342 research outputs found

    ProLaw: ethical software aid for legal professionals

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    A considerable part of legal professionals’ time is spent researching and analyzing legislation, both in force and to be approved, court decisions, new trends in law, among others. Tasks such as these are a never-ending process, as Portuguese laws and European directives and regulations, as well as new court decisions and interpretations of the law are issued daily and leave less time for other tasks such as drafting contracts and court briefs and petitions, evaluating a client’s legal situation or even obtaining new clients. As such, in the wake of artificial intelligence developments, there is room for a technological solution to assist in all legal research and analysis tasks. Instead of researching each information required through long public (or private) databases, ProLaw technology will provide real-time inputs as someone is writing a legal document. Another goal is that legal professionals redirect a part of the time saved by applying the software in pro bono cases, which could involve litigation or general legal assistance. The main goal of this business plan is to take advantage of two market gaps, one in the legal industry and the other one in social service, by providing a uniform solution. This will allow two completely separated environments to unite by exchanging assistance, knowledge, experiences and, potentially, enabling young and less resourceful generations to reach higher levels of knowledge and wealth.Uma parte considerável do tempo dos profissionais jurídicos é investido na pesquisa de legislação, em vigor ou por aprovar, de acórdãos, novas tendências jurídicas, entre outros. Estas tarefas são um processo interminável, dado que as leis portuguesas e as diretivas e regulamentos europeus, bem como os acórdãos e interpretações da lei, são publicados diariamente, reduzindo o tempo que estes profissionais têm para outras tarefas, como a elaboração de contratos ou peças processuais, a avaliação da situação jurídica dos seus clientes ou até mesmo a angariação de clientes. Como tal, considerando a evolução da inteligência artificial, há espaço para uma solução tecnológica para auxiliar em todas as tarefas de pesquisa e análise. Em vez de pesquisar cada informação pretendida através de longas bases de dados públicas (ou privadas), a tecnologia ProLaw providenciará dados em tempo real, enquanto o profissional redige os seus documentos jurídicos. Concomitantemente, estes profissionais poderão redirecionar parte do tempo que pouparem através do uso do software em casos pro bono, tanto respeitantes a contencioso como a assistência jurídica em geral. O principal objetivo deste plano de negócios é explorar duas falhas do mercado, uma na indústria jurídica e outra na assistência social, fornecendo uma solução uniforme. Isto permitirá que dois meios completamente separados se unam, trocando assistência, conhecimento, experiências e, potencialmente, possibilitando que gerações mais jovens e com menos recursos alcancem níveis mais elevados de conhecimento e prosperidade

    Implementação de um Sistema de Controlo de Gestão numa Unidade Hoteleira com base no USALI

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    presente trabalho tem como propósito a implementação de um sistema semelhante ao USALI numa unidade hoteleira. Para este efeito, foi realizado um estágio no hotel Casa da Calçada, em Amarante, sendo a base da análise do relatório, especialmente o confronto entre a situação em que se encontra a gestão de controlo da organização e das possíveis alterações a efetuar, com base no USALI. Neste sentido, foi revista a literatura relacionada com a gestão de controlo de modo geral e na indústria hoteleira em específico, partindo desse ponto para a análise da unidade hoteleira. No estágio foram proporcionados o contacto com o departamento financeiro e a forma como as receitas e os custos dos vários departamentos são interpretados, nomeadamente o tipo de informações disponibilizadas, a sua organização e utilização. No fundo, compreendeu-se que o sistema de gestão de controlo nesta entidade possui um potencial que se pode tornar fundamental na eficácia da tomada de decisão, sendo necessária uma alteração em certos procedimentos operacionais e de controlo para a concretização disso mesmo. São propostas mudanças ao nível da utilização do sistema e de rigor na construção da informação, que se podem tornar importantes para a organização. As limitações encontradas foram a própria estrutura do hotel e a resistência à mudança

    Logistic Regression: Risk Question for Disabled People

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    All over the world, since ancient times, disabled people have always had worse health, education, economical participation, and higher poverty rate compared to non-disabled people. For disabled people to achieve better and more lasting prospects, these people must be empowered and seek to eliminate barriers that prevent them from participating and being included in the community, having access to quality education, finding decent work, and having their voices heard. In statistical terms, a useful alternative that can serve as support and monitoring of public policies in this area is to propose, for continuous use, the risk index called risk index for disabled people (long-term physical, hearing, intellectual, or sensory), which consists of evaluating which factors are associated with this risk, as well its intensity and direction of each of these factors, generating a final score that can be ordered or classified, according to non-disabled person probability became disabled person. In the Brazilian case, we propose the use of binary and ordinal logistic regression techniques to select the most significant factors using criteria such as AIC and BIC and calculate the risk probability for different disabilities (visual, hearing, physical, and intellectual) for the dataset. Sample composed of 20,800,804 respondents to the 2010 IBGE Census Complete Questionnaire

    Multimorbidity and consultation time: a systematic review

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    Background Multimorbidity (MM) is one of the major challenges health systems currently face. Management of time length of a medical consultation with a patient with MM is a matter of concern for doctors. Methods A systematic review was performed to describe the impact of MM on the average time of a medical consultation considering the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The systematic online searches of the Embase and PubMed databases were undertaken, from January 2000 to August 2018. The studies were independently screened by two reviewers to decide which ones met the inclusion criteria. (Kappa = 0.84 and Kappa = 0.82). Differing opinions were solved by a third person. This systematic review included people with MM criteria as participants (two or more chronic conditions in the same individual). The type of outcome included was explicitly defined – the length of medical appointments with patients with MM. Any strategies aiming to analyse the impact of MM on the average consultation time were considered. The length of time of medical appointment for patients without MM was the comparator criteria. Experimental and observational studies were included. Results Of 85 articles identified, only 1 observational study was included, showing a clear trend for patients with MM to have longer consultations than patients without MM criteria (p < 0.001). Conclusions More studies are required to better assess allocation length-time for patients with MM and to measure other characteristics like doctors’ workload.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este artigo é resultado de uma ampla discussão acadêmica, vivenciada pelo colegiado do Curso de Direito no Centro Universitário de Anápolis e que os professores/autores fizeram questão de registrar. Também, representa asocialização de experiências do Núcleo Docente Estruturante (NDE) no sentido de construir um projeto pedagógico que supere os entraves do conservadorismo rumo a uma formação integral, humanista e interdisciplinar. Nossa intenção não é apresentar um novo modelo curricular, mas apresentar as nossas experiências coletivas em pensar um curso de Direito que leve em consideração a multiplicidadede olhares necessários à formação do estudante de direito. Nesse sentido, não esperamos, com esse relato, apresentar um modelo acabado, longe disso. Muito mais, registrar a nossa experiência na construção coletiva de um projeto de curso e os nossos argumentos na defesa dessa proposta apresentada

    Os aspectos da indisciplina educacional

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    Este artigo propõe-se a analisar o conceito de indisciplina, fator que causa sérios transtornos no contexto escolar, a partir do embasamento teórico de destacados estudiosos da educação do século XX, tais como Henri Wallon, Célestin Freinet, Jean Piaget, Vygostsky e Paulo Freire, que no momento de crise no âmbito da escola e das próprias ideologias desenvolveram teorias que contribuíram para a elaboração de soluções na vivência escolar. A indisciplina, que será o eixo desta análise, pode ser fruto de várias circunstâncias externas à pessoa, isto é, sociais, econômicas, familiares, bem como internas, tais como as emocionais, afetivas e intelectuais. Portanto, deve-se buscar conjuntamente apoio nas teorias educacionais e atitudes criativas na busca de solução para este problema educacional

    Effects of mycophenolate sodium on mucociliary clearance using a bronchial section and anastomosis rodent model

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of mycophenolate sodium on mucociliary clearance. INTRODUCTION: Mycophenolate is one of the most commonly used immunosuppressive drugs in lung transplantation. Although its pharmacokinetic properties are well defined, its side effects on mucociliary clearance have not yet been studied. METHODS: Sixty rats were subjected to left bronchial section and anastomosis. The right bronchus was used as a control. After surgery, the rats were assigned to two groups based on whether they received saline solution (n = 30) or mycophenolate sodium (n = 30). After 7, 15, or 30 days of treatment, 10 animals from each group were sacrificed, and in vitro mucus transportability, in situ mucociliary transport velocity and ciliary beat frequency were measured. RESULTS: The analysis of mucus transportability revealed that neither mycophenolate nor bronchial section altered any transportability related property for up to 30 days of treatment after surgery (p>0.05). With regard to ciliary beat frequency, the operated left bronchi from the mycophenolate group showed a significant decrease on post-surgical day 30 (p = 0.003). In addition, we found a significant reduction in the in situ mucociliary transport velocity in the mycophenolate-treated group (p = 0.0001). DISCUSSION: These data add important information regarding mucociliary clearance dysfunction following mycophenolate therapy and suggest that mycophenolate might contribute to the high incidence of respiratory tract infections in lung transplant patients. Further studies are needed to investigate the combined action of mycophenolate with other immunosuppressive drugs and to establish methods to protect and recover mucociliary clearance, an important airway defense mechanism


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    Resumo: Trata-se de pesquisa com o objetivo apresentar balanço da produção do conhecimento sobre “corpo e cultura” na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Realizou-se pesquisa documental tendo por fonte dois veículos de comunicação científica: i) os anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CONBRACE), especificamente a produção do GTTCC, nos anos 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 e 2013; ii) as Revistas Brasileiras de Ciências do Esporte (RBCE), no período de 10 anos de publicação (2003 a 2012). O tratamento dos dados se deu numa perspectiva quali-quantitativa, com interesse descritivo e exploratório. Os dados confirmam outras pesquisas sobre a regionalização da produção do conhecimento no campo da Educação Física no Brasil. Destaca-se: i) a quase inexistente vinculação dos trabalhos a grupos de pesquisa, embora a titularidade da maioria dos autores seja de mestres e doutores; ii) a maioria são do sexo feminino; iii) a instituição de mais destaque é a UFG; iv) apenas três trabalhos foram financiados; v) o tema predominante é “corpo, educação, sociedade e cultura”, e v) a maioria dos trabalhos foram classificados na concepção de “corpo com o mundo/natureza”. Palavras-chave: Corpo, Produção de Conhecimento, Região Centro-Oeste, Educação Física Abstract: This paper aims to present the balance of the knowledge production about “body and culture” in the Brazil Central West Zone. It was realized a documental researchby having two vehicles source scientific communication: i) the proceedings of Brazilian Congresso f Sport Science (CONBRACE), specifically the production of GTTCC, in the years 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013; ii) The Brazilian Journal of Sport Sciences (RBCE), in the publication of 10 years (2003 a 2012).The data analyzes was done in a qu quali-quantitative perspective, with descriptive and exploratory interest. Data confirm another researches about the knowledge production Regionalization in the Physical Education field inBrazil. It stands out: i) the almost inexistence relationship of works with research groups, although the majority authors titling are made of masters and doctors; ii) the predominance off emale sex; iii) the spotlight institution is the UFG; iv) only three works were funded; v) the predominant subject is “body, education, society and culture”, and v) the most of works was classified into the “body with world/nature” conception. Keywords: body, knowledge production, Central West Zone, Physical Education

    Effect of essential oils from Eucalyptus on the growth of aflatoxigenic species

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    In Brazil, Eucalyptus species has been cultivated as source of energy and cellulose. They represent the most important cultivated forest in the country. In production areas, the leaves from the trees decay on the soil as green fertilizer. In this study were evaluated pure and blends of essential oils from different species of eucalyptus trees grown in Brazil for antifungal activity against aflatoxigenic species Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. These fungal species can grow and contaminate grains during the storage period under high r.h. conditions, with an eventual production of aflatoxins. Antifungal activity was evaluated by the radial growth measurement of the fungi inoculated on maize meal extract agar basic medium. The eucalyptus oils were evaluated in a contact assay and a fumigant assay using pure and blended oils. Six concentrations of pure and blended oils were evaluated at the following doses: 0, 2, 4, 16, 32 and 84 μL per 20 mL of fungi culture medium. Fungal inocula from conidia suspensions containing 106 spores/mL was inoculated by a needle. Glass Petri dishes were incubated for 9 days at 28°C (± 0.3°C) in the dark. Antifungal activity was observed in all pure and blended oils, in different concentrations of contact and fumigant assay, for both fungi. Eucalyptus stageiriana oil and E. stageiriana + the hybrid E. grandis x E. urophylla oils blend controlled the total fungal growth at the lowest dose (20 μL). Keywords: Essential oil; Eucalyptus spp.; Aspergillus flavus; Aspergillus parasiticus; Antifungal activity