5 research outputs found

    Prediction of the SARS-CoV-2 Derived T-Cell Epitopes’ Response Against COVID Variants

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    The COVID-19 outbreak began in December 2019 and was declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization. The four most dominating variants are Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron. After the administration of vaccine doses, an eminent decline in new cases has been observed. The COVID-19 vaccine induces neutralizing antibodies and T-cells in our bodies. However, strong variants like Delta and Omicron tend to escape these neutralizing antibodies elicited by COVID-19 vaccination. Therefore, it is indispensable to study, analyze and most importantly, predict the response of SARS-CoV-2-derived t-cell epitopes against Covid variants in vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. In this regard, machine learning can be effectively utilized for predicting the response of COVID-derived t-cell epitopes. In this study, prediction of T-cells Epitopes’ response was conducted for vaccinated and unvaccinated people for Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron variants. The dataset was divided into two classes, i.e., vaccinated and unvaccinated, and the predicted response of T-cell Epitopes was divided into three categories, i.e., Strong, Impaired, and Over-activated. For the aforementioned prediction purposes, a self-proposed Bayesian neural network has been designed by combining variational inference and flow normalization optimizers. Furthermore, the Hidden Markov Model has also been trained on the same dataset to compare the results of the self-proposed Bayesian neural network with this state-of-the-art statistical approach. Extensive experimentation and results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed network in terms of accurate prediction and reduced error

    Comparative Study on Distributed Lightweight Deep Learning Models for Road Pothole Detection

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    This paper delves into image detection based on distributed deep-learning techniques for intelligent traffic systems or self-driving cars. The accuracy and precision of neural networks deployed on edge devices (e.g., CCTV (closed-circuit television) for road surveillance) with small datasets may be compromised, leading to the misjudgment of targets. To address this challenge, TensorFlow and PyTorch were used to initialize various distributed model parallel and data parallel techniques. Despite the success of these techniques, communication constraints were observed along with certain speed issues. As a result, a hybrid pipeline was proposed, combining both dataset and model distribution through an all-reduced algorithm and NVlinks to prevent miscommunication among gradients. The proposed approach was tested on both an edge cluster and Google cluster environment, demonstrating superior performance compared to other test settings, with the quality of the bounding box detection system meeting expectations with increased reliability. Performance metrics, including total training time, images/second, cross-entropy loss, and total loss against the number of the epoch, were evaluated, revealing a robust competition between TensorFlow and PyTorch. The PyTorch environment’s hybrid pipeline outperformed other test settings

    Using Discrete Cosine Transform Based Features for Human Action Recognition

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    Abstract-Recognizing human action in complex video sequences has always been challenging for researchers due to articulated movements, occlusion, background clutter, and illumination variation. Human action recognition has wide range of applications in surveillance, human computer interaction, video indexing and video annotation. In this paper, a discrete cosine transform based features have been exploited for action recognition. First, motion history image is computed for a sequence of images and then blockedbased truncated discrete cosine transform is computed for motion history image. Finally, K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) classifier is used for classification. This technique exhibits promising results for KTH and Weizmann dataset. Moreover, the proposed model appears to be computationally efficient and immune to illumination variations; however, this model is prone to viewpoint variations. Index Terms-motion history image, discrete cosine interaction, video indexing, video annotatio

    Using Discrete Cosine Transform based Features for Human Action Recognition

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    Recognizing human action in complex video sequences has always been challenging for researchers due to articulated movements, occlusion, background clutter, and illumination variation. Human action recognition has wide range of applications in surveillance, human computer interaction, video indexing and video annotation. In this paper, a discrete cosine transform based features have been exploited for action recognition. First, motion history image is computed for a sequence of images and then blocked-based truncated discrete cosine transform is computed for motion history image. Finally, K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) classifier is used for classification. This technique exhibits promising results for KTH and Weizmann dataset. Moreover, the proposed model appears to be computationally efficient and immune to illumination variations; however, this model is prone to viewpoint variation

    Achieving cybersecurity in blockchain-based systems: A survey

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