106 research outputs found

    Guía de técnicas de restauración de suelos degradados en viticultura

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    Guidelines for soil functionality restoration in degraded areas of vineyard (spanish language

    Estimation of grape quality in vineyards using a new viticultural index

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    Crop yield, total leaf area, canopy surface area and other vineyard parameters were determined on different 'Tempranillo' and 'Grenache' (Vitis vinifera L.) vineyards situated in Rioja appellation (Spain). All parameters were determined during three years. Grape vineyard assessment was performed by Vitur scoresheet, proposed by TARDAGUILA and MARTINEZ DE TODA (2005). The main chemical composition parameters of grape pulp and skin were also determined. The correlations between the viticultural variables and the chemical composition variables of the grapes were also analysed. The parameter that displayed the best correlation with grape phenolic composition was the CSA/Y/ShL parameter, referred to as the Toda Index. This index could be used to estimate the phenolic composition of grapes. It also presented the best correlations with grape quality, estimated using the Vitur score-sheet. These results suggest that, for winegrape vineyard assessment, Vitur score-sheet (necessarily subjective) may be replaced with the new Toda index (faster and objective). The main advantage of this new parameter is that it is easy to determine and is completely objective, unlike visual estimation which offers a high degree of subjectivity.

    Protocol for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    Protocols used by Resolve partners during the project, to assess soil functionality on degraded aeras and evaluate soil restoration after applying recovering practices

    Protocols for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    The purpose of this guideline is to describe the methods used during ReSolVe project for soil functionality assessment, so they can be implemented in similar studies. A brief introduction first underlines what are the main functions of soil and why maintaining an optimal soil functionality is particularly of major interest in viticulture. Then the different protocols selected for ReSolVe project and this guideline are presented according to the following classification: - Part I: assessment of soil physical and chemical features; - Part II: assessment of soil biological features (ecosystem service provision and providers); - Part III: assessment of rhizosphere biological features; - Part IV: assessment of grapevine quantitative and qualitative indicators reflecting soil functionality. In each part, global objectives of the monitoring are explained (what is it used for, in which cases…) and the parameters to evaluate are listed with their corresponding methodological sheet. In these sheets, instructions and information are given about: - Materials needed to perform the sampling and the measurement - Sampling procedure - Analysis procedure - Possible interpretations and conclusions that can be drawn (value and meaning of the results, indication of reference values when existing, potential limit of the protocol) - Bibliographic references related to the method described - Additional helpful information where appropriate (ex: template of sampling sheet

    Protocol for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    Protocols used by Resolve partners during the project, to assess soil functionality on degraded aeras and evaluate soil restoration after applying recovering practices

    Pixel classification through Mahalanobis distance for identification of grapevine canopy elements on RGB images

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    Vine vigour and fruit-cluster exposure to sunlight in a grapevine canopy fruiting zone has been shown to strongly correlate with key fruit composition and diseases incidence. In this framework, the use of automated image analysis for the identification of plant elements is an important issue to be addressed for vineyard assessment (Dunn and Martin, 2004). In addition, optimum segmentation method is strongly application dependent and thus needs to be tested for each particular case (Cheng et al., 2001). The objective of the present work is to propose and test a simple, rapid and practical method for the identification of two relevant elements of grapevines canopy: clusters and green leaves

    Restoring soil functionality in degraded areas within vineyards by organic treatments: the experimental layout of the RESOLVE Core-organic+ project

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    Degraded areas are frequent in vineyards, even if managed by organic farming, mainly caused by soil truncation, soil erosion, or salts enrichment. Recovering strategies implemented in 19 degraded vineyards in 5 countries within the RESOLVE project concerned: (i) composted organic amendments, or seeding of cover crops (including legumes) for (ii) green manure or (iii) dry mulch. The relationships between vineyard management and pedo-climatic conditions are useful to better understand other contributions dealing with RESOLVE project reported in the present special issue. The results suggested that the nature of degradation requires optimum seedbed preparation to grow green manure crops. Whereas dry mulching plants needs less tillage operations (neither incorporation nor sowing, if self-reseeding plants), helping the recovery of soil functionality. The potential soil erosion by water was esteemed for the 38 plots, confirming that is a common agent of land degradation in vineyards

    Monitoring and mapping soil functionality in degraded areas of organic European vineyards

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    Soil malfunctioning, caused by an improper land preparation before vine plantation and/or management, is a common problem in European vineyards. Soil malfunctioning can include: reduced contribution of the soil fauna, poor organic matter content, imbalance nutritional status, altered pH, water deficiency, soil compaction and/or scarce oxygenation. To address these problems, ReSolVe, a transnational European research project, aimed at testing the effects of selected agronomic strategies for restoring optimal soil functionality in degraded areas within organic vineyard. The project involves 8 research groups in 6 different EU countries (Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Slovenia, and Turkey) with experts from several disciplines including soil science, ecology, microbiology, grapevine physiology, viticulture, and biometry. The experimental vineyards are situated in Italy (Chianti hills and Maremma plain, Tuscany), Spain (La Rioja), France (Bordeaux and Languedoc), and Slovenia (Primorska) for winegrapes, and in Turkey (Adana and Mersin) for tablegrapes. Three different restoring strategies have been implemented: (i) compost, (ii) green manure with winter legumes, and (iii) dry mulching with cover crops. These strategies have being tested according to their efficiency to improve i) plant and root growth; and ii) grape yield and quality; optimize iii) the quality of soil ecosystem services; and iv) the terroir effect. The first activity of the project was characterizing and mapping the degraded areas within experimental vineyards. In the work we used non-invasive technologies to characterize soil and plant status. In Spanish and Italian vineyards, the delineation of degraded areas was performed by gamma-ray spectroscopy for topsoil, RGB machine vision for canopy status and thermography for plant water status. Gamma-ray spectroscopy measured continuously the natural gamma-ray emitted from the first 30-40 cm of soil, calculating the contribution of the main radionuclides (40K, 232Th, and 238U). The spectra of gamma-ray were able to provide information about mineralogy, texture, surficial stoniness and carbonates. RGB and thermal cameras were used to assess canopy porosity, leaf area exposure and vine water status of both degraded and non-degraded areas. All soil, canopy and water status parameters were mapped

    Extracción de características de la cubierta vegetal del viñedo mediante imágenes RGB y RGIR obtenidas de forma dinámica

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    Diversas investigaciones han intentado resolver el problema de identificación de frutos u hojas mediante imágenes digitales, pero sólo lo han logrado parcialmente. Por esto, el objetivo de este trabajo es explorar una metodología de identificación que permita estimar áreas de hojas y racimos en viñedos, empleando imágenes en el espectro visible (RGB) y en el infrarrojo cercano (RGIR). El problema de la identificación fue abordando por dos vías, forma y color. En el caso de la identificación por forma se empleó la transformada circular de Hough y en el de la identificación por color se emplearon las técnicas de clasificación no supervisada denominadas kmeans y Fuzzy c-means. Se determinó que la clasificación mediante k-means sobre el espacio L*a*b*, para imágenes RGB y sobre el índice SAVI en las imágenes RGIR, son las técnicas más adecuadas. En cuanto a la identificación por forma, ésta resultó aplicable sólo en condiciones muy particulare

    Manejo do dossel vegetativo e seu efeito nos componentes de produção da videira Merlot.

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    A poda verde é uma prática cultural utilizada para melhorar as condições do dossel vegetativo dos vinhedos, visando a favorecer a qualidade da uva e do vinho. Nesse sentido, realizou-se este experimento entre as safras de 1993/1994 e 1996/1997, com diferentes modalidades de poda verde, num vinhedo do cv. Merlot conduzido em latada. Houve 12 tratamentos e três repetições, sendo o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da testemunha e de 11 diferentes modalidades de poda verde, ou seja, desbrota, desponta e desfolha, algumas delas em diferentes épocas do ciclo vegetativo da videira. O componente principal 1, da análise de componentes principais (ACP) feita em cada ano, separadamente, mostra que o tratamento 10 (desbrota + desponta + desfolha realizada no início da floração, eliminando-se as folhas abaixo dos cachos) discriminou-se nos quatro anos, e os tratamentos 7 (desfolha realizada 21 dias antes da colheita, eliminando-se metade das folhas abaixo dos cachos) e 6 (desfolha realizada 21 dias antes da colheita, eliminando-se as folhas abaixo dos cachos), em três deles; a ACP da média dos quatro anos também evidencia essa discriminação entre eles. Constata-se que o tratamento 10 foi um dos que tiveram intensidade de poda verde mais intensa, caracterizando-se por variáveis indicativas de plantas com vigor e produtividade mais baixos que os demais