258 research outputs found

    Grupo de pares, comportamentos de risco e a saúde dos adolescentes portugueses

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    Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, Especialidade Educação para a SaúdeO grupo de pares tem sido identificado como um dos contextos mais importantes para os adolescentes. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo compreender como o grupo de pares influencia os comportamentos de risco e de saúde dos adolescentes portugueses e identificar quais são as variáveis que mais contribuem para essa influencia. Para atingir esse objectivo foram realizados sete estudos, que através de objectivos diversos tentaram chegar ao objectivo geral proposto. Para todos os estudos a amostra utilizada foi a dos adolescentes participantes no estudo nacional realizado em Portugal Continental em 2006, parte integrante do estudo Europeu HBSC – Health Beaviour in School-Aged Children (www.hbsc.org; www.fmh.utl.pt/aventurasocial; www.aventura social.com; Matos et al., 2006). O estudo Português incluiu alunos dos 6º, 8º e 10º anos do ensino público regular com média de idades de 14 anos (DP=1.89). A amostra nacional é constituída por 4877 estudantes. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos um e dois revelaram que o grupo de pares influencia o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco e de saúde dos adolescentes, quando comparados com o relacionamento dos adolescentes com os pais. Os pais surgem em ambos os estudos como mais protectores para a saúde dos adolescentes. No estudo três observou-se que a falta de amigos pode agir como risco para o maior envolvimento em comportamentos relacionados ao consumo de tabaco, álcool ou substâncias ilícitas. Que os adolescentes com menos amigos são mais infelizes, estão menos satisfeitos com a vida e têm menor bem-estar. Já no estudo quatro tentou-se verificar se a qualidade da amizade pode potenciar a influência positiva do grupo de pares e encontrou-se que os adolescentes com mais amigos com qualidade, dentro ou fora da escola, têm menor Resumo XII envolvimento em comportamentos de risco (consumo de tabaco, álcool e substâncias ilícitas), têm menor envolvimento em comportamentos de bullying, enquanto vítimas e provocadores, gostam mais da escola, são mais felizes, estão mais satisfeitos com a vida e têm maiores níveis de bem-estar. Os resultados dos estudos cinco e seis indicam que a influência dos pares ocorre em ambos os géneros, não se verificam evidências que as raparigas sejam mais resistentes à influência do que os rapazes. Quando o grupo de pares tem mais comportamentos de risco a influência surge como mais negativa, enquanto se os amigos têm mais comportamentos de protecção a influência tende a ser mais positiva. A monitorização parental é introduzida em ambos os estudos como variável moderadora da influência dos pares, no entanto o seu efeito moderador só é visível para os sintomas físicos e psicológicos e quando separamos as análises por géneros o seu efeito surge também nos comportamentos de violência. No estudo final (estudo sete) realizou-se um modelo explicativo da influência dos pares, onde se observa que a variável com maior impacto para o menor envolvimento em comportamentos de risco é ter menos amigos com comportamentos de risco. Ter amigos com comportamentos de protecção surge com maior impacto no menor envolvimento em comportamentos de violência. A comunicação com os pais foi a única variável com efeito mediador entre a relação dos adolescentes com os pares e os comportamentos analisados, no entanto esse efeito surge somente para o menor envolvimento em comportamentos de violência (num sentido inverso) e para o bem-estar. Com este trabalho concluímos que os pares têm grande impacto nos comportamentos de risco e de saúde dos adolescentes portugueses. Que a sua influência surge como protectora para o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco quando os amigos têm Resumo XIII menor envolvimento nesses comportamentos ou maior envolvimento em comportamentos de protecção e que potenciam o bem-estar e a saúde quando a comunicação com os amigos é fácil e a amizade é considerada como de qualidade e os amigos têm mais comportamentos de protecção. Com base nos resultados encontrados são adiantadas recomendações a nível da intervenção com os jovens na família, na escola e na comunidade.The peer group has been identified as one of the most important context for adolescents. The aim of this study is to understand how the peer group influences behaviours of risk and health in Portuguese adolescents and to identify which are the variables that most contribute to this influence. To achieve this objective, seven studies were carried out with several goals. To every study, the sample used were adolescents who participated in the national study that took place in 2006, part of the European study HBSC – Health Beaviour in School-aged Children (www.hbsc.org; www.fmh.utl.pt/aventurasocial; www.aventura social.com; Matos et al., 2006). The Portuguese study included students from the 6th, 8th and 10th grades from public school with an average age of 14 years old (SD=1.89). The national sample is composed by 4877 students. The obtained results of studies one and two, showed that the peer group influences the involvement in risk behaviour and in adolescents’ health, when compared with the relationships of adolescents with their parents. In both studies, parents rise as guardians to the health of adolescents. In study three, it was observed that the lack of friends can act in the involvement of behaviours associated to alcohol consumption, tobacco and illegal substances. It was also observed that adolescents with fewer friends are unhappier, are less satisfied with life and have a lower well-being. In study four, it was confirmed that friendship can positively influence in the peer group and it was found that adolescents with more quality friends, inside and outside of school, have a lower involvement in risk behaviour (tobacco, alcohol and illegal substance consumption), have a lower involvement in bullying behaviours, as victims and inducers, they enjoy school, are more happy, they are satisfied with life and have higher levels of well-being. The results of study five and six indicate that peer influence occurs in both genders. When the peer group has more risk behaviours, the influence rises as more negative, while if friends have protective behaviours, the influence will be more positive. Parental monitoring is introduced in both studies as a moderator variable in peer influence. However, their moderator effect is only visible in physical and psychological symptoms and when separated in analyses by gender, its effect rises in behaviours of violence. In the final study (study seven), an explanatory model of peer influence was performed, where is visible that a variable with the higher impact in the lower involvement in risk behaviours is not having friends with risk behaviours. Having friends with protective behaviours emerges as an important factor with an impact in less involvement in violent behaviours. Communication with parents was the only variable with a mediator effect in the teenager relationship with peers and in the behaviours analysed. However, this effect only rises in the lower involvement in violent behaviours (in an inverse sense) and in the well-being. We conclude that peers have a great impact in risk behaviours and in the health of Portuguese adolescents. Their influence rises as protective towards the involvement in risk behaviours when his friends have as lower involvement in these behaviours, or a higher involvement in protective behaviours and they induce well-being and health when the communication with friends is easy and the friendship is considered as a good quality one and his friends have more protective behaviours. Based on these results a few recommendations are drawn regarding interventions with young people in the families, in the schools and in the community.FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    COVID-19, distancia social y conductas de riesgo de los adolescentes, bienestar y satisfacción con la vida: un estudio proxy extraído del estudio HBSC

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    Depriving people of their liberty has devastating effects upon wellbeing and mental health, especially in adolescents. This was the situation with the recent COVID-19 pandemic that forced adolescents to stay at home. In order to simulate a situation of absence of social interactions outside the family context, Portuguese data from the HBSC / WHO 2018 study were used. It was intended to explore and understand which of the usual adolescents’ health risk and protective factors would be more affected among those who do not have contact with peers after school. The results show that, on the one hand, “social distancing from colleagues” in general reduces health risks, such as consumption of soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco and drug use and involvement in violence (fights, victimization by bullying and injuries). On the other hand, it decreases the perception of well-being and life satisfaction and in general increases the psychological symptomsPrivar a las personas de su libertad tiene efectos devastadores sobre el bienestar y la salud mental, especialmente en los adolescentes. Esta fue la situación con la reciente pandemia de COVID-19 que obligó a los adolescentes a quedarse en casa. Para simular una situación de ausencia de interacciones sociales fuera del contexto familiar, se utilizaron datos portugueses del estudio HBSC / WHO 2018. Se pretendía explorar y comprender cuál de los factores de riesgo y de protección de la salud de los adolescentes habituales se vería más afectado entre aquellos que no tienen contacto con sus compañeros después de la escuela. Los resultados muestran que, por un lado, el “distanciamiento social de los compañeros” en general reduce los riesgos para la salud, como el consumo de refrescos, el consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas y la participación en la violencia (peleas, victimización por bullying y lesiones). Por otro lado, disminuye la percepción de bienestar y satisfacción con la vida y, en general, aumenta los síntomas psicológico

    Positive Youth Development and Wellbeing: Gender Differences

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    The five C’s of positive youth development (PYD) (competence, confidence, character, caring, and connection) have been associated with adaptive development among young people. Gender differences in young people’s wellbeing and mental health have been studied and analyzed, but the investigation into their association with the five C’s is still in its infancy. In the present study, we analyzed the influence of the five C’s on the wellbeing, more specifically, anxiety, social alienation, general wellbeing, physical symptoms, and psychological symptoms, of Portuguese adolescents, by gender. Participants were 5th– 12th grade students attending public schools in Lisbon, Portugal. The questionnaire was administered to 384 adolescents. The results indicated important gender differences in young people’s wellbeing. The results revealed some differences between genders that should be considered in interventions that aim to promote the wellbeing of adolescents. On the other hand, confidence was positively associated with mental health and wellbeing for both boys and girls, skill should be promoted among young people, because it was competence that revealed the greatest association with wellbeing, among the variables analyzed

    Environmental Action as Asset and Contribution of Positive Youth Development

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    Positive Youth Development theory (PYD) presents a strength-based conception of transition to adulthood in which positive outcomes appear as consequence of the alignment of youth individual skills and contextual developmental assets. PYD may emerge from environmental action because it allows for developing reasoning skills, decision-making skills, self-efficacy, optimism, good relationships and civic engagement, among other thriving outcomes. Moreover, because values, attitudes and behaviors formed in this life stage influences those in later life stages, youth environmental education deserves greater attention. Developing youth as active citizens creates positive environmental and social change that provides the basis for more sustainable communities. Considering environmental action as a context for PYD, educators or program managers should consider young people as contributors, letting them participate in shared decision making, critical reflection and possibility to inquiry, as well as providing meaningful participation, sense of belongness and authentic care. Some experiences in youth environmental action are reviewed and some recommendations are provided in order to design and implement programs to jointly promote sustainable communities and PYDLa teoría del desarrollo positivo juvenil (DPJ) presenta una concepción de la transición a la adultez basada en las fortalezas, en la que los resultados positivos aparecen como consecuencia de la conjunción de las competencias individuales de los jóvenes y los activos de los contextos de desarrollo. El DPJ puede surgir de la acción medioambiental porque permite desarrollar competencias de razonamiento, de toma de decisiones, autoeficacia, optimismo, buenas relaciones y compromiso cívico, entre otros resultados positivos. Además, debido a que los valores, las actitudes y los comportamientos formados en esta etapa de la vida influyen en los de etapas posteriores, la educación medioambiental de los jóvenes merece una mayor atención. Desarrollar a los jóvenes como ciudadanos activos permite crear un cambio social y medioambiental positivo que sienta las bases para construir comunidades más sostenibles. Al considerar la acción medioambiental como un contexto para el DPJ, los educadores o gestores de programas deben considerar a los jóvenes como agentes, permitiéndoles participar en la toma de decisiones, la reflexión crítica y la posibilidad de investigar, además de brindar una participación significativa, un sentido de pertenencia y una verdadera actitud de cuidado. En este trabajo se revisan algunas experiencias en acción medioambiental juvenil y se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones para el diseño e implementación de programas para promover a la vez comunidades más sostenibles y el DP

    Comportamento sexual dos adolescentes portugueses entre 2002 e 2014: estudo de HBSC em português

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    ABSTRACT - This study examined trends in adolescent sexual behaviors from 2002 to 2014 in Portugal. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires from 8th and 10th graders in classrooms during 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014. Overall, the prevalence of sexual intercourse, age of sexual initiation, pill use, and sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol or drugs decreased in Portugal between 2002 and 2014, while condom use increased. Boys and 10th graders more frequently reported having ever had sexual intercourse, boys and 8th graders more frequently reported having had sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol or drugs, girls and 10th graders more frequently reported having had their first sexual intercourse at 14 years or older (except in 2014, where boys and girls reported more frequently having initiated at 12–13 years), and girls and 10th graders reported more frequently having used condoms and the pill (except in 2014) at the last sexual intercourse. Eighth graders more frequently reported having had their first sexual experience at 12–13 years (except in 2006).RESUMO - Este estudo examinou as tendências dos comportamentos sexuais de adolescentes de 2002 a 2014 em Portugal. Os dados foram recolhidos usando questionários de autorrelato nos alunos de 8° e 10° anos de escolaridade, nas salas de aula durante 2002, 2006, 2010 e 2014. Em geral, a prevalência de relações sexuais, a idade de iniciação sexual, o uso da pílula e as relações sexuais sob a influência de álcool ou drogas diminuiu em Portugal entre 2002 e 2014, enquanto o uso de preservativos aumentou. Os rapazes e os alunos do 10° ano referiram mais frequentemente terem tido relações sexuais, os rapazes e os alunos do 8° ano mencionara ter tido, mais frequentemente relações sexuais sob a influência de álcool ou drogas, as raparigas e os alunos do 10° ano relataram mais frequentemente terem tido sua primeira relação sexual aos 14 ou mais (exceto em 2014, onde rapazes e raparigas referiram mais frequentemente ter iniciado às 12–13), e as raparigas e os alunos do 10° ano relataram mais frequentemente ter usado preservativo e pílula (exceto em 2014) na última relação sexual. Os alunos do 8° ano referiram mais frequentemente terem tido sua primeira experiência sexual aos 12–13 (exceto em 2006).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intervention in Schools promoting mental health and well-being: a systematic review

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    Schools have been identified as a main scenery for building social, emotional, and behavioural support among children because students spend a substantial amount of time there. This systematic review was developed and registered based on the PRISMA recommendations. The main objective was identifying school context interventions that focus on students’ wellbeing and mental health. This review refers to papers focusing on young people ages 0 to 18 years old who attend school and had been the target audience for mental health and wellbeing promotion interventions. Inclusion criteria for this systematic review was that interventions must have been carried out within a school context. The results indicate that most studies (n=13; 68%) were conducted using quantitative methodology. The majority of articles intended to promote mental health in a school context, either involving the whole school or only students. Results highlight the importance of the involvement of the whole school in order to better promote mental health and wellbeing. Findings also indicate that after years of “stigma”, mental health has become a main concern in school-aged population

    Intervention in Schools promoting mental health and well-being: a systematic review

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    Schools have been identified as a main scenery for building social, emotional, and behavioural support among children because students spend a substantial amount of time there. This systematic review was developed and registered based on the PRISMA recommendations. The main objective was identifying school context interventions that focus on students’ wellbeing and mental health. This review refers to papers focusing on young people ages 0 to 18 years old who attend school and had been the target audience for mental health and wellbeing promotion interventions. Inclusion criteria for this systematic review was that interventions must have been carried out within a school context. The results indicate that most studies (n=13; 68%) were conducted using quantitative methodology. The majority of articles intended to promote mental health in a school context, either involving the whole school or only students. Results highlight the importance of the involvement of the whole school in order to better promote mental health and wellbeing. Findings also indicate that after years of “stigma”, mental health has become a main concern in school-aged population

    Alienation and health in adolescents : an original evaluation tool

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    Copyright © 2018 by authors and Open Access Library Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).The present work aims to construct and validate a tool enabling to evaluate alienation in Portuguese adolescents. Participants were a group of adolescents that participated in the Portuguese survey of the European study Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). For this study, only adolescents from the 8th and 10th grades were included in the sample, comprising 3869 students. The results show a good adequacy of the confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) model. This model revealed 3 subscales proposals—Demotivation, Isolation and Instability, and a full scale—Total Alienation. When analyzed in relation to other variables (gender, grade, wellbeing indicator and risk indicator), the alienation subscales showed an association between alienation and risk. These results are consistent with other studies about alienation which emphasizes that having good social relationships is associated with higher levels of wellbeing and quality of life and less involvement in risk behaviours by young peopleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How social connection helps promote mental health and positive human development in college students in Portugal? - Data from the national HBSC/ JUnP

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    Humans are social animals, and crave feeling supported, valued and connected. Research shows that social connection provides important benefits to mental health and positive human development. The aim of this study was to explore how social connection helps promote mental health and positive human development and report the associations with the PYD construct of connection with different dimensions of mental health (e.g. self-regulation, resilience, anxiety, aggressiveness and worries), life satisfaction and academic performance in a large sample of Portuguese students. The HBSC/JUnP data base comprises a representative sample of 2991 college students (n=2203; 73.7% women) and their age ranged from 18 to 35 years old (22.43±3.83). Participants’ socio-demographic characteristics included sex, age and academic degree; besides participants were inquired about the PYD construct of connection and its subdimensions (family, university, neighbourhood, peers), mental health (namely self-regulation, resilience, anxiety, aggressiveness, worries), life satisfaction and academic performance. Results showed that all variables had mostly significantly correlational associations. Specifically, the linear regression model evidenced that the promotion of self-regulation and resilience, along with the reduction of anxiety and worries, can be relevant for improving social connections (PYD Connection)Los seres humanos son animales sociales y desean sentirse apoyados, valorados y conectados. La investigación muestra que la conexión social proporciona importantes beneficios para la salud mental y el desarrollo humano positivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar cómo la conexión social ayuda a promover la salud mental y el desarrollo humano positivo e examinar las asociaciones con la dimensión de conexión dentro del constructo de desarrollo positivo juvenil con diferentes dimensiones de la salud mental (por ejemplo, autorregulación, resiliencia, ansiedad, agresividad y preocupaciones), satisfacción con la vida y rendimiento académico, en una amplia muestra de estudiantes portugueses. La base de datos HBSC / JUnP comprende una muestra representativa de 2991 estudiantes universitarios (n = 2203; 73,7% mujeres) y con edades entre los 18 y los 35 años (22,43 ± 3,83). Las características sociodemográficas de los participantes estudiadas fueron sexo, edad y grado académico; además, se preguntó a los participantes sobre el constructo de desarrollo positivo juvenil de conexión y sus diferentes subdimensiones (familia, universidad, barrio, e iguales), salud mental (es concreto, autorregulación, resiliencia, ansiedad, agresividad, y preocupaciones), satisfacción con la vida y rendimiento académico. Los resultados mostraron que todas las variables tenían asociaciones correlacionales mayoritariamente significativas. Específicamente, el modelo de regresión lineal evidenció que la promoción de la autorregulación y la resiliencia, junto con la reducción de la ansiedad y las preocupaciones, pueden ser relevantes para mejorar las conexiones sociales (dentro del desarrollo positivo juvenil

    Mental health promotion in school context : validation of the ES’COOL scale for teachers

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    Copyright: © Tomé G (2018). This Article is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Introduction: In general, a large proportion of young people report themselves as healthy, happy and satisfied with their circumstances. However, it was estimated that about 20%of youths experience significant stress at times, which raised concerns about the long-term impact of this distress on future adjustment. However, there is evidence that only a small proportion of young people with disorders receive treatment, and that their personal distress is steadily linked to negative outcomes at school and to overall maladjustment ...info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio