81 research outputs found

    Lessons learnt over two decades of vaccination against hepatitis B in Italy

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    This article reviews topics covered and discussed at the Meeting:  Vaccini e vaccinazioni. Migliorare lâoggi e preparare il domani, held in Genoa, Italy, on 12 September 2014. Data presented at the meeting, clearly showed that: 1) hepatitis B vaccination can confer long-term protection and there is no need for booster in immunocompetent vaccinees; 2) vaccination is highly effective in protecting population from clinical acute or chronic HBV infections, including hepatocellular carcinoma; 3) children vaccinated as infants with hexavalent vaccines maintain immunological memory 5 years after priming, but further studies are needed to assess whether immunity persists during the adolescence and adulthood when risk of exposure to HBV becomes higher; 4) the emergence of vaccine-escape mutants and Pol-gene mutants during antiviral therapy - which can result in changes in the S-gene - is of some concern, but at present there is no evidence that such mutants may pose a threat to the established programs of vaccination

    Effect of a multistrain probiotic (Lactoflorene® Plus) on inflammatory parameters and microbiota composition in subjects with stress-related symptoms

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    Stress affects the immune system and intestinal microbiota composition and can lead to imbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines or to uncontrolled production of cytokines. The effect of emotional stress on secretory IgA levels also indicates that stress decreases mucosal integrity. Our aim was to evaluate whether a probiotic product (Lactoflorene® Plus) can prevent alterations in the immune response associated with self-reported stress and microbiota composition. Healthy adult volunteers who self-reported psychological stress were enrolled and randomised into a placebo and a probiotic group. Salivary stress markers (α-amylase, cortisol, chromogranin A) and immunological parameters (sIgA, NK cell activity, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α) in feces and the composition of intestinal microbiota were evaluated. Administration of the product did not exert a direct effect on the salivary stress markers or NK cell activity but did reduce abdominal pain and increase faecal IgA and IL-10 levels. The probiotic product induced a moderate increase in Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus spp., as expected, and in Faecalibacterium spp., and decreased the size of the Dialister spp. and Escherichia and Shigella populations. Administration of the product helped protect the mucosal barrier by supporting the number of short-chain fatty acid producers and decreasing the load of potentially harmful bacteria, thus reducing intestinal inflammation and abdominal discomfort. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03234452

    Hepatitis a epidemic in men who have sex with men (MSM) in milan, Italy

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    Background and aim of the work: Hepatitis A is an infectious disease characterized by fecal-oral transmission; however, a rise in sexually-transmitted cases has been observed, particularly among \u201cmen who have sex with men\u201d. In Europe, a Hepatitis A epidemic occurred among men who have sex with men between 2016 and 2018. The aim of this study is to describe this Hepatitis A epidemic in the city of Milan and to analyze the incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases co-infection among Hepatitis A cases. Methods: Hepatitis A cases were traced and identified. Epidemiological data were collected and Hepatitis A vaccination was investigated. Cases were georeferenced, calculating incidence rates for each Milan Municipality. Viral genotypic analysis was carried out. Results: 353 cases were reported in Milan. Incidence rates resulted significantly higher in males (RR 18.1 CI9 5% 11.5 - 28.4). 70 cases reported foreign travel. 172 cases reported \u201cMen who have Sex with Men\u201d behaviour. Genotypic analysis revealed correlation with strains of the European \u201cMen who have Sex with Men\u201d epidemic. Georeferencing showed asymmetric case distribution. Only 12 cases reported Hepatitis A vaccination. The Relative Risk for syphilis infection among Hepatitis A cases was 133.9 (95% CI 81.7 - 219.7) and 29.7 (95%CI 9.5 - 92.7) for gonorrhea. Conclusions: Most genotyped cases (93.7%) correlated to the European Hepatitis A epidemic among Men who have Sex with Men. Georeferencing showed a greater incidence of Hepatitis A cases in areas characterized by the homosexual community. The higher incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases co-infection in Hepatitis A cases correlated to clusters responsible for the European Hepatitis A epidemic, suggests increased sexual promiscuity among Men who have Sex with Men. These data support the need for Hepatitis A vaccination programs and sensitization of Men who have Sex with Men to the adoption of safe sexual practices

    Fostering Professional Ethical Competence During Teacher Training Practice

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    Professionals who have undergone their training at university should possess not only the knowledge-base necessary to practice in their chosen profession, but also the ethical principles that ensure responsible professional practice and the corresponding benefits for society. The research project addressed in the present article aimed to contribute to fostering ethical competence and commitment amongst future teachers. During the experience the participants had the opportunity to design tasks that stimulated reflection, critique and ethical awareness.Specialistai, įgiję universitetinį išsilavinimą, turi būti sukaupę ne tik žinių, kurios būtinos profesinėje veikloje, bet ir gebėti vadovautis etikos principais, kurie užtikrintų atsakingą ir visuomenės gerovei reikalingą profesinę veiklą. Tyrime, pristatomame šiame straipsnyje, analizuojamos būsimųjų mokytojų etinės kompetencijos plėtros ir atsidavimo darbui problemos. Tyrimo dalyviai turėjo galimybę kurti užduotis, kurios skatino refleksiją, kritiką ir etinį sąmoningumą.Les professionnels ayant reçu leur formation auprès des Universités disposeront, non seulement des connaissances de base nécessaires à l'exercice de leur métier, mais aussi les principes éthiques garantissant un exercice professionnel responsable portant bénéfice sur la société. Le projet de recherche présenté sous ce titre a comme objectif la contribution à la favorisation de la compétence éthique et de l'engagement parmi les futurs enseignants. Lors de cette expérience, les participants ont eu l'occasion d'élaborer des tâches favorisant la réflexion, la critique et la pensée critique.Профессионалы, получившие университетское образование, не только получают основные знания для работы по своей профессии, но и моральные принципы, которые обеспечивают ответственную профессиональную работу и соответствующую выгоду для общества. Целью исследовательского проекта,представленного под этим именем, является участие в стимуляции профессиональной этики и компромисса среди будущих преподавателей. Во время проведения эксперимента, участники получили возможность разработать задания, стимулирующие размышление, критику и критичиское сознание.Los profesionales que han recibido su formación en la Universidad, poseerán no solo el conocimiento base necesario para la práctica en su profesión, sino también los principios éticos que aseguran la práctica profesional responsable y el correspondiente beneficio para la sociedad. El proyecto de investigación presentado con este título tiene como objetivo contribuir a estimular la competencia ética y el compromiso entre los futuros docentes. Durante la experiencia, los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de diseñar tareas que estimularan la reflexión, la crítica y la conciencia crítica

    Hepatitis E in Italy : 5 years of national epidemiological, virological and environmental surveillance, 2012 to 2016

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    Increasing numbers of hepatitis E cases are being reported in several European countries, including Italy, but the burden of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is largely unknown in the latter. To gain a better understanding of HEV epidemiology at national level in Italy, we piloted a strengthened and integrated human (epi-demiological and virological) and environmental HEV surveillance system between 2012 and 2016. Over the 5-year period, 169 confirmed hepatitis E cases were identified, with a national annual incidence of 0.72 cases per 1,000,000. Of 65 HEV-RNA positive samples of sufficient quality for molecular analysis, 66% were genotype HEV3, 32% HEV1 and 1% HEV4. The most frequent risk factor reported by all HEV3 infected cases, was the consumption of undercooked pork and sausage. For the environmental surveillance, 679 urban sewage samples were collected from 53 wastewater treatment plants and HEV-RNA was detected in 38/679 of the samples. Among these, 25 (66%) were genotype HEV3 and the remaining were HEV1. We demonstrate that autochthonous transmission and environmental circulation of genotype HEV3 is adding to travel-related HEV transmission in Italy. We recommend the \u2018One Health\u2019 approach to integrated surveillance, and to include HEV-related messages within health information campaigns focussing on food security

    A reciprocal legitimation: Corrado Gini and statistics in fascist Italy

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    This article deals with the relationship between science and politics and in particular with the reciprocal legitimation process involving research schools and political regimes. It focuses on the case of Italian statistics during the early twentieth century. Its emergence as both an independent scientific field and a national research school, in fact, went together with the rise of nationalism and the establishment of the fascist regime. The paper uses the biography of Corrado Gini to analyze the process of mutual legitimization between science and politics under fascism. Gini's academic and professional careers show in fact how actors and ideas could compete through their ability to alter the status of the discipline, the technical functions it was assigned, and to attract funds in a changing political context Gini, as an institutional entrepreneur, was able to make his research school hegemonic in Italy by leveraging the need for scientific legitimation of new state policies during World War I and under fascism. The reinterpretation he provided of his career after the end of World War II is crucial both to deconstructing this process and to shedding light on the postwar de-legitimation of Italian statistics