264 research outputs found

    Turtle excluder devices -- Are the escape openings large enough?

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    All five species of sea turtles in continental U.S. waters are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the population sizes of all species remain well below historic levels. Shrimp trawling was determined to be the largest source of anthropogenic mortality of many of the species. As a mechanism to reduce the incidental catch of turtles in trawl nets, turtle excluder devices have been required intermittently in the shrimp fishery since 1987, and at all times since 1994. The expanded turtle excluder device (TED) regulations, implemented in 1994, were expected to reduce shrimp trawl capture of sea turtles by 97%. Recent evidence has indicated that the sizes of turtles stranding were not representative of the animals subjected to being captured by the shrimp trawlers. The purpose of our study was to compare the sizes of stranded sea turtles with the size of the TED openings. We compared the sizes of stranded loggerhead (Caretta caretta), green (Chelonia mydas), and Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) sea turtles, the three species most commonly found stranded, to the minimum widths and heights of TED openings. We found that annually a large proportion of stranded loggerhead turtles (33–47%) and a small proportion of stranded green turtles (1–7%) are too large to fit through the required minimum-size TED openings. The continued high mortality of sea turtles caused by bottom trawling is reason for concern, especially for the northern subpopulation of loggerhead turtles, which currently is not projected to achieve the federal recovery goal of reaching and maintaining prelisting levels of nesting

    REFERQUAL: A pilot study of a new service quality assessment instrument in the GP Exercise Referral scheme setting

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    Background The development of an instrument accurately assessing service quality in the GP Exercise Referral Scheme (ERS) industry could potentially inform scheme organisers of the factors that affect adherence rates leading to the implementation of strategic interventions aimed at reducing client drop-out. Methods A modified version of the SERVQUAL instrument was designed for use in the ERS setting and subsequently piloted amongst 27 ERS clients. Results Test re-test correlations were calculated via Pearson's 'r' or Spearman's 'rho', depending on whether the variables were Normally Distributed, to show a significant (mean r = 0.957, SD = 0.02, p < 0.05; mean rho = 0.934, SD = 0.03, p < 0.05) relationship between all items within the questionnaire. In addition, satisfactory internal consistency was demonstrated via Cronbach's 'α'. Furthermore, clients responded favourably towards the usability, wording and applicability of the instrument's items. Conclusion REFERQUAL is considered to represent promise as a suitable tool for future evaluation of service quality within the ERS community. Future research should further assess the validity and reliability of this instrument through the use of a confirmatory factor analysis to scrutinise the proposed dimensional structure

    Fitting model of ABR age dependency in a clinical population of normal hearing children

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    The purpose of this study was to present a simple and powerful fitting model that describes age-dependent changes of auditory brainstem responses (ABR) in a clinical population of normal hearing children. A total of 175 children (younger than 200 weeks postconceptional age) were referred for audiologic assessment with normal ABR results. ABR parameters of normal hearing children between 2003 and 2008 were included. The results of the right ears recorded at 90 dB nHL were analyzed. A simple and accurate fitting model was formulated based on these data. A very similar age-dependent effect was found for peaks III and V, and I–III and I–V intervals; latencies decrease as postconceptional age increases. It shows that the total age-dependent effect will be completed after 1.5–2 years. The age-dependent effect can be modeled by a relatively simple and accurate exponential function. This fitting model can be easily implemented to analyze ABR results of infants in daily clinical practice. We speculate about the underlying physiological processes

    The Effects of Exercising in Different Natural Environments on Psycho-Physiological Outcomes in Post-Menopausal Women: A Simulation Study

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThe current study examined potential psycho-physiological benefits from exercising in simulated natural environments among a sample of post-menopausal women using a laboratory based protocol. Participants cycled on a stationary exercise bike for 15 min while facing either a blank wall (Control) or while watching one of three videos: Urban (Grey), Countryside (Green), Coast (Blue). Blood pressure, heart rate and affective responses were measured pre-post. Heart rate, affect, perceived exertion and time perception were also measured at 5, 10 and 15 min during exercise. Experience evaluation was measured at the end. Replicating most earlier findings, affective, but not physiological, outcomes were more positive for exercise in the simulated Green and, for the first time, Blue environment, compared to Control. Moreover, only the simulated Blue environment was associated with shorter perceived exercise duration than Control and participants were most willing to repeat exercise in the Blue setting. The current research extended earlier work by exploring the effects of "blue exercise" and by using a demographic with relatively low average levels of physical activity. That this sample of postmenopausal women were most willing to repeat a bout of exercise in a simulated Blue environment may be important for physical activity promotion in this cohort.Plymouth UniversityNIHR HPRUPHELondon School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineUniversity of ExeterUniversity College LondonMet Offic

    The social affordances of flashpacking: exploring the mobility nexus of travel and communication

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    The proliferation of digital devices and online social media and networking technologies has altered the backpacking landscape in recent years. Thanks to the ready availability of online communication, travelers are now able to stay in continuous touch with friends, family and other travelers while on the move. This article introduces the practice of ‘flashpacking’ to describe this emerging trend and interrogates the patterns of connection and disconnection that become possible as corporeal travel and social technologies converge. Drawing on the concepts of ‘assemblages’ and ‘affordances’, we outline several aspects of this new sociality: virtual mooring, following, collaborating, and (dis)connecting. The conclusion situates this discussion alongside broader questions about the shifting nature of social life in an increasingly mobile and mediated world and suggests directions for future research at the intersection of tourism and technology

    Металлизация поверхности керамики В4С комбинированным электронно-ионно-плазменным методом

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    Объектом исследования является керамика В4С с металлизированной поверхностью. Цель работы – исследование структуры и свойств систем «пленка (Ti)/(В4С-керамика) подложка» и «пленка (Cu)/(В4С-керамика) подложка», обработанных интенсивным импульсным электронным пучком. В процессе исследования проводились рентгенофазовые исследование; исследование поверхности и излома образцов методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии; исследование микротвердости и коэффициента вязкости разрушения образов. В результате исследования установлено формированию в поверхностном слое толщиной (5-7) мкм многофазной структуры эвтектического типа, состоящей из кристаллитов карбида бора, диборида титана и титана; снижение микротвердости модифицированных образцов керамики Ti/В4С в ≈1,2 раза относительно микротвёрдости исходных образцов. Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характеристики: температура разложения >2450 °C; плотность 2,52 г/см³; теплопроводность 121 Вт/(мК) при 300 °К; микротвёрдость 49,1 ГПа; модуль упругости 450 ГПа; полупроводник p-типа.The object of the research is B4C ceramics with metallized surface. Objective - to study the structure and properties of systems "film (Ti) / (B4C-ceramic) substrate" and "film (Cu) / (B4C-ceramic) substrate" treated with intense pulsed electron beam. The study carried out X-ray phase study; study the surface and break the samples by scanning electron microscopy; study of microhardness and fracture toughness ratio images. The study showed the formation of a surface layer (5-7) m multiphase eutectic structure consisting of crystallites of boron carbide, titanium diboride, and titanium; decrease in microhardness modified ceramic samples Ti / B4C in ≈1,2 times the microhardness of the initial samples. The basic constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics: the decomposition temperature of> 2450 ° C; density 2.52 g / cm³; thermal conductivity of 121 W / (mK) at 300 ° K; microhardness 49.1 GPa; modulus 450 GPa; p-type semiconductor

    O Efeito da Sinalização de Qualidade no Contexto de Serviços

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    Signaling theory states that signals are firms’ actions that communicate information about the quality of a product. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of signal quality in a service context, through the investigation of the signaling effects of price and responsiveness in a service context. Perceived behavior control, regarded as an individual's perception of the ability to perform a behavior, was proposed as a moderator between signaling variables and perceived quality. Two experimental studies with factorial and inter-subject designs were conducted in order to test the hypotheses formulated from the literature review. Results from both experiments show that signaling quality through price and responsiveness can affect perceived quality. The second experiment supports the hypothesis of perceived behavior control moderation between price as a signaling variable and perceived quality, but not between responsiveness and perceived quality. These results and their implications are discussed in the final section of the paper