27,117 research outputs found
Prinsip-prinsip negara hukum menurut Muhammad Tahir Azhary di Indonesia
Negara hukum adalah sebuah gagasan yang ideal dan telah berkembang sejak lama. Gagasan negara hukum yang dianut oleh negara-negara Barat sekarang pada umumnya adalah gagasan negara hukum yang berasal dari hasil pemikiran intelektual Barat yang berpijak pada filsafat liberal dan sekuler. Oleh karena itu Muhammad Tahir Azhary mengajukan prinsip-prinsip negara hukum atau nomokrasi Islam yang berdasarkan wahyu ilahi (al-Qur'an dan sunnah) untuk mencapai kemaslahatan manusia dunia dan akhirat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prinsip-prinsip negara hukum Muhammad Tahir Azhary. Di samping itu juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasinya dan tinjauan siyasah dusturiyah terhadap konsep negara hukum Muhammad Tahir Azhary. Penelitian ini bertolak dari ajaran Islam, yang menjelaskan saling berkaitan antara agama, negara dan hukum. Ketika komponen tersebut tidak dapat dipisahkan karena agama memberikan pengaruh dan sumber dari pada hukum serta meletakan prinsip prinsip dasar bagi negara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi dua buku karangan Muhammad Tahir Azhary diantaranya adalah Negara Hukum Suatu Studi tenlang Prinsip prinsipnya Dilihal dari Segi Hukum Islam, Implementasi pada Periode Negara Madinah dan Masa Kim Dan Islam untuk Disiplin Ilmu Hukum Sosial dan Politik. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi kepustakaan. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengklasifikasikan data-data yang terkumpul sesuai dengan perumusan masalah, menganalisa data dengan data yang lain, baru kemudian menank kesimpulan akhir. Data yang ditunjukkan menunjukkan bahvva konsep negara hukum Muhammad Tahir Azhary adalah negara hukum yang berdasarkan wahyu ilahi (al-Qur'an dan sunnah) yang memiliki sembilan prinsip-prinsip umum nomokrasi Islam, yaitu: (1) kekuasaan sebagai amanah; (2) musyawarah; (3) keadilan; (4) persamaan; (5) pengakuan dan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia; (6) peradilan bebas; (7) perdamaian; (8) kesejahteraan dan (9) ketaatan rakyat. Prinsip-prinsip itu bersifat baku, mutlak dan universal. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep negara hukum Muhammad Tahir Azhary adalah konsep negara hukum yang Islami (sesuai dengan doktrin Islam), karena tidak mengabaikan sendi-sendi wahyu (Qur’an dan Sunnah). Konsep negara hukum Muhammad Tahir Azhary juga sejalan dengan siyasah dusturiyah yang mengutamakan kemaslahan umat, karena mencegah timbulnya kekuasaan yang otoriter, diktator dan sekuler
This study describes the role of Achmad Tahir during the Battle of Medan Area 13 October 1945 in the city of Medan. The Battle of Medan Area occurred because of the return of the Allies and Nica to regain control of the Medan city area. The rejection of Medan residents was marked by riots and the emergence of many casualties, both from the Allies and Nica and the Indonesian people. Achmad Tahir and the military organizations he participated in played an important role in the events of the Medan Area battle. In this research raises a problem formulation (1). What was the role of Achmad Tahir in the Battle of Medan Area in 1945? (2). What was the role of military organizations that Achmad Tahir had participated in in the Battle of Medan Area in 1945? To answer the formulation of the problem above, the method used in this study is a historical research method which consists of 4 stages which include (1) Heuristics, (2) Verification, (3) Interpretation, (4) Historiography. The results of the research that have been carried out show that the role of Achmad Tahir in fighting for independence in the city of Medan is an important role, especially in the Battle of Medan Area. In the Battle of Medan Area, Achmad Tahir's enthusiasm and struggle in fighting against the Allies and Nica should be appreciated for not giving up. This can be proven by Achmad Tahir again inviting the youths of former Gyugun, Heiho, and Peta to reunite against colonialism which was discussed in a secret meeting chaired by Achmad Tahir. In addition, Achmad Tahir has the initiative to train young people through the training he received while participating in a military organization called Gyugun. This is done to fight for independence as well as to give the spirit of nationalism to Indonesian youth.
Keywords: Role, Achmad Tahir, Battle of Medan Are
Introducing Iqbal the Economist
The Iqbal Memorial Lecture was instituted in 1994 when the Pakistan Society of Development Economists (PSDE) celebrated the completion of a decade of steady progress. A brief announcement stated: “The Iqbal Memorial Lecture attributed to the national poet [Emphasis added], Allama Muhammad Iqbal has been included in the programme for the first time. Professor Ian M. D. Little is delivering that lecture” [Secretary’s Report (1994), p. 1472]. Iqbal, the poet and philosopher par excellence, has made incisive remarks or comments on economic and social issues in his poetry, philosophical writings, and in the course of his discourses as well as some famous letters, particularly those written to the Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan. But these do not make Iqbal an economist. The Secretary of the PSDE was, therefore, careful in observing that the lecture commemorates our “national poet”. However, it will be of great interest to this largest national congregation of economists and other scholars concerned with development to know that the very first published book of Iqbal related neither to poetry nor philosophy, but economics. It was written in Urdu. He also taught the subject at undergraduate and Master’s level, even though he had not studied it as a student. At the Government College, Lahore, Iqbal studied English, Philosophy and Arabic for his B.A. and then completed the M.A. in Philosophy.
Structural performance of precast self-compacting concrete beam consisiting banana skin powder and coir fibre under flexural load
In present, environmental pollution is become serious problem. Agricultural products generate waste in huge amount, which creates the disposal and environmental problems such as leachate and odour smell. An initiative is needed to reduce these wastes and utilize the agricultural waste as a construction material like concrete. The agricultural waste widely used as supplementary cementing material, filler and fibre reinforcement. In this research Banana Skin Powder (BSP) and Coir Fibre (CF) utilized as partially cementing material and filler respectively, to reduce the agricultural waste and save the natural recourses which is used in manufacturing of cement and reduces the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) in atmosphere. This research investigated the physical and chemical properties of BSP. The fresh properties (filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance) and hardened properties such as compressive, tensile, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of self-compacting concrete (SCC) consisting BSP and CF were studied experimentally. The ultimate load, crack pattern and load deflection profile of Precast Self-Compacting Concrete containing BSP and CF Beam (PSCC-BSP-CF-B) were analysed under flexural load by experimental work. The results were validated by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using software package Abaqus. The outcomes from XRF test proved that the BSP is the Class F pozzolan which contributes to enhance the strength of SCC. The fresh properties of SCC like filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance were satisfied the EFNARC SCC specifications. The mechanical properties and ultimate bearing capacity were improved with the BSP and CF incorporation in SCC. The crack pattern predicts the PSCC-B were fail in flexural. The deflection became lower when CF and BSP were added in PSCC-B. The optimum percentage which was found through experimental tests are 0.4%BSP and 0.5% for CF. The crack pattern, ultimate load and deflection in PSCC-B using FEA through ABAQUS have 2% to 8% difference compare to experimental studies
The writing aims: (1) find an assessment to measure the level of bank compliance with the contract al-Ijarah al-Muntahiya bi al-Tamlik (IMBT) based on maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah the idea of al-Tahir ibn 'Ashu r, (2) reveals the phenomenon of BRI Syariah KCP Ponorogo compliance with the IMBT contract. The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study type. The type of data in this research is qualitative data on the words and actions of the research subject. Data collection techniques used documentation and unstructured planned interviews. Technique of checking data through credibility test and dependability test. The data analysis technique used Miles and Huberman's analysis with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. To make an assessment of the suitability of Islamic banks using the Sekaran method to operationalize maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah the idea of al-Tahir ibn 'Ashur into dimensions and elements. To develop measurement indicators using the DSN-MUI fatwa. Meanwhile, to obtain a score of compliance with Islamic banks using the balanced scorecard method calculation technique. The findings of this research are BRI Syariah KCP Ponorogo complies with the sharia provisions in the IMBT contract based on maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah ideas al-Tahir ibn 'Ashur. The level of compliance is 72.5% with the fulfillment of circulation goals of 70%, transparency 68.75%, strength of law 80%, preservation of 75%, and justice 68.75%. This study contributes to a qualitative assessment of sharia compliance based on maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah ideas al-Tahir ibn 'Ashur as a standard or parameter to assess adherence. Islamic banks in channeling IMBT financing.Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) menemukan assesmen untuk mengukur tingkat kepatuhan bank terhadap akad al-Ijarah al-Muntahiya bi al-Tamlik (IMBT) berdasarkan maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah gagasan al-Tahir ibn ‘Ashur, (2) mengungkap fenomena kepatuhan BRI Syariah KCP Ponorogo terhadap akad IMBT. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan tipe studi kasus. Jenis data penelitian ini adalah data kualitatif kata-kata dan tindakan subjek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi dan wawancara terencana tidak terstruktur. Teknik pemeriksaan data melalui uji kredibilitas dan uji dependibilitas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis Miles dan Huberman dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Untuk membuat assesmen kesesuaian bank syariah menggunakan metode Sekaran untuk mengoperasionalisasi maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah gagasan al-Tahir ibn ‘Ashur menjadi dimensi dan elemen. Untuk mengembangkan indikator pengukuran menggunakan fatwa DSN-MUI. Sedangkan untuk memperoleh skor kepatuhan bank syariah menggunakan Teknik perhitungan metode balanced scorecard. Temuan penelitian ini adalah BRI Syariah KCP Ponorogo patuh terhadap ketentuan syariah dalam akad IMBT berdasarkan maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah gagasan al-Tahir ibn ‘Ashur. Tingkat kepatuhannya sebesar 72.5% dengan pemenuhan tujuan sirkulasi 70%, transparansi 68.75%, kekuatan hukum 80%, preservasi 75%, dan keadilan 68.75%. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada assesmen kepatuhan syariah secara kualitatif berdasarkan maqasid al-tasarrufat al-maliyyah gagasan al-Tahir ibn ‘Ashur sebagai standar atau parameter untuk menilai kepatuhan Bank syariah dalam menyalurkan pembiayaan IMBT
Kisah Pemberantasan Bid’ah di Malaysia: Kajian atas Kitab Risalah Al-Azhari
This article aims to study the idea and thought of Shaikh Muhammad Tahir Jalaluddin al-Falaki al-Azhari on the concept of bid’ah [innovation] dan the issues related to it. Bid’ah [innovation] is a problematic issue among muslim society in Malaysia. Generally, it is due to two main streams of thought between Kaum Muda [ultra-ortodox] and Kaum Tua [orthodox] that look at the issues from their own perspectives which are different from one another. In the context of this paper, it focuses to view the idea and thought of Shaikh Muhammad Tahir Jalaluddin himself. Hopefully, it will ease and help the muslim society in Malaysia to interact between them peacefully as allowed in Islam, and not vice-versa
Tekstualisme Dan Kontekstualisme Penafsiran Kontemporer Terhadap Surah Al-Maidah Ayat 38
Not only in the interpretation of classical scholars, the discourses on the interpretation of contemporary scholars are also diverse and often contradictory even though they are based on the same textual basis of the Qur'anic verse. This study intends to identify trends in the interpretation of contemporary scholars regarding the legal sanctions for cutting hands in al-Maidah verse 38. Two figures are studied, namely Ibn 'Asyur and Muhammad Syahrur. The main data objects of this research, namely the book (kitab) entitled al-Tahrîr wa al-Tanwîr by Muhammad Tahir Ibn 'Asyur and al-Kitâb wa al-Qur'ân Qirâ'ah Mu'âsirah by Muhammad Syahrur, and. The research approach used is a philosophical normative approach. The analytical theory used is the typology of textualism and contextualism of interpretation which was coined by Abdullah Saeed. Meanwhile, the nature of the research approach is descriptive-analytic. The results of the study conclude that the interpretation of Ibn 'Asyur regarding al-Ma'idah verse 38 can be categorized as a textual interpretation. This can be seen from his interpretation of the literal meaning of the verse. In addition, Ibn 'Asyur also tends to view the punishment of cutting off hands for thieves to be a deterrent as well as a preventive measure. In contrast to Ibn 'Asyur, Muhammad Syahrur's interpretation of the legal case of cutting off hands for thieves includes contextual interpretation. This can be seen when he understands the verse of cutting off hands for thieves, he gives a meaning that gives space for ijtihad for an area and conditions to enforce punishments that have a deterrent effect, provided that it must not exceed the punishment of cutting off handsas the maximum limit
[Tablón de Anuncios Biblioteca AECID]. Novedades Biblioteca Islámica: Monetary policy, Islamic finance, and Islamic corporate governance: an international overview
Monetary policy, Islamic finance, and Islamic corporate governance: an international overview (edited by Toseef Azid, Murniati Mukhlisin, Nashr Akbar and Muhammad Tahir; Emerald Publising, cop. 2021). Signatura 4-69278
Crystal structure of catena-poly[[tri-methyltin(IV)]-μ-2-(2-nitrophenyl)-acetato-κ2O:O′]
The authors acknowledge the provision of funds for the purchase of a diffractometer and encouragement by Dr Muhammad Akram Chaudhary, Vice Chancellor, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Problems: This research aims to overcome the problem of formal and monotonous early childhood reading in their learning media by providing interesting and enjoyable learning experience through the use of gadgets, integrating modern technology with traditional learning. Method: The research method used is the UX Journey, which combines needs exploration and understanding of user experience to produce effective design solutions, with a focus on overcoming challenges in meeting user needs and providing appropriate solutions. Results: The results after testing showed that the ReadFun application design solution successfully met user needs and received positive responses. Conclusion: This research resulted in an application design solution called ReadFun that meets the needs of parents. The app includes features such as syllable memorization, picture guessing, and story reading with text, pictures, and sounds. The research involved validation and verification using Acceptance Criteria and Requirement Metric to ensure that the app meets quality standards and user needs. Thus, the UX Journey method helps in meeting user expectations and needs
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