20 research outputs found

    De processos interorganizacionais CBPEL para processos BPEL

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    A Common Business Process Execution Language (CBPEL) é uma nova especificação para a descrição de processos interorganizacionais descritos de forma global e única, e baseados em Web Services. A grande vantagem da utilização de uma descrição global e única consiste na possibilidade da geração automática dos processos das organizações participantes. Essa automatização tem por principal objectivo a redução do risco da concepção de processos interorganizacionais inconsistentes. Contudo até este momento não existe nenhum trabalho que apresente uma metodologia para a geração automática dos processos participantes. Este trabalho visa precisamente preencher essa lacuna promovendo uma reflexão sobre essa transformação, e apresentando um conjunto de regras para a sua automatização. A linguagem escolhida como destinatário da transformação foi a Business Process Execution Language (CBPEL) uma vez que é a linguagem base da linguagem CBPEL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    WiFi-Direct InterNetworking

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    We are on the verge of having ubiquitous connectivity. However, there are still scenarios where public communication networks are not reachable, are saturated or simply cannot be trusted. In such cases, our mobile phones can leverage device-to-device communication to reach the public network or to enable local connectivity. A device-to-device communication technology, with at least WiFi speed and range, will offer sufficient connectivity conditions for interconnection in areas/situations where it is not currently possible. Such advance will foster a new breed of systems and applications. Their widespread adoption is, nonetheless, bound to their usage in off-the-shelf devices. This raises a problem because the device-to-device communication technologies currently available in off-the-shelf mobile devices have several limitations: Bluetooth is limited in speed and range,Wi-Fi Direct is limited in speed and connectivity for medium and large scenarios, and WiFi-Aware is a new and untested technology, whose specification does not cover large scenarios. In this thesis, we address this problem by presenting two communication topologies and a network formation algorithm that enable the use of Wi-Fi Direct communication between off-the-shelf mobile devices in medium and large scale scenarios. The communication topologies, named Group-Owner Client-Relay Group-Owner and Group-Owner Group-Owner, allow for Wi-Fi Direct intergroup communication, whilst the network formation algorithm, named RedMesh, systematically creates networks of Wi-Fi Direct groups. The algorithm proved to be very effective, achieving full connectivity in 97.28% of the 1 250 tested scenarios. The RedMesh algorithm distinguishes itself for being the first one to useWi-Fi Direct communication topologies that can form tree and mesh structures, and for being the first algorithm able to build networks that can rely only on unicast communication. We may hence conclude that the work developed in this thesis makes significant progress in the formation of large scale networks of off-the-shelf mobile devices

    Viral genetic clustering and transmission dynamics of the 2022 mpox outbreak in Portugal

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    Pathogen genome sequencing during epidemics enhances our ability to identify and understand suspected clusters and investigate their relationships. Here, we combine genomic and epidemiological data of the 2022 mpox outbreak to better understand early viral spread, diversification and transmission dynamics. By sequencing 52% of the confirmed cases in Portugal, we identified the mpox virus sublineages with the highest impact on case numbers and fitted them into a global context, finding evidence that several international sublineages probably emerged or spread early in Portugal. We estimated a 62% infection reporting rate and that 1.3% of the population of men who have sex with men in Portugal were infected. We infer the critical role played by sexual networks and superspreader gatherings, such as sauna attendance, in the dissemination of mpox virus. Overall, our findings highlight genomic epidemiology as a tool for the real-time monitoring and control of mpox epidemics, and can guide future vaccine policy in a highly susceptible population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Both “illness and temptation of the enemy”: melancholy, the medieval patient and the writings of King Duarte of Portugal (r. 1433–38)

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    Recent historians have rehabilitated King Duarte of Portugal, previously maligned and neglected, as an astute ruler and philosopher. There is still a tendency, however, to view Duarte as a depressive or a hypochondriac, due to his own description of his melancholy in his advice book, the Loyal Counselor. This paper reassesses Duarte's writings, drawing on key approaches in the history of medicine, such as narrative medicine and the history of the patient. It is important to take Duarte's views on his condition seriously, placing them in the medical and theological contexts of his time and avoiding modern retrospective diagnosis. Duarte's writings can be used to explore the impact of plague, doubt and death on the life of a well-educated and conscientious late-medieval ruler

    Efectos de la suplementación con malato y de la fuente de almidón sobre el rendimiento productivo de corderos de cebo

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    Para evaluar el uso de malato como aditivo en el pienso de corderos de engorde, se realizaron dos trabajos experimentales. En el primero de ellos se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos (1.1 y 1.2) a fin de evaluar los efectos del malato (Rumalato?, 160 g/kg malato sódico y 840 g/kg malato cálcico) y de la fuente de almidón en corderos en cebo intensivo. En el primer experimento (1.1) se utilizaron 73 corderos de raza Ripollesa (7 sem.) distribuidos en 8 lotes homogéneos (2 por tratamiento) para evaluar los efectos sobre el crecimiento y las características ruminales al sacrificio. Los corderos fueron alimentados ad libitum con paja de cebada y concentrado granulado, el cual varió según la adición o no de malato (0 o 2 g/kg) y la fuente principal de almidón (trigo o una mezcla de mandioca y cebada). Los tratamientos fueron: T (trigo sin malato), T+M (trigo con malato), MC (mandioca y cebada sin malato) y MC+M (mandioca y cebada con malato). En el segundo experimento (1.2) se utilizaron 8 corderos machos de raza Manchega (13,2 kg PV), alojados en cajas de digestibilidad, en un diseño en doble cuadrado Latino 4 × 4 para evaluar los efectos del malato y de la fuente de almidón (mismos tratamientos experimentales que en el caso anterior) sobre la digestibilidad de nutrientes, el pH y la consistencia de las heces, y los balances de energía y nitrógeno. En conclusión, los resultados de este primer estudio indican que el malato (2 g/kg concentrado) aumentó la GMD, especialmente en dietas a base de trigo, pero no mejoró el IC, la superficie de absorción ruminal, ni la digestibilidad y el balance de nutrientes.En el segundo trabajo experimental se realizaron también 2 experimentos (2.1) y 2.2) para evaluar los efectos de dosis crecientes (0, 3, 6, y 9 g/kg concentrado) de malato (Rumalato?, 850 g/kg de E 296 DL- ácido málico) en el concentrado de corderos en crecimiento. En el primer experimento (2.1) se usaron setenta y ocho corderos de cebo de razas Manchega y Lacaune a partir del destete (6 sem.) distribuidos en 8 lotes homogéneos (2 por tratamiento) para evaluar los efectos de la dosis de malato sobre los parámetros productivos. Los animales recibieron a voluntad, agua, paja de cebada y los concentrados experimentales. En el segundo experimento (2.2) se utilizaron treinta corderas de reposición de las razas Manchega y Lacaune (10 sem.) distribuidas en 4 grupos homogéneos, recibiendo los mismos tratamientos que en el anterior, para evaluar el pH, la concentración de N amoniacal (NH3-N) y la de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV) en el rumen. En conclusión, en este segundo estudio la adición de malato (? 3 g/kg concentrado) aumentó el consumo de paja, pero redujo el de concentrado y el IC, sin afectar el crecimiento de los corderos. Este resultado contrasta con el obtenido en el primer estudio, en que el malato, bajo otra forma química y con otros ingredientes, mejoró la GMD, pero no el IC. Por tanto, se puede decir que, de forma general, la suplementación con malato puede tener efectos positivos sobre alguno de los parámetros productivos, pero dichos efectos son variables y difíciles de predecir, en función de las circunstancias concretas de cada caso.Two studies were conducted to test the use of malate as a feed additive in fattening lambs. In the first study, two experiments (1.1 and 1.2) were carried out to evaluate the main effects of malate (Rumalato?, 160 g/kg disodium malate and 840 g/kg calcium malate) and starch source in the concentrate of fattening lambs on growth performance, ruminal traits, digestibility and nutrient balance. In the first experiment (1.1), 73 Ripollesa breed lambs (7 wk of age) were fed ad libitum with pelleted concentrates and barley straw, and used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement to evaluate effects on growth performance and ruminal traits at slaughter. Four types of concentrate were prepared according to malate addition (0 vs. 2 g/kg) and starch source (wheat vs. a mixture of manioc and barley). Treatments were: W (wheat without malate), W+M (wheat with malate), MNB (manioc-barley without malate) and MNB+M (manioc-barley with malate). In the second experiment (1.2), 8 individualized male Manchega lambs, under the same treatments than in exp. 1, were used in a double 4 × 4 Latin square design to evaluate nutrient digestibility and energy and nitrogen (N) balance. As a conclusion, the results obtained in this first study showed that malate (2 g/kg in concentrate) was useful for increasing ADG in wheat based diets, but did not provide additional benefits on feed efficiency, ruminal traits, digestibility and nutrient balance in intensively fattened lambs. In the second study, two experiments (2.1 and 2.2) were designed to evaluate the effects of increasing levels (0 3, 6 and 9 g/kg concentrate) of malate (Rumalato?, 850 g/kg of E 296 DL-Malic acid and 15 g/kg of calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate as excipient) in growing lambs. Lambs were fed ad libitum with barley straw and pelleted concentrates. In the first experiment (1.2), a total of seventy-eight Manchega and Lacaune weaned lambs (6 wk) were used in a completely randomized block design to evaluate growth performance. In the second experiment (2.2), a total of thirty female Manchega and Lacaune lambs (10 wk) were fed the same diets under the same design used in the first experiment to evaluate ruminal pH, ruminal ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration, and total and individual volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. As a conclusion of this second study, including increasing levels of malate (? 3 g/kg concentrate) in intensive fattening diets may result in lower consumption of concentrate, higher straw intake and reduced FCR. This result doesn't agree with the observed in the first study, under other experimental conditions, where feeding malate increased ADG but had no effect on FCR. Therefore, as a general conclusion, is possible to say that malate may have some positive effect on productive parameters, but the final response is difficult to predict

    Efectos de la suplementación con malato y de la fuente de almidón sobre el rendimiento productivo de corderos de cebo

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaPara evaluar el uso de malato como aditivo en el pienso de corderos de engorde, se realizaron dos trabajos experimentales. En el primero de ellos se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos (1.1 y 1.2) a fin de evaluar los efectos del malato (Rumalato?, 160 g/kg malato sódico y 840 g/kg malato cálcico) y de la fuente de almidón en corderos en cebo intensivo. En el primer experimento (1.1) se utilizaron 73 corderos de raza Ripollesa (7 sem.) distribuidos en 8 lotes homogéneos (2 por tratamiento) para evaluar los efectos sobre el crecimiento y las características ruminales al sacrificio. Los corderos fueron alimentados ad libitum con paja de cebada y concentrado granulado, el cual varió según la adición o no de malato (0 o 2 g/kg) y la fuente principal de almidón (trigo o una mezcla de mandioca y cebada). Los tratamientos fueron: T (trigo sin malato), T+M (trigo con malato), MC (mandioca y cebada sin malato) y MC+M (mandioca y cebada con malato). En el segundo experimento (1.2) se utilizaron 8 corderos machos de raza Manchega (13,2 kg PV), alojados en cajas de digestibilidad, en un diseño en doble cuadrado Latino 4 × 4 para evaluar los efectos del malato y de la fuente de almidón (mismos tratamientos experimentales que en el caso anterior) sobre la digestibilidad de nutrientes, el pH y la consistencia de las heces, y los balances de energía y nitrógeno. En conclusión, los resultados de este primer estudio indican que el malato (2 g/kg concentrado) aumentó la GMD, especialmente en dietas a base de trigo, pero no mejoró el IC, la superficie de absorción ruminal, ni la digestibilidad y el balance de nutrientes. En el segundo trabajo experimental se realizaron también 2 experimentos (2.1) y 2.2) para evaluar los efectos de dosis crecientes (0, 3, 6, y 9 g/kg concentrado) de malato (Rumalato?, 850 g/kg de E 296 DL- ácido málico) en el concentrado de corderos en crecimiento. En el primer experimento (2.1) se usaron setenta y ocho corderos de cebo de razas Manchega y Lacaune a partir del destete (6 sem.) distribuidos en 8 lotes homogéneos (2 por tratamiento) para evaluar los efectos de la dosis de malato sobre los parámetros productivos. Los animales recibieron a voluntad, agua, paja de cebada y los concentrados experimentales. En el segundo experimento (2.2) se utilizaron treinta corderas de reposición de las razas Manchega y Lacaune (10 sem.) distribuidas en 4 grupos homogéneos, recibiendo los mismos tratamientos que en el anterior, para evaluar el pH, la concentración de N amoniacal (NH3-N) y la de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV) en el rumen. En conclusión, en este segundo estudio la adición de malato (? 3 g/kg concentrado) aumentó el consumo de paja, pero redujo el de concentrado y el IC, sin afectar el crecimiento de los corderos. Este resultado contrasta con el obtenido en el primer estudio, en que el malato, bajo otra forma química y con otros ingredientes, mejoró la GMD, pero no el IC. Por tanto, se puede decir que, de forma general, la suplementación con malato puede tener efectos positivos sobre alguno de los parámetros productivos, pero dichos efectos son variables y difíciles de predecir, en función de las circunstancias concretas de cada caso.Two studies were conducted to test the use of malate as a feed additive in fattening lambs. In the first study, two experiments (1.1 and 1.2) were carried out to evaluate the main effects of malate (Rumalato?, 160 g/kg disodium malate and 840 g/kg calcium malate) and starch source in the concentrate of fattening lambs on growth performance, ruminal traits, digestibility and nutrient balance. In the first experiment (1.1), 73 Ripollesa breed lambs (7 wk of age) were fed ad libitum with pelleted concentrates and barley straw, and used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement to evaluate effects on growth performance and ruminal traits at slaughter. Four types of concentrate were prepared according to malate addition (0 vs. 2 g/kg) and starch source (wheat vs. a mixture of manioc and barley). Treatments were: W (wheat without malate), W+M (wheat with malate), MNB (manioc-barley without malate) and MNB+M (manioc-barley with malate). In the second experiment (1.2), 8 individualized male Manchega lambs, under the same treatments than in exp. 1, were used in a double 4 × 4 Latin square design to evaluate nutrient digestibility and energy and nitrogen (N) balance. As a conclusion, the results obtained in this first study showed that malate (2 g/kg in concentrate) was useful for increasing ADG in wheat based diets, but did not provide additional benefits on feed efficiency, ruminal traits, digestibility and nutrient balance in intensively fattened lambs. In the second study, two experiments (2.1 and 2.2) were designed to evaluate the effects of increasing levels (0 3, 6 and 9 g/kg concentrate) of malate (Rumalato?, 850 g/kg of E 296 DL-Malic acid and 15 g/kg of calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate as excipient) in growing lambs. Lambs were fed ad libitum with barley straw and pelleted concentrates. In the first experiment (1.2), a total of seventy-eight Manchega and Lacaune weaned lambs (6 wk) were used in a completely randomized block design to evaluate growth performance. In the second experiment (2.2), a total of thirty female Manchega and Lacaune lambs (10 wk) were fed the same diets under the same design used in the first experiment to evaluate ruminal pH, ruminal ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration, and total and individual volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. As a conclusion of this second study, including increasing levels of malate (? 3 g/kg concentrate) in intensive fattening diets may result in lower consumption of concentrate, higher straw intake and reduced FCR. This result doesn't agree with the observed in the first study, under other experimental conditions, where feeding malate increased ADG but had no effect on FCR. Therefore, as a general conclusion, is possible to say that malate may have some positive effect on productive parameters, but the final response is difficult to predict

    Group-to-group bidirectional Wi-Fi direct communication with two relay nodes

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    The current capabilities of mobile phones in terms of communication, processing and storage, enables its use to form autonomous networks of devices that can be used in case of collapse or inexistent support from a communication infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a network configuration of nodes that provides high-speed bidirectional device-to-device communication, with symmetrical data transfer rates, in Wi-Fi Direct multi-group scenarios, without using performance hindering broadcasts. Copyright © 2015 ICST

    Mobile device-to-device distributed computing using data sets

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    The rapidly increasing computing power, available storage and communication capabilities of mobile devices makes it possible to start processing and storing data locally, rather than offloading it to remote servers; allowing scenarios of mobile clouds without infrastructure dependency. We can now aim at connecting neighboring mobile devices, creating a local mobile cloud that provides storage and computing services on local generated data. In this paper, we describe an early overview of a distributed mobile system that allows accessing and processing of data distributed across mobile devices without an external communication infrastructure. Copyright © 2015 ICST

    "Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP)” – tool translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Portuguese version

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    As lacunas na formação dos profissionais de saúde têm sido apontadas como a principal causa de sofrimento inaceitável à luz do conhecimento atual. O Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) é um instrumento com 41 itens que mede as atitudes dos profissionais de saúde na gestão da dor, sendo útil para diagnosticar necessidades de formação e avaliar a proficiência de ações formativas. O objetivo foi traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar uma versão portuguesa do KASRP (KASRP-PT) em Enfermeiros. Tratou-se de um estudo metodológico desenvolvido em seis fases. A versão portuguesa foi alcançada por consenso em painéis e testada numa amostra de 34 enfermeiros para avaliação da equivalência conceptual, semântica e de conteúdo. A versão resultante foi avaliada em painel através do índice de validade de conteúdo ao nível de item (I-CVI) e de escala (S-CVI). Para a análise métrica recorreu-se ao estudo do índice de dificuldade e de discriminação dos itens, cálculo da consistência interna do instrumento pela fórmula de Kuder-Richardson e estabilidade temporal a 15 dias pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclassse a 95% (ICC 95%). Para a equivalência conceptual, semântica e de conteúdo houve necessidade de rever alguns itens. O I-CVI variou entre 0,80 e 1,00 sendo o S-CVI médio de 0,98. A versão final do KASRP-PT aplicada em 188 enfermeiros apresentou propriedades métricas sofríveis com baixo índice de dificuldade (0,67) e de discriminação (0,26) dos seus itens, uma homogeneidade questionável (alfa Cronbach 0,627) e moderada estabilidade temporal (ICC 95% 0,552 (0,193-0,744). O KASRP-PT pode ser um instrumento útil se eliminados alguns itens para melhorar a sua validade e fiabilidade pelo que se recomenda o uso uma versão reduzida a 29 itens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio