72 research outputs found

    ゼンガク FD ノ コウゾウ ト キノウ

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    本論文では、全学的になされるFD活動(全学FD)の構造と機能について考察し、以下のことを 指摘した。 ①「FD義務化」にあたって、啓蒙型のFDだけでは困難な、「実際直面する問題に沿うこと」、さら に相互研修自生型FDだけでは困難な、「FDコミュニティ間の学び合いがあること」が可能な、「相 互研修コーディネート型FD」が重要になってくる。 ②「相互研修コーディネート型FD」には、FDセンターの、次のような支援を遂行する力量が必要 とされる。すなわち、場作り支援、いまひとつは組織作り支援である。さらに後者は、FD実施支援、 ニーズ把握支援に分類できる。 ③組織作り支援を行う場合、対象となる組織の状態を知らなければならない。特に成員間で教育に関 するコミュニケーションがどれだけとれているかに関して、コミュニティの「発達段階」を知らねば ならない。In this article, we considered the structure and function of university-wide Faculty Development (FD) activities and pointed out the following: (1) Being faced with a "FD obligation" phase, "coordinated mutual training type FD" becomes important in meeting the needs of demanding daily problems. This is difficult with enlightening type FD alone. In the same way to secure mutual learning among FD communities is difficult with spontaneously generated mutual training type FD. (2) In "coordinated mutual training type FD", abilities of the FD center to provide the following supports are needed. First; support is needed to create ample opportunities for communication. Second, the building up of a better community. Furthermore, the latter can be subdivided into two supports; FD implementations and needs grasp. (3) When we provide support in creating an organization, we must know the state of the organization we are working with. The developmental stage of community in terms of the depth and width of communication about education among members of the organization is particularly important

    Formal [4+2] cycloaddition of cyclobutanones bearing alkyne-cobalt complex at their 3-positions

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    Cyclobutanones bearing an alkyne-cobalt complex at their 3-positions reacted with aldehydes to give formal [4+2] cycloadducts by using tin(IV) chloride as a Lewis acid. Highly substituted tetrahydropyrone derivatives were stereoselectively prepared by this method. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    FD ファシリテーター ヨウセイ ケンシュウ ノ コウカ ニ カンスル イチコウサツ : トクシマ ダイガク ニオケル FD ファシリテーター ノ ヤクワリ ト イギ

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    徳島大学では2002年度より教育革新FDプログラムが立ち上った。現在までに多様な全学FDプログラムが開発・実施されてきている。その中でも部局FDの組織化を目指した研修プログラム として部局FDを実質的に担当する教員を養成するためのFDファシリテーター養成研修を実施している。2008年度からは部局FD組織が実質的に機能し始め、全学的なFD実施組織と部局FDの連携が活発に実施されるようになりつつある。部局FDを推進する担い手となるFDファシリテーターの役割や存在意義は部局FD組織にとって、ますます重要なものになりつつあると考えられる。 FDファシリテーターはFD組織の発達にも関わるコアメンバーであり、実質的なFDの実践を続けていくためには、FDの専門性に加え、組織に関わる正統的成員(1)としての高い当事者意識が必要である。本研究の目的は、徳島大学におけるFDファシリテーターの役割とその意義に注目し、FDファシリテーター養成研修でのアンケート調査をもとに、効果検証を試みるものである。特に、2009年度の研修については、FDファシリテーターにとって重要な知識やスキルの獲得と、FDファシリテーターとしての当事者意識に関わる意欲や自信の変化に注目したところ、スキルアップと当事者意識の変容に関する効果が見られた。Since 2002,educational innovation has started through FD programs at the University of Tokushima. Until now various university-wide FD programs have been developed and conducted. The FD facilitator training program has been carried out to develop teachers who are responsible for FD in their respective departments. The Aim is to build up FD organizations in each department. Depaetment FD organizations have been incorporaled substantlally since 2008. We see elaborated collaboration between the university-wide FD organization and the departmenta FD organizations. The roles of the FD facilitator of each department as the core member to promote their departmental FD are becoming more important. To keep practicing substantial FD,they need to be conscious of their identity as the FD facilitator. They need to be actively involved in facilitating FD programs for their departments while maintaining a sense of ownership as an authentic member of the department.The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the FD facilitator program based on the results of the questionnaire survey conducted at the beginning and the end of FD facilitator training. To evaluate this program,we pay close attention to whether the participants are able to acquire FD skills and knowledge which are considered necessary. Futhermore focus on whether they demonstrated any attitudinal change in their motivation and confidence as FD facilitators

    Importance of absorbable surgical sutures for the prevention of stitch abscess after surgery in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    To elucidate the significance of absorbable surgical sutures in the occurrence of stitch abscess after surgery in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The subjects were 251 patients who underwent excision and/or reconstruction and/or neck dissection for oral SCC using absorbable surgical sutures. Detection rates and characteristics of patients with stitch abscess were retrospectively evaluated by comparing between our present and previous data. There was only one stitch abscess among the 251 patients. A significant difference in the incidence of stitch abscess was found between the present data and our previous data. Of course, no significant correlations were found between the occurrence of stitch abscess using absorbable surgical sutures and the various factors seen in our previous analysis. A complete switch of surgical sutures from silk to absorbable surgical sutures is needed for surgery in patients with oral SCC

    Ultraflexible Wireless Imager Integrated with Organic Circuits for Broadband Infrared Thermal Analysis

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    Kawabata R., Li K., Araki T., et al. Ultraflexible Wireless Imager Integrated with Organic Circuits for Broadband Infrared Thermal Analysis. Advanced Materials 36, 2309864 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202309864.Flexible imagers are currently under intensive development as versatile optical sensor arrays, designed to capture images of surfaces and internals, irrespective of their shape. A significant challenge in developing flexible imagers is extending their detection capabilities to encompass a broad spectrum of infrared light, particularly terahertz (THz) light at room temperature. This advancement is crucial for thermal and biochemical applications. In this study, a flexible infrared imager is designed using uncooled carbon nanotube (CNT) sensors and organic circuits. The CNT sensors, fabricated on ultrathin 2.4 µm substrates, demonstrate enhanced sensitivity across a wide infrared range, spanning from near-infrared to THz wavelengths. Moreover, they retain their characteristics under bending and crumpling. The design incorporates light-shielded organic transistors and circuits, functioning reliably under light irradiation, and amplifies THz detection signals by a factor of 10. The integration of both CNT sensors and shielded organic transistors into an 8 × 8 active-sensor matrix within the imager enables sequential infrared imaging and nondestructive assessment for heat sources and in-liquid chemicals through wireless communication systems. The proposed imager, offering unique functionality, shows promise for applications in biochemical analysis and soft robotics

    BioHackathon series in 2011 and 2012: penetration of ontology and linked data in life science domains

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    The application of semantic technologies to the integration of biological data and the interoperability of bioinformatics analysis and visualization tools has been the common theme of a series of annual BioHackathons hosted in Japan for the past five years. Here we provide a review of the activities and outcomes from the BioHackathons held in 2011 in Kyoto and 2012 in Toyama. In order to efficiently implement semantic technologies in the life sciences, participants formed various sub-groups and worked on the following topics: Resource Description Framework (RDF) models for specific domains, text mining of the literature, ontology development, essential metadata for biological databases, platforms to enable efficient Semantic Web technology development and interoperability, and the development of applications for Semantic Web data. In this review, we briefly introduce the themes covered by these sub-groups. The observations made, conclusions drawn, and software development projects that emerged from these activities are discussed

    Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite

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    The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission is the sixth Japanese x-ray astronomy satellite developed by a large international collaboration, including Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe. The mission aimed to provide the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E  >  2  keV, using a microcalorimeter instrument, and to cover a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft x-rays to gamma rays. After a successful launch on February 17, 2016, the spacecraft lost its function on March 26, 2016, but the commissioning phase for about a month provided valuable information on the onboard instruments and the spacecraft system, including astrophysical results obtained from first light observations. The paper describes the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission, its capabilities, the initial operation, and the instruments/spacecraft performances confirmed during the commissioning operations for about a month