59 research outputs found

    Subjective Quality Assessment of the Impact of Buffer Size in Fine-Grain Parallel Video Encoding

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    Fine-Grain parallelism is essential for real-time video encoding performance. This usually implies setting a fixed buffer size for each encoded block. The choice of this parameter is critical for both performance and hardware cost. In this paper we analyze the impact of buffer size on image subjective quality, and its relation with other encoding parameters. We explore the consequences on visual quality, when minimizing buffer size to the point of causing the discard of quantized coefficients for highest frequencies. Finally, we propose some guidelines for the choice of buffer size, that has proven to be heavily dependent, in addition to other parameters, on the type of sequence being encoded. These guidelines are useful for the design of efficient realtime encoders, both hardware and software

    Propiedades mecánicas de mezclas bituminosas en caliente fabricadas con áridos reciclados de residuos de construcción y demolición

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    The mix design for asphalt mixtures containing recycled aggregates from construction and demolition debris was evaluated. The tests conducted to characterize the mechanical behaviour of these mixtures showed that the mechanical properties of mixtures with recycled and virgin aggregate are similar. The asphalt mixtures containing recycled aggregate proved to have lower resistance to water action. Nonetheless, recycled aggregate was found to be potentially usable in asphalt mixtures if higher quality materials are selected and such low resistance is corrected. This will call for expanding upon the preliminary work described in the present article.En este trabajo se dosificaron mezclas bituminosas fabricadas con áridos reciclados de residuos de construcción y demolición. Se realizaron una serie de ensayos que permitieron caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico de estas mezclas. Los parámetros mecánicos de las mezclas con áridos reciclados son similares a los de las mezclas fabricadas únicamente con áridos naturales de cantera. Sin embargo, las mezclas bituminosas con áridos reciclados tuvieron un mal comportamiento frente a la disminución de la resistencia por pérdida de cohesión por la acción del agua. No obstante, mediante la selección de materiales de mejor calidad y corrección de este mal comportamiento, existen posibilidades de utilizar áridos reciclados en mezclas bituminosas. Para ello será necesario ampliar la primera aproximación realizada en este artículo

    Análisis on-line de las estrategias de acceso léxico en sujetos con implante

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    [Resumen] Tomando como referencia el modelo dual de adquisición de la lectura que postula la existencia de dos procesadores (directo y fonológico) para explicar la forma en que el lector accede al significado de las palabras, se estudió el posible uso de ambos tipos de procesamiento en tareas de lectura y reconocimiento de palabras utilizando dos tipos de medidas (aciertos vs. errores y tiempos de lectura o reacción según la prueba). En el estudio participó un grupo de sujetos implantados cocleares (n=20) y uno de normooyentes (n=20) con una media de edad de 9 años y 2 meses y de 9 años y 5 meses respectivamente. L os resultados encontrados apuntan a que los sujetos implantados parecen utilizar un procesamiento fonológico de forma bastante más acusada, si bien parecen beneficiarse de manera considerable del contexto para su acceso a la ruta léxica o visual. A l mismo tiempo observamos los bueno éxitos en las tareas de decisión léxica, lo cual implica una representación visual de la palabra[Abstract] According to the dual model of reading acquisition which argues the existence of two processors (direct and phonological ) to explain how the reader access the meaning of words, we studied the possible use of both types of processing tasks reading and word recognition using two types of measures (hits vs . mistakes and reading times or reaction according to the test). The study involved a group of cochlear implanted subjects (n = 20 ) and one normal hearing (n = 20) with a mean age of 9 years and 2 months and 9 years and 5 months respectively. The results suggest that the implanted subjects seem to use a phonological processing rather more pronounced , although appear to benefit significantly from context to access the lexical or visual route. A t the same time look good success in the lexical decision task , which involves a visual representation of the word

    Conversaciones sobre la propia identidad en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: ayuda de los libros de memoria de comunicación aumentativa y alternativa

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    [Abstract] Alzheimer disease (AD) is a progressive and degenerative neurological disorder that affects memory, language and communication, thinking, and social skills. The inability to recall incidents and events, especially when symptoms become more prevalent and severe, can cause a person to experience a loss of self or to have doubts about his or her identity. One approach to helping these patients with their memory and language problems is to use memory books, a kind of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) tool. The aim of this study was to verify whether the introduction of AAC books could have an impact on conversations about self-identity through an increase of ‘self’-positive conversational contents and on improving conversational skills. Three single case studies were carried out with three elderly women with mild, moderate and severe AD, respectively. Each participant was involved in a conversation about their ‘selves’ in an alternating treatment design (ABAB) without a memory book in phase A and with the aid of this AAC tool in phase B. The results showed a similar conversational response pattern in all participants. AAC aids increased the number of ‘self’-positive conversational statements with a reduction in negative, ambiguous and repetitive utterances. In conclusion, AAC memory tools seemed to help participants with dementia to focus their attention on relevant personal information, allowing them to centre the conversation on core positive identity contents, thus improving the quality of the conversations with fewer ambiguous utterances.[Resumen] La Enfermedad de Alzheimer es una enfermedad neurológica degenerativa y progresiva que afecta a la memoria, el lenguaje y la comunicación, el pensamiento y las habilidades sociales. La incapacidad para recordar incidentes y acontecimientos, cuando los síntomas son más prevalentes y severos, puede causar que la persona experimente una pérdida del self o tenga dudas sobre su identidad. Un enfoque que ayuda con los problemas de memoria y de lenguaje es el uso de los libros de memoria, herramientas de Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa (CAA). El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar si la introducción de libros de CAA tiene un impacto en las conversaciones sobre la propia identidad, a través del incremento de contenidos conversacionales positivos sobre “si mismo”, y en la mejora de habilidades conversacionales. Se llevaron a cabo tres estudios de caso único con tres mujeres mayores con enfermedad de Alzheimer, leve, moderada y severa, respectivamente. Se implicó a cada participante en una conversación sobre “si misma” en un diseño de tratamientos alternos (ABAB) sin libro de memoria en la fase A y con apoyo de la CAA en B. Los resultados muestran un patrón de respuesta conversacional similar para las tres participantes. Con las ayudas de CAA se incrementaron las frases positivas sobre “si misma” en la conversación y se redujeron las declaraciones negativas, ambiguas y repetitivas. La conclusión es que parece que las herramientas de memoria han ayudado a enfocar la atención sobre información personal relevante, permitiendo centrar la conversación en contenidos básicos de su identidad y mejorando su calidad con menos ambigüedades

    Repeatable texture sampling with interchangeable patches

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    Rendering textures in real-time environments is a key task in computer graphics. This paper presents a new parallel patch-based method which allows repeatable sampling without cache, and does not create visual repetitions. Interchangeable patches of arbitrary shape are prepared in a preprocessing step, such that patches may lie over the boundary of other patches in a repeating tile. This compresses the example texture into an infinite texture map with small memory requirements, suitable for GPU and ray-tracing applications. The quality of textures rendered with this method can be tuned in the offline preprocessing step, and they can then be rendered in times comparable to Wang tiles. Experimental results demonstrate combined benefits in speed, memory requirements, and quality of randomisation when compared to previous methods

    Politics in Spain: A Case of Monitory Democracy

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    Analysing the current political context in Spain is a major challenge to political theory. Spain is experiencing the accumulation of trends that in recent years have focused the attention of most theorists and political scientists: discrediting of the major parties, falling numbers of party members, disaffection, etc. In parallel, this trend has been accompanied by citizen mobilisations that, since 15 May 2011, are manifest in numerous channels and strategies. The aim of this paper was to analyse the complex Spanish context from the monitory democracy proposal. The results show how in recent years processes of public scrutiny have been consolidated through a range of citizen initiatives. The study offers an in-depth analysis of the main characteristics of the most notable cases and monitoring initiatives, and also reflects on their democratising potential.El análisis del contexto político actual en España es un reto importante para la teoría política. España está experimentando la acumulación de tendencias que en años recientes han centrado la atención de la mayor parte de teóricos y científicos políticos: desacreditación de los principales partidos, caída del número de miembros de los partidos, desafección, etc. Paralelamente, esta tendencia se ha visto acompañada por movilizaciones ciudadanas que, desde el 15 de mayo de 2011, son manifiestas en numerosos canales y estrategias. El objetivo de este documento es analizar el complejo contexto español desde la propuesta de democracia monitorizada. Los resultados muestran que en años recientes se han consolidado los procesos de escrutinio público mediante una serie de iniciativas ciudadanas. El estudio ofrece un análisis en profundidad de las principales características de los casos e iniciativas de monitorización más notables, y reflexiona también sobre su potencial democratizador

    Factors associated with therapeutic response in acromegaly diagnosed in the elderly in Spain

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    ContextSome reports suggest that acromegaly in elderly patients has a more benign clinical behavior and could have a better response to first-generation long-acting somatostatin receptor ligands (SRL). However, there is no specific therapeutic protocol for this special subgroup of patients. ObjectiveThis study aimed at identifying predictors of response to SRL in elderly patients. DesignMulticentric retrospective nationwide study of patients diagnosed with acromegaly at or over the age of 65 years. ResultsOne-hundred and eighteen patients (34 men, 84 women, mean age at diagnosis 71.7 +/- 5.4 years old) were included. Basal insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) above the upper limit of normal (ULN) and growth hormone (GH) levels (mean +/- SD) were 2.7 +/- 1.4 and 11.0 +/- 11.9 ng/ml, respectively. The mean maximal tumor diameter was 12.3 +/- 6.4 mm, and up to 68.6% were macroadenoma. Seventy-two out of 118 patients (61.0%) underwent surgery as primary treatment. One-third of patients required first-line medical treatment due to a rejection of surgical treatment or non-suitability because of high surgical risk. After first-line surgery, 45/72 (63.9%) were in disease remission, and 16/34 (46.7%) of those treated with SRL had controlled disease. Patients with basal GH at diagnosis <= 6 ng/ml had lower IGF-1 levels and had smaller tumors, and more patients in this group reached control with SRL (72.7% vs. 33.3%; p < 0.04) [OR: 21.3, IC: 95% (2.4-91.1)], while male patients had a worse response [OR: 0.09, IC 95% (0.01-0.75)]. The predictive model curve obtained for SRL response showed an AUC of 0.82 CI (0.71-0.94). ConclusionsThe most frequent phenotype in newly diagnosed acromegaly in the elderly includes small adenomas and moderately high IGF-1 levels. GH at diagnosis <= 6 ng/ml and female gender, but not age per se, were associated with a greater chance of response to SRL

    The mitochondrial negative regulator MCJ is a therapeutic target for acetaminophen-induced liver injury

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    Acetaminophen (APAP) is the active component of many medications used to treat pain and fever worldwide. Its overuse provokes liver injury and it is the second most common cause of liver failure. Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to APAP-induced liver injury but the mechanism by which APAP causes hepatocyte toxicity is not completely understood. Therefore, we lack efficient therapeutic strategies to treat this pathology. Here we show that APAP interferes with the formation of mitochondrial respiratory supercomplexes via the mitochondrial negative regulator MCJ, and leads to decreased production of ATP and increased generation of ROS. In vivo treatment with an inhibitor of MCJ expression protects liver from acetaminophen-induced liver injury at a time when N-acetylcysteine, the standard therapy, has no efficacy. We also show elevated levels of MCJ in the liver of patients with acetaminophen overdose. We suggest that MCJ may represent a therapeutic target to prevent and rescue liver injury caused by acetaminophen