397 research outputs found

    AS2TS system for protein structure modeling and analysis

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    We present a set of programs and a website designed to facilitate protein structure comparison and protein structure modeling efforts. Our protein structure analysis and comparison services use the LGA (local-global alignment) program to search for regions of local similarity and to evaluate the level of structural similarity between compared protein structures. To facilitate the homology-based protein structure modeling process, our AL2TS service translates given sequence–structure alignment data into the standard Protein Data Bank (PDB) atom records (coordinates). For a given sequence of amino acids, the AS2TS (amino acid sequence to tertiary structure) system calculates (e.g. using PSI-BLAST PDB analysis) a list of the closest proteins from the PDB, and then a set of draft 3D models is automatically created. Web services are available at

    Shape Isomerism at N = 40: Discovery of a Proton Intruder in 67Co

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    The nuclear structure of 67Co has been investigated through 67Fe beta-decay. The 67Fe isotopes were produced at the LISOL facility in proton-induced fission of 238U and selected using resonant laser ionization combined with mass separation. The application of a new correlation technique unambiguously revealed a 496(33) ms isomeric state in 67Co at an unexpected low energy of 492 keV. A 67Co level scheme has been deduced. Proposed spin and parities suggest a spherical (7/2-) 67Co ground state and a deformed first excited (1/2-) state at 492 keV, interpreted as a proton 1p-2h prolate intruder state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, preprint submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Designing learning-skills towards industry 4.0

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    The world is shrinking now more than ever due to new scientific and technological breakthroughs that expand the boundaries of human knowledge, resulting in improvements in transportation, communication, space exploration and educational technologies. Today’s students will compete in a technological, diverse, multi-cultural world and must be prepared to thrive in this futuristic environment. Therefore, it is vital that today’s pedagogy produce lifelong learners, who can succeed in a global pulpit. To ensure our educational technology progresses at the rate demanded by today’s ubiquitous digital learners, we review emerging technologies and traditional teaching methods and propose desirable changes. Future companies will need employees with specific Internet of Things connected additive manufacturing skills across the value stream, including computer-aided design, machine operation, raw material development, robotics and supply chain management; but these are only island of excellence in industry 4.0 and not the consummate requirement of the manufacturing process

    Emergence of Anti-Cancer Drug Resistance: Exploring the Importance of the Microenvironmental Niche via a Spatial Model

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    Practically, all chemotherapeutic agents lead to drug resistance. Clinically, it is a challenge to determine whether resistance arises prior to, or as a result of, cancer therapy. Further, a number of different intracellular and microenvironmental factors have been correlated with the emergence of drug resistance. With the goal of better understanding drug resistance and its connection with the tumor microenvironment, we have developed a hybrid discrete-continuous mathematical model. In this model, cancer cells described through a particle-spring approach respond to dynamically changing oxygen and DNA damaging drug concentrations described through partial differential equations. We thoroughly explored the behavior of our self-calibrated model under the following common conditions: a fixed layout of the vasculature, an identical initial configuration of cancer cells, the same mechanism of drug action, and one mechanism of cellular response to the drug. We considered one set of simulations in which drug resistance existed prior to the start of treatment, and another set in which drug resistance is acquired in response to treatment. This allows us to compare how both kinds of resistance influence the spatial and temporal dynamics of the developing tumor, and its clonal diversity. We show that both pre-existing and acquired resistance can give rise to three biologically distinct parameter regimes: successful tumor eradication, reduced effectiveness of drug during the course of treatment (resistance), and complete treatment failure

    A role for eukaryotic initiation factor 4B overexpression in the pathogenesis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

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    Dysregulated expression of factors that control protein synthesis is associated with poor prognosis of many cancers, but the underlying mechanisms are not well defined. Analysis of the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) translatome revealed selective upregulation of mRNAs encoding anti-apoptotic and DNA repair proteins. We show that enhanced synthesis of these proteins in DLBCL is mediated by the relief of repression that is normally imposed by structure in the 5'-untranslated regions of their corresponding mRNAs. This process is driven by signaling through mammalian target of rapamycin, resulting in increased synthesis of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4B complex (eIF4B), a known activator of the RNA helicase eIF4A. Reducing eIF4B expression alone is sufficient to decrease synthesis of proteins associated with enhanced tumor cell survival, namely DAXX, BCL2 and ERCC5. Importantly, eIF4B-driven expression of these key survival proteins is directly correlated with patient outcome, and eIF4B, DAXX and ERCC5 are identified as novel prognostic markers for poor survival in DLBCL. Our work provides new insights into the mechanisms by which the cancer-promoting translational machinery drives lymphomagenesis

    Wpływ kanabinoidów na układ wydzielania wewnętrznego

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    Kanabinnoidy stanowią pochodne konopii, najbardziej aktywnym biologicznie wśród nich jest tetrahydrokannabinol (THC). Najczęściej stosowanymi narkotykami są marihuana, haszysz i olej haszyszowy. Te mieszaniny związków wywierają swój efekt poprzez interakcję z receptorami kannabinoidowymi CB1 i CB2. Receptory typu pierwszego (CB1) zlokalizowane są głównie w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym oraz w tkance tłuszczowej oraz narządach, w tym większości gruczołów wydzielania wewnętrznego. Receptory typu drugiego (CB2) znajdują się głównie w obwodowym układzie nerwowym (obwodowe zakońćzenia nerwowe) oraz na powierzchni komórek ukłądu immunologicznego. Obecnie coraz większą wagę przywiązuje się do roli endogennych ligandów oddziałujących ze wspomnianymi receptorami, jak i roli samych receptorów. Dotychczas udowodniono udział endogennych kannabinoidów w regulacji ilości przyjmowanego pokarmu, homeostazy, mają także istotny wpływ na układ wydzielania wewnętrznego, w tym aktywność przysadki, kory nadnerczy, tarczycy, trzustki i gonad. Wzajemne powiązania pomiędzy układem endokannabinoidowym i aktywnością układu wydzielania wewnętrznego może stanowić punkt uchwytu dla licznych leków, któych skuteczność wykazano w przypadku leczenia niepłodności, otyłości, cukrzycy cz nawet zapobieganiu chorobom układu sercowo-naczyniowego.

    Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries

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    This article presents the cross-cultural validation of the Entitlement Attitudes Questionnaire, a tool designed to measure three facets of psychological entitlement: active, passive, and revenge entitlement. Active entitlement was defined as the tendency to protect individual rights based on self-worthiness. Passive entitlement was defined as the belief in obligations to and expectations toward other people and institutions for the fulfillment of the individual’s needs. Revenge entitlement was defined as the tendency to protect one’s individual rights when violated by others and the tendency to reciprocate insults. The 15-item EAQ was validated in a series of three studies: the first one on a general Polish sample (N = 1,900), the second one on a sample of Polish students (N = 199), and the third one on student samples from 28 countries (N = 5,979). A three-factor solution was confirmed across all samples. Examination of measurement equivalence indicated partial metric invariance of EAQ for all national samples. Discriminant and convergent validity of the EAQ was also confirmed

    Soil resources and element stocks in drylands to face global issues

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    Drylands (hyperarid, arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid ecosystems) cover almost half of Earth’s land surface and are highly vulnerable to environmental pressures. Here we provide an inventory of soil properties including carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) stocks within the current boundaries of drylands, aimed at serving as a benchmark in the face of future challenges including increased population, food security, desertification, and climate change. Aridity limits plant production and results in poorly developed soils, with coarse texture, low C:N and C:P, scarce organic matter, and high vulnerability to erosion. Dryland soils store 646 Pg of organic C to 2 m, the equivalent of 32% of the global soil organic C pool. The magnitude of the historic loss of C from dryland soils due to human land use and cover change and their typically low C:N and C:P suggest high potential to build up soil organic matter, but coarse soil textures may limit protection and stabilization processes. Restoring, preserving, and increasing soil organic matter in drylands may help slow down rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide by sequestering C, and is strongly needed to enhance food security and reduce the risk of land degradation and desertification

    Yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank voles (Myodes glareolus) as zoomonitors of environmental contamination at a polluted area in Slovakia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Free-living wild rodents are often used as zoomonitors of environmental contamination. In the present study, accumulation of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in critical organs of yellow-necked mice (<it>Apodemus flavicollis</it>) and bank voles (<it>Myodes glareolus</it>) trapped in a polluted area in Nováky, Slovakia was investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Yellow-necked mice (n = 8) and bank voles (n = 10) were collected using standard theriological methods for wood ecosystems. All animals were adult males in good physical condition. The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn in the liver, kidney, and bone were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The highest concentrations of Cd and Zn were found in the bone of both species while Cu and Fe accumulated mainly in kidney or liver. Significant higher concentrations of Cd and Cu were detected in the liver of bank voles than in yellow-necked mice. Similar significant higher levels of Cd and Zn were found in the bone of bank voles. In contrast, significant higher concentrations of Cu and Fe were present in the kidney of yellow-necked mice.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the yellow-necked mouse and bank vole, bone seems to accumulate Cd and Zn following prolonged exposure. On the contrary, kidney and liver store Cu and Fe after a long-term environmental exposure. In the present study, bank voles seemed to be more heavy metal loaded zoomonitors than yellow-necked mice.</p