15 research outputs found

    Poligami Dalam Teori Hermeneutika Muhammad Shahrûr

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    Muhammad Shah}rûr was a liberal philosopher from Suriah. Most scholars who study Shahrûr's thought split into 3 phases of his thinking. The first phase, 1970 - 1980 is the contemplation phase. This phase is more influenced by the thought of taqlîd which is inherited and present in the old Islamic heritage and modern one, as well as a tendency in the Islamic ideology (‘Aqîdah) either in the form of kalâm and fiqh schools. The second phase is between the years of 1980 - 1986 is the phase where Shahrûr began to deliver his ideas and his interest into language studies, philosophy and understanding of the Qur'an. The third phase is between the years of 1986 - 1990 which Shahrûr began intensively arranges his thoughts in the topic of Islamic thoughts. In some aspects of his interpretation, He rejected Prophet Muhammad's asbâb al-nuzûl and it's temporarily limit, and strengthen the arguments the rejecters of divine revelation as a verse just resting on his asbâb al-nuzûl itself


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    The demage of coastal ecosystem it’s a configuration character or behavior human in curious toward system ecological order. Therefore, coastal acosystem management obviously to do in an integration manner. Especially involve character education since based school ages. In this case, character education in the IPA learning. This matter to do because IPA learning have an improve multiple competition who are needful educate participant to directly involved in the coastal ecosystem management through an understating of ecosystem concept and an environmentaly sound along with have care character about an environment. The grounded in this review so this research on a long term intent in make an understating of ecosystem concept in a contextual manner and socio-cultural value charged which is afterwards expected of could shaping educate participant character toward nature and the environment. In particular, this research intent to developing coastal ecosystem learning character in the based school coastal region socio-cultural approach.Kerusakan ekosistem pesisir merupakan wujud karakter atau perilaku tidak peduli manusia terhadap tatanan sistem ekologis lingkungan hidup. Untuk itu, pengelolaan ekosistem pesisir seyogyanya dilakukan secara terintegrasi terutama melibatkan pendidikan karakter sejak usia sekolah dasar, dalam hal ini pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran IPA. Hal ini dilakukan karena pembelajaran IPA dapat meningkatkan berbagai kompetensi yang diperlukan peserta didik untuk terlibat langsung dalam pengelolaan ekosistem pesisir melaui pemahaman konsep ekosistem dan lingkungan serta memiliki karakter peduli terhadap lingkungannya.. Berdasarkan pertimbangan ini maka penelitian ini dalam jangka panjang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman konsep ekosistem secara kontekstual dan bermuatan nilai sosiokultural yang kemudian diharapkan dapat membentuk karakter peserta didik terhadap alam dan lingkungannya. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran ekosistem pesisir berkarakter di SD wilayah pesisir dengan pendekatan sosiokultural dengan potensi dan kearifan lokal yang ada

    Modernization and Shifting Practices of Local Wisdom on Corn Farming in Gorontalo Province

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    Modernisasi teknologi pertanian telah mendominasi aktivitas pertanian di Gorontalo. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perubahan praktik pertanian jagung dari berbasis kearifan lokal dan solidaritas sosial menjadi berbasis teknologi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menjadikan 25 petani sebagai partisipan untuk didalami pengetahuannya dan diamati aktivitas pertaniannya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa praktik pertanian berbasis kearifan lokal sudah tidak ditemukan lagi. Kearifan lokal ini terdiri dari tradisi mopo’a huta dan panggoba sebagai sistem pertanian yang berbasis solidaritas sosial dan ramah lingkungan. Tradisi ini berganti dengan sistem pertanian modern yang dianggap lebih efektif dengan hasil produksi yang melimpah. Modernisasi di dalam sistem pertanian selain memberikan efek yang baik juga telah mengakibatkan banyak perubahan, baik secara ekonomi, sosial budaya dan ekologi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sebagai akibat dari modernisasi pertanian jagung: 1) telah terjadi pergeseran tenaga kerja dan modal, 2) terjadi pergeseran kearifan lokal, dan 3) terjadi degradasi lingkungan dan ketimpangan sosial.Modernization of agricultural technology has dominated farming activities in Gorontalo. This paper describes the change of farming practices from local wisdom and social solidarity to modern technology. The research used a qualitative approach with 25 farmers as participants with the aim to explore their knowledge and observe their farming activities. This study found that local farming practices are no longer in existence. This local wisdom consists of the traditions of mopo'a huta and panggoba as farming systems which are based on social solidarity and are environmentally friendly. This has been replaced by a modern farming system that is considered more effective with abundant production. Modernization in the farming system, apart from having a good effect, has also resulted in many changes, both economically, socially, culturally and ecologically. This research concludes that as the results of corn farming modernization: 1) there has been a shift in labor and capital, 2) there has also been a shift in local wisdom, and 3) there are environmental degradation and social inequality

    Kekerasan Simbolik pada Teks Pemberitaan COVID-19 di Media Daring Gorontalo

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has become a momentum for global and local mass media to compete to present news about the surge in cases of transmission of coronavirus diseases, including Gorontalo's local online media, Gopos.id. This research was raised from the problem of how the news text of COVID-19 in online media such as Gopos.id is displayed. The purpose of this research is to find out about the discourse on COVID-19 and to identify and find hidden signs of symbolic violence in the news text of COVID-19 on the online media Gopos.id through the use of certain words, phrases, or sentences. News texts are analyzed using qualitative methods with a knife of analysis using semiotics from M.A.K Halliday, which includes (a) the field of discourse, (b) the tenor of discourse, and (c) the mode of discourse. Based on the research results, symbolic violence in COVID-19 reporting texts in the online media Gopos.id tends to appear in discourse fields and discourse modes or language styles and is implicitly presented to the discourse participants. Because symbolic violence is invisible or hidden, victims tend not to realize it.Pandemi COVID-19 menjadi momentum ramainya media massa global dan lokal berlomba-lomba menyajikan pemberitaan tentang lonjakan kasus penularan coronavirus diseases, tidak terkecuali media daring lokal Gorontalo yakni Gopos.id. Penelitian ini diangkat dari permasalahan tentang bagaimana teks pemberitaan COVID-19 di media daring seperti Gopos.id ditampilkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengetahui wacana tentang COVID-19, mengidentifikasi dan menemukan tanda-tanda kekerasan simbolik yang tersembunyi dalam teks pemberitaan COVID-19 di media daring Gopos.id melalui penggunaan kata, frasa, ataupun kalimat-kalimat tertentu. Teks pemberitaan dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pisau analisisnya menggunakan semiotika dari M.A.K Halliday yang meliputi (a) medan wacana (field of discourse), (b) pelibat wacana (tenor of discourse), dan (c) mode wacana (mode of discourse). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara umum kekerasan simbolik pada teks pemberitaan COVID-19 di media daring Gopos.id cenderung muncul pada penggunaan medan wacana dan mode wacana atau gaya bahasa serta secara implisit dihadirkan pada pelibat wacana. Dikarenakan kekerasan simbolik adalah kekerasan tidak kasat mata atau kekerasan tersembunyi maka korban cenderung tidak menyadarinya

    Early Child Marriage: Customary Law, Support System, and Unwed Pregnancy in Gorontalo

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    The rate of underage marriage in Gorontalo is very high, even though religion, customs and state laws prohibit it. The results of the direct interviews conducted and the observations made indicate that poverty, low levels of education and matchmaking myths may have caused this increase. Furthermore, the increasingly high level of promiscuity and weakened socio-cultural ties have led to an increase in the number of extramarital pregnancies, and forced marriage is unavoidable to maintain the dignity of the community. It was discovered that most married couples do not wed legally until they have problems in their marriage and seek a divorce. Moreover, women must also be responsible for their life choices because this paper shows that poor service practices have caused underage women to be objectified by physical, social and symbolic violence. The unavailability of a support system from the government and society makes a partner rely on the kindness of his or her parents. Therefore, it was suggested that government intervention, in the form of prevention and support systems for underage married women, must be integrated with the role of the community and religious leaders

    Science learning to understand the value of conservation character in students in the coastal region

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    This research was conducted to understand the value of conservation character in students by utilizing local resources in the coastal areas of Gorontalo Province. The research design used is the application of one group pretest-posttest design. Data collection was performed using cluster sampling techniques with research subjects totaling 160 students spread across four elementary schools in the coastal areas of Gorontalo Province. Data analysis was performed using N-Gain and Anava 2 x 2 test to see differences in learning outcomes in the form of moral knowledge and moral goodness of conservation at each grade level and examine the difference in the total score of the pretest and the total score of the posttest. The results showed that the N-Gain value for knowledge about coastal natural resources was 0.74, moral conservation knowledge was 0.76, and moral goodness conservation was 0.84. Anava test results showed the level of class and type of test differed significantly on the character values of students with sig <0.05 (0.000 <0.05). That is, there are differences in the value of student conservation characters based on grade levels. Significantly the character value of grade 3 and grade 4 students shows the highest value compared to the grade value of grade 5 and grade 6 students. The application of science learning tools with conservation characteristics utilizing the local potential of natural resources in elementary school students in coastal areas can understand the character conservation of students in coastal areas

    Upaya Perlindungan Hak-Hak Tersangka/Terdakwa melalui Mekanisme Praperadilan di Kota Gorontalo

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    Building justice through judicature institution always contends with consequence which sacrifices the suspected as being object of investigation. There is a guarantee called “presumption of innocence”, but the guarantee is not representative enough, there must be still a guarantee that the position of the suspected is quiet strong, not only as object, but also, as possible as being subject, and law officers effort to find fair decisions. With the existing of prejudge, in hope, Criminal affairs will run well which is suitable with the current regulation. Arresting, jailing etc can not be accomplished at haphazard. The whole is to manifest law protection of human rights in order not to be violated. Besides it, the existence of prejudge in hope, is able to help and gives the protection of law to the basic rights of the accused as an effort to protect the one from forced trial by investigators and public prosecutors. Therefore, automatically the rights of the accused can also be protected. The execution of prejudge as managed within KUH Pidana is influenced by several factors such as: first, prejudge as the law protection of human rights. Second: prejudge as the instrument to control the investigator and prosecutor, Besides the factor as explained above, there are also barriers in the execution of prejudge. The hindering factor of prejudge execution consists, such as; First the prejudge practice is still rare. second, the basic difference of judge's decision of sentence, third, limited time for inspection of prejudge affairs

    Information Integration of Environmental Preservation Messages to the Students as Young Generations in Gorontalo City

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    This study analyzes three problems, knowledge, behavior, and media habits, to collect information about environmental preservation. The purpose is to form a strategy for a safe environment based on the data obtained and described. The theory used in this research is integration information theory. The research population is young generations in UNG, and the sample is active students from the Department of Communication at UNG. This study uses a combination of closed and open questionnaires. The results of the research show that the level of knowledge is sufficient. Regarding behavior, students still disagree on several things, such as bringing tumblers to campus. On the other hand, students are supportive if campuses hold open green spaces, create learning curricula about environmental communication, and make policies related to green campuses. Media habits show that students consume more information from social media and entertainment, so environmental preservation information must be included. Therefore, advice was given to the government in Gorontalo to involve young people in preservation programs; mass media, which is more neutral in reporting about the environment; and universities that are starting to improve regarding environmental preservation


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    Sorghum is one of the food commodities that has the potential to be developed in Indonesia. Increasing sorghum productivity can be done by applying good cultivation, one of which is by planting different varieties. This activity was carried out from June to September 2023 in Banuroja Village, Randangan District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. The purpose of this community service program is to provide knowledge and skills to the Banuroja community to cultivate using sorghum seeds with different varieties. The main target of this community service program is the Banuroja Village farmer group. The methods used include lectures, hands-on practice, and discussions. The results of the activity concluded that: 1) Participants' knowledge about sorghum cultivation increased by about 28%; 2) This activity has benefited the Banuroja community, especially the farmer groups with an increase in the desire of participants to follow similar training of around 98%; and 3) Sorghum cultivation can be used as an alternative activity to corn and paddy cultivation