688 research outputs found

    On the spatial structure of the Perseids meteor stream

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    The analysis of radar observations of the Perseid meteor stream conducted in an ionospherical laboratory in the period from 1964 to 1981 is presented. The Perseids meteor rates were determined by the fluctuation method. Analysis of their hourly distributions showed that the stream maximum position is different for different years, i.e., the stream nodal position is constantly changing. The results of the analysis are presented and discussed

    The Prediction of Guaranteed Life Characteristics due to Fatigue Failures with Incomplete Information about Random Loading

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    The American aid to the Russian reforms at the end of the twentieth century

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    The importance of the studied problem is caused by the USA’s leading role in the development of modern world order and the economy, its influence in the international economic organizations. The article is aimed at revealing the reasons of choosing neoliberal strategy for Russian reforms, the amount and results of the American financial and technical aid to these reforms. The leading approach of researching this problem is the complex one. It allows finding out economic, internal political, geopolitical and cultural factors which influenced the implementation and the results of the American assistance to the Russian reforms. Authors draw a conclusion about considerable influence of the USA on domestic policy of Russia in the early nineties of the XX century. The amount and the content of the American financial and technical assistance to the Russian government are analyzed. Promises of massive financial aid from the international economic organizations and the USA were realized partially and much later, than it was necessary for economic transformations. The article’s content and conclusions can be used in other scientific works on American-Russian relations history, Modern history of Russia, during elaboration the effective strategy of reforms for the countries which are in a condition of a transitional economy. © 2016 Tarasova et al


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    A complex approach to the positioning of the enterprise in the industry environment is discussed in this article The possibilities of express-analysis and detailed сomplex approach to appraisal of activity of the enterprise are analysed. Indicators are described that are used for express-analysis and сomplex assessment, which has several directions: the competitiveness of products; financial and economic dependence; the competitive position of the enterprise

    Мотиваційні фактори іноземного інвестування в банківський сектор України

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    The banking system is one of the dynamic areas of the economy, the degree of its stability largely characterizes the economy as a whole, that’s why the study of foreign investment in banks is particularly important. In this article described the motivational factors of foreign investors about investment in the banking sector of Ukraine, determined strengths and weaknesses of the investment climate in Ukraine, built the generalized table of the motivational determinants. Банківська система належить до однієї з найдинамічніших сфер економіки, ступінь її стійкості значною мірою характеризує стан економіки в цілому, тому дослідження питань залучення іноземних інвестицій в банківські установи набуває особливого значення В статті описано мотиваційні пріоритети іноземного інвестора з приводу капіталовкладення в банківський сектор України, визначено слабкі та сильні сторони інвестиційного клімату України, побудовано узагальнюючу таблицю мотиваційних детермінант

    Comprehensive system of financial and economic security of the enterprise

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    The article considers the main aspects of the formation of a comprehensive system of financial and economic security of the enterprise. It is revealed that the financial and economic security of the enterprise is its ability to ensure stability in both current and future periods, to minimize and neutralize the impact of risks, threats and dangers. It is established that the basis of a comprehensive approach is to achieve financial stability of the enterprise, its protection from the negative effects of internal and external threats. That is, the complexity of the system of financial and economic security of the enterprise is realized through the integration of a set of measures, the mechanism of their generation and provision. The article describes the method of building a system of the comprehensive evaluation of the system of financial and economic security of the enterprise, using the tree of goals and the tree of assessments. It is shown the ability to relate specifically defined values and explore the nature of their interdependence to be able to choose the best option to achieve the expected result


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    A complex approach to the positioning of the enterprise in the industry environment is discussed in this article The possibilities of express-analysis and detailed сomplex approach to appraisal of activity of the enterprise are analysed. Indicators are described that are used for express-analysis and сomplex assessment, which has several directions: the competitiveness of products; financial and economic dependence; the competitive position of the enterprise

    Development of a conceptual model of adaptive access rights management with using the apparatus of Petri nets

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    The paper describes the conceptual model of adaptive control of cyber protection of the informatization object (IO). Petri's Networks were used as a mathematical device to solve the problem of adaptive control of user access rights. The simulation model is proposed and the simulation in PIPE v4.3.0 package is performed. The possibility of automating the procedures for adjusting the user profile to minimize or neutralize cyber threats in the objects of informatization is shown. The model of distribution of user tasks in computer networks of IO is proposed. The model, unlike the existing, is based on the mathematical apparatus of Petri's Networks and contains variables that allow reducing the power of the state space. Access control method (ACM) is added. The addenda touched upon aspects of reconciliation of access rights that are requested by the task and requirements of the security policy and the degree of consistency of tasks and access to the IO nodes. Adjustment of rules and security metrics for new tasks or redistributable tasks is described in the notation of Petri nets


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    This paper analyzes the analyzes of the dynamics of the financial results of enterprises, the influence of the factors leading to reduced solvency of domestic enterprises, the necessity of timeliness of financial information as a prerequisite to avoid bankruptcy.Amidst uncertain economic environment one gives much attentionto the bankruptcy issue because many domestic businesses are in crisis or bankruptcy. This is due to the financial failure of the company to overcome the economic crisis. The increasing number of bankrupt enterprises is influenced by most companies, which work with borrowed funds being insolvent and unable to fulfill their obligations not only to suppliers, but also to major creditors.В статье проанализированы аналитическую информацию о динамике финансового результата предприятий, определено влияние факторов, приводящих к снижению платежеспособности отечественных предприятий, обоснована необходимость своевременности предоставления бухгалтерской информации как предпосылки избежания банкротства предприятия.В статті проаналізовано аналітичну інформацію щодо динаміки фінансового результату підприємств, визначено вплив факторів, що призводять до зниження платоспроможності вітчизняних підприємств, обґрунтовано необхідність своєчасності надання бухгалтерської інформації як передумови уникнення банкрутства підприємства

    Nomenclatural standards of pear varieties bred by Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station

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    As part of the research there have been developed and published nomenclatural standards of 12 pear varieties bred by Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station: Berezhenaya (WIR-101392), Gvidon (WIR-101393), Dobryanka (WIR-101394), Zarechnaya (WIR-101395), Permyachka (WIR-101397), Raduzhnaya (WIR-101398), Rozovyy Bochonok (WIR-101399), Sverdlovchanka (WIR-101400), Sultan (WIR-101402), Talitsa (WIR-101404), Fleyta (WIR-101405), Chusovaya (WIR-103944). Plant material for nomenclatural standards was selected in the collection of the originator organization with the participation of the creators of these varieties. The herbarium sample of the nomenclature standard of each cultivar is represented mainly by two herbarium sheets containing parts of one plant collected during two periods: fruit and annual shoots ‒ in the fall 2019, flowers ‒ in the spring 2020. The herbarium label indicates: the herbarium number of the sample in the VIR Herbarium, the scientific name of the species, the name of the variety, the origin (the name of the organization in which the variety was created), the place of reproduction (where the plant was grown), the harvest dates, the names of collectors. Herbarium sheets are supplemented with photos of fruits and flowers. Nomenclatural standards are made in accordance with the recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP), registered in the database "VIR Herbarium" and included in the type collection of Herbarium of cultivated plants of the world, their wild relatives and weeds (WIR). According to the same rules, herbarium samples of 3 elite pear forms (Limonadnaya, Sretenskaya, Tais) were made, registered and included into the Main Fund of the VIR Herbarium. After registration of copyright documents for cultivars, these samples can be assigned as nomenclatural standards. In total, 27 samples in the amount of 27 herbarium sheets were transferred to the herbarium collection. A digital image of herbarium specimen is available in the database «VIR Herbarium» (http://db.vir.nw.ru/herbar/gerb)