76 research outputs found

    The violent crime in the 21st century

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    Removal of COD and Colour from Sanitary Landfill Leachate by using Coagulation – Fenton’s Process

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    This study investigated two methods for the removal of COD and colour fromsanitary landfill leachates. The first method involved the use of  coagulation/flocculation process using FeCl3 as a conventional coagulant and Ca(OH)2 as base-precipitant. The second method involved integration of Fenton’s reagent into the coagulation/flocculation process. Concentration of FeCl3 that reduced chemical oxygen demand (COD), and color by 37 and62% is 1000mg/l. Fenton-coagulation flocculation process reduced the COD and color of the leachates by 88 and 98% respectively. The optimum conditions for the effectiveness of Fenton’s reagent, namely temperature, pH, H2O2 and coagulant dose were studied. @JASE

    The violent crime in the 21st century

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    In Ukraine, heritage has been a battlefield since World War II. In those years, the Kyiv reconstruction was dominated by Russian architects, and Ukrainian architects were marginalized in their own city. However, restoration of churches slowly became a topic where policy changed from Stalin’s doctrines to his successors’ principles, and where Ukrainian builders managed to gain some success in heritage protection. This prevailed more after independence in 1991. The present war that Putin triggered against Ukraine is accelerating heritage issues. The destructions of this war have hit all types of buildings, but some of the reactions of the people in charge should arouse worry for the preservation of the 20th century heritage. The obvious lack of interest for the modern heritage of the 1920s and 1930s, or even for the more classical Stalinist buildings of the 1940s and 1950s, expresses a kind of selective memory. Soon this may lead to regrettable deletions, adding more disaster to the destructive traces that the war has already left. Consequently, and despite the many ghosts left by the Soviet regime (something which understandably led to the controversial decommunization laws), more studies should be launched on the Constructivist and Stalinist legacy in particular, in order to help saving this significant part of Ukraine history. This research could be useful when the reconstruction and conservation of the damaged towns eventually begins

    Desvendando a complexidade da doença de Cushing: uma revisão abrangente dos aspectos clínicos, fisiopatológicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos

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    A doença de Cushing (DC) é uma desordem endócrina que resulta do excesso crônico de cortisol no organismo. A principal causa dessa condição é a presença de tumores hipofisários corticotróficos, os quais produzem em excesso o hormônio adrenocorticotrófico e desencadeiam a hipersecreção de cortisol pelas glândulas adrenais. Esse desequilíbrio hormonal provoca uma série de sintomas clínicos variados, incluindo obesidade central, hipertensão arterial, fraqueza muscular, fragilidade óssea e distúrbios emocionais. Para diagnosticar a doença de Cushing, são realizados exames clínicos, laboratoriais e de imagem. Através dessas avaliações, é possível detectar os níveis elevados de cortisol no organismo e identificar a origem do problema, seja nos tumores hipofisários ou em outras regiões. O tratamento da DC geralmente envolve a remoção cirúrgica do tumor hipofisário responsável pelo distúrbio hormonal. No entanto, em alguns casos, pode ser necessária a utilização de outras opções terapêuticas, como medicamentos para inibir a produção de cortisol ou radioterapia para destruir as células tumorais. Avanços na compreensão genética da doença e a identificação de novos marcadores moleculares têm o potencial de aprimorar o diagnóstico e possibilitar terapias mais direcionadas aos pacientes. Essas descobertas podem resultar em tratamentos mais eficazes e com menos efeitos colaterais, visando melhorar a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados pela DC. Apesar dos avanços, ainda existem desafios a serem superados no diagnóstico precoce e no manejo eficaz da doença de Cushing. Além disso, a busca por terapias mais efetivas e menos invasivas continua sendo uma meta importante para melhorar a vida dos pacientes e minimizar os impactos da doença

    WiWi news : Newsletter des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften ; Nr. 2012, 3

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    S. 2 Editorial ++++ S. 3 Forschung ++++ S. 5 Studentische Initiativen ++++ S. 6 Wirtschaftssprachen ++++ S. 7 Studieren im Ausland ++++ S. 8 Shanghai Summer University ++++ S. 9 Pinnwand ++++ S. 11 Neues am Fachbereich ++++ S. 12 Preise und Auszeichnungen ++++ S. 14 Alumni im Portrait +++

    Removal of COD and Colour from Sanitary Landfill Leachate by using Coagulation - Fenton's Process

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    This study investigated two methods for the removal of COD and colour from sanitary landfill leachates. The first method involved the use of coagulation/flocculation process using FeCl3 as a conventional coagulant and Ca(OH)2 as base-precipitant. The second method involved integration of Fenton's reagent into the coagulation/flocculation process. Concentration of FeCl3 that reduced chemical oxygen demand (COD), and color by 37 and 62% is 1000mg/l. Fenton-coagulation flocculation process reduced the COD and color of the leachates by 88 and 98% respectively. The optimum conditions for the effectiveness of Fenton's reagent, namely temperature, pH, H2O2 and coagulant dose were studied. @JASE

    Drug induced iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome

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    Drug-induced (iatrogenic) Cushing's syndrome results from excessive or prolonged exposure to glucocorticoids, commonly prescribed for autoimmune, inflammatory, and hematological disorders due to their anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, and proapoptotic effects. Despite their therapeutic benefits, these medications can lead to a range of multisystemic symptoms mirroring those of endogenous Cushing’s syndrome. This review aims to elucidate the causes, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome, emphasizing awareness of medications that can trigger its onset. The following review covers cortisol physiology, Cushing's syndrome etiology and subtypes, hypercortisolism complications and prognosis, and strategies for glucocorticoid withdrawal. This article synthesizes key findings and recommendations, highlighting challenges and controversies in the diagnosis and treatment of iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome

    Професійна підготовка майбутніх фахівців з дизайну друкованої продукції в Україні: історичний аспект

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    У статті розглядаються питання професійної підготовки фахівців з дизайну друкованої продукції про-тягом років розвитку вітчизняного дизайну; проблеми наступності, переймання досвіді/ професійної дизайнерської, художньої та поліграфічної освіти; формування дизайну друкованої продукції як спеціалізації у вищих навчальних закладах художньої освіти. Поліграфічний дизайн - величезна область знань, елементи якого ми можемо знайти в кожній сфері людської діяльності. Дизайн приходить з народної культури, тому дуже важливо ввести культурну складову в програму освіти. Сучасний дизайн, що був створений на основі досвіду засновників тепер має деякі суперечності між вимо-гами до організації освітнього процесу та змісту освітніх професійних програм з дизайну. Крім того, недо-статньо наявного навчально-методичного забезпечення, необхідно зміцнювати зміст дизайн-освіти, а також часто бракує виділених в навчальному плані годин на засвоєння матеріалу освітніх і професійних програм. Стаття покликана досліджувати історичні періоди підготовки майбутніх проектних фахівців друкарської продукції в Україні