57 research outputs found

    Особенности клеев на основе бутадиен-стирольных термоэластопластов

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    Research of adhesive and strength properties of vinylaromatic thermoplastic elastomers presented at the russian market show significant differences between them. That due not only different chemical nature of block copolymers, but also differences in their structural parameters.Изучены адгезионные и прочностные свойства винилароматических термоэластопластов, представленных на российском рынке. Показаны существенные отличия между материалами. Это обусловлено различиями химической природы и структурных параметров блок-сополимеров


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    В статье представлен опыт деятельности преподавателей кафедры педагогики и педагогической компаративистики по подготовке студентов Уральского государственного педагогического университета к реализации инклюзии. Описаны такие направления деятельности, как повышение квалификации педагогов в области инклюзии, привлече-ние студентов к участию в инклюзивных проектах, формирование инклюзивной компетентности у студентов в процессе учебной и внеучебной деятельности. Отзывы студентов подтверждают результативность описанной деятельности, что свидетельствует о возможности транслировать представленный опыт в других педагогических вузах.The article presents the experience of teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Comparative Studies in preparing students of the Ural State Pedagogical University for the implementation of inclusion. Such areas of activity as professional development of teachers in the field of inclusion, attracting students to participate in inclusive projects, the formation of inclusive competence among students in the process of academic and extracurricular activities are described. Student reviews confirm the effectiveness of the described activity, which indicates the possibility of broadcasting the presented experience in other pedagogical universities

    Methodological Bases for the Implementation of Assisted Living of Persons with Disabilities

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    Современный этап развития российского общества характеризуется актуализацией идей гуманизма, равноправия, толерантности, что, в свою очередь, является условием внедрения инклюзии в различные сферы общественной жизни. Однако анализ научной литературы и социальной практики позволяет говорить, что, несмотря на распространение идей инклюзии, единства по поводу понимания ее сущности, содержания, границ, условий и методов реализации нет ни среди ученых, ни среди практиков. В силу этого возникает необходимость обоснования методологических подходов к внедрению инклюзии, в частности в отношении людей с инвалидностью.The modern stage of development of Russian society is characterized by the actualization of the ideas of humanism, equality, and tolerance, which, in turn, is a condition for the introduction of inclusion in various spheres of public life. However, an analysis of scientific literature and social practice allows us to say that, despite the spread of the ideas of inclusion, there is no unity about understanding its essence, content, boundaries, conditions and methods of implementation either among scientists or among practitioners. Because of this, it becomes necessary to substantiate methodological approaches to the introduction of inclusion, in particular, in relation to people with disabilities

    The 2003-4 multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cephei and eclipsing star 16 (EN) Lacertae with an Appendix on 2 Andromedae, the variable comparison star

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    A multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cephei and eclipsing variable 16 Lacertae is reported. 749 h of high-quality differential photoelectric Stromgren, Johnson and Geneva time-series photometry were obtained with ten telescopes during 185 nights. After removing the pulsation contribution, an attempt was made to solve the resulting eclipse light curve by means of the computer program EBOP. Although a unique solution was not obtained, the range of solutions could be constrained by comparing computed positions of the secondary component in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram with evolutionary tracks. For three high-amplitude pulsation modes, the uvy and the Geneva UBG amplitude ratios are derived and compared with the theoretical ones for spherical-harmonic degrees l <= 4. The highest degree, l = 4, is shown to be incompatible with the observations. One mode is found to be radial, one is l = 1, while in the remaining case l = 2 or 3. The present multisite observations are combined with the archival photometry in order to investigate the long-term variation of the amplitudes and phases of the three high-amplitude pulsation modes. The radial mode shows a non-sinusoidal variation on a time-scale of 73 yr. The l = 1 mode is a triplet with unequal frequency spacing, giving rise to two beat-periods, 720.7 d and 29.1 yr. The amplitude and phase of the l = 2 or 3 mode vary on time-scales of 380.5 d and 43 yr. The light variation of 2 And, one of the comparison stars, is discussed in the Appendix.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Asteroseismology of the Beta Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae: photometric observations, pulsational frequency analysis and mode identification

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    We report a multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cephei star 12 Lacertae. 750 hours of high-quality differential photoelectric Stromgren, Johnson and Geneva time-series photometry were obtained with 9 telescopes during 190 nights. Our frequency analysis results in the detection of 23 sinusoidal signals in the light curves. Eleven of those correspond to independent pulsation modes, and the remainder are combination frequencies. We find some slow aperiodic variability such as that seemingly present in several Beta Cephei stars. We perform mode identification from our colour photometry, derive the spherical degree l for the five strongest modes unambiguously and provide constraints on l for the weaker modes. We find a mixture of modes of 0 <= l <= 4. In particular, we prove that the previously suspected rotationally split triplet within the modes of 12 Lac consists of modes of different l; their equal frequency splitting must thus be accidental. One of the periodic signals we detected in the light curves is argued to be a linearly stable mode excited to visible amplitude by nonlinear mode coupling via a 2:1 resonance. We also find a low-frequency signal in the light variations whose physical nature is unclear; it could be a parent or daughter mode resonantly coupled. The remaining combination frequencies are consistent with simple light-curve distortions. The range of excited pulsation frequencies of 12 Lac may be sufficiently large that it cannot be reproduced by standard models. We suspect that the star has a larger metal abundance in the pulsational driving zone, a hypothesis also capable of explaining the presence of Beta Cephei stars in the LMC.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Photometry of ET Andromedae and pulsation of HD 219891

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    ET And is a binary system with a B9p(Si) star as the main component. We report on the photometric observing campaigns in 1988, 1989 and 1994 which confirmed the rotation period of 1(.)(d)618875 for ET And while refuting other published values. Furthermore, the controversial issue of pulsational stability of ET And is resolved since we have discovered pulsation for HD 219891, which was the main comparison star and sometimes exclusively used. The frequency of 10.0816 d(-1), a semi-amplitude of 2.5 mmag, T(eff) and M(v) suggest this comparison star to be a delta Scuti variable close to the blue border of the instability strip. The pulsational stability of ET And could be clearly established and hence no need exists to derive new driving mechanisms for stars between the classical instability strip and the region of slowly pulsating B-type (SPB) stars

    Methodological principles of the conceptual apparatusin pedagogical research

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    The article substantiates the methodological principles of the conceptual apparatus in pedagogical research; a retrospective analysis of the conceptual and terminological system of pedagogy is given: methodological seminars, monographs, scientific articles.В статье обоснованы методологические принципы понятийного аппарата в педагогических исследованиях; приведен ретроспективный анализ понятийно-терминологической системы педагогики: методологические семинары, монографии, научные статьи

    Mutual positions of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter from photometric observations during their mutual occultations and eclipses in 1997

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We report the final results of the 1997 campaign of
photometric observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean
satellites carried out at observatories in Kazakhstan, Russia, and
Ukraine. Our results contribute substantially to the
world data bank of such observations
and will allow the model of the motion of Galilean 
satellites to be further refined. To facilitate the use of
photometric data, we reduced them by computing the planetocentric
coordinate differences of satellite pairs for a number of instants
of time so we deduce the differences for one instant from one
observed light curve.
It is these reduced data that constitute the principal result of this work. We based our data reduction on the method which we developed in
earlier papers (Emel'yanov 1999; Emel'yanov 2000). The accuracy of observations was estimated in the process of reduction. The paper also describes the equipment used.

    A search for periodic and quasi-periodic photometric behavior in the cataclysmic variable TT arietis

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    Observations of TT Ari obtained at 11 observatories (campaign TT Ari-94) during 258 hr were carried out to study optical variability on timescales from minutes to weeks. The best-fit primary photometric period determined from 16 nights of data obtained at the Dushak-Eregdag station of the Odessa State University is P = 0d.133160 ± 0d.000004 with a mean amplitude of 0.0513 ± 0.0008 mag. This new primary photometric period is larger than that obtained during the TT Ari-88 campaign and is well outside the range of estimates published since 1961. Contrary to previous findings, the "5-7 hr" secondary photometric period is not seen. Our observations do show evidence for periods of 2d.916 and 0d.3040 with amplitudes of 43 and 25 mmag, respectively. The beat period between the spectroscopic and photometric periods is not seen. No coherent oscillations in the range f = 10-2500 cycles day-1 are found. The highest peaks in the power spectrum cover the wide range of 24-139 cycles day-1. In the mean periodogram, the highest peak corresponds to 21 and 30 minutes for the largest sets of observations, i.e., those obtained at Odessa and Krakow Universities, respectively. In the instrumental B system, variations with an amplitude exceeding 0.011 mag occur 8 times (from 33 runs) at 24 minutes. We conclude that quasi-periodic variations occur at a few preferred timescales rather than at a relatively stable period with a secular decrease. In the frequency range 90-900 cycles day-1, the power spectrum obeys a power law with a slope ranging from γ = 1.3 to 2.6 for different runs