577 research outputs found

    Variable repetition frequency asynchronous optical sampling method without a feedback loop

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    Nagakubo A., Kanai K., Tamura H., et al. Variable repetition frequency asynchronous optical sampling method without a feedback loop. AIP Advances 12, 045323 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0083354.The ultrafast pump-probe measurement represents a key technique to study fs-ps dynamics. The asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) method realizes fast and long time-range measurement with high time resolution using different repetition frequency pump-probe light pulses. The frequency difference Δf is an important parameter, as it dictates the measurement time and time resolution. However, usual ASOPS measurements require a complex and precise stabilizer to control Δf or it is difficult to change Δf. In this study, we use two free-running titanium/sapphire pulse lasers to develop a variable repetition frequency ASOPS (VRF-ASOPS) method without a stabilizer or feedback loop, where we can easily alter Δf by changing the cavity length of the probe light laser. To detect the coincidences of the pump-probe light pulses, we cause the instantaneous reflectivity change in a 100 nm platinum film by irradiating the pump light and observe it by the probe light. We use this signal as the trigger signal to directly determine Δf, which enables us to average and convert the measured responses without a stabilizer or feedback loop. Using this VRF-ASOPS system, we obtain pulse echo signals and 100 GHz Brillouin oscillations, which are equivalent to those measured by the mechanical delay line method, confirming the validity of our developed method

    Bases for Spaces of Highest Weight Vectors in Arbitrary Characteristic

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    Let k be an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic. First we give explicit bases for the highest weight vectors for the action of GLr ×GLs on the coordinate ring k[Mat m rs ] of m-tuples of r × s-matrices. It turns out that this is done most conveniently by giving an explicit good GLr ×GLs-filtration on k[Mat m rs ]. Then we deduce from this result explicit spanning sets of the k[Mat n ] GL n -modules of highest weight vectors in the coordinate ring k[Matn] under the conjugation action of GLn

    Clonal interference and Muller's ratchet in spatial habitats

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    Competition between independently arising beneficial mutations is enhanced in spatial populations due to the linear rather than exponential growth of clones. Recent theoretical studies have pointed out that the resulting fitness dynamics is analogous to a surface growth process, where new layers nucleate and spread stochastically, leading to the build up of scale-invariant roughness. This scenario differs qualitatively from the standard view of adaptation in that the speed of adaptation becomes independent of population size while the fitness variance does not. Here we exploit recent progress in the understanding of surface growth processes to obtain precise predictions for the universal, non-Gaussian shape of the fitness distribution for one-dimensional habitats, which are verified by simulations. When the mutations are deleterious rather than beneficial the problem becomes a spatial version of Muller's ratchet. In contrast to the case of well-mixed populations, the rate of fitness decline remains finite even in the limit of an infinite habitat, provided the ratio Ud/s2U_d/s^2 between the deleterious mutation rate and the square of the (negative) selection coefficient is sufficiently large. Using again an analogy to surface growth models we show that the transition between the stationary and the moving state of the ratchet is governed by directed percolation

    Experiences and needs of patients with incurable cancer regarding advance care planning:results from a national cross-sectional survey

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    Introduction: Patients faced with incurable cancer may experience a lack of support from their physician throughout and after treatment. Studies on the needs and experiences of these patients are scarce. In this study, we explored the needs and experiences of patients diagnosed with incurable cancer regarding the conversation, in which they were told that their cancer was incurable, the care received after this conversation, and their preferences regarding end-of-life conversations. Methods: Data were cross-sectionally collected through a national online survey in the Netherlands (September 2018). Descriptive statistics and correlation coefficients were reported and subgroups were compared. Results: Six hundred fifty-four patients (mean age 60 years; 58% women) completed the survey. Patients were primarily diagnosed with breast cancer (22%) or a hematological malignancy (21%). Patients reported a strong need for emotional support during the conversation, in which they were told their cancer was incurable (mean score 8.3; scale 1–10). Their experienced satisfaction with received emotional support was mediocre (mean score 6.4; scale 1–10). Of those patients who felt like they did not receive any additional care (37%) after the diagnosis, the majority expressed a clear need for this kind of care (59%). Mostly, support pertained to psychosocial issues. Regarding conversations about the end of life, most patients (62%) expressed a need to discuss this topic, and preferred their healthcare provider to initiate this conversation. Conclusion: Care for patients with incurable cancer can be further improved by tailoring conversations to specific needs and timely providing appropriate supportive care services

    Genetic population structure of harbour seals in the United Kingdom and neighbouring waters

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    Natural Environment Research Council (GrantNumber(s): SMRU1001; Grant recipient(s): Ailsa Hall)1.  In the United Kingdom (UK), several harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) populations have been declining over the past decade. In order to understand the effect of these changes in abundance, this study seeks to determine the population structure of harbour seals in the UK, and in Scotland in particular, on a wider and finer spatial scale than has previously been reported. 2.  Harbour seals were genotyped from 18 different localities throughout the UK and neighbouring localities in mainland Europe, at 12 microsatellite loci. Results from Bayesian and frequency based tests of population structure suggested an initial structural division into two main groups consisting of localities in northern UK and southern UK-mainland Europe, respectively. 3.  These two clusters were further divided into four geographically distinct genetic clusters. 4.  An overall agreement between the genetic results and the existing management areas for UK harbour seals was observed, but it is also clear that an adaptive management approach should be adopted, in which the delineation of the current management areas is maintained until further genetic and ecological information has been accumulated and analysed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    MLN51 Stimulates the RNA-Helicase Activity of eIF4AIII

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    The core of the exon-junction complex consists of Y14, Magoh, MLN51 and eIF4AIII, a DEAD-box RNA helicase. MLN51 stimulates the ATPase activity of eIF4AIII, whilst the Y14-Magoh complex inhibits it. We show that the MLN51-dependent stimulation increases both the affinity of eIF4AIII for ATP and the rate of enzyme turnover; the K (M) is decreased by an order of magnitude and k (cat) increases 30 fold. Y14-Magoh do inhibit the MLN51-stimulated ATPase activity, but not back to background levels. The ATP-bound form of the eIF4AIII-MLN51 complex has a 100-fold higher affinity for RNA than the unbound form and ATP hydrolysis reduces this affinity. MLN51 stimulates the RNA-helicase activity of eIF4AIII, suggesting that this activity may be functionally important

    Extracting information from the text of electronic medical records to improve case detection: a systematic review

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    Background: Electronic medical records (EMRs) are revolutionizing health-related research. One key issue for study quality is the accurate identification of patients with the condition of interest. Information in EMRs can be entered as structured codes or unstructured free text. The majority of research studies have used only coded parts of EMRs for case-detection, which may bias findings, miss cases, and reduce study quality. This review examines whether incorporating information from text into case-detection algorithms can improve research quality. Methods: A systematic search returned 9659 papers, 67 of which reported on the extraction of information from free text of EMRs with the stated purpose of detecting cases of a named clinical condition. Methods for extracting information from text and the technical accuracy of case-detection algorithms were reviewed. Results: Studies mainly used US hospital-based EMRs, and extracted information from text for 41 conditions using keyword searches, rule-based algorithms, and machine learning methods. There was no clear difference in case-detection algorithm accuracy between rule-based and machine learning methods of extraction. Inclusion of information from text resulted in a significant improvement in algorithm sensitivity and area under the receiver operating characteristic in comparison to codes alone (median sensitivity 78% (codes + text) vs 62% (codes), P = .03; median area under the receiver operating characteristic 95% (codes + text) vs 88% (codes), P = .025). Conclusions: Text in EMRs is accessible, especially with open source information extraction algorithms, and significantly improves case detection when combined with codes. More harmonization of reporting within EMR studies is needed, particularly standardized reporting of algorithm accuracy metrics like positive predictive value (precision) and sensitivity (recall)

    Electrons in High-Tc Compounds: Ab-Initio Correlation Results

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    Electronic correlations in the ground state of an idealized infinite-layer high-Tc compound are computed using the ab-initio method of local ansatz. Comparisons are made with the local-density approximation (LDA) results, and the correlation functions are analyzed in detail. These correlation functions are used to determine the effective atomic-interaction parameters for model Hamiltonians. On the resulting model, doping dependencies of the relevant correlations are investigated. Aside from the expected strong atomic correlations, particular spin correlations arise. The dominating contribution is a strong nearest neighbor correlation that is Stoner-enhanced due to the closeness of the ground state to the magnetic phase. This feature depends moderately on doping, and is absent in a single-band Hubbard model. Our calculated spin correlation function is in good qualitative agreement with that determined from the neutron scattering experiments for a metal.Comment: 21pp, 5fig, Phys. Rev. B (Oct. 98