6 research outputs found

    Correlation Studies on the Yield and Yield Characters of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in Anyigba, Kogi State Nigeria

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    Efforts are being made to increase its productivity by developing superior varieties. However, yield is a complex character, its direct improvement is difficult. Knowledge is respect of the nature and magnitude of associations of yield with various component characters is a pre-requisite to bring improvement in the desired direction. This research was conducted at Kogi State University Student Research and Demonstration Farm (Longitude 07°061 N; 43°E), Anyigba, Kogi State, to investigate the association of some yield characters with yield in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Two cultivars of eggplant NC-2 (green) and NC-1 (off-white) were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Yield component such as number of branches, fruit diameter, number of nodes, and number of fruits shows significant and positive association with yield. Correlation coefficient (r) for yield versus other growth and yield component: Plant height, number of branches, fruit diameter, number of nodes, and number of fruits were found to be 0.983, 0.962, 0.959, 0.906 and 0.891 respectively. Keywords: Correlation coefficient (r), Character association, Plant height; PH, Number of branches; NB, Fruit Diameter; FD, Number of nodes; NN, Number of Fruits; NF, Yield; Y

    Influence of N-Fertilizer application on the yield and yield components of two varieties of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) In Anyigba, Kogi State

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    There is a need to device a possible ways of improving necessary nutrients for better performance of eggplants. The use of mineral fertilizer in tropical soils can help solve the problem of low soil nutrients. So far, only N-level have been recommended in most of the region of Nigeria, the specific requirement for varieties have not or in most cases been overlooked, therefore determination of the interaction of N-level with variety is necessary as it will enable researchers determine specific level of N-fertilizer for specific variety. Thus research was conducted on Kogi State University Student Research and Demonstration Farm (Longitude 07°061 N; 43°E), Anyigba, Kogi State, to investigate the influence of N-fertilizer on the yield and yield components of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) the experiment consisted of two varieties of eggplants green variety encoded as NC-2, the Off-white variety encoded as NC-1 and three urea fertilizer levels (0, 100, 200kgN/ha). Factorial combination of the treatments gave a total of six treatments which was laid in a Randomized Completed Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Urea fertilizer was applied in 2-split doses first at 3weeks after planting and the second dose was applied at fruiting. Parameters measured include: plant height, number of leaves, stem girth, fruit diameter, number of nodes, number of branches, number of fruits per plant, number of flowers per plant, fruit weight. Fertilizer application significantly increased the yield of the two varieties. However, NC-2 (green variety) appears to respond more to higher N-application (up to 200kgN/ha) as compared to NC-1 (off-white variety). Also, fertilizer had significant effect on vegetative characters, yield and some yield components. The yield were found to be statistically at par. Key words: Eggplant, Number of branches, Number of fruits, Fruit diameter, Fruit yield, number of flowers, number of nodes, number of leaves, plant height


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    The study was carried out within the green house of the faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University (Latitude 70.61N and Longitude 70.431E) Anyigba in the Southern Guinea Savannah agro ecological zone of Nigeria, during 2015 cropping season. The experiment was laid using Randomized complete block design with a replicate. The treatment consisted of Maize, okra and cowpea. The result reveals K-coefficients for determination of leaf area to be 0.75, 0.62 and 0.75 for Maize, Okra and Cowpea respectively. The use of multiple regression equation did not improve the prediction over linear measurement. A simple and multiple regression analysis was also carried out in other to increase precision in determined leaf area in the three crops or treatments which are; maize (Y=-1106.704 + 0.509x1, Y= -1106.704 + 0.509x1 + 135.239x2), Okra (Y=-3.616 + 0.604x1, Y=-3.616 + 0.604x + 0.882x2) and Cowpea (Y=-8.155 + 0.925x1 ,Y=-8.155 + 0.925x1 – 0.009x2).e the data on leaf area and leaf number value of all the three crops were fitted into linear regression analysis separately as well as combined data, it did not show any significant difference or improvement over the use of linear measurement. Key words: k-coefficient, linear measurements, simple and multiple regression of maize, okra and cowpea

    Leaf Area Determination for Sesame (Sesamum indicum), Wheat (Triticum aestivuma), Groundnut (Arechis hypogaea) and Bambaranut (Vigna subterrane) Crops Using Linear Measurements

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    This study was carried out within the green house environment of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kogi State University (Latitude 7°.61N and Longitude 7°.431E) Anyigba in the Southern Guinea Savannah agro ecological zone of Nigeria during 2016 raining season. The experiment was laid using Randomized complete block design with 8 replicates. The treatment consisted of sesame, groundnut, wheat and bambaranut. Each treatment was repeated eight times, the results reveal K-coefficient for determination of leaf area to be 0.43, 0.62, 0.53 and 0.64 for sesame, groundnut, wheat and bambaranut respectively. The use of multiple regression equation improves the prediction over linear measurement. Also, simple and multiple regression analysis was carried out in other to increase precision in use of leaf area in the four treatments which are; sesame (Y=1563.632 + 0.409x1, Y= 1563.632 + 0.409x1 -45.73x2), groundnut (Y = -3175.794 + 0.611x1, Y= 3175.794+0.611x1 +56.825x2), wheat (Y= 376.084+0.265x1, Y=376.084+ 0.265x1-4.559x2) and bambaranut (Y=162.603 + 0.615x1, Y=162.603 + 0.615x1 +15.677x2). The data on leaf area and leaf number value of all the four crops were fitted into linear regression analysis separately as well as combined data, it shows significant difference or improvement over the use of linear measurement. Keywords: K-Coefficient, Linear measurements, Simple and Multiple regression of Sesame, Wheat, Groundnut and Bambaranut. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-12-04 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Spectroscopic Characterization of Acetylated Wood Flakes and Its High-Density Polyethylene Blends

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    Communication in Physical Sciences, 2022, 8(1): 109-120 Authors: Yakubu Azeh*, Fatima Abubakar, Monday Musah, John Tsado Mathew, Musa Tanko Umar, Yahaya Sayyadi Mohammad, Aliyu Turaki Ibrahim, Abdulkarim Mohammed Awwal, Hauwa Larai Muhammad Idris and Aishetu Ibrahim Muhammad Received: 26 March 2022/Accepted 25 April 2022 Acetylation is a useful reaction for the improvement of the surface properties of natural fibers in bend/composites fabrications, which are essential in the determination of their usefulness.  In this study, the effects of acetylation on wood flakes/fibers of Gmelina Arborea was investigated. Acetylation was carried out in batches using acetic anhydride as an acetylating agent and acetic acid as a catalyst at 120ËšC for 1, 2, and 3 h under reflux. The efficiency of acetylation was evaluated in terms of weight percent gains (WPGs) due to acetylation. Polyethylene blends were prepared by the solution blending of acetylated/unacetylated wood flakes using casting-evaporation method in toluene. The effects of acetylated/unacetylated wood flakes on the biodegradability of blends were investigated. Acetylated wood and blends were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetry analysis (TGA/DTGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results obtained from the study revealed that modification was indicative based on the observation of C=O absorption peak at 1722 and 1640 cm-1 respectively. TGA results revealed blend composition of 0.5/0.5 g gave the best material’s stability. We also observed that the properties of the modified wood flakes/blends were enhanced by the lower equilibrium moisture content caused by acetyl groups. The modified wood flakes could find industrial applications in fiber and particles/plywood board products for various construction purposes while unmodified blends can be used in the production of polymer-based biodegradable products. Biodegradation results indicate that blending of acetylated wood flakes with polyethylene matrix enhanced its biodegradation. Thus, adding acetylated wood flakes into polyethylene could reduce the lifespan of PE in the environment

    Medicinal plants used by ‘root doctors’, local traditional healers in Bié province, Angola

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