1,119 research outputs found

    Preventing Acute Gout When Starting Allopurinol Therapy: Colchicine Or NSAIDs?

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    Acute gout is a well known complication of the commencement of allopurinol therapy. Prophylaxis is needed for some months, even after serum urate levels have returned to normal. Colchicine is usually preferable to NSAIDs for this purpose, being cheaper, and better tolerated, especially in patients with peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding or dyspepsia or who are taking anticoagulants

    Modular Multi-Channel GPS Environmental Logger

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    In this paper, an experimental methodology for the modular multi-channel GPS environmental logger is presented, and the preliminary real route test is demonstrated. The paper concentrates on methods used for transmitting real time data from electrochemical analyser and GPS unit into Graphical User Interface. Test was made in environmental conditions and route of the vehicle was plotted on the map with the data from emission analyser. All results are presented and conclude

    Statistical modelling of turbidity removal applied to non-toxic natural coagulants in water treatment: a case study

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    An investigation into two non-toxic natural coagulants abundantly growing in different countries, cactus (Opuntia spp.) and okra was performed on monthly river water samples (one-year period). The studied case was the Euphrates river/Al-Mashroo canal/Iraq. Six statistical models were interpreted and tested describing the residual turbidity after Coagulation-Flocculation for the three studied cases (Optimum-Coagulant-Dose, Optimum-Flocculator-Velocity-Gradient and Optimum-Flocculation-Time). According to the environmental parameters recorded during the study and the statistical analyses, two facts were concluded. The first fact was that controlling the Optimum-Flocculator-Velocity-Gradient of the Coagulation-Flocculation process gave the highest contribution ratio of the models. The second fact was that the most significant environmental parameter (statistically) in the Coagulation-Flocculation process was the initial turbidity. This was proved for the two natural coagulants under study. Also, from the results of the study, it was concluded that the two natural coagulants were of similar coagulation-flocculation properties, and they were competent for turbidity removal

    Design and implementation of a non-invasive real-time microwave sensor for assessing water hardness in heat exchangers

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    A non-invasive-monitoring of concentration and dielectric properties of calcium hardness in heat exchanger cooling water was conducted with a 2.5 GHz microwave cavity resonator designed and fabricated locally for the experiment. The principle of electric dipole moment theories were used to analyse the sample solution that occurs as a function of calcium ion content. Artificial difference of water hardness was prepared by mixing CaCl 2 in deionised water . The sample was centrally positioned in the electric field of the TM 010 mode of a resonant cylindrical cavity. COMSOL simulation package was used to compare and validate the experimental cavity resonator frequency. Transmission signal (S 21 ) measurements via vector network analyser at different concentrations were observed a linear relationship in amplitude with different frequency changes. In addition, calcium absorption provides a first-order change in material polarisation (i.e. real permittivity), and second-order transitions associated dielectric losses (i.e. imaginary permittivity). These research findings introduce a novel technique of real-time monitoring of water hardness concentration by using non-invasive microwave sensor. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Grou

    Project of an advanced ISOL facility for exotic beams at LNL

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    Abstract In the framework of the European program to define a second generation Radioactive Ion Beam facility, LNL are proposing the construction in the next five–seven years of a specialized national facility for RIB originated by fission fragments produced by secondary neutrons. It consists on a two-accelerator ISOL-type facility to provide intense neutron-rich radioactive ion beams of highest quality, in the range of masses between 80 and 160. The conceptual design is based on a high intensity 50 MeV (100 kW) proton linac as driver and on the availability of the heavy-ion accelerator ALPI as post accelerator. The estimated neutron yield is 2×1014 n/s at 0°, high enough to satisfy the demand for an advanced RIB facility. An intense R&D program on different items is actually in progress in collaboration with other Laboratories and University groups and is moving in a European context

    First bromine doped cryogenic implosion at the National Ignition Facility

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    We report on the first experiment dedicated to the study of nuclear reactions on dopants in a cryogenic capsule at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). This was accomplished using bromine doping in the inner layers of the CH ablator of a capsule identical to that used in the NIF shot N140520. The capsule was doped with 3×\times1016^{16} bromine atoms. The doped capsule shot, N170730, resulted in a DT yield that was 2.6 times lower than the undoped equivalent. The Radiochemical Analysis of Gaseous Samples (RAGS) system was used to collect and detect 79^{79}Kr atoms resulting from energetic deuteron and proton ion reactions on 79^{79}Br. RAGS was also used to detect 13^{13}N produced dominantly by knock-on deuteron reactions on the 12^{12}C in the ablator. High-energy reaction-in-flight neutrons were detected via the 209^{209}Bi(n,4n)206^{206}Bi reaction, using bismuth activation foils located 50 cm outside of the target capsule. The robustness of the RAGS signals suggest that the use of nuclear reactions on dopants as diagnostics is quite feasible

    Влияние скармливания телятам заменителя обезжиренного молока на физиологическое состояние и продуктивность

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    The high demand for protein during this period of the calf's life is due to the active growth of muscle tissue, and protein is the structural material of all organs. A lack of protein in the diet of calves contributes to a delay in their growth and an excess to the expenditure of additional energy for the deamination of excess amino acids and the elimination of the corresponding decay products through the excretory system of the body. The younger the calves, the higher the protein level in their diet should be. The work aimed to establish the most effective protein norms in the composition of skim milk substitutes for calves over 65 days of age. The study of the influence of feeding skims milk substitute on calves' physiological state and productivity was carried out on four groups of bulls. All tested skim milk replacers varied in protein content but were almost the same in all nutritional parameters. The main ingredients of skim milk substitutes (ZOM 1) for calves of group I were, %: milk proteins – 70, vegetable proteins (soy + wheat) – 29, vitamin and mineral complex, probiotic culture – 1. For calves of group II (ZOM 2) used,%: milk proteins – 70, vegetable proteins (soy + wheat protein) – 29, vitamin-mineral complex – 1. protein) – 29, vitamin and mineral complex – 1. Studies have shown that skim milk substitutes in calves feeding, containing 20 and 22 % protein in the composition of KR-2 compound feed 10 % by weight, was reflected in the improvement of the morpho-biochemical design of the blood. At the same time, there is a tendency to an increase in the concentration of total protein in the blood serum by 3.1 and 3.3 % with a decrease in the amount of urea by 3.5 and 5.2 %, which made it possible to increase the average daily gain in live weight to 3.1 % while reducing costs feed and its price by 1.5 and 0.9 percent.Высокая потребность в протеине в этот период жизни телёнка обусловлена активным ростом мышечной ткани и тем, что белок является структурным материалом всех органов. Недостаток протеина в рационе телят способствует задержке их роста, а избыток – тратам дополнительной энергии на дезаминирование избыточного количества аминокислот и выведение соответствующих продуктов распада через выделительную систему организма. Чем моложе телята, тем выше должен быть уровень протеина в его рационе. Целью работы было установить наиболее эффективные нормы протеина в составе заменителей обезжиренного молока для телят старше 65-дневного возраста. Изучение влияния скармливания заменителя обезжиренного молока на физиологическое состояние и продуктивность телята проведено на 4-х группах бычков. Все опытные заменители обезжиренного молока были различными по содержанию протеина, но практически одинаковыми по всем показателям питательности. Основными ингредиентами заменителей обезжиренного молока (ЗОМ 1) для телят I группы были, %: молочные белки – 70, растительные белки (соевый + пшеничный) – 29, витаминно-минеральный комплекс, пробиотическая культура – 1. Для телят II группы (ЗОМ 2) использовали, %: молочные белки – 70, растительные белки (соевый + пшеничный протеин) – 29, витаминно-минеральный комплекс – 1. В III опытной группе скармливали (ЗОМ 3) состоящий из, %: молочного белка – 70, растительных белков (соевый протеин) – 29, витаминно-минеральный комплекс – 1. Исследованиями установлено, что использование в кормлении телят заменителей обезжиренного молока, содержащих 20 и 22 % протеина в составе комбикорма КР-2 10 % по массе отразилось в улучшении морфо-биохимического состава крови. При этом наблюдается тенденция к повышению концентрации общего белка в сыворотке крови на 3,1 и 3,3 % при снижении количества мочевины на 3,5 и 5,2 %, что позволило увеличить среднесуточный прирост живой массы до 3,1 % при снижении затрат кормов и его себестоимости на 1,5 и 0,9 процента


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    The application of process solutions of pesticides in the field is inevitably accompanied by losses, which it is not possible to eliminate completely at this stage. The greatest damage to the environment is caused by the drifting of preparations off the treated object during treatment in windy weather. The process of drifting the drops of the process solution, taking into account the impact of environmental factors on them, has not been fully studied; consequently, the results of practical experiments can be different, sometimes contradictory. The issue of compliance with technological recommendations and use of technical devices that reduce or prevent the drifting of drops of working solutions when spraying crops remains relevant. The studies of the movement of pesticide drops under the influence of various factors, the directions of possible reduction of losses due to drifting and the use of various designs of windproof devices to field sprayers are considered in the paper. The results of experimental studies of quantitative and qualitative indicators of drifting using hydraulic sprayers are presented: slit Teejet TR40015E, vortex Lurmark 30НСX3 and centrifugal POK-0.6, as well as a windproof device made in the form of a louver grille. Drifting degree of the working fluid, characterized by the coefficient of targeted use of the fluid and the distance of drifting of droplets were taken as the objective functions. As a result, recommendations on the use of hydraulic sprayers of various types when spraying in windy weather and the technological parameters of a louvered windproof device are given and justified. The results obtained were implemented in development of agricultural machines for the band fertilizing during plant care of vegetables and can be used in the design and operation of field sprayers.Внесение рабочих растворов пестицидов в полевых условиях неизбежно сопровождается потерями, полностью исключить которые на данном этапе не представляется возможным. Наибольший урон окружающей среде наносит снос препаратов за пределы обрабатываемого объекта при обработках в ветреную погоду. Процесс сноса капель рабочего раствора с учетом воздействия на них факторов окружающей среды до конца не изучен, вследствие чего результаты практических экспериментов носят различный, иногда противоречивый характер. Актуальным остается вопрос соблюдения технологических рекомендаций и использования технических устройств, снижающих или предотвращающих снос капель рабочих растворов при опрыскивании сельскохозяйственных культур. В статье обобщен материал исследований движения капель пестицидов под воздействием различных факторов, обоснованы направления возможного снижения потерь из-за сноса и использования различных конструкций ветрозащитных устройств к полевым опрыскивателям. Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований количественных и качественных показателей сноса при использовании гидравлических распылителей: щелевого Teejet ТР40015Е, вихревого Lurmark 30НСХ3 и центробежного РОК-0.6, а также ветрозащитного устройства, выполненного в виде жалюзийной решетки. В качестве целевых функций были приняты степень сноса рабочей жидкости, характеризуемая коэффициентом целевого использования жидкости, и дальность сноса капель. В результате даны рекомендации по использованию гидравлических распылителей различных типов при опрыскивании в ветреную погоду и обоснованы технологические параметры жалюзийного ветрозащитного устройства. Полученные результаты реализованы при разработке сельскохозяйственных машин для ленточного внесения гербицидов при уходе за посадками овощных культур и могут быть использованы при проектировании и эксплуатации полевых опрыскивателей.

    Combined use of bacteriophage K and a novel bacteriophage to reduce Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation

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    Biofilms are major causes of impairment of wound healing and patient morbidity. One of the most common and aggressive wound pathogens is Staphylococcus aureus, displaying a large repertoire of virulence factors and commonly reduced susceptibility to antibiotics, such as the spread of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Bacteriophages are obligate parasites of bacteria. They multiply intracellularly and lyse their bacterial host, releasing their progeny. We isolated a novel phage, DRA88, which has a broad host range among S. aureus bacteria. Morphologically, the phage belongs to the Myoviridae family and comprises a large double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome of 141,907 bp. DRA88 was mixed with phage K to produce a high-titer mixture that showed strong lytic activity against a wide range of S. aureus isolates, including representatives of the major international MRSA clones and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Its efficacy was assessed both in planktonic cultures and when treating established biofilms produced by three different biofilm-producing S. aureus isolates. A significant reduction of biofilm biomass over 48 h of treatment was recorded in all cases. The phage mixture may form the basis of an effective treatment for infections caused by S. aureus biofilms