10 research outputs found

    Konuşma gecikmesi olan ve olmayan çocuğa sahip annelerin anksiyete ve çocuk yetiştirme özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Çocuklarda konuşma gecikmesine neden olabilecek birçok faktör bulunmaktadır. Bu konuda gerek ulusal ve gerekse uluslararası literatürde bilgi oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada, konuşma gecikmesi olan çocukların anneleri ile sağlam çocukların annelerinin çocuk yetiştirme tutumları ve anksiyete düzeyleri açısından karşılaştırılması ve çocuklardaki konuşma gecikmesi nedenlerini sosyodemografik özellikler açısından incelenerek, sağlam çocukların anneleri ile kontrollü bir karşılaştırma yapmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamızda hasta ve kontrol grubu olmak üzere 2 grup bulunmaktadır. Hasta grubuna yaşları 3-6 yaş arasında konuşma gecikmesi olan çocuğa sahip 105 anne, kontrol grubuna ise 3-6 yaş arasında normal konuşma ve dil gelişimine sahip çocuğu olan 105 anne dahil edilmiştir. Hasta ve kontrol grubundan, konuşma gecikmesi olan çocukların anneleri tarafından doldurulacak sosyodemografik özellikleri içeren soruların bulunduğu bir Bilgi Formu Anketi, Aile Hayatı ve Çocuk Yetiştirme Tutumu Ölçeği (PARI) ve Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği formunu doldurmaları istenmiştir. Hasta grubunda çocuklardan ve annelerinde elde edilen veriler ile kontrol grubundaki çocuk ve annelerinden elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmamızda, gruplar arasındaki cinsiyet farklılığı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p= 0.001). Literatürle uyumlu olarak konuşma gecikmesinin erkeklerde kızlara göre daha fazla görüldüğünü tespit edilmiştir. Çocukların doğum sıralaması bakımından karşılaştırıldığında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur (p= 0.000). Konuşma gecikmesi olan çocukların özellikle ilk iki çocuk olduğu literatürle uyumlu olarak görülmüştür. Annelerin eğitim durumları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p= 0.008). Çalışmamızda konuşma gecikmesine sahip annelerin eğitim düzeyinin daha yüksek seviyede olduğunu tespit edilmiştir. Ailelerin aylık gelir düzeyleri arasındaki istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur (p= 0.000). Konuşma gecikmesi olan çocuğa sahip ailelerin gelir düzeyinin daha yüksek olduğu gözlenmiştir. “Aile Hayatı ve Çocuk Yetiştirme Tutumu” ölçeğinin alt boyutlarına verdikleri cevaplar bakımından istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldığında; Aşırı Koruyucu Annelik boyutuna verilen cevaplar bakımından konuşma gecikmesi olan çocuğa sahip annelerin ortalaması, normal konuşma gelişimine sahip çocuğu olan annelerin ortalamasından daha yüksek olduğu ve bu farklılığın istatistiki olarak anlamlı olduğu bulunmuştur (p< 0.01). Konuşma gecikmesi olan çocuğa sahip annelerin daha koruyucu annelik tutumuna sahip olduğunu fakat Demokratik Tutum ve Eşitlik Tanıma, Ev Kadınlığını Reddetme, Karı-Koca Geçimsizliği, Baskı ve Disiplin boyutuna verilen cevaplar bakımından farklılığın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı bulunmuştur. Beck Ansiyete Ölçeği”ne verdikleri cevaplar bakımından istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldığında; iki grup arasında anlamlı fark gözlenmiştir (p< 0.01). Konuşma gecikmesi çocuğu olan annelerin daha fazla anksiyete şiddeti seviyesine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; çocuğun yaşadığı ailenin sosyal yapısı ve annenin çocuğa sergilediği tutum ve davranışlar ile annenin anksiyete düzeyi çocuğun gelişimi için önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Bu yüzden etiyolojisinde birçok faktörün rol oynadığı konuşma gecikmesiyle ilgili daha fazla sayıda ve bizim ülkemizin aile ve toplum yapımızla ilişkisini araştıracak biçimde çalışma yapılması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. There are many factors that can cause speech delay in children. The literature published in both national and international journals on this topic is very limited. The aim of this study was to carry out a controlled comparison of the child-rearing attitudes and anxiety levels of mothers of children with normal speech development and those with delayed speech development as well as investigating the sociodemographic characteristics of these two groups. There are two groups included in our study: control and patient group. The patient group includes 105 mothers of children between the ages of 3 and 6 who have speech delay, while the control group includes 105 mothers of children between the ages of 3 and 6 with normal speech and language development. Mothers from both the patient and control groups were requested to fill out several surveys including an Information Survey with questions regarding socio-demographic characteristics, Parental Attitudes Research Instrument (PARI) and Beck Anxiety Scale. A statistical comparison was carried out with the data obtained from the children and mothers of the patient group and control group. In our study, there was a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of sex (p= 0.001). This is consistent with the literature in that speech delay is seen more frequently in boys than in girls. In terms of birth order, there was also a stastistically significant difference found (p= 0.000). As seen in the literature, speech delay was seen more often in the first and second born children. There was a statistically significant difference found based on the education status of mothers (p= 0.008). In our study, it was found that the mothers of children with speech delay had higher education levels. A statistically significant difference was also found in terms of monthly income (p= 0.000). Speech delay in children was seen in families with higher monthly incomes. Data analyzed from the Overprotective Mothering sub-dimension responses in the Parental Attitude Research Instrument showed that the average scores for mothers of children with speech delay were higher than those of mothers of childen with normal speech developent and this difference was found to be statistically significant (p< 0.01). Mothers of children with speech delay had more protective mothering attitudes but in terms of responses to the sub-dimensions of Democratic Attitudes and Equality, Rejecting Homemaker Role, Marital Conflict-Discord, and Strict Discipline there was no statistically significant difference between the two gropus. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of data from reponses in the Beck Anxiety Scale (p< 0.01). It was determined that mothers of children with speech delay had a higher degree of anxiety. In conclusion, the family structure that surrounds a child and the mother’s overall attitudes and behaivor and the mother’s anxiety level have an important effect on a child’s development. Therefore, it is thought that there is a need for research regarding the relationship between family and societal structure in Turkey and their role in the etiology of speech delay

    Significant Association Between SCGB1D4 Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility To Adenoid Hypertrophy in a Pediatric Population

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    Background/aim: Adenoid hypertrophy (AH) is chronic enlargement of the adenoid tissue. The pathophysiology of the disease is unclear. We analyzed SCGB1D4 gene polymorphisms in order to determine the effect of the variants or their genetic combinations on AH. Materials and methods: We genotyped the SCGB1D4 (IIS) gene in 167 participants (95 children with AH and 72 controls) by performing DNA sequencing in blood samples. Results: We genotyped three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In the analysis, we found that in the presence of those SNPs and the minor alleles of individual SNPs four haplotypes were associated with an increased risk of AH. In addition, those SNPs were significantly associated with asthma, allergy, sleep-disordered breathing, AH grade + 4, and a high level of IgE. As indicated on multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis, single-locus (rs35328961), two-locus (rs35328961_rs56196602), and three-locus models (rs200327820_rs35328961_rs56196602) had the highest synergistic interaction effect on AH. The three-factor model was also significantly associated with some genotypes of rs35328961 and allergic-asthmatic AH. Conclusion: SNPs of SCGB1D4 and their combinations are associated with an increased risk for developing AH. We highlighted the importance of genetic factors on AH and AH-related clinical phenotypes

    Effect of endotracheal intubation on voice

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    Following endotracheal intubation (ETI), voice changes can be observed quite frequently. Considering that the pressure that occurs increases as the duration of anesthesia with ETI increases, with the aim to contribute to literature, we realized objective acoustic analysis by grouping patients according to the length of surgical periods. We wanted to investigate both the impact of endotracheal intubation on the voice and how long this impact lasted by performing voice analyzes on the preoperative, postoperative first day and postoperative fifth day. Material and methods: Patients were examined in three groups comprised of operations lasting less than 60 minutes depending on the operation time (1st group, n = 21), operations lasting between 60-120 minutes (2nd group, n = 21) and operations lasting longer than 120 minutes (3rd group, n = 18). For patients in all three groups, preoperative, postoperative first day and postoperative fifth day voice analyzes have been performed and compared statistically. Results: With the evaluation made on the postoperative first day, it was found that the jitter%, shimmer% and shimmer dB values increased significantly as the operation time increased and it was observed that the HNR values decreased significantly (for jitter% P = 0,008, for shimmer% P = 0,027, for shimmer dB P = 0,025, for HNR P = 0,028). There was no significant difference between the postoperative first day F0 values and postoperative fifth day F0, jitter%, shimmer%, shimmer dB and HNR values in all three groups. Conclusion: It is possible to state that ETI makes changes in the voice in the early period, but the changes are normalized in the long term. However, multidisciplinary studies with larger patient groups are needed for more precise and clear judgments

    Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms on the RYD5 Gene in Nasal Polyposis

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    Nasal polyposis (NP) is a chronic inflammatory disease. Several genes play major roles in the pathophysiology of the disease. We analyzed RYD5 gene polymorphisms to determine the effect of these variants or their genetic combinations on NP. We genotyped the RYD5 gene in 434 participants (196 patients with NP and 238 controls). Data were analyzed with SPSS, SNPStats, and multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) software. We genotyped 10 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the RYD5 gene. RYD5 (+152G>T) (p.Gly51Va) has not been reported previously. The PolyPhen and PROVEAN predicted the missense mutation as deleterious, but sorting intolerant from tolerant (SIFT) did not. In the genotype analysis, we found that four SNPs (RYD5 [-264A>G], [-103G>A], [+57-14C>T], and [+66A>G]) were significantly associated with NP. The individuals with combined genotypes of six risk alleles (RYD5-264G, -103A, +13C, +57-14T, +66G, and +279T) had significantly higher risks for NP compared with the ones with one or four risk alleles. Haplotype analysis revealed that the two haplotypes were associated with risk of NP. As indicated by MDR analysis, RYD5 (-264A>G and -103G>A) and RYD5 (-264A>G, -177C>A, and -103G>A) were the best predictive combinations and they had the highest synergistic interaction on NP. In addition, RYD5 (+13C>T) was significantly associated with increased risk of both NP with asthma and NP with allergy and asthma. Some SNPs and their combinations in the RYD5 gene are associated with increased probability for developing NP. We emphasize the importance of genetic factors on NP and NP-related clinical phenotypes

    Comparison Of Anxiety And Child-Care Education Characteristics Of Mothers Who Have Children With Or Without Speech Delays

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    Introduction: Speech delay in a child could be the cause and/or result of the emotional disorder. The child rearing attitude that the parents have accepted could have both positive and negative effects on the personality of the child. Objective: The current study aimed to investigate the sociodemographic features and the mothers' anxiety of children with speech delay. Methods: One hundred five mothers with children aged between 3 and 6 years with speech delays were included in the patient group, and 105 mothers who have children aged between 3 and 6 years with normal speech and language development were included in the control group. An information form questionnaire including demographic characteristics, the Family Life and Childrearing Attitude Scale (PARI - Parental Attitude Research Instrument) and Beck anxiety scale were requested from all mothers in the patient and the control groups. Results: In the current study, there was a significant difference between the groups in terms of gender (p = 0.001). According to Parental Attitude Research Instrument, the mean of mothers of the children with speech delays was higher than the mean of mothers of normal children in terms of the answers to overprotective mother aspect (p < 0.01). The mothers of children with speech delays had more overprotective motherhood attitudes; however, the difference in terms of the answers to the aspects of democratic attitude and provision of equality, refusal to be a housewife, husband-wife conflict, and suppression and discipline were not statistically significant. The Beck anxiety scale, a significant difference was detected between the two groups (p < 0.01). It was found that the mothers of children with speech delays had more severe levels of anxiety. Conclusion: The social structure of the family, the attitudes and the behaviors of the mother, and the anxiety levels of the mothers have important effects on child development. Thus, it is necessary to perform further studies related to speech delays, in which many factors play a role in the etiology. (c) 2017 Associacao Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cervico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.WoSScopu

    Association of Ugrp2 Gene Polymorphisms with Adenoid Hypertrophy in the Pediatric Population

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    Introduction: Adenoid hypertrophy is a condition that presents itself as the chronic enlargement of adenoid tissues; it is frequently observed in the pediatric population. The Ugrp2 gene, a member of the secretoglobin superfamily, encodes a low-molecular weight protein that functions in the differentiation of upper airway epithelial cells. However, little is known about the association of Ugrp2 genetic variations with adenoid hypertrophy. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the Ugrp2 gene with adenoid hypertrophy and its related phenotypes. Methods: A total of 219 children, comprising 114 patients suffering from adenoid hypertrophy and 105 healthy patients without adenoid hypertrophy, were enrolled in this study. Genotypes of the Ugrp2 gene were determined by DNA sequencing. Results: We identified four single nucleotide polymorphisms (IVS1-189G>A, IVS1-89T>G, c.201delC, and IVS2-15G>A) in the Ugrp2 gene. Our genotype analysis showed that the Ugrp2 (IVS1-89T>G) TG and (c.201delC) CdelC genotypes and their minor alleles were associated with a considerable increase in the risk of adenoid hypertrophy compared with the controls (p = 0.012, p = 0.009, p = 0.013, and p = 0.037, respectively). Furthermore, Ugrp2 (GTdelCG, GTdelCA) haplotypes were significantly associated with adenoid hypertrophy (four single nucleotide polymorphisms ordered from 5' to 3'; p = 0.0001). Polymorfism-Polymorfism interaction analysis indicated a strong interaction between combined genotypes of the Ugrp2 gene contributing to adenoid hypertrophy, as well as an increased chance of its diagnosis (p < 0.0001). In addition, diplotypes carrying the mutant Ugrp2 (c.201delC) allele were strongly associated with an increased risk of adenoid hypertrophy with asthma and with allergies (p = 0.003 and p = 0.0007, respectively). Conclusion: Some single nucleotide polymorphisms and their combinations in the Ugrp2 gene are associated with an increased risk of developing adenoid hypertrophy. Therefore, we tried to underline the importance of genetic factors associated with adenoid hypertrophy and its related clinical phenotypes. (C) 2017 Associacao Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia C ervico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.WoSScopu