767 research outputs found

    Isolated Diatomic Ni-Fe Metal-Nitrogen Sites for Synergistic Electroreduction of CO2

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    Polynary single‐atom structures can combine the advantages of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts while providing synergistic functions based on different molecules and their interfaces. However, the fabrication and identification of such an active‐site prototype remain elusive. Here we report isolated diatomic Ni‐Fe sites anchored on nitrogenated carbon as an efficient electrocatalyst for CO2 reduction. The catalyst exhibits high selectivity with CO Faradaic efficiency above 90 % over a wide potential range from −0.5 to −0.9 V (98 % at −0.7 V), and robust durability, retaining 99 % of its initial selectivity after 30 hours of electrolysis. Density functional theory studies reveal that the neighboring Ni‐Fe centers not only function in synergy to decrease the reaction barrier for the formation of COOH* and desorption of CO, but also undergo distinct structural evolution into a CO‐adsorbed moiety upon CO2 uptake.This research was undertaken with the assistance of resources provided by the National Computing Infrastructure (NCI) facility at the Australian National University allocated through both the National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme supported by the Australian Government and the Australian Research Council grant LE160100051 (Maintaining and enhancing merit-based access to the NCI National Facility, 2016–2018). This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP160103107, FT170100224)

    Determine the Inflow Performance Relationship of Water Producing Gas Well Using Multiobjective Optimization Method

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    During the development of water drive gas reservoirs, the phenomena of gas escaping from water and water separating out from gas will change the seepage characteristics of formation fluid. Therefore, the traditional gas-water two-phase inflow performance relationship (IPR) models are not suitable for calculating the water producing gas well inflow performance relationship in water drive gas reservoirs. Based on the basic theory of fluid mechanics in porous medium, using the principle of mass conservation, and considering the process of dissolution and volatilization of gas and water formation, this paper establishes a new mathematical model of gas-water two-phase flow. Multiobjective optimization method is used to automatically match the sample well production data in water drive gas reservoirs and then we can achieve the sample well’s productivity equation, relative permeability curve, water influx intensity, and single well controlled reserves. In addition, the influence of different production gas water ratios (GWR) and gas-soluble water coefficients on absolute open flow rate (qAOF) is discussed. This method remedied the limitation of well testing on site and was considered to be a new way to analyze the production behaviors in water producing gas well

    High speed synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of the ultrasound shockwave and enhanced flow during metal solidification processes

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    The highly dynamic behaviour of ultrasonic bubble implosion in liquid metal, the multiphase liquid metal flow containing bubbles and particles, and the interaction between ultrasonic waves and semisolid phases during solidification of metal were studied in situ using the complementary ultrafast and high speed synchrotron X-ray imaging facilities housed respectively at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, US, and Diamond Light Source, UK. Real-time ultrafast X-ray imaging of 135,780 frames per second (fps) revealed that ultrasonic bubble implosion in a liquid Bi-8 wt. %Zn alloy can occur in a single wave period (30 kHz), and the effective region affected by the shockwave at implosion was 3.5 times the original bubble diameter. Furthermore, ultrasound bubbles in liquid metal move faster than the primary particles, and the velocity of bubbles is 70 ~ 100% higher than that of the primary particles present in the same locations close to the sonotrode. Ultrasound waves can very effectively create a strong swirling flow in a semisolid melt in less than one second. The energetic flow can detach solid particles from the liquid-solid interface and redistribute them back into the bulk liquid very effectively

    Look, the World is Watching How We Treat Migrants! The Making of the Anti-Trafficking Legislation during the Ma Administration

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    Employing the spiral model, this research analyses how anti-human trafficking legislation was promulgated during the Ma Ying-jeou (Ma Yingjiu) presidency. This research found that the gov- ernment of Taiwan was just as accountable for the violation of mi- grants’ human rights as the exploitive placement agencies and abusive employers. This research argues that, given its reliance on the United States for political and security support, Taiwan has made great ef- forts to improve its human rights records and meet US standards for protecting human rights. The reform was a result of multilevel inputs, including US pressure and collaboration between transnational and domestic advocacy groups. A major contribution of this research is to challenge the belief that human rights protection is intrinsic to dem- ocracy. In the same light, this research also cautions against Taiwan’s subscription to US norms since the reform was achieved at the cost of stereotyping trafficking victimhood, legitimising state surveillance, and further marginalising sex workers

    Dense infraspecific sampling reveals cryptic differentiation in the enigmatic hemiparasitic love vine Cassytha filiformis (Lauraceae)

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    Species delimitation remains a challenge worldwide, especially in highly diverse tropical and subtropical regions. Here, we use an integrative approach that combines morphology, phylogenomics, and species distribution modeling (SDM) to clarify the cryptic differentiation within the enigmatic hemiparasitic love vine Cassytha filiformis (Lauraceae) in China and adjacent regions. We generated complete plastid genomes and nuclear ribosomal sequences for diverse samples from across the species range and compared results with previously published plastid data, recovering two well-supported monophyletic clades. Further, the analysis revealed significant differences in two morphological characters and SDM, indicating distinct environmental factors influencing their distributions. Fossil-calibrated analyses to estimate the origins and diversification patterns for the cryptic species gave divergence age estimates corresponding to the Oligo-Miocene; a period of new ecological opportunities associated with the prevailing East Asian monsoon. Multivariate analyses support the conclusion that southern China and adjacent regions have a different, previously unknown, cryptic lineage of C. filiformis. Our study highlights the importance of using multivariate approach to characterize plant species, as well as the significant role that past climatic changes have played in driving speciation in parasitic plants in tropical and subtropical zones.</p

    Ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of microstructure fragmentation in solidification under ultrasound

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    Ultrasound processing of metal alloys is an environmental friendly and promising green technology for liquid metal degassing and microstructural refinement. However many fundamental issues in this field are still not fully understood, because of the difficulties in direct observation of the dynamic behaviours caused by ultrasound inside liquid metal and semisolid metals during the solidification processes. In this paper, we report a systematic study using the ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging (up to 271,554 frame per second) technique available at the Advanced Photon Source, USA and Diamond Light Source, UK to investigate the dynamic interactions between the ultrasonic bubbles/acoustic flow and the solidifying phases in a Bi-8%Zn alloy. The experimental results were complimented by numerical modelling. The chaotic bubble implosion and dynamic bubble oscillations were revealed in-situ for the first time in liquid metal and semisolid metal. The fragmentation of the solidifying Zn phases and breaking up of the liquid-solid interface by ultrasonic bubbles and enhanced acoustic flow were clearly demonstrated and agreed very well with the theoretical calculations. The research provides unambiguous experimental evidence and robust theoretical interpretation in elucidating the dominant mechanisms of microstructure fragmentation and refinement in solidification under ultrasound.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant No. EP/L019965/1, EP/L019884/1, EP/L019825/1,), the Royal Society Industry Fellowship (for J. Mi), and the Hull University & Chinese Scholarship Council (Hull-CSC) PhD Studentship (for D. Tan). The awards of the synchrotron X-ray beam time (EE8542-1) by the Diamond Light Source, UK, and those (GUP 23649 and GUP 26170) by the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, USA are also gratefully acknowledged. Use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357

    Postgraduate ethics training programs: a systematic scoping review

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    BACKGROUND: Molding competent clinicians capable of applying ethics principles in their practice is a challenging task, compounded by wide variations in the teaching and assessment of ethics in the postgraduate setting. Despite these differences, ethics training programs should recognise that the transition from medical students to healthcare professionals entails a longitudinal process where ethics knowledge, skills and identity continue to build and deepen over time with clinical exposure. A systematic scoping review is proposed to analyse current postgraduate medical ethics training and assessment programs in peer-reviewed literature to guide the development of a local physician training curriculum. METHODS: With a constructivist perspective and relativist lens, this systematic scoping review on postgraduate medical ethics training and assessment will adopt the Systematic Evidence Based Approach (SEBA) to create a transparent and reproducible review. RESULTS: The first search involving the teaching of ethics yielded 7669 abstracts with 573 full text articles evaluated and 66 articles included. The second search involving the assessment of ethics identified 9919 abstracts with 333 full text articles reviewed and 29 articles included. The themes identified from the two searches were the goals and objectives, content, pedagogy, enabling and limiting factors of teaching ethics and assessment modalities used. Despite inherent disparities in ethics training programs, they provide a platform for learners to apply knowledge, translating it to skill and eventually becoming part of the identity of the learner. Illustrating the longitudinal nature of ethics training, the spiral curriculum seamlessly integrates and fortifies prevailing ethical knowledge acquired in medical school with the layering of new specialty, clinical and research specific content in professional practice. Various assessment methods are employed with special mention of portfolios as a longitudinal assessment modality that showcase the impact of ethics training on the development of professional identity formation (PIF). CONCLUSIONS: Our systematic scoping review has elicited key learning points in the teaching and assessment of ethics in the postgraduate setting. However, more research needs to be done on establishing Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA)s in ethics, with further exploration of the use of portfolios and key factors influencing its design, implementation and assessment of PIF and micro-credentialling in ethics practice. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12909-021-02644-5

    Genomic monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 uncovers an Nsp1 deletion variant that modulates type I interferon response

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus, the causative agent of COVID-19, is undergoing constant mutation. Here, we utilized an integrative approach combining epidemiology, virus genome sequencing, clinical phenotyping, and experimental validation to locate mutations of clinical importance. We identified 35 recurrent variants, some of which are associated with clinical phenotypes related to severity. One variant, containing a deletion in the Nsp1-coding region (D500-532), was found in more than 20% of our sequenced samples and associates with higher RT-PCR cycle thresholds and lower serum IFN-beta levels of infected patients. Deletion variants in this locus were found in 37 countries worldwide, and viruses isolated from clinical samples or engineered by reverse genetics with related deletions in Nsp1 also induce lower IFN-beta responses in infected Calu-3 cells. Taken together, our virologic surveillance characterizes recurrent genetic diversity and identified mutations in Nsp1 of biological and clinical importance, which collectively may aid molecular diagnostics and drug design.Peer reviewe

    An outbreak of Streptococcus pyogenes in a mental health facility : advantage of well-timed whole-genome sequencing over emm typing

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    Financial support: The outbreak investigation was supported by Institute of Mental Health.OBJECTIVE:  We report the utility of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) conducted in a clinically relevant time frame (ie, sufficient for guiding management decision), in managing a Streptococcus pyogenes outbreak, and present a comparison of its performance with emm typing. SETTING:  A 2,000-bed tertiary-care psychiatric hospital. METHODS:  Active surveillance was conducted to identify new cases of S. pyogenes. WGS guided targeted epidemiological investigations, and infection control measures were implemented. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genome phylogeny, emm typing, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) were performed. We compared the ability of WGS and emm typing to correctly identify person-to-person transmission and to guide the management of the outbreak. RESULTS:  The study included 204 patients and 152 staff. We identified 35 patients and 2 staff members with S. pyogenes. WGS revealed polyclonal S. pyogenes infections with 3 genetically distinct phylogenetic clusters (C1-C3). Cluster C1 isolates were all emm type 4, sequence type 915 and had pairwise SNP differences of 0-5, which suggested recent person-to-person transmissions. Epidemiological investigation revealed that cluster C1 was mediated by dermal colonization and transmission of S. pyogenes in a male residential ward. Clusters C2 and C3 were genomically diverse, with pairwise SNP differences of 21-45 and 26-58, and emm 11 and mostly emm120, respectively. Clusters C2 and C3, which may have been considered person-to-person transmissions by emm typing, were shown by WGS to be unlikely by integrating pairwise SNP differences with epidemiology. CONCLUSIONS:  WGS had higher resolution than emm typing in identifying clusters with recent and ongoing person-to-person transmissions, which allowed implementation of targeted intervention to control the outbreak.PostprintPeer reviewe