89 research outputs found

    Automatic segmentation of surface EMG images: Improving the estimation of neuromuscular activity

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    Surface electromyograms (EMGs) recorded with a couple of electrodes are meant to comprise representative information of the whole muscle activation. Nonetheless, regional variations in neuromuscular activity seem to occur in numerous conditions, from standing to passive muscle stretching. In this study, we show how local activation of skeletal muscles can be automatically tracked from EMGs acquired with a bi-dimensional grid of surface electrodes (a grid of 8 rows and 15 columns was used). Grayscale images were created from simulated and experimental EMGs, filtered and segmented into clusters of activity with the watershed algorithm. The number of electrodes on each cluster and the mean level of neuromuscular activity were used to assess the accuracy of the segmentation of simulated signals. Regardless of the noise level, thickness of fat tissue and acquisition configuration (monopolar or single differential), the segmentation accuracy was above 60%. Accuracy values peaked close to 95% when pixels with intensity below approximately 70% of maximal EMG amplitude in each segmented cluster were excluded. When simulating opposite variations in the activity of two adjacent muscles, watershed segmentation produced clusters of activity consistently centered on each simulated portion of active muscle and with mean amplitude close to the simulated value. Finally, the segmentation algorithm was used to track spatial variations in the activity, within and between medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles, during isometric plantar flexion contraction and in quiet standing position. In both cases, the regionalization of neuromuscular activity occurred and was consistently identified with the segmentation method

    Young, Healthy Subjects Can Reduce the Activity of Calf Muscles When Provided with EMG Biofeedback in Upright Stance

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    Recent evidence suggests the minimization of muscular effort rather than of the size of bodily sway may be the primary, nervous system goal when regulating the human, standing posture. Different programs have been proposed for balance training; none however has been focused on the activation of postural muscles during standing. In this study we investigated the possibility of minimizing the activation of the calf muscles during standing through biofeedback. By providing subjects with an audio signal that varied in amplitude and frequency with the amplitude of surface electromyograms (EMG) recorded from different regions of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, we expected them to be able to minimize the level of muscle activation during standing without increasing the excursion of the center of pressure (CoP). CoP data and surface EMG from gastrocnemii, soleus and tibialis anterior muscles were obtained from 10 healthy participants while standing at ease and while standing with EMG biofeedback. Four sensitivities were used to test subjects' responsiveness to the EMG biofeedback. Compared with standing at ease, the two most sensitive feedback conditions induced a decrease in plantar flexor activity (~15%; P < 0.05) and an increase in tibialis anterior EMG (~10%; P < 0.05). Furthermore, CoP mean position significantly shifted backward (~30 mm). In contrast, the use of less sensitive EMG biofeedback resulted in a significant decrease in EMG activity of ankle plantar flexors with a marginal increase in TA activity compared with standing at ease. These changes were not accompanied by greater CoP displacements or significant changes in mean CoP position. Key results revealed subjects were able to keep standing stability while reducing the activity of gastrocnemius and soleus without loading their tibialis anterior muscle when standing with EMG biofeedback. These results may therefore posit the basis for the development of training protocols aimed at assisting subjects in more efficiently controlling leg muscle activity during standing

    Estimation procedures affect the center of pressure frequency analysis

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    Even though frequency analysis of body sway is widely applied in clinical studies, the lack of standardized proceduresconcerning power spectrum estimation may provide unreliable descriptors. Stabilometric tests were applied to 35 subjects (20-51 years, 54-95 kg, 1.6-1.9 m) and the power spectral density function was estimated for the anterior-posterior center of press uretime series. The median frequency was compared between power spectra estimated according to signal partitioning, samplingrate, test duration, and detrending methods. The median frequency reliability for different test durations was assessed using t heintraclass correlation coefficient. When increasing number of segments, shortening test duration or applying linear detrending,the median frequency values increased significantly up to 137%. Even the shortest test duration provided reliable estimates asobserved with the intraclass coefficient (0.74-0.89 confidence interval for a single 20-s test). Clinical assessment of balance maybenefit from a standardized protocol for center of pressure spectral analysis that provides an adequate relationship betweenresolution and variance. An algorithm to estimate center of pressure power density spectrum is also proposed.Key words: Center of pressure; Spectral analysis; Quiet standing; Estimators; Median frequencyResearch partially supported by CNPq, Fundacao Universitaria Jose Bonifacio (FUJB), and FAPERJ. T.M.M. Vieira was therecipient of MSc scholarship from FAPERJ and CNPq.Received July 18, 2008. Accepted March 3, 200

    Changes in tibialis anterior architecture affect the amplitude of surface electromyograms

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    BACKGROUND: Variations in the amplitude of surface electromyograms (EMGs) are typically considered to advance inferences on the timing and degree of muscle activation in different circumstances. Surface EMGs are however affected by factors other than the muscle neural drive. In this study, we use electrical stimulation to investigate whether architectural changes in tibialis anterior (TA), a key muscle for balance and gait, affect the amplitude of surface EMGs. METHODS: Current pulses (500 ÎĽs; 2 pps) were applied to the fibular nerve of ten participants, with the ankle at neutral, full dorsi and full plantar flexion positions. Ultrasound images were collected to quantify changes in TA architecture with changes in foot position. The peak-to-peak amplitude of differential M waves, detected with a grid of surface electrodes (16 Ă— 4 electrodes; 10 mm inter-electrode distance), was considered to assess the effect of changes in TA architecture on the surface recordings. RESULTS: On average, both TA pennation angle and width increased by respectively 7 deg. and 9 mm when the foot moved from plantar to dorsiflexion (P < 0.02). M-wave amplitudes changed significantly with ankle position. M waves elicited in dorsiflexion and neutral positions were ~25% greater than those obtained during plantar flexion, regardless of where they were detected in the grid (P < 0.001). This figure increased to ~50% when considering bipolar M waves. CONCLUSIONS: Findings reported here indicate the changes in EMG amplitude observed during dynamic contractions, especially when changes in TA architecture are expected (e.g., during gait), may not be exclusively conceived as variations in TA activation

    Complexity Analysis of Surface Electromyography for Assessing the Myoelectric Manifestation of Muscle Fatigue: A Review

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    The surface electromyography (sEMG) records the electrical activity of muscle fibers during contraction: one of its uses is to assess changes taking place within muscles in the course of a fatiguing contraction to provide insights into our understanding of muscle fatigue in training protocols and rehabilitation medicine. Until recently, these myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue (MMF) have been assessed essentially by linear sEMG analyses. However, sEMG shows a complex behavior, due to many concurrent factors. Therefore, in the last years, complexity-based methods have been tentatively applied to the sEMG signal to better individuate the MMF onset during sustained contractions. In this review, after describing concisely the traditional linear methods employed to assess MMF we present the complexity methods used for sEMG analysis based on an extensive literature search. We show that some of these indices, like those derived from recurrence plots, from entropy or fractal analysis, can detect MMF efficiently. However, we also show that more work remains to be done to compare the complexity indices in terms of reliability and sensibility; to optimize the choice of embedding dimension, time delay and threshold distance in reconstructing the phase space; and to elucidate the relationship between complexity estimators and the physiologic phenomena underlying the onset of MMF in exercising muscles

    Differential behaviour of distinct motoneuron pools that innervate the triceps surae

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    It has been shown that when humans lean in various directions, the central nervous system (CNS) recruits different motoneuron pools for task completion; common units that are active during different leaning directions, and unique units that are active in only one leaning direction. We used high-density surface electromyography (HD-sEMG) to examine if motor unit (MU) firing behaviour was dependent on leaning direction, muscle (medial and lateral gastrocnemius; soleus), limits of stability, or whether a MU is considered common or unique. Fourteen healthy participants stood on a force platform and maintained their center of pressure in five different leaning directions. HD-sEMG recordings were decomposed into MU action potentials and the average firing rate (AFR), coefficient of variation (CoVISI) and firing intermittency were calculated on the MU spike trains. During the 30-90Âş leaning directions both unique units and common units had higher firing rates (F = 31.31, p \u3c 0.0001). However, the unique units achieved higher firing rates compared to the common units (mean estimate difference = 3.48 Hz, p \u3c 0.0001). The CoVISI increased across directions for the unique units but not for the common units (F = 23.65. p \u3c 0.0001). Finally, intermittent activation of MUs was dependent on the leaning direction (F = 11.15, p \u3c 0.0001), with less intermittent activity occurring during diagonal and forward-leaning directions. These results provide evidence that the CNS can preferentially control separate motoneuron pools within the ankle plantarflexors during voluntary leaning tasks for the maintenance of standing balance

    Novel insights into bi-articular muscle actions gained from high-density EMG

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    Biarticular muscles have traditionally been considered to exhibit homogeneous neuromuscular activation. The regional activation of biarticular muscles, as revealed from high-density surface electromyograms, seems however to discredit this notion. We thus hypothesize the regional activation of biarticular muscles may contribute to different actions about the joints they span. We then discuss the mechanistic basis and methodological implications underpinning our hypothesis

    Variations in the spatial distribution of the amplitude of surface electromyograms are unlikely explained by changes in the length of medial gastrocnemius fibres with knee joint angle

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    This study investigates whether knee position affects the amplitude distribution of surface electromyogram (EMG) in the medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle. Of further concern is understanding whether knee-induced changes in EMG amplitude distribution are associated with regional changes in MG fibre length. Fifteen surface EMGs were acquired proximo-distally from the MG muscle while 22 (13 male) healthy participants (age range: 23-47 years) exerted isometric plantar flexion at 60% of their maximal effort, with knee fully extended and at 90 degrees flexion. The number of channels providing EMGs with greatest amplitude, their relative proximo-distal position and the EMG amplitude averaged over channels were considered to characterise changes in myoelectric activity with knee position. From ultrasound images, collected at rest, fibre length, pennation angle and fat thickness were computed for MG proximo-distal regions. Surface EMGs detected with knee flexed were on average five times smaller than those collected during knee extended. However, during knee flexed, relatively larger EMGs were detected by a dramatically greater number of channels, centred at the MG more proximal regions. Variation in knee position at rest did not affect the proximo-distal values obtained for MG fibre length, pennation angle and fat thickness. Our main findings revealed that, with knee flexion: i) there is a redistribution of activity within the whole MG muscle; ii) EMGs detected locally unlikely suffice to characterise the changes in the neural drive to MG during isometric contractions at knee fully extended and 90 degrees flexed positions; iii) sources other than fibre length may substantially contribute to determining the net, MG activation

    The Spatial Distribution of Ankle Muscles Activity Discriminates Aged from Young Subjects during Standing

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    During standing, age-related differences in the activation of ankle muscles have been reported from surface electromyograms (EMGs) sampled locally. Given though activity seems to distribute unevenly within ankle muscles, the local sampling of surface EMGs may provide a biased view on how often and how much elderly and young individuals activate these muscles during standing. This study aimed therefore at sampling EMGs from multiple regions of individual ankle muscles to evaluate whether the distribution of muscle activity differs between aged and young subjects during standing. Thirteen young and eleven aged, healthy subjects were tested. Surface EMGs were sampled at multiple skin locations from tibialis anterior, soleus and medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles while subjects stood at ease. The root mean square amplitude of EMGs was considered to estimate the duration, the degree of activity and the size of the region where muscle activity was detected. Our main findings revealed the medial gastrocnemius was active for longer periods in aged (interquartile interval; 74.1-98.2%) than young (44.9-81.9%) individuals (P = 0.02). Similarly, while tibialis anterior was rarely active in young (0.7-4.4%), in elderly subjects (2.6-82.5%) it was often recruited (P = 0.01). Moreover, EMGs with relatively higher amplitude were detected over a significantly wider proximo-distal region of medial gastrocnemius in aged (29.4-45.6%) than young (20.1-31.3%) subjects (P = 0.04). These results indicate the duration and the size of active muscle volume, as quantified from the spatial distribution of surface EMGs, may discriminate aged from young individuals during standing; elderlies seem to rely more heavily on the active loading of ankle muscles to control their standing posture than young individuals. Most importantly, current results suggest different conclusions on the active control of standing posture may be drawn depending on the skin location from where EMGs are collected, in particular for the medial gastrocnemius

    EMG Signs of Motor Units’ Enlargement in Stroke Survivors

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    The degeneration of lower motoneurons has often been reported in stroke survivors, with possible collateral reinnervation from the surviving motoneurons to the denervated muscle fibers. Under this assumption, a stroke would be expected to increase the size of motor units in paretic muscles. We indirectly address this issue with electrical stimulation and surface electromyography, asking whether stroke leads to greater variations in the amplitude of M waves elicited in paretic muscles than in contralateral, non-paretic muscles. Current pulses at progressively greater intensities were applied to the musculocutaneous nerve, stimulating motoneurons supplying the biceps brachii of eight stroke patients. The size of increases in the amplitude of M waves elicited consecutively, hereafter defined as increments, was considered to evaluate changes in the innervation ratio of biceps brachii motor units following stroke. Our findings showed that patients presented significantly (p = 0.016) greater increments in muscles of paretic than in non-paretic limbs. This result corroborates the notion that collateral reinnervation takes place after stroke, enlarging motor units’ size and the magnitude of the muscle responses. Therefore, the non-invasive analysis proposed here may be useful for health professionals to assess disease progression by tracking for neuromuscular changes likely associated with clinical outcomes in stroke survivors, such as in the muscles’ strength
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