171 research outputs found

    Case study: England

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    Breaking the Mould and the Birth of a New Journal: Online Educational Research Journal

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    Academic journals are evolving and proliferating but despite their success there is much room for improvement. The traditional paper based model is expensive, constrained by space, exclusive and beset with problems of refereeing and publication time. The newer on-line journals go some way to dealing with these issues but they fail to capitalise on the possibilities opened up by the web. This paper launches a new journal Online Educational Research Journal (OERJ) which is free, unconstrained by space and accessible to all. It takes a novel approach to refereeing allowing discussion online and deals with the shortage of refereeing by requiring authors to reciprocate. A key feature of the journal is that papers are guaranteed to be published albeit anonymously in the first instance. After receiving the ratings and comments of referees which will go online the paper becomes onymous unless the author chooses to withdraw

    A comparison of A-level performance in economics and business studies: how much more difficult is economics?

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    This paper uses ALIS data to compare academic performance in two subjects often viewed as relatively close substitutes for one another at A-level. The important role of GCSE achievement is confirmed for both subjects. There is evidence of strong gender effects and variation in outcomes across Examination Boards. A counterfactual exercise suggests that if the sample of Business Studies candidates had studied Economics nearly 40% of those who obtained a grade C or better in the former subject would not have done so in the latter. The opposite exercise uggests that 12% more Economics candidates would have achieved a grade C or better if they had taken Business Studies. In order to render a Business Studies A-level grade comparable to an Economics one in terms of relative difficulty, we estimate that a downward adjustment of 1.5 UCAS points should be applied to the former subject. This adjustment is lower than that suggested by correction factors based on conventional subject pair analysis for these two subjects

    Pupil mobility, attainment and progress in secondary school

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    This paper is the second of two articles arising from a study of the association between pupil mobility and attainment in national tests and examinations in an inner London borough. The first article (Strand & Demie, 2006) examined the association of pupil mobility with attainment and progress during primary school. It concluded that pupil mobility had little impact on performance in national tests at age 11, once pupils’ prior attainment at age 7 and other pupil background factors such as age, sex, special educational needs, stage of fluency in English and socio-economic disadvantage were taken into account. The present article reports the results for secondary schools (age 11-16). The results indicate that pupil mobility continues to have a significant negative association with performance in public examinations at age 16, even after including statistical controls for prior attainment at age 11 and other pupil background factors. Possible reasons for the contrasting results across school phases are explored. The implications for policy and further research are discussed

    The merger of vertically offset quasi-geostrophic vortices

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    We examine the critical merging distance between two equal-volume, equal-potential-vorticity quasi-geostrophic vortices. We focus on how this distance depends on the vertical offset between the two vortices, each having a unit mean height-to-width aspect ratio. The vertical direction is special in the quasi-geostrophic model (used to capture the leading-order dynamical features of stably stratified and rapidly rotating geophysical flows) since vertical advection is absent. Nevertheless vortex merger may still occur by horizontal advection. In this paper, we first investigate the equilibrium states for the two vortices as a function of their vertical and horizontal separation. We examine their basic properties together with their linear stability. These findings are next compared to numerical simulations of the nonlinear evolution of two spheres of potential vorticity. Three different regimes of interaction are identified, depending on the vertical offset. For a small offset, the interaction differs little from the case when the two vortices are horizontally aligned. On the other hand, when the vertical offset is comparable to the mean vortex radius, strong interaction occurs for greater horizontal gaps than in the horizontally aligned case, and therefore at significantly greater full separation distances. This perhaps surprising result is consistent with the linear stability analysis and appears to be a consequence of the anisotropy of the quasi-geostrophic equations. Finally, for large vertical offsets, vortex merger results in the formation of a metastable tilted dumbbell vortex.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Success for All in England: Results From the Third Year of a National Evaluation

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    This article reports the third-year findings of a longitudinal evaluation in England of Success for All (SFA), a comprehensive literacy program. Eighteen SFA schools across England and 18 control schools, matched on prior achievement and demographics, were included in this quasi-experimental study. The results of hierarchical linear modeling analysis reveal a statistically significant positive school-level effect for SFA schools compared with control schools on standardized reading measures of word-level and decoding skills, and there were directionally positive but nonsignificant school-level effects on measures of comprehension and fluency. Practical and policy implications of these findings are discussed, particularly as they relate to recent English government policies encouraging schools to implement research-proven approaches

    What motivates senior clinicians to teach medical students?

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    BACKGROUND: This study was designed to assess the motivations of senior medical clinicians to teach medical students. This understanding could improve the recruitment and retention of important clinical teachers. METHODS: The study group was 101 senior medical clinicians registered on a teaching list for a medical school teaching hospital (The Canberra Hospital, ACT, Australia). Their motivations to teach medical students were assessed applying Q methodology. RESULTS: Of the 75 participants, 18 (24%) were female and 57 (76%) were male. The age distribution was as follows: 30–40 years = 16 participants (21.3%), 41–55 years = 46 participants (61.3%) and >55 years = 13 participants (17.3%). Most participants (n = 48, 64%) were staff specialists and 27 (36%) were visiting medical officers. Half of the participants were internists (n = 39, 52%), 12 (16%) were surgeons, and 24 (32%) were other sub-specialists. Of the 26 senior clinicians that did not participate, two were women; 15 were visiting medical officers and 11 were staff specialists; 16 were internists, 9 were surgeons and there was one other sub-specialist. The majority of these non-participating clinicians fell in the 41–55 year age group. The participating clinicians were moderately homogenous in their responses. Factor analysis produced 4 factors: one summarising positive motivations for teaching and three capturing impediments for teaching. The main factors influencing motivation to teach medical students were intrinsic issues such as altruism, intellectual satisfaction, personal skills and truth seeking. The reasons for not teaching included no strong involvement in course design, a heavy clinical load or feeling it was a waste of time. CONCLUSION: This study provides some insights into factors that may be utilised in the design of teaching programs that meet teacher motivations and ultimately enhance the effectiveness of the medical teaching workforce

    The Data-doppelganger and the Cyborg-self: Theorising the Datafication of Education

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    In this paper, I use the notion of the data-doppelganger (Williamson, 2014) as a theoretical lens through which to view the datafication of education. The data-doppelganger is the version of the self which exists in the significant quantities of data collected about both children and teachers. A psychoanalytic analysis of the literary genre of the doppelganger identifies the role of the double as a second self, which completes the ego, expresses the repressed desires of the id and regulates the subject as the superego (Dolar, 1991). Using this psychoanalytic understanding of the double, I explore the role of data in the policy document Bold Beginnings (Ofsted, 2018). I find that data holds a mirror up to the child, repositioning it as a normalised pupil; play can be understood as a dangerous, chaotic practice which must be suppressed and data functions as a regulatory device to objectify and control both teachers and children

    The Effect of a School-Based Intervention on Physical Activity and Well-Being: a Non-Randomised Controlled Trial with Children of Low Socio-Economic Status

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    Abstract Background Self-determination theory (SDT) has been used to predict children’s physical activity and well-being. However, few school-based SDT intervention studies have been conducted, and no research exists with children of low socio-economic status (SES). Therefore, SDT-derived needs-supportive teaching techniques informed the design and analyses of the Healthy Choices Programme (HCP). The aim was to determine if the HCP could enhance moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and well-being among children of low SES through increasing autonomy-support, needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation. Method A mixed factorial two (group) × two (time) wait-list controlled trial was conducted and reported using the TREND guidelines. A total of 155 children (56% females; intervention n = 84, control n = 71) took part and completed measures at baseline (week 0) and post-intervention (week 11). The effect of the intervention on MVPA (model 1) and well-being (model 2) was tested through serial mediation models with three mediators (i.e. autonomy-support, needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation). Results In comparison to the control group, the intervention was related to increases in MVPA (β = .45) and autonomy-support (β = .17). In model 1, analyses revealed partial mediation of the MVPA change through autonomy-support (β = .14), intrinsic motivation (β = .51) and all three SDT mediators in sequence (total r 2  = .34). In model 2, well-being was indirectly enhanced through autonomy-support (β = .38) and autonomy-support and needs satisfaction in sequence (total r 2  = .21). Conclusions The HCP enhanced MVPA and well-being by engendering a needs-supportive physical activity environment. The scientific and practical contribution of this study was the application of SDT in all aspects of the HCP intervention’s design and analyses. Practitioners may consider integrating SDT principles, as implemented in the HCP, for health promotion. Trial Registration This study is registered on Research Registry (number researchregistry2852)

    S.8.1 An immunochip-based interrogation of scleroderma susceptibility variants

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    Introduction. Understanding the genetic architecture of scleroderma (SSc) susceptibility is vital both in gene discovery and in determining the influence of previously identified susceptibility variants. It is particularly important in understanding disease mechanism in a disease with few therapies and great morbidity and mortality. Methods. We selected 557 cases from the Australian Scleroderma Cohort Study (ASCS), for genotyping with the Immunochip, a custom Illumina Infinium genotyping array containing 196 524 rare and common variants shown to be important in a wide variety of autoimmune disorders. A total of 4537 controls were taken from the 1958 British Birth cohort. Genotype data were analysed with PLINK. Samples and SNPs with low call rates were excluded, as were SNPs in Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium or with less than two occurrences of the minor allele. Eigenstrat was used to analyse population structure. The final data set consisted of 505 cases, 4491 controls and 146 867 SNPs. Allelic association analyses were conducted using Fisher's exact test. Genotype clusters were manually examined for all associations of P < 10−5 since calling is difficult for some rare variants. Results. Significant and suggestive associations were detected at seven loci. Several of these have been previously implicated in scleroderma susceptibility (HLA-DRB1 and STAT4) and several are novel associations, including SNPs near PXK (P = 4.4 × 10−6) and CFDP1(P = 2.6 × 10−6). The strongest associations were with SNPs in the Class II region of the MHC. One of the most strongly associated SNPs [rs4639334; P = 1.6 × 10−8; odds ratio (OR) = 1.8] is in linkage disequilibrium (r2 = 0.46) with the Class II allele HLA-DRB1*11:01. This allele has been associated with SSc. Another strongly associated SNP is rs2857130 (P = 1.6 × 10−8; OR = 0.67), which lies in the promoter region of HLA-DRB1, but is not in LD with any classical MHC alleles. Outside the MHC, there were six regions of association with P < 10−5,including the confirmed SSc locus at STAT4. Several SNPs implicate a locus at PXK, which has been previously associated with SLE but not with SSc. The remaining associations are novel for both SSc and SLE and require replication. Of particular interest is a rare variant located within a non-coding RNA on chromosome 6q21 which was ∼20 times more frequent in cases than controls. We are currently dissecting the potential biological implications of this locus. Conclusions. This pilot study has confirmed previously reported SSc associations, revealed further genetic overlap between SSc and SLE, and identified putative novel SSc susceptibility loci including a rare allele with major effect siz
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