309 research outputs found

    TenazitÀt und Desinfektion des Virus der Afrikanischen Schweinepest im Waldboden

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    Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Fragestellung der TenazitÀt sowie Desinfektion des Virus der Afrikanischen Schweinepest in verschiedenen Waldböden bei Kontamination durch infiziertes verendetes Schwarzwild.The dissertation deals with the question of tenacity as well as disinfection of African swine fever virus in different types of forest soil in case of contamination by infected dead wild boar

    Schnitzler-Syndrom mit Urtikaria-Vaskulitis

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    Zusammenfassung: Das Schnitzler-Syndrom ist eine seltene Erkrankung, welche mit Urtikaria, periodischem Fieber, Knochenschmerzen bei Hyperostosis, Arthritiden und einer monoklonalen IgM-Gammopathie einhergeht. Es wurde 1974 durch die französische Dermatologin Liliane Schnitzler beschrieben. Aufgrund der sehr unterschiedlichen Symptome werden die Betroffenen oft von verschiedenen FachĂ€rzten gesehen und sind insbesondere fĂŒr Internisten, Rheumatologen, HĂ€matologen und Dermatologen von Interesse. Bislang war die Therapie oft schwierig und enttĂ€uschend. Ein neuer therapeutischer Ansatz ist die Gabe eines Interleukin-1-Rezeptorantagoniste

    A framework to evaluate hydrogen as fuel in international shipping

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    The shipping industry is today challenged by tighter regulations on efficiency, air pollution and the need to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. The decarbonisation of the global energy system could be achieved with the use of alternative energy and fuels, and so a widespread switch to the adoption of alternative fuel in shipping could be experienced within the coming decades. Lately, many scenarios of alternative fuels in shipping have been investigated. Among the options of alternative fuels with different propulsion technologies, hydrogen with marine fuel cells (FCs) represent an example of such an alternative fuel. This paper proposes a framework to examine a possible transition path for the use of hydrogen in shipping within the context of decarbonisation of the wider global energy system. The framework is based on a soft- linking the global integrated assessment model (TIAM-UCL) and the shipping model (GloTraM). Initial results from this work-in-progress describe the trajectories of hydrogen prices, the characteristic of the hydrogen fleet and the consequences for shipping CO2 emissions, the hydrogen infrastructure requirements, the use of hydrogen in other sectors, and the consequences for global energy system CO2 emissions

    Heat transfer measurements in a hydrogen-oxyfuel combustor

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    In the context of emission-free electricity generation, the authors developed a novel hydrogen-oxygen combustor, which is based on swirl-stabilized combustion technology and steam dilution. Following previous burner characterization, the current study investigates the heat transfer conditions in the combustion chamber wall. To this end, a carefully controlled co-flow of air is used to cool the combustion chamber in an annular duct, which surrounds it. Temperature measurements enable the evaluation of the heat flux from the combustor flow to the walls, local wall temperatures, and the Nusselt numbers on the hot and the cold side. The extremely high wall temperatures, caused by the H2/O2 flame, can be reduced by steam dilution down to approximately 900 K. Even better cooling could be reached by using the dilution steam as the coolant before it flows to the plenum. The Nusselt numbers at the inner combustion chamber wall are in the order of 10–50 and increase with the thermal power and the steam dilution ratio

    International palliative care research in the context of global development: a systematic mapping review.

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    CONTEXT: An increasing amount of health policy is formulated at global level. At this global level, palliative care has attracted support primarily from normative institutions (WHO), not funding agencies. To attract greater global attention from policymakers, it has been argued that an international approach to research is required. However, the extent to which an international approach is being undertaken is unknown. OBJECTIVES: To systematically identify and thematically synthesise all international palliative care research, defined as research involving two or more countries, or focused on the global level. METHODS: Five bibliographic databases (CINAHL, Cochrane Library, ASSIA, Web of Knowledge, Psychinfo) were searched for journal articles relevant to international and global palliative care and end-of-life care. Data were extracted using a piloted extraction form and findings were synthesised. RESULTS: 184 studies were included, published across 75 different academic journals. Research emanates from and focuses on all world regions and there is increasing focus on the global level. Thematically, there is a high focus on Evaluation (n=53) and views of Stakeholders (n=38). The review revealed a predominantly observational research approach and few interventional studies were identified. CONCLUSIONS: International palliative care research is a relatively new, but growing field. However, many gaps in the evidence base remain and palliative care research continues to take place outside broader discourses of international development. The relative absence of interventional research demonstrating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of palliative care risks limiting the tools with which advocates can engage with international policymakers on this topic

    Development of a swirl-stabilized H2/O2 combustion system under humidified conditions

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    The use of renewable energy sources raises the demand of fast and flexible storage techniques as well as fast power availability. A promising storage approach is the production of hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis, which could be burned under humidified, stoichiometric conditions in a steam cycle. In this way the gases are re-electrified to provide balancing of renewable energy production or spinning network reserves. The current paper investigates the swirl-stabilized combustion of hydrogen and oxygen. The burner flow field and flame types are assessed using water tunnel PIV and OH* imaging in a combustion test rig. Parameter studies regarding the swirl intensity and thermal power are conducted.EC/H2020/641415/EU/Blue Combustion for the Storage of Green Electrical Power/BlueSte

    Studienwahlmotive und arbeitsbezogene Einstellungsmerkmale angehender GrundschullehrkrÀfte im Kontext variabler Studienausgangslagen

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    Es gibt bisher wenig Wissen ĂŒber die Auswirkungen der durch die Pandemie entstandenen situativen VerĂ€nderungen auf selbstregulative und motivationale Merkmale von StudienanfĂ€nger*innen im Lehramt Grundschule. Vor dieser Ausgangslage thematisiert der Beitrag die folgende Frage: Welche kohortenspezifischen Unterschiede zeigen sich in den AusprĂ€gungen von Studienwahlmotiven und Mustern der arbeitsbezogenen Stress- und Selbstregulation von StudienanfĂ€nger*innen des Grundschullehramts? Die Autor*innen nehmen an, dass sich die Studierendenkohorten, die unter Pandemiebedingungen ihr Studium beginnen, in ihren Mustern selbstregulativer Merkmale von den vorpandemischen Kohorten unterscheiden, was mit einem vergleichsweise höheren Gesundheitsrisiko einhergeht (H1). Weiterhin gehen sie davon aus, dass sich Studienwahlmotive im Vergleich vor, zu Beginn und wĂ€hrend der COVID-19-Pandemie nicht signifikant voneinander unterscheiden (H2), da hiermit i.d.R. langfristige bildungsbiografische Entscheidungen verbunden sind. (DIPF/Orig.

    Efficacy of Liming Forest Soil in the Context of African Swine Fever Virus

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    Since September 2020, Germany has experienced the first ever outbreak of African swine fever (ASF). The first known cases occurred exclusively in wild boar in forest areas in Brandenburg and Saxony; in July 2021, infected domestic pigs were also confirmed for the first time. As wild boar are considered the main reservoir for the virus in the European region, an effective interruption of this infection chain is essential. In particular, the removal and safe disposal of infected carcasses and the direct disinfection of contaminated, unpaved ground are priorities in this regard. For the disinfection, highly potent as well as environmentally compatible disinfectants must be used, which are neither influenced in their effectiveness by the soil condition nor by increased organic contamination. Thus, in this study, slaked lime, milk of lime and quicklime (1% to 10% solutions) were selected for efficacy testing against the test virus recommended by the German Veterinary Society (DVG), Modified Vaccinia Ankara virus (MVAV), and ASF virus (ASFV) in conjunction with six different forest soils from Saxony in two different soil layers (top soil and mineral soil) each. In summary, 10% of any tested lime type is able to inactivate both MVAV and ASFV under conditions of high organic load and independent of the water content of the soil. At least a 4 log reduction of the virus titer in all tested forest soil types and layers and by all applied lime types was observed. In conclusion, the high efficacy and suitability of all tested lime products against both viruses and in the presence of high organic load in forest soil can be confirmed and will help to control ASF spread

    Towards net zero CO2 in 2050: an emission reduction pathway for organic soils in Germany

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    The Paris Agreement reflects the global endeavour to limit the increase of global average temperature to 2 °C, better 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels to prevent dangerous climate change. This requires that global anthropogenic net carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are reduced to zero around 2050. The German Climate Protection Plan substantiates this goal and explicitly mentions peatlands, which make up 5 % of the total area under land use and emit 5.7 % of total annual greenhouse gas emissions in Germany. Based on inventory reporting and assumptions of land use change probability, we have developed emission reduction pathways for organic soils in Germany that on a national level comply with the IPCC 1.5 °C pathways. The more gradual pathway 1 requires the following interim (2030, 2040) and ultimate (2050) milestones: Cropland use stopped and all Cropland converted to Grassland by 2030; Water tables raised to the soil surface on 15 % / 60 % / 100 % of all Grassland, on 50 % / 75 % / 100 % of all Forest land, and ultimately on 2/3 of all Settlements and on 100 % of all Wetlands. Also a more direct pathway 2 without interim ‘moist’ water tables and the climate effect (radiative forcing) of different scenarios is presente
