12,025 research outputs found

    On the wake of a Darrieus turbine

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    The theory and experimental measurements on the aerodynamic decay of a wake from high performance vertical axis wind turbine are discussed. In the initial experimental study, the wake downstream of a model Darrieus rotor, 28 cm diameter and a height of 45.5 cm, was measured in a Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel. The wind turbine was run at the design tip speed ratio of 5.5. It was found that the wake decayed at a slower rate with distance downstream of the turbine, than a wake from a screen with similar troposkein shape and drag force characteristics as the Darrieus rotor. The initial wind tunnel results indicated that the vertical axis wind turbines should be spaced at least forty diameters apart to avoid mutual power depreciation greater than ten per cent

    Short term X-ray rms variability of Cyg X-1

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    A linear dependence of the amplitude of broadband noise variability on flux for GBHC and AGN has been recently shown by Uttley & McHardy (2001). We present the long term evolution of this rms-flux-relation for Cyg X-1 as monitored from 1998-2002 with RXTE. We confirm the linear relationship in the hard state and analyze the evolution of the correlation for the period of 1996-2002. In the intermediate and the soft state, we find considerable deviations from the otherwise linear relationship. A possible explanation for the rms-flux-relation is a superposition of local mass accretion rate variations.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 4th Microquasar Workshop, eds. Ph Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs and J. Rodriguez, published by the Center for Space Physics: Kolkat

    Cyclic hypoxia exposure accelerates the progression of amoebic gill disease

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    Amoebic gill disease (AGD), caused by the amoeba Neoparamoeba perurans, has led to considerable economic losses in every major Atlantic salmon producing country, and is increasing in frequency. The most serious infections occur during summer and autumn, when temperatures are high and poor dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions are most common. Here, we tested if exposure to cyclic hypoxia at DO saturations of 40–60% altered the course of infection with N. perurans compared to normoxic controls maintained at ≥90% DO saturation. Although hypoxia exposure did not increase initial susceptibility to N. perurans, it accelerated progression of the disease. By 7 days post-inoculation, amoeba counts estimated from qPCR analysis were 1.7 times higher in the hypoxic treatment than in normoxic controls, and cumulative mortalities were twice as high (16 ± 4% and 8 ± 2%), respectively. At 10 days post-inoculation, however, there were no differences between amoeba counts in the hypoxic and normoxic treatments, nor in the percentage of filaments with AGD lesions (control = 74 ± 2.8%, hypoxic = 69 ± 3.3%), or number of lamellae per lesion (control = 30 ± 0.9%, hypoxic = 27.9 ± 0.9%) as determined by histological examination. Cumulative mortalities at the termination of the experiment were similarly high in both treatments (hypoxic = 60 ± 2%, normoxic = 53 ± 11%). These results reveal that exposure to cyclic hypoxia in a diel pattern, equivalent to what salmon are exposed to in marine aquaculture cages, accelerated the progression of AGD in post-smolts

    Selected tools to visualize membrane interactions

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    In the past decade, we developed various fluorescence-based methods for monitoring membrane fusion, membrane docking, distances between membranes, and membrane curvature. These tools were mainly developed using liposomes as model systems, which allows for the dissection of specific interactions mediated by, for example, fusion proteins. Here, we provide an overview of these methods, including two-photon fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy and intramembrane Förster energy transfer, with asymmetric labelling of inner and outer membrane leaflets and the calibrated use of transmembrane energy transfer to determine membrane distances below 10 nm. We discuss their application range and their limitations using examples from our work on protein-mediated vesicle docking and fusion

    Evolutionary game dynamics in phenotype space

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    Evolutionary dynamics can be studied in well-mixed or structured populations. Population structure typically arises from the heterogeneous distribution of individuals in physical space or on social networks. Here we introduce a new type of space to evolutionary game dynamics: phenotype space. The population is well-mixed in the sense that everyone is equally likely to interact with everyone else, but the behavioral strategies depend on distance in phenotype space. Individuals might behave differently towards those who look similar or dissimilar. Individuals mutate to nearby phenotypes. We study the `phenotypic space walk' of populations. We present analytic calculations that bring together ideas from coalescence theory and evolutionary game dynamics. As a particular example, we investigate the evolution of cooperation in phenotype space. We obtain a precise condition for natural selection to favor cooperators over defectors: for a one-dimensional phenotype space and large population size the critical benefit-to-cost ratio is given by b/c=1+2/sqrt{3}. We derive the fundamental condition for any evolutionary game and explore higher dimensional phenotype spaces.Comment: version 2: minor changes; equivalent to final published versio

    A coarse grained model of granular compaction and relaxation

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    We introduce a theoretical model for the compaction of granular materials by discrete vibrations which is expected to hold when the intensity of vibration is low. The dynamical unit is taken to be clusters of granules that belong to the same collective structure. We rigourously construct the model from first principles and show that numerical solutions compare favourably with a range of experimental results. This includes the logarithmic relaxation towards a statistical steady state, the effect of varying the intensity of vibration resulting in a so-called `annealing' curve, and the power spectrum of density fluctuations in the steady state itself. A mean-field version of the model is introduced which shares many features with the exact model and is open to quantitative analysi

    Low Luminosity States of the Black Hole Candidate GX~339--4. II. Timing Analysis

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    Here we present timing analysis of a set of eight Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations of the black hole candidate GX 339-4 that were taken during its hard/low state. On long time scales, the RXTE All Sky Monitor data reveal evidence of a 240 day periodicity, comparable to timescales expected from warped, precessing accretion disks. On short timescales all observations save one show evidence of a persistent f approximately equal to 0.3 Hz QPO. The broad band (10^{-3}-10^2 Hz) power appears to be dominated by two independent processes that can be modeled as very broad Lorentzians with Q approximately less than 1. The coherence function between soft and hard photon variability shows that if these are truly independent processes, then they are individually coherent, but they are incoherent with one another. This is evidenced by the fact that the coherence function between the hard and soft variability is near unity between 0.005-10 Hz but shows evidence of a dip at f approximately equal to 1 Hz. This is the region of overlap between the broad Lorentzian fits to the PSD. Similar to Cyg X-1, the coherence also drops dramatically at frequencies approximately greater than 10 Hz. Also similar to Cyg X-1, the hard photon variability is seen to lag the soft photon variability with the lag time increasing with decreasing Fourier frequency. The magnitude of this time lag appears to be positively correlated with the flux of GX 339-4. We discuss all of these observations in light of current theoretical models of both black hole spectra and temporal variability.Comment: To Appear in the AStrophysical Journa

    Entropically driven transition to a liquid-crystalline polymer globule

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    A self-consistent-field theory (SCFT) in the grand canonical ensemble formulation is used to study transitions in a helix-coil multiblock copolymer globule. The helices are modeled as stiff rods. In addition to the established coil-globule transition we show for the first time that, even without explicit rod-rod alignment interaction, the system undergoes a transition to a nematic liquid-crystalline (LC) globular state. The LC-globule formation is driven by the hydrophobic helical segment attraction and the anisotropy of the globule surface energy. The full phase diagram of the copolymer was calculated. It discriminates between an open chain, amorphous globule and LC-globule. This model provides a relatively simple example of the interplay between secondary and tertiary structures in homopolypeptides. Moreover, it gives a simple explanation for the formation of helix bundles in certain globular proteins.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Europhys. Let

    Disordered Environments in Spatial Games

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    The Prisoner's dilemma is the main game theoretical framework in which the onset and maintainance of cooperation in biological populations is studied. In the spatial version of the model, we study the robustness of cooperation in heterogeneous ecosystems in spatial evolutionary games by considering site diluted lattices. The main result is that due to disorder, the fraction of cooperators in the population is enhanced. Moreover, the system presents a dynamical transition at ρ\rho^*, separating a region with spatial chaos from one with localized, stable groups of cooperators.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Exact solution of a two-type branching process: Clone size distribution in cell division kinetics

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    We study a two-type branching process which provides excellent description of experimental data on cell dynamics in skin tissue (Clayton et al., 2007). The model involves only a single type of progenitor cell, and does not require support from a self-renewed population of stem cells. The progenitor cells divide and may differentiate into post-mitotic cells. We derive an exact solution of this model in terms of generating functions for the total number of cells, and for the number of cells of different types. We also deduce large time asymptotic behaviors drawing on our exact results, and on an independent diffusion approximation.Comment: 16 page