203 research outputs found
Inserção de fatores humanos em análise Bow Tie
Ao longo da evolução do tema “Segurança” nas empresas, indústrias e universidades,
especialistas identificaram que a avaliação dos fatores humanos é essencial para
prover processos cada vez mais seguros. Visando a melhoria contínua dos processos,
considerar o comportamento humano na elaboração e desenvolvimento de um
sistema de segurança é fundamental para a sua robustez, uma vez que possibilita o
gerenciamento de riscos mais eficaz, integrando os processos industriais às ações
humanas. Neste trabalho, foi feito um estudo de caso de um acidente industrial, a
partir do relatório de investigação, utilizando a ferramenta Bow Tie para analisar o
sistema de segurança vigente na unidade na época do acidente, identificando
possíveis falhas e oportunidades de melhoria. O foco do trabalho foi entender como
os fatores humanos se relacionavam com as inconsistências identificadas no cenário
do evento e, a partir disso, desenvolver uma proposta de alterações no sistema de
segurança usando Bow Tie, considerando os fatores humanos identificados no
processo em questão, com o objetivo de torná-lo mais seguro para os trabalhadores
e comunidade vizinha. O acidente estudado se trata de um vazamento agudo de
fosgênio ocorrido em uma fábrica da empresa Dupont, West Virginia, 2010. O fosgênio
é um gás tóxico à temperatura ambiente, e três funcionários foram expostos a níveis
críticos do composto. Algumas condições do sistema de segurança não estavam
adequadas, ocasionando o acidente que resultou em uma fatalidade
Empregabilidade das pessoas com deficiência: uma análise para o mercado de trabalho brasileiro a partir dos Censos 2000 e 2010
O presente artigo tem como finalidade analisar a empregabilidade das pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, sobre tudo destacar um possível efeito da Portaria n° 1.199/03, que proporciona a autuação pelos fiscais do trabalho às empresas que não cumprem a Lei n° 8.213/91, a chamada “Lei das Cotas”. Como estratégia empírica utilizou-se o modelo Probit para a obtenção das probabilidades de inserção com base nos Censos de 2000 e 2010. De forma geral, os resultados apontam que os deficientes visuais e auditivos são os que apresentam menor restrição de inserção no mercado de trabalho formal, sobretudo os da faixa etária dos 18 a 29 anos e dos 30 a 49 anos. No entanto, os trabalhadores da faixa etária de 50 anos ou mais, apresentaram maior probabilidade de inserção por conta própria, com destaque para os trabalhadores beneficiários da seguridade social brasileira. Além destes, encontrou-se também uma maior probabilidade de inserção formal dos trabalhadores da faixa etária dos 18 a 29 anos, beneficiários da seguridade social, porém com o passar da década houve uma redução na probabilidade de inserção, o que pode estar associado à substituição na forma de inserção destes trabalhadores, sobretudo migrando para conta própria, ou mesmo a tendência de uma rejeição do benefício dado à inserção destes trabalhadores mais jovens no mercado de trabalho, porém sem maiores evidências que podem estar associadas à Portaria n° 1.199/03. Palavras-chaveEmpregabilidade; deficiência; PROBIT Título em inglês:The employability of people with disabilities in the labor market in Brazil AbstractThis article aims to analyse the employability of people with disabilities in the labour market in Brazil, about all highlight a possible effect of Portaria n° 1.199/03, wich provides tax job suffered by those undertakings wich do not comply with the Law n° 8.213/91, the so-called “Lei das Cotas”. As empirical strategy using the Probit model for obtaining insertion odds based on the 2000 and 2010 Censuses. In general the results indicate that the visualy impaired and hard of hearing are those with less restriction on inclusion in the formal labour market, especially those in the age group of 18 to 29 years and 30 to 49 years. However, workers from the age of 50 years or more, were more likely to insert on “conta própria”, with emphasis on the social security beneficiary brazilian workers. In addition to these, also found a greater likelihood of formal insertion of workers between the ages of 18 to 29 years, social security beneficiares, however with the past decade there has been a reduction in the likelihood of insert wich can be associated with the replacement in the form of inclusion of these workers, particulary migrating to “conta própria” or even the tendency of a rejection of the benefit given the insertion of these younger workers into the labour market but without further evidence that may be associate with the Portaria n° 1,199/03. Keywords Employability; Disability; PROBIT Classificação JEL: J62, J71, J78 Artigo recebido em maio 2017 e aceito para publicação em nov. 2017
Client underwent to radical mastectomy and application of CIPE in a surgical oncology unit: A case study
Objectives: To describe and analyze the use of taxonomy CIPE to the nursing process based on Orem's theory to a patient who underwent a radical mastectomy. Method: a case study, performed with the 53 patients, female, hospitalized in anoncologyunitin the city of Rio de Janeiro in April2011. Results: There were identified the main nursing diagnoses according to the CIPE: skin integrity at risk, current pain in the right breast, risk to self-esteem and low self-care. Then we constructed the plan of care containing interventions and results proposed by CIPE. Conclusion: It was possible to combine the use of the theory of Dorothea Orem taxonomyas a tool associated with taxonomy CIPE, adapting itself to the form of planning of nursing care
Chemical Variability and Biological Activities of Volatile Oils from Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit.
Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is widely used in folk medicine in various countries. Th e essential oils from H. suaveolens have been extensively investigated and are mainly composed of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, although significant diterpene content has been reported in recent studies. The survey of the literature concerning H. suaveolens essential oils revealed a high level of chemical variability in terms of quantity and composition that is commonly observed for volatile oils from other plant species. However, few researchers have dealt with the reasons for such chemical variability. Our research group has been investigating the relationships between growing conditions of the plants and the H. suaveolens (L.) Poit. essential oil composition. The results of these investigations have led to some advances in the characterization and knowledge of H. suaveolens chemotypes from Brazil. Nevertheless, since this species presents high level of genetic polymorphism and allows it to adapt to the alterations in environmental features resulting in interpopulational and intrapopulational variability in the volatile oil chemical compositions. Consequently, biochemical assays on the biosynthetic pathway are required in order to detect the molecular mechanisms involved in inducing differential terpenoid biosynthesis within H. suaveolens. These are some of the challenges which require resolution leading to an understanding of the complex secondary metabolism of this species, thereby making possible the volatile oil chemical standardization seeking productivity and phytotherapy
Práctica profesional del enfermero en unidades críticas: evaluación de las características del ambiente de trabajo
Objetivo: evaluar la autonomía, el control sobre el ambiente, el soporte organizacional del proceso de trabajo de los enfermeros y las relaciones entre médicos y enfermeros, en unidades críticas. Método: estudio transversal realizado en 162 enfermeros de las unidades de terapia intensiva y del servicio de emergencia de un hospital universitario. La evaluación de la satisfacción del profesional con el ambiente de trabajo fue realizada utilizando el Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised, traducido y adaptado para la cultura brasileña. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue 31,6 ± 3,9 años, 80,2% eran mujeres, 68,5% blancos y 71,6% trabajaban en la unidad de terapia intensiva. Los enfermeros consideraron que la autonomía (2,38 ± 0,64) y la relación médico y enfermero (2,24 ± 0,62) fueron las características del ambiente de trabajo favorables a la práctica profesional. Entretanto, consideraron como desfavorables el control del ambiente (2,78 ± 0,62) y el soporte organizacional (2,51 ± 0,54). No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised entre la evaluación de los profesionales de las unidades evaluadas. Conclusión: en las unidades evaluadas, la autonomía, la relación médico y enfermero y el soporte organizacional fueron las características que favorecieron la práctica profesional del enfermero. En contrapartida, el control del ambiente y el soporte organizacional fueron relatados como desfavorables.Objetivos: avaliar a autonomia, o controle sobre o ambiente, o suporte organizacional do processo de trabalho dos enfermeiros e as relações entre médicos e enfermeiros em unidades críticas. Método: estudo transversal realizado com 162 enfermeiros das unidades de terapia intensiva e do serviço de emergência de um hospital universitário. A avaliação da satisfação do profissional com o ambiente de trabalho foi realizada por meio do Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised, traduzido e adaptado para a cultura brasileira. Resultados: a média de idade foi 31,6 ± 3,9 anos, 80,2% mulheres, 68,5% brancos e 71,6% trabalhavam em unidade de terapia intensiva. Os enfermeiros consideraram que autonomia (2,38 ± 0,64) e relação médico e enfermeiro (2,24 ± 0,62) foram características do ambiente de trabalho favoráveis à prática profissional. Entretanto, consideraram como desfavoráveis o controle do ambiente (2,78 ± 0,62) e o suporte organizacional (2,51 ± 0,54). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised entre a avaliação dos profissionais das Unidades avaliadas. Conclusão: nas unidades avaliadas, a autonomia, relação médico e enfermeiro e o suporte organizacional foram características que favoreceram a prática profissional do enfermeiro. Em contrapartida, o controle do ambiente e o suporte organizacional foram relatados como desfavoráveis.Objective: assess the autonomy, control over environment, and organizational support of nurses' work process and the relationships between physicians and nurses in critical care units. Method: cross-sectional study conducted with 162 nurses working in the intensive care units and emergency service of a university hospital. The workers' satisfaction with their work environment was assessed using Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised, translated and adapted for the Brazilian culture. Results: average age was 31.6 ± 3.9 years; 80.2% were women; 68.5% Caucasians and 71.6% worked in intensive care units. The nurses considered autonomy (2.38 ± 0.64) and their relationship with physicians (2.24 ± 0.62) to be characteristics of the work environment that favored professional practice. Control over environment (2.78 ± 0.62) and organizational support (2.51 ± 0.54), however, were considered to be unfavorable. No statistically significant differences were found between the units based on the scores obtained by the professionals on the Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised. Conclusion: autonomy, relationship between physicians and nurses, and organizational support were considered by the units to be characteristics that favored nurses' professional practices. On the other hand, control over environment and organizational support were considered unfavorable
Efecto de lo videojuego sobre el rendimiento de la prueba de conocimiento a los estudiantes de la disciplina " práctica profesional y ética en fisioterapia " de la Universidad de Brasilia
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de longo prazo do vídeo game educacional (VGE) no desempenho em teste de conhecimentos específicos (TCE), opinião de satisfação com a disciplina (SAT) e percepção de aprendizagem dos conteúdos (PA) de uma disciplina da graduação em fisioterapia da Universidade de Brasília. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado com dois grupos: Grupo Experimental (GE): aulas presencias e uso semanal do VGE extraclasse; Grupo Controle (GC): apenas aulas presenciais. As aulas presenciais ocorreram uma vez por semana com ambos os grupos presentes. Os alunos do GE precisaram acessar a plataforma do VGE uma vez por semana. Após 17 semanas foram aplicados os instrumentos de avaliação das variáveis dependentes: (I) TCE; (2) SAT; (3) PA. Utilizamos o teste t Student para comparar as médias do TCE entre os grupos e frequências absolutas e relativas para reportar as escalas SAT e PA. Os dados foram analisados com nível de significância 5%. A amostra foi composta por um total de 71 alunos (22,83 [±3,35] anos de idade), sendo 62 indivíduos do sexo feminino (87,3%) e 09 do sexo masculinos (12,7%). Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre GE e GC no TCE (p = 0.006), apresentando o GE maior média que o GC. Em relação aos desfechos secundários O GE apresentou 100% das respostas nas categorias 4 e 5, enquanto, o GC também apresentou respostas na categoria 3. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que o VGE foi capaz de melhorar o desempenho em teste de conhecimentos específicos. Os resultados de opinião parecem indicar que a utilização do VGE pode aumentar a satisfação com a disciplina e a percepção de aprendizados do conteúdo.The current study had the objective of evaluate the long term effect of the educational video game (EVG) in the specific knowledge test (SKT) performance, opinion of satisfaction with the discipline (SAT) and learning perception of the subject matter (LP) of a graduation discipline in the Physiotherapy course of the University of Brasília (UNB). This study is a randomized clinical trial with two groups: Experimental Group (EG): Attending instead presential classes with extra time for EVG. Control Group (CG): only attending regular timeclasses. The classes occurred once a week with the presence of both groups. Students allocated in EG needed to access the EVG platform once a week. After 17 weeks, the assessment tools were applied for the dependent variables: (I) SKT, (2) SAT and (3) LP. The Student t test was used to compare the SKT means between groups and for the absolute and relative frequencies, were used to report SAT and LP scales. The data was analyzed with statistical significance of 5%. The sample consisted of a total of 71 students (22,83 [±3,35] years old), including 62 females (87,3%) and 9 males (12,7%) individuals. There was a significant statistical difference between EG and CG in SKT (p=0.006), with the EG having higher means than CG. Regarding the secondary endpoints EG had 100% answers in categories 4 and 5, while the GC also showed responses in category 3. The study results points that de EVG was able to improve the performance in the SKT. The SAT results may indicate that the use of the EVG can increase the satisfaction with the discipline and the learning perception of the subject matter.El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto a largo plazo del videojuego educativo (VJE) en la realización de la prueba de conocimientos específicos (TCE), opinión de la satisfacción con la disciplina (SAT) y la percepción de los contenidos de aprendizaje (PCA) del curso de graduación en fisioterapia en la Universidad de Brasilia. Se trata de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado con dos grupos: grupo experimental (GE): clases presenciales y uso semanal de VJE extra clase; Grupo control (GC): sólo las clases presenciales. Las clases ocurrieran una vez por semana con los dos grupos presentes. Los estudiantes del grupo GE necesitaban acesar a la plataforma VJE una vez a la semana. Después de 17 semanas, se aplicaron los instrumentos de evaluación de las variables dependientes: TCE (I); (2) SAT; (3) PCA. Se utilizó el Test t de Student para comparar las medias del TCE entre los grupos y las frecuencias absolutas y relativas, para informar las escalas del SAT y PCA. Los datos se analizaron con nivel de significación de 5%. La muestra estuvo constituida por un total de 71 estudiantes (22,83 [± 3,35] años), 62 mujeres (87,3%) y 09 hombres (12,7%). No hubo diferencias significativas entre GE y GC en el TCE (p = 0,006), con GE teniendo medias superiores a GC. Mientras los criterios de valoración secundarios GE tuvo 100% de las respuestas en las categorías 4 y 5, mientras que el GC también mostró respuestas en la categoría 3. Los resultados indicaron que el VJE fue capaz de mejorar el rendimiento en la prueba de conocimientos específicos. Los resultados de laopiniones parecen indicar que la utilización del VJE puede aumentar la satisfacción con la disciplina y la percepción de los contenidos de aprendizaje
Effects of surface characteristics of polymeric nanocapsules on the pharmacokinetics and efficacy of antimalarial quinine
Introduction: The surface charge of nanoparticles, such as nanospheres (NS) and nanocapsules (NC), has been studied with the purpose of improving the in vivo performance of drugs. The aim of this study was to develop, characterize, and evaluate the in vitro antimalarial efficacy of NCP80 and NSP80 (polysorbate coated) or NCEUD and NSEUD (prepared with Eudragit RS 100) loading quinine (QN). Methods: Formulations were prepared by the nanoprecipitation method, followed by wide physicochemical characterization. Antimalarial activity in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice and populational pharmacokinetics (PopPK) in rats were evaluated. Results: The formulations showed a nanometric range (between 138 ± 3.8 to 201 ± 23.0 nm), zeta potential (mV) of −33.1 ± 0.7 (NCP80), −30.5 ± 1 (UNCP80), −25.5 ± 1 (NSP80), −20 ± 0.3 (UNSP80), 4.61 ± 1 (NCEUD), 14.1 ± 0.9 (UNCEUD), 2.86 ± 0.3 (NSEUD) and 2.84 ± 0.6 (UNSEUD), content close to 100%, and good QN protection against UVA light. There was a twofold increase in the penetration of QN into infected erythrocytes with NC compared to that with NS. There was a significant increase in t1/2 for all NC evaluated compared to that of Free-QN, due to changes in Vdss. PopPK analysis showed that NCP80 acted as a covariate to Q (intercompartmental clearance) and V2 (volume of distribution in the peripheral compartment). For NCEUD, V1 and Q were modified after QN nanoencapsulation. Regarding in vivo efficacy, NCEUD increased the survival of mice unlike Free-QN. Conclusion: Cationic nanocapsules modified the pharmacology of QN, presenting a potential alternative for malaria treatment
Metastatic Pelvic Osteosarcoma in a Dog
Background: Osteosarcomas are malignant neoplasms of bone tissue, with a high prevalence in dogs, especially in large and giant breeds. More commonly, such alterations affect the appendicular skeleton and, to a lesser extent, the axial skeleton. In order to obtain an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to combine cytological and histopathological findings with clinical parameters, imaging exams and macroscopic findings. In the present study, we report a rare case of combined-type pelvic osteosarcoma with pulmonary metastasis in a dog.Case: A 5-year-old intact large male dog of mixed breed, was submitted to clinical care because of an increase in volume of the left perineal region. The cytological evaluation, performed without imaging exams, indicated that it was an undifferentiated sarcoma. An incisional biopsy defined the diagnosis as telangiectatic osteosarcoma, and with progressive clinical worsening, the patient died. Necroscopic examination revealed multiple nodules in the lungs and an irregular mass with a hard to friable consistency. The mass was intensely vascularised and extended craniodorsally from the left ischial tuberosity to the base of the renal fossa. Microscopically, the neoplasm was diagnosed as combined osteosarcoma, consisting of the osteoblastic, chondroblastic, and telangiectatic subtypes. Metastases with a predominance of the chondroblastic subtype were observed in the lungs.Discussion: This is the first report of combined-type canine osteosarcoma in the ischium. The case reported here is unusual, as there are few reports of canine osteosarcoma in the pelvic bones, and there is no concrete information regarding its histological appearance. Osteosarcoma is the most common bone neoplasm in dogs, representing up to 80% of the tumours found in such organs. In the present case, the dog was a large young adult with a higher probability of neoplasm development. A cytopathological examination is a diagnostic method with good sensitivity and specificity that can confirm osteosarcomas. However, in this case, the cytological diagnosis, performed without the information from the imaging exam, indicated that it was an undifferentiated sarcoma, given the impossibility of the architectural assessment of the lesion. Biopsy samples sent for histology may not be representative of the entire tumour, leading to misclassification of the histological type. Therefore, the evaluation of fragments from various sites of the lesions is recommended. Regarding the morphology of osteosarcomas, such neoplasms have the osteoblastic, chondroblastic, fibroblastic, telangiectatic, large cell, and poorly differentiated subtypes. With regard to tumours located in the axial skeleton, no studies have assessed the predominance of a particular morphological type, as well as the incidence of combined-type masses in dogs in this particular location. Such neoplasms are locally aggressive and have a high metastatic potential, with the lungs being the main location for implantation of neoplastic cells. There is no proven evidence of the correlation between morphological presentations and the presence of metastases from osteosarcomas in dogs. The histological type is not a predictive factor for the behaviour of the neoplasm. However, the anatomical location is considered as one of the factors with the greatest influence on the prognosis and metastatic potential. Rib masses are associated with a higher rate of metastases compared to others. The definitive diagnosis of osteosarcomas and its correct subclassification are of great importance in the prognosis of affected patients. These require an approach that considers the clinical findings, imaging examinations, and macroscopic and microscopic alterations. Keywords: bone, canine, cytopathology, histopathology, neoplasm.Título: Osteossarcoma pélvico metastático em cão Descritores: canino, citopatologia, histopatologia, neoplasia, osso
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