50 research outputs found


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    OPTIMATION OF DECY-13 CYCLOTRON MAGNET MAPPING SYSTEM. A cyclotron magnet serves to deflect the particle beam so that the beam trajectory is circular and also serves to focus the beam. The magnetic flux density of a cyclotron magnet must satisfy the isochronous field. The magnetic field distribution need to be measured in order to know that the magnetic flux density have fulfilled the isochronous field, therefore a mapping system is needed to obtain the magnetic field distribution data. The design and construction of mechanical system of magnetic field mapping has been carried out in 2013 using fly mode algorithm, but the test results is not accurate yet. Therefore it is necessary to  optimize of the magnetic field mapping system.  The aim of this optimation is to improve the accuracy of step position and the precission of magnetic field measurement of the mapping system of DECY-13 cyclotron magnet.  The research was done by changing the mapping methods that previously based on the fly mode with the step mode. In the step mode, the magnetic field data will be taken when the probe has been completely stopped at the specified position. The magnet mapping system has been optimized with 99.89% of the average step position accuracion.  The mapping system has to start at minimum of 2 hours after the MPS is turned on, in order to get 3.53 gauss of the precision of magnetic field measurement. Although the magnetic field measurement of 1st sensor and 2nd sensor have 6.3 gauss of measurement maximum different but the two sensors have the same pattern of magnetic field average. The mapping result from one of 2 sensors can be used to calculate magnetic field parameter if the magnetic field is symmetric

    Pengaruh Penerimaan Pajak Daerah Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Tangerang

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    Pada penelitian ini menguji pengaruh dari variabel-variabel penerimaan pajak daerah yaitu pajak hotel, pajak restoran, pajak hiburan, pajak reklame, pajak parkir, pajak penerangan jalan, pajak air bawah tanah, Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan dan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan. Metode penelitian didalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis asosiatif yaitu untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel penelitian. Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi: Terdapat pengaruh positif tidak signifikan pajak hotel, Pajak restoran, pajak hiburan, pajak reklame, pajak parkir, pajak penerangan jalan, pajak air bawah tanah, dan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan terhadap pendapatan asli daerah Kota Tangerang dan Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Pajak Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan terhadap pendapatan asli daerah Kota Tangerang.  Kata Kunci   :  Penerimaan pajak daerah, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Kota Tangerang

    Rancang Bangun dan Uji Efisiensi Sepeda Chainless Zerol Bevel Gear dengan Memodifikasi Rangka Sepeda

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    Pada umumnya, sepeda yang beredar menggunakan Chain and Sprocket sebagai sistem pemindah daya utama. Sistem chain and sprocket sendiri mempunyai beberapa kelemahan. Dari kelemahan sistem chain and sprocket tersebut, maka pada penelitian ini dirancang sepeda chainless dengan menggunakan poros. Untuk penelitian ini, sepeda Chain and Sprocket dimodifikasi menjadi sepeda Chainless Zerol Bevel Gear. Lalu, pengujian efisiensi sepeda dilakukan untuk mengetahui besar efisiensi sepeda Chainless Zerol Bevel Gear dan dibandingkan dengan sepeda Chain and Sprocket. Sepeda dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan Zerol Bevel Gear 90o pada bagian sistem pemindah daya dari pedal ke roda. Pengujian dilakukan dengan memberikan putaran pada poros pedal dengan motor listrik sehingga roda belakang ikut berputar. Putaran roda belakang diukur daya outputnya untuk mengetahui besar efisiensinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat geometri Zerol Bevel Gear diproduksi dengan spesifikasi rasio total 1:1,33 , diameter poros 0,67 in, panjang poros 395 mm dan alat pengujian untuk menguji nilai efisiensi total sepeda. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan nilai efisiensi tertinggi pada sepeda chain and sprocket dengan putaran pedal 55 rpm pada gear-2 internal hub dengan nilai efisiensi 89,92%. Sementara nilai efisiensi tertinggi pada sepeda chainless dengan putaran pedal 55 rpm pada gear-1 internal hub dengan nilai efisiensi 79,26%

    The development of a three tier diagnostic test to identify misconception on food chain feeding relationships

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    This study was aimed to develop a Three-Tier Diagnostic Test instrument to identify students' alternative conceptions about Food Chain Feeding Relationships. This instrument was developed based on stages of development proposed by Treagust. This study involved 102 students of grade VII. There were 4 students included in the interview, 28 students answered the open-ended questions, and 70 students were involved in the implementation of instrument developed. The instrument items' content was then validated by five expert judgment. The analysis showed that the Content Validity Ratio and Content Validity Index value for nine items was 1, while an item acquired 0.6 value. This indicated that Food Chain Feeding Relationships Diagnostic Instrument (FCFRDI) is valid and feasible to be tested on students. The test result data were analyzed using the Rasch Model to determine the item fit and reliability. The difference between item reliability value and the person reliability demonstrated a significant result, which means that the instrument developed has good item quality. Overall, it can be concluded that the FCFRDI developed has met the content and empirical validity so that it can be used to identify students’ misconceptions

    Capital Account Liberalization and Income Inequality: A Panel Study of 28 European Countries

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    Financial globalization has evolved from domestic policy to international scope policy. One of its form is capital liberalization which we can observe from the declining number of restrictions among countries for cross-border financial transaction, and the increasing level of capital flow between countries. Europe cross-country financial transaction has been increasing for the last three decades and this increase happened simultaneously with the increase of income inequality as measured with Gini index. This condition gives impression that there is a positive correlation between income inequality and capital account liberalization. This research aims to study whether income inequality corresponds to the increase of capital account liberalization in 28 Europe countries. Furthermore, this research seeks to understand the role of institutional quality and financial depth as threshold variables. By employing System GMM Estimator on balanced panel data, this study finds that capital account liberalization positively correlated with income inequality and institutional quality proven to be important threshold variable. These findings emphasize the urgency for policy maker to consider institutional quality before or during the implementation of capital account liberalization

    Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Pembangunan Gedung Kelas di Sekolah Dasar Islamic Global School (IGS) Kota Malang untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan

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    Elementary School of Islamic Global School (SD-IGS) Malang is one of the private schools located in Malang and established in 2010 in 10,000 m2. With the increasing number of students continues to grow in line with the achievement of accreditation rank B, the need for classroom infrastructure is very important. The condition of the existing class, there are still old class buildings with the condition of the building is worrying on safety. This devotion aims to provide detailed engineering design documents and budget plans for the cost of building classrooms as the basis for classroom construction. The method used is the science diffusion method. This community service produces a product of classroom planning documents and obtains the following conclusions; (1) there has been a plan of development activities in the form of classroom development planning documents; (2) the implementation of the construction of phase 1 classrooms that have development implementation documents that comply with the applicable regulatory standards. ABSTRAKSekolah Dasar Islamic Global School (SD-IGS) Malang adalah salah satu sekolah swasta yang berada di kota Malang. Berdiri pada tahun 2010 pada lahan seluas 10.000 m2. Seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah siswa yang terus meningkat seiring dengan tercapainya peringkat akreditasi B, maka kebutuhan akan sarana prasarana kelas sangat penting. Kondisi kelas yang ada, masih terdapat bangunan kelas yang sudah tua dengan kondisi bangunan yang mengkhawatirkan keamanannya. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk menyediakan dokumen gambar kerja dan rencana anggaran biaya pembangunan ruang kelas sebagai dasar untuk pelaksanaan pembangunan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode difusi iptek. Pengabdian masyarakat ini menghasilkan sebuah produk dokumen perencanaan ruang kelas dan diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (1) telah tersedianya dokumen perencanaan pembangunan ruang kelas; (2) telah terlaksananya pembangunan tahap 1 ruang kelas yang memiliki dokumen pelaksanaan pembangunan yang sesuai standar peraturan yang berlaku

    Analisis Implementasi Interkoneksi Opensips Server dan Asterisk Server Untuk Layanan VoIp

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    ABSTRAKSI: Konvergensi antar jaringan akan menghasilkan suatu jaringan yang memberikan mobilitas dan flexibilitas dalam pengembangannya.Perkembangan Next Generation Network pada dunia telekomunikasi menuju ke arah jaringan IP. Hal ini di karenakan keleluasaan yang di berikan oleh jaringan IP, serta kemudahan dalam pengembangan layanan-layanan yang ada membuat beragamnya layanan yang di tawarkan. Salah satu layanan yang ditawarkan adalah VoIP (Voice over internet protocol). VoIP merupakan jenis layanan yang mampu melewatkan layanan suara ke dalam jaringan IP sehingga mampu melakukan hubungan telekomunikasi antar pengguna yang terhubung dalam jaringan IP.Open source software seperti asterisk yang merupakan software berbasis softswitch yang mampu menghubungkan antara jaringan paket dan jaringan sirkuit, serta software OpenSips yang di gunakan sebagai SIP server yang merupakan core component dari layanan VoIP berlandaskan SIP, namun mempunyai kelemahan dalam penyambungan kearah jaringan eksisting. Diharapakan pembangunan interkoneksi kedua server memberikan suatu sistem yang memanfaatkan kelebihan kedua software sehingga nilai performansinya masih dalam standar yang telah ditetapkan..Pada tugas akhir yang berjudul “Analisis Implementasi Interkoneksi OpenSIPS server dan Asterisk server untuk layanan VoIP” di buat suatu system komunikasi VoIP yang menggabungkan antara Asterisk server sebagai media server dan OpenSIPS sebagai SIP server. Kemudian diukur performansinya meliputi parameter Post Dial Delay, Delay Proses, dan maksimal pembangunan panggilan simultan untuk masing – masing server dan sisteminterkoneksinya , serta Qosnya.Pada pengujian ini didapatkan bahwa nilai PDD tertinggi dari Asterisk server adalah 1.097 detik dengan maksimal panggilan simultan 15 call/sec, Opensips server bernilai 0.1056 detik dengan rate 200 call/sec, sistem interkoneksinya bernilai 0.350080 dengan rate maksimal 200 call/sec(SIP ke SIP), dan untuk panggilan dari SIP ke Analog bernilai 1.45 detik dengan call rate 200 calls/sec. Sedangkan delay proses terjadi paling besar pada sinyal INVITE.Kata Kunci : VoIP, Asterisk, OpenSIPS, Softswitch, SIPABSTRACT: Convergence between network will generate a network that provides mobility and flexibility in progress. Next Generation Network development in the world of telecommunications networks towards to Internet Protocol system. This is in because of the flexibility provided by IP networks, as well as ease in the development of existing services to make the variety of services on offer. One service offered is a VoIP (Voice over Internet protocol). VoIP is the kind of services capable of passing voice services into the IP network so as to make telecommunications links between users who are connected in an IP network.Open source software such as Asterisk which is a softswitch-based software that can connect between packet networks and circuit networks, and software OpenSips that is in use as a SIP server that is a core component of a SIP based VoIP service, but have weaknesses to connect in the existing network . Expected development of both server interconnect provides a system that utilizes both software so that the excess is more efficient and reliable system.In the final project titled "Analysis Implementation Interconnection of OpenSIPS server and Asterisk server for VoIP services" created a system that combines VoIP communication between the Asterisk server as a media server and OpenSIPS as SIP servers. Then the measured performance parameters include the Post Dial Delay, Delay Process, and maximum simultaneous calls for each server and system interconnection, and Quality of Service.In this test showed that the highest value from the Asterisk server PDD is 1.097 seconds with a maximum of 15 simultaneous calls calls / sec, the server Opensips worth 0.1056 seconds with rate 200 calls / sec, the interconnection system is worth 0.350080 with a maximum rate of 200 calls / sec (SIP to SIP user), and for SIP to Analog users worth 1.4500 seconds with a maximum rate 200 calls/sec. While the process occurs most major delay in the signal INVITE.Keyword: VoIP, Asterisk, OpenSIPS, Softswitch, SI

    Makna Kebahagiaan Pada Lansia Yang Bekerja Sebagai Pedagang Asongan

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    The purpose of this research is to know, understand, and describe the meaning of happiness of the elderly who work as street vendors. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. The number of informants in this study five elderly with characteristics: working as hawkers, aged 60 years and above, are still able to communicate well, domiciled in Karisidenan Surakarta. This study uses qualitative methods of data collection using interviews and observations as supporting data, and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the shape of the happiness of the elderly who work as street vendors include their happiness in carrying out its activities, by selling around the elderly can interact with the community and not feel bored with just sitting at home without any activities, earn maximum from the selling, and still rated health by God. While the factors that affect the happiness of the elderly who work as street vendors is their passion, patience and sincerity in the face of obstacles or barriers, support and suport of family, hope and confidence to continue selling at advanced age, and the presence self-actualization to still be working at advanced age and still able to give money to children and grandchildren. Keywords: happiness, Elderly working, peddle


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari bahan alternatif penggantian ataupun tambahan bahan pengisi (filler) abu batu dengan memanfaatkan limbah yang selama ini belum belum dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan konstruksi jalan, adapun materian yang dimanfaatkan antara lain abu pecahan keramik dan abu cangkang kerang. Adapun abu pecahan keramik memiliki sifat yang stabil sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam banyak hal yang bersifat positif dan mengandung silika yang tinggi, dan abu cangkang kerang memiliki kandungan alumina sebesar 1,62%, kapur tohor 67,072%, serta senyawa silika sebesar 8,25%, abu cangkang telur ayam mengandung senyawa CaCO3 (kalsium karbonat) sekitar 98,5%. Penelitian ini mengkombinasikan kedua limbah yang kandungannya saling melengkapi dengan komposisi 50% Abu pecahan keramik dan 50% abu cangkang kerang sebagai tambahan filler abu batu pada campuran AC-BC dengan ketentuan spesifikasi Bina Marga 2018. Persentase yang diambil dari penelitian ini antara lain 100:0, 50:50 dan, 0:100 (perbandingan antara abu batu dengan kedua bahan tambahan) dengan kadar aspal 5,5%. Dari hasil pengujian karakteristik Marshall dapat disimpulkan bahwa keseluruhan variasi presentase yang diteliti sesuai dengan ketentuan Bina Marga 2018, dimana nilai stabilitas, flow, VMA, VIM, VFA, dan marshall quotient semakin baik seiring dengan pergantian filler dan hasil terbaik dihasilkan oleh komposisi filler 0:100 (yang mengandung kapur dan silika yang tinggi), dengan nilai stabilitas sebesar 1112,42 kg, flow (3,82 mm),marshall quotient (307,36 Kg/mm), VFA (71,51%), VMA (17,.50%), dan VIM (5,29 %).Nilai kerapatan rongga campuran (VIM) yang rendah mengindikasikan tingkat kerapatan suatu campuran AC-BC sedangkan semakin tinggi nilai stabilitas menunjukkan tingkat kekuatan campuran AC-BC terhadap kemampuan menerima beban


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    Background of badminton playing ability at 10-year-old athlete O2SN athletes is very important, especially in achieving badminton achievement. The problem that arose in this research is the relationship between flexibility of shoulder joint and arm muscle power with smash speed in badminton sport. Badminton is one of the most popular sports, attracting different age groups, different skill levels for both men and women. Badminton games will be more interesting where the teacher / trainer creative in the development of the forms of teaching. The formulation of the problem in this research with the title "The relationship between shoulder joint flexibility and arm muscle power with smash speed in badminton sport athlete athlete O2SN age 10-12 years 2 Buwun Mas Subdistrict Sekotong District West Lombok Year 2017" with aim to know whether there is Relationship between flexibility of shoulder joint and arm muscle power with smash speed in badminton sport of athlete athlete O2SN age 10-12 year 2nd class Buwun Mas Subdistrict Sekotong West Lombok Regency Year 2017. The design used in this research is "Quantitative". The determination of research subjects using "Study population" with the subject of research as many as 15 athlete beginners O2SN aged 10-12 years 2 Buwun Mas group that used as research samples. Data collection methods used to obtain research data using the method of action test and documentation method, while the method to analyze the data using the method of double correlation statistics with the formula F-count which will then be compared with the F-table. From the research results can be seen F-test is the value of F-hitung obtained value of 0.74. Then the value of F-table with degrees of freedom F (1 - a) [(db - 2), (db = 15 - 2 - 1 = 12). To be able to reject the null hypothesis (ho) required F-count value equal to or greater than F-table value and at a significant level of 5% indicates a value of 3.885.This means that 0.74 <3.885 or in other words the value of F-arithmet obtained is smaller than the limit number of rejection of nil hypothesis (ho) listed in F- Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that: "No Relation Between Flexibility of Shoulder Joint and Power Sleeve Arm With Smash Speed In Sports Badminton Athletes O2SN Beginners Age 10-12 Years 2nd Class Buwun Mas Sub District Sekotong West Lombok Year 201