195 research outputs found

    Influence of core stability exercise on lumbar vertebral instability in patients presented with chronic low back pain: A randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Excessive lumbar vertebrae translation and rotation in sagittal plane has been attributed as an associated factor of lumbar segmental instability (LSI) and low back pain (LBP). Reduction of these abnormalities improves back pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of core stability exercise on the translation and rotation of lumbar vertebrae in sagittal plane in patients with nonspecific chronic LBP (NSCLBP). Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, 30 patients with NSCLBP due to LSI were included. The participants were randomly divided into two groups of treatment and control. The treatment group received general exercises plus core stability exercise for 8 weeks whereas; the control group received only general exercises. The magnitude of translation (mm) and rotation (deg) of lumbar vertebrae in the sagittal plane was determined by radiography in flexion and extension at baseline and after intervention. The primary outcome measures were to determine the mean changes from baseline in translation and rotation of the lumbar vertebrae in the sagittal plane after 8 weeks of intervention in each group. The secondary outcome was to compare the two groups in regard to translation and rotation of the lumbar vertebrae at the end of the study period. Data were analyzed using paired t-test and independent t-test. Results: Thirty patients aged 18-40 years old with clinical diagnosis of NSCLBP entered the study. Compared with baseline values, mean value of translation and rotation of the lumbar vertebra reduced significantly in both groups (P<0.05), except L3 translation in the control group. At the endpoint, mean translation value of L4 (P=0.04) and L5 (P=0.001) and rotation of the L5 (P=0.01) in the treatment group was significantly lower than the control group. Conclusion: These findings indicate that in patients presented with NSCLBP due to lumbar segmental instability, core stability exercises plus general exercises are more efficient than general exercises alone in the improvement of excessive lumbar vertebrae translation and rotation

    Increased sample asymmetry and memory of cardiac time-series following endotoxin administration in cirrhotic rats

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    Sepsis, and other causes of acute systemic inflammation, can reduce heart rate variability (HRV) and increase cardiac cycle regularity in mammals. Thus, HRV monitoring has been used for early detection of sepsis in adults and neonates. Liver cirrhosis is associated with reduced basal HRV and the development of tolerance to the cardiac chronotropic effects of bacterial endotoxin. This may pose limitations on the use of heart rate monitoring in early detection of sepsis in this patient population. In a study to develop a physiomarker for the detection of sepsis in cirrhosis, we observed that endotoxin administration in adult cirrhotic rats leads to the development of transient heart rate decelerations, a phenomenon which has been reported in neonates with sepsis, and quantified using sample asymmetry analysis. In the present study, cirrhosis was induced by surgical ligation of the bile duct in rats. Cirrhotic rats were given intraperitoneal injections of either saline or endotoxin (1 mg kg(-1)). Changes in sample asymmetry and memory length of cardiac time-series were studied in conscious rats using implanted telemetric probes. Cirrhotic (but not control) rats exhibited increased sample asymmetry following endotoxin injection, which was consistent with the development of transient heart rate deceleration. Endotoxin administration in cirrhotic rats was associated with prolongation of memory length for observing decelerating perturbations in the cardiac rhythm. These findings may have application in the development of an HRV monitoring system for early detection of sepsis in cirrhosis

    Durations required to distinguish noise and tone: Effects of noise bandwidth and frequency.

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    Perceptual audio coders exploit the masking properties of the human auditory system to reduce the bit rate in audio recording and transmission systems; it is intended that the quantization noise is just masked by the audio signal. The effectiveness of the audio signal as a masker depends on whether it is tone-like or noise-like. The determination of this, both physically and perceptually, depends on the duration of the stimuli. To gather information that might improve the efficiency of perceptual coders, the duration required to distinguish between a narrowband noise and a tone was measured as a function of center frequency and noise bandwidth. In experiment 1, duration thresholds were measured for isolated noise and tone bursts. In experiment 2, duration thresholds were measured for tone and noise segments embedded within longer tone pulses. In both experiments, center frequencies were 345, 754, 1456, and 2658 Hz and bandwidths were 0.25, 0.5, and 1 times the equivalent rectangular bandwidth of the auditory filter at each center frequency. The duration thresholds decreased with increasing bandwidth and with increasing center frequency up to 1456 Hz. It is argued that the duration thresholds depended mainly on the detection of amplitude fluctuations in the noise bursts.MRC (G0701870

    Comparison of different algorithms to map hydrothermal alteration zones using ASTER remote sensing data for polymetallic Vein-Type ore exploration: Toroud-Chahshirin Magmatic Belt (TCMB), north Iran

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    © 2019 by the authors. Polymetallic vein-type ores are important sources of precious metal and a principal type of orebody for various base-metals. In this research, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensing data were used for mapping hydrothermal alteration zones associated with epithermal polymetallic vein-type mineralization in the Toroud-Chahshirin Magmatic Belt (TCMB), North of Iran. The TCMB is the largest known goldfield and base metals province in the central-north of Iran. Propylitic, phyllic, argillic, and advanced argillic alteration and silicification zones are typically associated with Au-Cu, Ag, and/or Pb-Zn mineralization in the TCMB. Specialized image processing techniques, namely Selective Principal Component Analysis (SPCA), Band Ratio Matrix Transformation (BRMT), Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering (MTMF) were implemented and compared to map hydrothermal alteration minerals at the pixel and sub-pixel levels. Subtle differences between altered and non-altered rocks and hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages were detected and mapped in the study area. The SPCA and BRMT spectral transformation algorithms discriminated the propylitic, phyllic, argillic and advanced argillic alteration and silicification zones as well as lithological units. The SAM and MTMF spectral mapping algorithms detected spectrally dominated mineral groups such as muscovite/montmorillonite/illite, hematite/jarosite, and chlorite/epidote/calcite mineral assemblages, systematically. Comprehensive fieldwork and laboratory analysis, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), petrographic study, and spectroscopy were conducted in the study area for verifying the remote sensing outputs. Results indicate several high potential zones of epithermal polymetallic vein-type mineralization in the northeastern and southwestern parts of the study area, which can be considered for future systematic exploration programs. The approach used in this research has great implications for the exploration of epithermal polymetallic vein-type mineralization in other base metals provinces in Iran and semi-arid regions around the world

    Exploring Unknown Universes in Probabilistic Relational Models

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    Large probabilistic models are often shaped by a pool of known individuals (a universe) and relations between them. Lifted inference algorithms handle sets of known individuals for tractable inference. Universes may not always be known, though, or may only described by assumptions such as "small universes are more likely". Without a universe, inference is no longer possible for lifted algorithms, losing their advantage of tractable inference. The aim of this paper is to define a semantics for models with unknown universes decoupled from a specific constraint language to enable lifted and thereby, tractable inference.Comment: Also accepted at the 9th StarAI Workshop at AAAI-2

    Frequency Selection to Improve the Performance of Microwave Breast Cancer Detecting Support Vector Model by Using Genetic Algorithm

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    This paper presents an innovative paradigm for breast cancer detection by leveraging a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based model fueled with numerical data obtained from the cutting-edge MammoWave device. Operating in the microwave spectrum between 1 to 9 GHz and boasting a 5 MHz sampling rate, MammoWave emerges as a groundbreaking solution, specifically addressing the limitations posed by conventional methods, particularly for women under 50. This technological advancement opens a promising avenue for more frequent and precise breast health monitoring. To enhance the efficacy of the SVM model, our research introduces a metaheuristic-based methodology, strategically navigating the selection of frequencies crucial for breast cancer detection within the MammoWave dataset. Overcoming the challenge of judicious frequency selection, our approach employs wrapper methods in metaheuristic algorithms. These algorithms iterate through subsets of frequencies, guided by the SVM model's performance, culminating in the identification of the optimal frequency subset that significantly refines precision in breast cancer detection. Moreover, a novel cost function is proposed to strike a balanced trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, ensuring an acceptable accuracy rate. The results exhibit a noteworthy 10% increase in specificity, a milestone achievement for the MammoWave device, yielding an overall detection rate of approximately 62%. This research underscores the potential of seamlessly integrating metaheuristic algorithms into frequency selection, thereby contributing significantly to the ongoing refinement of MammoWave's capabilities in breast cancer detection

    Proportional lumbar spine inter-vertebral motion patterns: a comparison of patients with chronic, non-specific low back pain and healthy controls

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    Introduction: Identifying biomechanical subgroups in chronic, non-specific low back pain (CNSLBP) populations from inter-vertebral displacements has proven elusive. Quantitative fluoroscopy (QF) has excellent repeatability and provides continuous standardised inter-vertebral kinematic data from fluoroscopic sequences allowing assessment of mid-range motion. The aim of this study was to determine whether proportional continuous IV rotational patterns were different in patients and controls. A secondary aim was to update the repeatability of QF measurement of range of motion (RoM) for inter-vertebral (IV) rotation

    Doxycycline versus prednisolone as an initial treatment strategy for bullous pemphigoid: a pragmatic non-inferiority randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is a blistering skin disorder with increased mortality. We tested whether a strategy of starting treatment with doxycycline conveys acceptable short-term blister control whilst conferring long-term safety advantages over starting treatment with oral corticosteroids. Methods: Pragmatic multi-centre parallel-group randomised controlled trial of adults with BP (≥3 blisters ≥2 sites and linear basement membrane IgG/C3) plus economic evaluation. Participants were randomised to doxycycline (200 mg/day) or prednisolone (0·5 mg/kg/day). Localised adjuvant potent topical corticosteroids (<30 g/week) was permitted weeks 1-3. The non-inferiority primary effectiveness outcome was the proportion of participants with ≤3 blisters at 6 weeks. We assumed that doxycycline would be 25% less effective than corticosteroids with a 37% acceptable margin of noninferiority. The primary safety outcome was the proportion with severe, life-threatening or fatal treatment-related adverse events by 52 weeks. Analysis used a regression model adjusting for baseline disease severity, age and Karnofsky score, with missing data imputed. Results: 132 patients were randomised to doxycycline and 121 to prednisolone from 54 UK and 7 German dermatology centres. Mean age was 77·7 years and 68.4% had moderate to severe baseline disease. For those starting doxycycline, 83/112 (74·1%) had ≤3 blisters at 6 weeks compared with 92/101 (91·1%) for prednisolone, a difference of 18·6% favouring prednisolone (upper limit of 90% CI, 26·1%, within the predefined 37% margin). Related severe, life-threatening and fatal events at 52 weeks were 18·5% for those starting doxycycline and 36·6% for prednisolone (mITT analysis), an adjusted difference of 19·0% (95% CI, 7·9%, 30·1%, p=0·001). Conclusions: A strategy of starting BP patients on doxycycline is non-inferior to standard treatment with oral prednisolone for short-term blister control and significantly safer long-term

    Co-transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-derived Neural Progenitors and Schwann Cells in a Rat Spinal Cord Contusion Injury Model Elicits a Distinct Neurogenesis and Functional Recovery

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    Co-transplantation of neural progenitors (NPs) with Schwann cells (SCs) might be a way to overcome low rate of neuronal differentiation of NPs following transplantation in spinal cord injury (SCI) and the improvement of locomotor recovery. In this study, we initially generated NPs from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and investigated their potential for neuronal differentiation and functional recovery when co-cultured with SCs in vitro and co-transplanted in a rat acute model of contused SCI. Co-cultivation results revealed that the presence of SCs provided a consistent status for hESC-NPs and recharged their neural differentiation toward a predominantly neuronal fate. Following transplantation, a significant functional recovery was observed in all engrafted groups (NPs, SCs, NPs+SCs) relative to the vehicle and control groups. We also observed that animals receiving co-transplants established a better state as assessed with the BBB functional test. Immunohistofluorescence evaluation five weeks after transplantation showed invigorated neuronal differentiation and limited proliferation in the co-transplanted group when compared to the individual hESC-NPs grafted group. These findings have demonstrated that the co-transplantation of SCs with hESC-NPs could offer a synergistic effect, promoting neuronal differentiation and functional recovery