically, impairment value was materially relevant and had impact on tax level, giving the meaningful association between payed taxes (negative association) and turnover (positive association), and registered impairment. In a future work, already in progress, we intended to verify the impairment registration’ during the period between 2013 and 2016. We will also try to understand if there is a greater social responsibility by Cape Verde’ major contributors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Stream of Consciousness and the Epochal Theory of Time

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    The Jamesian notion of the ‘stream of consciousness’ is closely related to the epochal theory of time. It also stems from an attempt to resolve the old aporia contained in Zeno’s paradoxes. Time flows like a ‘river’ or a ‘stream,’ but still it grows by ‘drops’ or ‘buds.’ These basic units of time are whole and indivisible, but they do not ‘crack’ or ‘divide’ reality. Other process philosophies also include this notion of a continuous time that, nevertheless, integrates these interrelated units that account for individualisation without any breach of continuity. Henri Bergson’s durée and Alfred N. Whitehead’s epochal theory of time clearly illustrate this doctrine. The examination of memory and the status of the past as a positive existence also emphasise the temporal aspect of reality. Existing reality grows out of its past, which endures in the newborn actuality

    Competências do treinador de jovens : estudo de treinadores das equipas de futebol de formação do concelho de Viseu

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    O Futebol assume extrema importância na sociedade atual. O elevado número de praticantes, de espetadores e a atenção que desperta no público em geral e nos diversos órgãos de comunicação social, garantiu-lhe um forte impacto na sociedade. Esta dimensão universal exigiu, por parte dos seus profissionais, reflexões profundas e novas abordagens em relação ao processo de treino. Parece-nos que não existem formas mais ou menos corretas de pensar o Futebol, mas todas elas devem focar a sua atenção no desenvolvimento do jogo e do praticante. No presente relatório pretendemos abordar a nossa forma de ver e pensar o jogo e o treino no Futebol, assente na aplicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo de toda a formação académica e da experiência como treinador de futebol, evidenciando os princípios e as estratégias inerentes à operacionalização do processo de treino e intervenção pedagógica como treinador do escalão Iniciados A da ACRCCD “O CRASTO” na época desportiva 2011/12. O contexto que envolve o jogo do futebol, o seu enquadramento institucional e a sua abordagem multifatorial, evidenciando a preponderância do contexto tático no futebol e na melhoria da tomada de decisão do atleta, foram alguns dos conteúdos abordados. A identificação com uma metodologia de treino especifica – Periodização Tática, e o reconhecimento da importância do Modelo de Jogo e da qualidade de intervenção do treinador foram aspetos realçados na revisão da literatura e pontos fundamentais que sustentaram a intervenção prática como treinador. Para isso, tivemos presente a necessidade de construção de um Modelo de Jogo, que define os princípios do “jogar” que pretendemos e que serviu de guia de todo o processo de treino, e a importância da intervenção pedagógica do treinador nesse processo de desenvolvimento. Posto isto, este documento apresenta todo o conteúdo relacionado com esse processo de planeamento, operacionalização e condução do processo de treino e relaciona alguns princípios que para nós assumiram particular importância em todo este processo de ensino/aprendizagem com vista ao desenvolvimento desportivo e social do atleta. O papel do treinador no desenvolvimento destas duas vertentes, pressupõe que este possua um conjunto de conhecimentos e competências diversificadas que permitam orientar e melhorar este processo. Neste sentido, apresentamos um estudo que carateriza os treinadores das camadas jovens dos clubes do concelho de Viseu e a valorização dada por estes em relação ao perfil de competências de um treinador de jovens.Football is of utmost importance in today's society. The high number of participants, spectators and the attention drawing from the general public and media, assured him a strong impact on society. This universal dimension demanded from their professionals deep thinking and new approaches to the training process. We think that there are no better or worse ways of thinking about football, but they all should focus its attention on the development of the game and the practitioner. In this report, we intend to address the way we see and think about the game and the training of football, based on applying the knowledge acquired throughout the academic formation and experience as a football coach, highlighting the principles and strategies inherent to the operation of the training process and pedagogical intervention as coach of a youth team (aged between 14-15) from ACRCCD "The CRASTO" during the sports season 2011/12. The context surrounding the game of football, its institutional framework and its multifactorial approach, showing the preponderance of tactical context in football and improving the decision-making athlete, were some of the subjects covered. The identification with a specific training methodology - Tactical Periodization, and the recognition of the importance of the model set and the quality of the coach intervention, were highlighted aspects in the literature review and key points that supported the interventions practiced as coach. For this, we were aware of the need of building a game model set, defining the principles of "play" that we want and that served as a guide throughout the training process, and the importance of pedagogical intervention of the coach in this development process. That said, this document presents all the content related to the process of planning, operation and conduct of the training process and lists some principles that were of particular importance to us in all this process of teaching / learning the sports and social development of the Athlete. The role of the coach in the development of these two aspects, assumes that it possesses a set of diversified skills and knowledge that could enable and drive this process. In this sense, we present a study featuring coaches from the youth clubs in the municipality of Viseu and the appraisal given by them to the competence profile of a youth coach

    Current extraction techniques towards bioactive compounds from brewers spent grain A review

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    Background: Brewers spent grain is one of the most abundant by-products of the brewing industry and is rich in various bioactive compounds (phenolic acids, insoluble dietary fiber and proteins). While at the present brewers spent grain is mainly used as animal feed its rich nutritional content makes it an interesting alternative for food applications. Scope and approach: As the range of applications of the bioactive compounds extracted from by-products has been growing in recent years, there is the need to obtain and characterize these bioactive compounds. Extraction methods (supercritical carbon dioxide, autohydrolysis, alkaline hydrolysis, solvent extraction, ultrasound assisted extraction, dilute acid hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis, microwave assisted extraction) have been developed and are always being subjected to new approaches to allow better extraction yields of the bioactive compounds. Key findings and conclusions: This review aims to provide a better understanding of the current advantages and limitations of brewers spent grain extraction processes and to provide a background of brewers spent grain composition and applications.The authors would like to thank to the projects Co-promoção,NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004 and OCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684.Furthermore, the authors would also acknowledge the FCT projects UID/Multi/50016/2019, UID/BIO/04469/2013. The author T. Bonifácio-Lopes would also like to acknowledge the grant UMINHO/BD/11/2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capacidade para o trabalho e saúde dos vigilantes de uma Universidade pública

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    Objetivo: evaluar la capacidad para el trabajo y el estado de salud de los guardias de seguridad de una Universidad Pública. Métodos: estudio transversal, descriptivo y analítico llevado a cabo con 119 guardias de seguridad. Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: Índice de Capacidad para el Trabajo (ICT), Cuestionario de salud del paciente (PHQ-9), Cuestionario internacional de actividad física (IPAQ corto), Test de identificación de disturbios en el uso de alcohol (AUDIT), Estudio de resultados médicos (MOS), y Demanda-Control-Apoyo (DCS). Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas para describir las muestras en estudio y se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman para evaluar el ICT. El nivel de significancia fue establecido al 5%. Resultados: las muestras estaban compuestas por hombres, de edad promedio 54.9 años (DE=5.7); el 80% tenia pareja y un 75% tenía educación básica. La mayoría (95%) solamente tenía un trabajo y el promedio de tiempo de servicio era de 24.8 años (DE=11) en un rango entre 3 y 43 años. El 88.9% trabajaban ≤40 horas y el 75% no trabajaban en horarios nocturnos o rotativos. El promedio de puntuación alcanzado en capacidad para el trabajo fue bueno (40.7 puntos), con una correlación significativa en relación al soporte social en el trabajo (valor de p=0.002), condiciones de salud (p=0.094) y síntomas de depresión (p=0.054). Conclusión: este estudio mostró que muchas características afectan la puntuación de capacidad para el trabajo. Considerando los resultados, notamos que se deben promover los hábitos de vida saludable y una reorganización de los ambientes de trabajo.Objetivo: avaliar a capacidade para o trabalho e o estado de saúde dos vigilantes de uma Universidade pública. Métodos: foi desenvolvido um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico com 119 vigilantes. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT), Questionário sobre a Saúde do Paciente (PHQ-9), Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ curto), Teste de Identificação dos Transtornos Devido ao Uso de Álcool (AUDIT), Escala de Apoio Social utilizada no Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) e Demanda-Controle-Apoio Social no Trabalho (DCS). Foi utilizada estatística descritiva para descrever a amostra do estudo e utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman para avaliar o ICT. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: a amostra foi composta por homens: media de idade de 54,9 anos (DP=5,7); 80% casados e 75% tem ensino fundamental. A maioria (95%) tem apenas um emprego, a méd dia do tempo de servicçoe foi de 24,8 anos (DP=11), variando de 3 a 43 anos. 88,9% trabalhavam ≤ 40 horas e 75% não trabalhavam à noite ou em turnos alternantes. O valor médio da capacidade para o trabalho foi bom (40,7 pontos), com associação significativa com apoio social no trabalho (p= 0,002), condições de saúde (p=0,094) e sinais e sintomas de depressão (p=0.054). Conclusão: esse estudo mostrou que muitas características podem afetar a capacidade para o trabalho. Considerando os resultados, pode-se notar que hábitos de vida saudáveis e a reorganização do ambiente de trabalho devem ser estimulados.Objective: to evaluate the work ability and health status of security guards at a public University. Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study was carried with 119 security guards. The following instruments were used: Work Ability Index (WAI), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, short), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), and Demand-Control-Support (DCS). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the study samples and the Spearman's coefficient correlation was performed to assess the WAI. Significance level was set at 5%. Results: samples were composed by men; the mean age was 54.9 years (SD=5.7); 80% had partners, and 75% had basic education. The majority (95%) had only one job, the average length of service was 24.8 years (SD=11), ranging from 3 to 43 years. 88.9% worked ≤40 hours and 75% did not work at night shift or rotating shifts. The average score given to work ability was good (40.7 points), with significant correlation to social support at work (p-value=0.002), health conditions (p-value=0.094), and depression symptoms (p-value=0.054). Conclusion: this study showed that many characteristics might affect the work ability scores. Considering the results, we note that healthy life habits and a reorganization of work environments should be encouraged

    Educação empreendedora : uma visão holística do empreendedorismo na educação

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    A presente investigação aborda a problemática do empreendedorismo na educação na perspectiva de uma investigadora que procura visualizar e cruzar os panoramas actuais do campo de investigação do empreendedorismo e da educação holística. Desse olhar surge uma visão renovada do empreendedorismo na educação e fundamenta-se uma abordagem holística da educação: uma “Educação Empreendedora”. A obra encontra-se dividida em três capítulos que compõem o corpo equilibrado da investigação na tentativa de introduzir, aprofundar e sintetizar quais as estratégias educativas que melhor se enquadram com a finalidade do estudo. No primeiro capítulo procede-se à análise das concepções vigentes de empreendedorismo e ao seu lugar na educação, através do estudo das principais teorias deste campo de investigação. Duas questões principais surgem como ponto de partida para esta parte: O que é o empreendedorismo? O que é uma educação em empreendedorismo? No segundo capítulo avança-se no estudo de novos paradigmas educacionais e na relação dos seus fundamentos e estratégias com o conceito de empreendedorismo. Nesta parte procura-se, fundamentalmente, a abertura deste termo a outras perspectivas paradigmáticas. A conceptualização de uma abordagem holística do empreendedorismo na educação pretende conseguir respostas às seguintes questões: O que é uma educação que contribui para o desenvolvimento do potencial empreendedor da humanidade? O que é uma educação empreendedora na perspectiva holística? O que é uma escola empreendedora? É a questão primordial do terceiro capítulo que investiga a possibilidade de existir uma escola que tenha já desbravado um caminho dentro desta nova abordagem. Nesse sentido procede-se ao estudo de caso de uma escola que contesta as orientações vigentes e rompe com o status quo educativo, exercendo o seu papel marcante de transformação social e de criação de uma comunidade educativa empreendedora. Essa escola é a Escola da Ponte – Escola Básica Integrada de Vila das Aves, Portugal. As evidências surgem: mais do que projectar uma educação em ou para o empreendedorismo é possível viver uma “Educação Empreendedora”.This research approaches entrepreneurship in education from the perspective of a researcher who intends to visualize and intersect the current scenarios of entrepreneurship and holistic education investigation fields. From this view emerges a renewed vision of entrepreneurship in education and a reasoned holistic approach of education: an “Entrepreneurial Education”. This work is divided in three chapters that compose the balanced body of the research in the attempt to introduce, deepen and synthesize which strategic education best fit into the purpose of the study. The first chapter starts with the analysis of the current conceptions of entrepreneurship and its place in education, by studying the main theories of the research field. Two main questions arise as a starting point of this part: What is entrepreneurship? What is entrepreneurship education? The second chapter proceeds into the study of new education paradigms and their grounds and strategies in relationship with the entrepreneurial concept. This part mainly intends to open up the concept to new paradigm perspectives. The conceptualization of a holistic approach to entrepreneurship education tries to answer the following questions: What is an education that contributes to the development of the entrepreneurial potential of humankind? What is an entrepreneurial education in a holistic perspective? What is an entrepreneurial school? That is the primal question of the third chapter which investigates the possibility of the existence of a school that has already explored a way in this new approach. In that sense a case study is made of a school that refutes the current orientations and dismantles the education status quo, exercising its outstanding role in the social transformation and in the creation of an entrepreneurial education community. That school is Escola da Ponte (Bridge School) – Integrated Basic School of Vila das Aves, Portugal. The evidences arise: more than projecting an education in and on entrepreneurship it is possible to live an “Entrepreneurial Education”

    Work ability and health of security guards at a public University: a cross-sectional study

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    Objective: to evaluate the work ability and health status of security guards at a public University. Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study was carried with 119 security guards. The following instruments were used: Work Ability Index (WAI), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, short), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), and Demand-Control-Support (DCS). Descriptive statistics were used to describe the study samples and the Spearman’s coefficient correlation was performed to assess the WAI. Significance level was set at 5%. Results: samples were composed by men; the mean age was 54.9 years (SD=5.7); 80% had partners, and 75% had basic education. The majority (95%) had only one job, the average length of service was 24.8 years (SD=11), ranging from 3 to 43 years. 88.9% worked ≤40 hours and 75% did not work at night shift or rotating shifts. The average score given to work ability was good (40.7 points), with significant correlation to social support at work (p-value=0.002), health conditions (p-value=0.094), and depression symptoms (p-value=0.054). Conclusion: this study showed that many characteristics might affect the work ability scores. Considering the results, we note that healthy life habits and a reorganization of work environments should be encouraged