432 research outputs found

    Market-value of Renewables in the Young Mexican Power Market

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    Valor de las energías renovables en el joven mercado mexicanoEsta investigación pretende encontrar el efecto que las renovables tienen para reducir el precio de la electricidad en México (“merit-order effect” o “MOE”). Usando datos del 01/enero/2017 al 31/diciembre/2019, se usó un modelo de regresión linear para examinar empíricamente el “MOE”. Los datos muestran un “MOE” de MXN0.10/MWhporMWhderenovables.Escalandoalpromediodegeneracioˊnrenovable,elMOEpromedioes13.50.10/MWh por MWh de renovables. Escalando al promedio de generación renovable, el “MOE” promedio es 13.5% del precio promedio de la electricidad. Hay evidencia de que el “MOE” no es linear y que es diferente entre la energía eólica y la energía solar. El valor de mercado de las renovables fue solo 93% del resto del sistema. Las partes interesadas deberían diferenciar entre el precio promedio de la electricidad y el precio recibido por cada planta. Conforme el “MOE” se convierta en un parte integral de la evaluación de inversiones, el comportamiento de los inversionistas cambiará, impactando el futuro de la mezcla energética. A mi saber, es el primer estudio del “MOE” en un mercado eléctrico joven y en crecimiento en clima cálido (diferencias fundamentales con investigaciones anteriores).This research aims to find the effect that renewables have to reduce the electricity price (the merit-order effect, “MOE”) in the Mexican electricity market. Using data from January 1st of 2017 to December 31st of 2019, a linear regression model was used to test for empirical evidence of the “MOE”. Results show a “MOE” of MXN0.10/MWh per MWh of renewable generation. Scaling to the average renewable generation, the average “MOE” is 13.5% of the average electricity price. There’s evidence that the “MOE” is non-linear and that is different across wind and solar energy. The market value of renewables was only 93% of the market value of the system. Stakeholders should differentiate the average electricity price from the price received by each power plant. As the “MOE” becomes an integral part of investment assessments, investment behaviour will change, impacting the future of the energy mix. To my knowledge, this is the first “MOE” research regarding a young and growing power market with warm weather (fundamental differences from previous research)

    Playing to distraction: towards a robust training of CNN classifiers through visual explanation techniques

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    The field of deep learning is evolving in different directions, with still the need for more efficient training strategies. In this work, we present a novel and robust training scheme that integrates visual explanation techniques in the learning process. Unlike the attention mechanisms that focus on the relevant parts of images, we aim to improve the robustness of the model by making it pay attention to other regions as well. Broadly speaking, the idea is to distract the classifier in the learning process to force it to focus not only on relevant regions but also on those that, a priori, are not so informative for the discrimination of the class. We tested the proposed approach by embedding it into the learning process of a convolutional neural network for the analysis and classification of two well-known datasets, namely Stanford cars and FGVC-Aircraft. Furthermore, we evaluated our model on a real-case scenario for the classification of egocentric images, allowing us to obtain relevant information about peoples' lifestyles. In particular, we work on the challenging EgoFoodPlaces dataset, achieving state-of-the-art results with a lower level of complexity. The obtained results indicate the suitability of our proposed training scheme for image classification, improving the robustness of the final model.Comment: 20 pages,3 figures, 4 table

    Propuesta de optimización de sistemas térmicos para Agua Caliente Sanitaria (A.C.S), bajo aspectos de eficiencia energética y ahorro en el Hotel Selva Negra, Matagalpa 2016

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    Se propone optimizar los sistemas térmicos mediante medidas y cálculos de eficiencia energética y de viabilidad económica, además el proyecto de la instalación de un sistema de recuperación de calor, el cual según los cálculos teóricos tiene una transferencia de calor aceptable para suplir la demanda del edificio Karen en el hotel Selva Negra. Con la metodología empleada se logra realizar una comparativa en cuanto a eficiencia energética y de ahorro económica de dos sistemas térmicos como lo son la recuperación de calor y los solares térmicos, debido a las condiciones de trabajo muestra mayor eficiencia energética y rentabilidad económica la recuperación de calor de compresores herméticos y cabe señalar que el ahorro y la eficiencia energética es un instrumento eficaz para la reducción de emisiones de CO2, las cuales se calcularon con el consumo anual de electricidad 879.32 Kwh lo que dio como resultado reducción de emisiones de 338.46 Kg de CO2 eq

    Alternative Splicing of Transcription Factors' Genes: Beyond the Increase of Proteome Diversity

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    Functional modification of transcription regulators may lead to developmental changes and phenotypical differences between species. In this work, we study the influence of alternative splicing on transcription factors in human and mouse. Our results show that the impact of alternative splicing on transcription factors is similar in both species, meaning that the ways to increase variability should also be similar. However, when looking at the expression patterns of transcription factors, we observe that they tend to diverge regardless of the role of alternative splicing. Finally, we hypothesise that transcription regulation of alternatively spliced transcription factors could play an important role in the phenotypical differences between species, without discarding other phenomena or functional families

    Aplicación de informática educativa en la expresión oral de estudiantes de guía oficial de turismo del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público “Nasca” Ica, 2014

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    El presente trabajo investigación tuvo como propósito determinar como la aplicación de la informática educativa mejora significativamente la expresión oral en estudiantes de la carrera Guía Oficial de Turismo en el Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público “Nasca” Ica, 2014. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada con diseño pre-experimental, se trabajó en base a una muestra de 25 estudiantes de la carrera Guía Oficial de Turismo en el Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público “Nasca” Ica, 2014; elegidos a través del muestreo no probabilístico intencionado. Para la recolección de los datos se aplicó lista de cotejo sobre expresión oral. Con los resultados obtenidos se pudo determinar que la aplicación de la informática educativa mejora significativamente la expresión oral en estudiantes de la carrera Guía Oficial de Turismo en el Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público “Nasca” Ica, 2014. En efecto, se observa en la tabla 5 que el grupo experimental ha mejorado su nivel de expresión oral en 6.56 puntos equivalentes al 36%. Esto se atribuye a la aplicación de la informática educativa

    A circular commons for digital devices: tools and services in ereuse.org

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    Circular economies are particularly relevant in the context of digital devices or electric and electronic equipment (EEE). Many digital devices built using scarce and potentially toxic materials have a too-short life, instead of being repaired or reused. In addition, informal recycling of electronics in the developed and developing world has emerged as a new global environmental concern. We describe the dimensions of the problem, the challenge to move to a circular economy, and the ecology for digital devices as well as how this depends on the traceability of devices and cooperation among all stakeholders locally and globally. Moreover we examine the need for support mechanisms to facilitate, standardise, and reduce the transaction cost of the processes and increase their added value. We present eReuse.org, a set of open-source tools, procedures, open data, and services organised as a common-pool resource (CPR) to reach the circular economy of electronics through promoting reuse and ensuring traceability until recycling. Further, eReuse.org envisions empowering and engaging people around the world to create local communities that bootstrap electronic reuse and to support the development of a globally recognised reuse quality and traceability standard.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Las competencias en educación sexual en el currículo de la educación secundaria obligatoria española

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    El presente trabajo trata de responder a la pregunta de hasta qué punto el currículo de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria española desarrolla o permite el desarrollo de competencias en Educación Sexual. Para ello se han definido las competencias en este ámbito, los problemas ante los que se debe trabajar la adquisición de dichas competencias y se ha diseñado un instrumento de análisis curricular, que se ha aplicado al currículo prescriptivo del Ministerio de Educación y al propuesto en la Comunidad Valenciana. Se ha buscado el consenso de expertos/as a través del método Delphi y se presentan algunos de los resultados obtenidos

    A procedure for identifying homologous alternative splicing events

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study of the functional role of alternative splice isoforms of a gene is a very active area of research in biology. The difficulty of the experimental approach (in particular, in its high-throughput version) leaves ample room for the development of bioinformatics tools that can provide a useful first picture of the problem. Among the possible approaches, one of the simplest is to follow classical protein function annotation protocols and annotate target alternative splice events with the information available from conserved events in other species. However, the application of this protocol requires a procedure capable of recognising such events. Here we present a simple but accurate method developed for this purpose.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a method for identifying homologous, or equivalent, alternative splicing events, based on the combined use of neural networks and sequence searches. The procedure comprises four steps: (i) BLAST search for homologues of the two isoforms defining the target alternative splicing event; (ii) construction of all possible candidate events; (iii) scoring of the latter with a series of neural networks; and (iv) filtering of the results. When tested in a set of 473 manually annotated pairs of homologous events, our method showed a good performance, with an accuracy of 0.99, a precision of 0.98 and a sensitivity of 0.93. When no candidates were available, the specificity of our method varied between 0.81 and 0.91.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The method described in this article allows the identification of homologous alternative splicing events, with a good success rate, indicating that such method could be used for the development of functional annotation of alternative splice isoforms.</p

    The link between violence and suicidal behavior among female university students in Spain

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    To explore the association between violence and suicidal behavior in female university students. Method: A convenience sample of 540 female students enrolled in the Nursing and Teacher Training Faculties at the University of Valencia was selected. Violence by partners, nonpartners, and both was compared with suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. An adjusted logistic regression and the Wald Test were performed to explore whether the effect on student's suicidal behavior differed if a partner or others committed violence. Results: 18.1% reported suicidal thoughts in the last month and 2.4% had attempted suicide in the past five years. Suicidal behavior was significantly higher in abused than in nonabused students, although the magnitude was higher when committed by a nonpartner. Conclusions: All forms of violence are strongly associated with suicidal behavior. Understanding the relationship between violence and suicidal thoughts and attempts is a priority for reducing suicide behavior in young women

    Valoración de la creatividad grupal y barreras del pensamiento creativo en universitarios

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    En el presente trabajo pretendemos analizar, a través de una serie de cuestionarios autoaplicados, la creatividad en 112 universitarios del Grado de Magisterio trabajando en pequeños grupos, en relación con los estilos de pensamiento según Stenberg-Wagner (legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial), y las barreras a las que se deben enfrentar para llevar a cabo una tarea creativa e innovadora. En concreto, los objetivos de este estudio son identificar el perfil creativo específico de los estudiantes; analizar las relaciones entre la personalidad y rendimiento creativo, e identificar las barreras presentes para desarrollar tareas creativas. Se realizaron contrastes de t-student y modelos de regresión logística binaria con el cálculo de los Odds ratio (OR). Los resultados indican que para la mayoría de personalidades creativas, los estudiantes presentan niveles altos de creatividad. Con respecto a las barreras, se observan diferencias con respecto a la tipología que aparecen en cada uno de los grupos, existiendo unas que son predominantes en cada uno de los estilos. Estos resultados nos indican la necesidad de definir una tarea educativa, que tenga en cuenta la composición de los grupos y la personalidad de sus componentes, para conseguir grupos equilibrados, y trabajo creativo