17 research outputs found

    Mutations in the Cholesterol Transporter Gene ABCA5 Are Associated with Excessive Hair Overgrowth

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    Inherited hypertrichoses are rare syndromes characterized by excessive hair growth that does not result from androgen stimulation, and are often associated with additional congenital abnormalities. In this study, we investigated the genetic defect in a case of autosomal recessive congenital generalized hypertrichosis terminalis (CGHT) (OMIM135400) using whole-exome sequencing. We identified a single base pair substitution in the 5′ donor splice site of intron 32 in the ABC lipid transporter gene ABCA5 that leads to aberrant splicing of the transcript and a decrease in protein levels throughout patient hair follicles. The homozygous recessive disruption of ABCA5 leads to reduced lysosome function, which results in an accumulation of autophagosomes, autophagosomal cargos as well as increased endolysosomal cholesterol in CGHT keratinocytes. In an unrelated sporadic case of CGHT, we identified a 1.3 Mb cryptic deletion of chr17q24.2-q24.3 encompassing ABCA5 and found that ABCA5 levels are dramatically reduced throughout patient hair follicles. Collectively, our findings support ABCA5 as a gene underlying the CGHT phenotype and suggest a novel, previously unrecognized role for this gene in regulating hair growth

    ApoB siRNA-induced Liver Steatosis is Resistant to Clearance by the Loss of Fatty Acid Transport Protein 5 (Fatp5)

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    The association between hypercholesterolemia and elevated serum apolipoprotein B (APOB) has generated interest in APOB as a therapeutic target for patients at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In the clinic, mipomersen, an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) APOB inhibitor, was associated with a trend toward increased hepatic triglycerides, and liver steatosis remains a concern. We found that siRNA-mediated knockdown of ApoB led to elevated hepatic triglycerides and liver steatosis in mice engineered to exhibit a human-like lipid profile. Many genes required for fatty acid synthesis were reduced, suggesting that the observed elevation in hepatic triglycerides is maintained by the cell through fatty acid uptake as opposed to fatty acid synthesis. Fatty acid transport protein 5 (Fatp5/Slc27a5) is required for long chain fatty acid (LCFA) uptake and bile acid reconjugation by the liver. Fatp5 knockout mice exhibited lower levels of hepatic triglycerides due to decreased fatty acid uptake, and shRNA-mediated knockdown of Fatp5 protected mice from diet-induced liver steatosis. Here, we evaluated if siRNA-mediated knockdown of Fatp5 was sufficient to alleviate ApoB knockdown-induced steatosis. We determined that, although Fatp5 siRNA treatment was sufficient to increase the proportion of unconjugated bile acids 100-fold, consistent with FATP5's role in bile acid reconjugation, Fatp5 knockdown failed to influence the degree, zonal distribution, or composition of the hepatic triglycerides that accumulated following ApoB siRNA treatment

    Silencing Myostatin Using Cholesterol-conjugated siRNAs Induces Muscle Growth

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    Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are a valuable tool for gene silencing with applications in both target validation and therapeutics. Many advances have recently been made to improve potency and specificity, and reduce toxicity and immunostimulation. However, siRNA delivery to a variety of tissues remains an obstacle for this technology. To date, siRNA delivery to muscle has only been achieved by local administration or by methods with limited potential use in the clinic. We report systemic delivery of a highly chemically modified cholesterol-conjugated siRNA targeting muscle-specific gene myostatin (Mstn) to a full range of muscles in mice. Following a single intravenous injection, we observe 85–95% knockdown of Mstn mRNA in skeletal muscle and >65% reduction in circulating Mstn protein sustained for >21 days. This level of Mstn knockdown is also accompanied by a functional effect on skeletal muscle, with animals showing an increase in muscle mass, size, and strength. The cholesterol-conjugated siRNA platform described here could have major implications for treatment of a variety of muscle disorders, including muscular atrophic diseases, muscular dystrophy, and type II diabetes

    Proof-of-concept Studies for siRNA-mediated Gene Silencing for Coagulation Factors in Rat and Rabbit

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    The present study aimed at establishing feasibility of delivering short interfering RNA (siRNA) to target the coagulation cascade in rat and rabbit, two commonly used species for studying thrombosis and hemostasis. siRNAs that produced over 90% mRNA knockdown of rat plasma prekallikrein and rabbit Factor X (FX) were identified from in vitro screens. An ionizable amino lipid based lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulation for siRNA in vivo delivery was characterized as tolerable and exerting no appreciable effect on coagulability at day 7 postdosing in both species. Both prekallikrein siRNA-LNP and FX siRNA-LNP resulted in dose-dependent and selective knockdown of target gene mRNA in the liver with maximum reduction of over 90% on day 7 following a single dose of siRNA-LNP. Knockdown of plasma prekallikrein was associated with modest clot weight reduction in the rat arteriovenous shunt thrombosis model and no increase in the cuticle bleeding time. Knockdown of FX in the rabbit was accompanied with prolongation in ex vivo clotting times. Results fit the expectations with both targets and demonstrate for the first time, the feasibility of targeting coagulation factors in rat, and, more broadly, targeting a gene of interest in rabbit, via systemic delivery of ionizable LNP formulated siRNA

    Mutations in the cholesterol transporter gene ABCA5 are associated with excessive hair overgrowth.

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    Inherited hypertrichoses are rare syndromes characterized by excessive hair growth that does not result from androgen stimulation, and are often associated with additional congenital abnormalities. In this study, we investigated the genetic defect in a case of autosomal recessive congenital generalized hypertrichosis terminalis (CGHT) (OMIM135400) using whole-exome sequencing. We identified a single base pair substitution in the 5' donor splice site of intron 32 in the ABC lipid transporter gene ABCA5 that leads to aberrant splicing of the transcript and a decrease in protein levels throughout patient hair follicles. The homozygous recessive disruption of ABCA5 leads to reduced lysosome function, which results in an accumulation of autophagosomes, autophagosomal cargos as well as increased endolysosomal cholesterol in CGHT keratinocytes. In an unrelated sporadic case of CGHT, we identified a 1.3 Mb cryptic deletion of chr17q24.2-q24.3 encompassing ABCA5 and found that ABCA5 levels are dramatically reduced throughout patient hair follicles. Collectively, our findings support ABCA5 as a gene underlying the CGHT phenotype and suggest a novel, previously unrecognized role for this gene in regulating hair growth

    Discovering metabolic disease gene interactions by correlated effects on cellular morphology

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    Objective: Impaired expansion of peripheral fat contributes to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). We aimed to identify novel disease-gene interactions for adipogenesis and insulin resistance. Methods: To this end, we mined disease associated loci for T2D, adiposity and insulin resistance for adipose expressed genes and ablated the top 100 in human pre-adipocytes via CRISPR/CAS9. The resulting cellular phenotypes were quantified during adipocyte differentiation with high-content imaging to obtain over 107 morphometric measurements. Morphologic profiles were constructed for each gene from these measurements and clustered by morphologic similarity. Results: Clustering revealed a group of 14 genes characterized by decreased lipid accumulation, and enriched with known lipodystrophy genes. For two lipodystrophy genes, BSCL2 and AGPAT2, sub-clusters with PLIN1 and CEBPA based on morphology were validated by independent experiments as novel protein-protein and gene regulatory interactions. Conclusions: Thus, a morphometric approach in adipocytes can resolve multiple cellular mechanisms for metabolic disease loci; the platform enables mechanistic interrogation of the hundreds of metabolic disease loci whose function still remains unknown

    siRNA-induced liver ApoB knockdown lowers serum LDL-cholesterol in a mouse model with human-like serum lipids[S]

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    Increased serum apolipoprotein (apo)B and associated LDL levels are well-correlated with an increased risk of coronary disease. ApoE–/– and low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr)–/– mice have been extensively used for studies of coronary atherosclerosis. These animals show atherosclerotic lesions similar to those in humans, but their serum lipids are low in apoB-containing LDL particles. We describe the development of a new mouse model with a human-like lipid profile. Ldlr CETP+/– hemizygous mice carry a single copy of the human CETP transgene and a single copy of a LDL receptor mutation. To evaluate the apoB pathways in this mouse model, we used novel short-interfering RNAs (siRNA) formulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNP). ApoB siRNAs induced up to 95% reduction of liver ApoB mRNA and serum apoB protein, and a significant lowering of serum LDL in Ldlr CETP+/– mice. ApoB targeting is specific and dose-dependent, and it shows lipid-lowering effects for over three weeks. Although specific triglycerides (TG) were affected by ApoB mRNA knockdown (KD) and the total plasma lipid levels were decreased by 70%, the overall lipid distribution did not change. Results presented here demonstrate a new mouse model for investigating additional targets within the ApoB pathways using the siRNA modality

    Homozygous loss-of-function of <i>ABCA5</i> perturbs lysosome function, resulting in an overall accumulation of autophagosomes and intracellular cholesterol levels in CGHT keratinocytes.

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    <p>(A) Control and CGHT keratinocytes were cultured in normal media in the presence or absence of 50 nM bafilomycin, fixed and immunostained. Confocal analysis of LC3 (green), Lamp1 (red) and p62 (blue) revealed an increased number of LC3-positive particles as well strong accumulation of p62 particles in affected keratinocytes. BAF-treated control cells possessed a two-fold increase in the number of LC3 puncta, whereas no significant difference was observed in BAF-treated affected cells (quantified in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1004333#pgen.1004333.s005" target="_blank">Figure S5</a>). (B) Control and CGHT keratinocytes were fixed and immunostained for Filipin and Lamp1 (red), which revealed an accumulation and redistribution of free cholesterol to Lamp1-positive organelles in affected keratinocytes.</p