51 research outputs found

    Vortex Lattices in Strongly Confined Quantum Droplets

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    Bose mixture quantum droplets display a fascinating stability that relies on quantum fluctuations to prevent collapse driven by mean-field effects. Most droplet research focuses on untrapped or weakly trapped scenarios, where the droplets exhibit a liquid-like flat density profile. When weakly trapped droplets rotate, they usually respond through center-of-mass motion or splitting instability. Here, we study rapidly rotating droplets in the strong external confinement limit where the external potential prevents splitting and the center-of-mass excitation. We find that quantum droplets form a triangular vortex lattice as in single-component repulsive Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), but the overall density follows the analytical Thomas-Fermi profile obtained from a cubic equation. We observe three significant differences between rapidly rotating droplets and repulsive BECs. First, the vortex core size changes markedly at finite density, visible in numerically obtained density profiles. We analytically estimate the vortex core sizes from the droplets' coherence length and find good agreement with the numerical results. Second, the change in the density profile gives a slight but observable distortion to the lattice, which agrees with the distortion expected due to nonuniform superfluid density. Lastly, unlike a repulsive BEC, which expands substantially as the rotation frequency approaches the trapping frequency, rapidly rotating droplets show only a fractional change in their size. We argue that this last point can be used to create clouds with lower filling factors, which may facilitate reaching the elusive strongly correlated regime

    Microdevices for extensional rheometry of low viscosity elastic liquids : a review

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    Extensional flows and the underlying stability/instability mechanisms are of extreme relevance to the efficient operation of inkjet printing, coating processes and drug delivery systems, as well as for the generation of micro droplets. The development of an extensional rheometer to characterize the extensional properties of low viscosity fluids has therefore stimulated great interest of researchers, particularly in the last decade. Microfluidics has proven to be an extraordinary working platform and different configurations of potential extensional microrheometers have been proposed. In this review, we present an overview of several successful designs, together with a critical assessment of their capabilities and limitations

    Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality

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    A large-scale field experiment tested psychological interventions to reduce engine idling at long-wait stops. Messages based on theories of normative influence, outcome efficacy, and self-regulation were displayed approaching railway crossing on street poles. Observers coded whether drivers (N = 6049) turned off their engine while waiting at the railway crossings (only 27.2% did so at baseline). Automatic air quality monitors recorded levels of pollutants during barrier down times. To different degrees, the social norm and outcome efficacy messages successfully increased the proportion of drivers who turned off their engines (by 42% and 25%, respectively) and significantly reduced concentrations of atmospheric particulate matter (PM2.5) 2 m above ground level. Thus, the environment was improved through behavior change. Moreover, of both practical and theoretical significance, there was an ‘accelerator effect’, in line with theories of normative influence whereby the social norm message was increasingly effective as the volume of traffic increased

    Hes5 Expression in the Postnatal and Adult Mouse Inner Ear and the Drug-Damaged Cochlea

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    The Notch signaling pathway is known to have multiple roles during development of the inner ear. Notch signaling activates transcription of Hes5, a homologue of Drosophila hairy and enhancer of split, which encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcriptional repressor. Previous studies have shown that Hes5 is expressed in the cochlea during embryonic development, and loss of Hes5 leads to overproduction of auditory and vestibular hair cells. However, due to technical limitations and inconsistency between previous reports, the precise spatial and temporal pattern of Hes5 expression in the postnatal and adult inner ear has remained unclear. In this study, we use Hes5-GFP transgenic mice and in situ hybridization to report the expression pattern of Hes5 in the inner ear. We find that Hes5 is expressed in the developing auditory epithelium of the cochlea beginning at embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5), becomes restricted to a particular subset of cochlear supporting cells, is downregulated in the postnatal cochlea, and is not present in adults. In the vestibular system, we detect Hes5 in developing supporting cells as early as E12.5 and find that Hes5 expression is maintained in some adult vestibular supporting cells. In order to determine the effect of hair cell damage on Notch signaling in the cochlea, we damaged cochlear hair cells of adult Hes5-GFP mice in vivo using injection of kanamycin and furosemide. Although outer hair cells were killed in treated animals and supporting cells were still present after damage, supporting cells did not upregulate Hes5-GFP in the damaged cochlea. Therefore, absence of Notch-Hes5 signaling in the normal and damaged adult cochlea is correlated with lack of regeneration potential, while its presence in the neonatal cochlea and adult vestibular epithelia is associated with greater capacity for plasticity or regeneration in these tissues; which suggests that this pathway may be involved in regulating regenerative potential

    Дослідження впливу мужньої поведінки на рівень витривалості веслярів на байдарках та каное.

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    Background and Study Aim. Courage in sports is a concept that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. It is very important for the athletes to reveal their psychological performance as well as their physical and technical skills during competition and or training times. In this context, this research is important in terms of revealing the mental endurance and courage levels of canoe athletes who struggle not only with their competitors but also with natural conditions. Material and Methods. The sample of the research consists of 163 volunteer canoe athletes selected by simple random sampling method. In order to collect the necessary data in the research, the “Courage in Sports Scale” was used. The scale consists of the sub-dimensions of 'competence', 'determination', 'aggression', 'taking the risk' and 'being self-sacrificing'. T-test and ANOVA test were used in the analysis of the data. Statistically, the error level was accepted as p<.05 and the significance level was Alpha (α). Results. In the study, it was determined that the perception scores of the athlete students between the courage scale components were close to each other. No statistically significant results were found in all sub-dimensions according to gender and weekly training duration variables. According to the age variable: a significant result was determined in the dimensions of determination and assertiveness, and in the dimensions of stability according to the variable of doing sports. According to the education variable, it was determined that there was no significant difference in the risk-taking sub-dimension. There were significant differences in the other sub-dimensions. Conclusions. Without ignoring the acquisition of skills such as courage, it should be included in education and training programs from an early age and supported by sports training. Courage issues should be included in the training programs of educators (coaching training courses, seminars, etc.) and their importance should be emphasized.Передумови та мета дослідження. Кураж у спорті – це поняття, яке привернуло багато уваги в останні роки. Для спортсменів дуже важливо виявити свою психологічну продуктивність, а також свої фізичні та технічні навички під час змагань та/або тренувань. У цьому контексті це дослідження є важливим з точки зору виявлення рівня психічної витривалості та мужності спортсменів-каноеристів, які борються не лише зі своїми суперниками, а й із природними умовами.Матеріал і методи. Вибірка дослідження складається з 163 добровольців-каное спортсменів, відібраних методом простої випадкової вибірки. Для збору необхідних даних у дослідженні використовувалася «Спортивна шкала мужності». Шкала складається з підвимірів «компетентність», «рішучість», «агресія», «ризик» і «саможертовність». Для аналізу даних використовували Т-критерій і дисперсійний аналіз. Статистично рівень помилки був прийнятий як p<0,05, а рівень значущості був Альфа (α).Результати. У дослідженні було встановлено, що показники сприйняття студентів-спортсменів між компонентами шкали куражу були близькі між собою. Не було знайдено жодних статистично значущих результатів у всіх підвимірях відповідно до змінних статі та тижневої тривалості навчання. Відповідно до вікової змінної: значущий результат визначено в параметрах рішучості та напористості, а також у параметрах стабільності відповідно до змінної заняття спортом. Відповідно до змінної освіти було визначено, що не було істотної різниці в підвимірі прийняття ризику. Були значні відмінності в інших підвимірах.Висновки. Не ігноруючи набуття таких навичок, як кураж, це повинно бути включено в освітні та навчальні програми з раннього віку та підкріплено спортивними тренуваннями. Питання куражу слід включити до програм підготовки педагогів (курси тренерської підготовки, семінари тощо) і підкреслити їх важливість