37 research outputs found

    Dispersive changes in magnetic background noise polarization at 0.1 to 6Hz during sunset and sunrise at L=1.3

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    Polarization properties of the magnetic background noise (MBN) and the spectral resonance structure (SRS) of the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) below the first Schumann resonance but above 0.1 Hz are measured by a sensitive pulsation magnetometer at the island of Crete (<i>L</i>=1.3) and analyzed using the existing SRS theory by Belyaev et al. (1989b). The focus of the paper is on the systematic changes in the MBN and SRS properties associated with the transition from a sunlit to a dark ionosphere (sunset) and vice versa (sunrise). We are able to pinpoint in observations an E-region and F-region terminator effect and to simulate it by means of a simple ionosphere model, implying the formalism given by Belyaev et al. (1989b). The E-region terminator effect is associated with an apparent control for the SRS presence or absence with no clear frequency dispersion in polarization properties, whereas the F-region terminator effect exhibits strong frequency dispersion, especially in the low frequency range. This yields a change in the ellipticity of MBN, starting as early as 2 to 3h ahead of the "zero-line" of the terminator. In a 24h presentation of the ellipticity versus frequency and time, the sunrise/sunset effect produces a sharp, dispersive boundary between night and day (day and night). Only inside this boundary, during the night hours, is SRS observed, at times accompanied by a large quasi-periodic long period modulation in the azimuthal angle of the major axis of the polarization ellipse. Attention is also paid to peculiarities in the low frequency range (~0.1Hz), where especially large changes in the polarization properties occur in association with the passage of the terminator. The F-region effect is very distinct and well reproduced by our simple model. Changes in the azimuth associated with the E-region terminator effect are of the order of 20&deg

    Two satellite study of substorm expansion near geosynchronous orbit

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    During several time intervals in 1979–1980 the satellites GEOS-2 and SCATHA were situated relatively close on the nightside of the Earth at geosynchronous distances. Several substorm events were identified during these periods. The event considered in this paper was recorded on 22 May 1979, when the satellites were separated by less than 30min in local time around 21:00 LT. The observed 45 to 60 s delay of magnetic signatures observed at the two s/c indicates a westward expansion of ~7.7°/min. At the two s/c, the magnetic signatures are, in particular for the azimuthal magnetic field components, quite different. At GEOS-2, being close to the magnetic equator, the dominant feature is a dipolarization with a weak field-aligned current signature corresponding to a symmetric current which cancels at the equator. On SCATHA, however, being close to the current sheet boundary, the azimuthal magnetic field indicates a strong field-aligned Birkeland current structure. On both s/c the first indication of an approaching substorm was an increase in the high energy ion flux followed by a reduction in the flux intensity of energetic electrons and a further tailward stretching of the magnetic field, starting ~2min before the onset of the magnetic field dipolarization. The tailward stretching, the observed variations of the magnetic field components, and the subsequent dipolarization are interpreted in terms of an azimuthally tilted field-aligned current system passing the s/c on the tailward side from east to west. The westward expansion and dipolarization observed at the two s/c are consistent with the propagation of a Rayleigh-Taylor type instability. The increased radial ion flux corresponds to the <i><b>E</b></i>x<i><b>B</b></i>-drift due to the substorm associated electric field.<br><br> <b>Key words.</b> Magnetospheric physics (storms and substorms; plasma waves and instabilities; current systems

    Phenomena in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system induced by injection of powerful HF radio waves into nightside auroral ionosphere

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    Experimental results from three ionospheric HF pumping experiments in overdense <i>E</i> or <i>F</i> regions are summarized. The experiments were conducted by the use of the EISCAT HF Heating facility located near Tromsø, Norway, allowing HF pumping the ionosphere in a near geomagnetic field-aligned direction. Distinctive features related to auroral activations in the course of the experiments are identified. Typical features observed in all experiments are the following: generation of scattered components in dynamic HF radio scatter Doppler spectra; strong increase of ion temperatures <i>T<sub>i</sub></i> and local ionospheric electric field <i>E<sub>0</sub></i>; modification of the auroral arc and local spiral-like formation. However, some effects were observed only when the HF pump wave was reflected from the <i>F2</i> layer. Among them are the generation of intense field-aligned ion outflows, and a strong increase in the electron temperature <i>T<sub>e</sub></i> with altitude. A possible scenario for the substorm triggering due to HF pumping into an auroral ionosphere is discussed. The authors present their interpretation of the data as follows. It is suggested that two populations of charged particles are at play. One of them is the runaway population of electrons and ions from the ionosphere caused by the effects of the powerful HF radio wave. The other is the population of electrons that precipitate from the magnetosphere. It is shown that the hydrodynamical equilibrium was disrupted due to the effects of the HF pumping. We estimate that the parallel electric field can reach values of the order of 30mV/m during substorm triggering

    Correlated Interball/ground-based observations of isolated substorm: The pseudobreakup phase

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    International audienceWe study the isolated substorm that occurred after a long quiet period, which showed all of the substorm signatures except for the first half hour of the expansion phase, which could be characterized as a pseudobreakup sequence, rather than a full-scale substorm onset. During the considered event, the substorm's instability leads to a current disruption, which starts at the near-Earth plasma sheet and then propagates tailward. Based on auroral observations, the analysis of geosynchronous plasma injections, and the plasma sheet observations at ~15 RE at the meridian of auroral substorm development we show that (1) before and probably during "pseudobreakup phase", the plasma sheet stayed cold and dense, (2) during the pseudobreakup phase, particle injections at 6.6 RE were only seen in unusually low energy components, and (3) the electron precipitation into the ionosphere was very soft. We conclude that the basic difference between pseudobreakups and "real" substorm activations was found in the low energy of all manifestations. We suggest that high density and low electron temperature in the plasma sheet are the reasons for low energization in the magnetic reconnection operated on closed field lines in the plasma sheet, as well as the weak field-aligned acceleration, as predicted by the Knight's relationship. The low Hall conductivity could then be the reason for the weak ground magnetic effects observed. This explanation suggests that the role of the ionospheric conductivity is "passive" as the plasma sheet, rather than the ionosphere, controls the development of the magnetospheric instability

    Magnetic-inclination effects in the spectral resonance structure of the ionospheric Alfvén resonator

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    Based on recent developments in the formalism governing the spectral resonance structures (SRS) of the Ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) as observed on the Earth's surface, a numerical code was developed to investigate properties of SRS which can in particular be contributed to magnetic inclination effects. Among the theoretical findings are: 1) SRS is discernible in both orthogonal components, 2) the harmonic structure of SRS is not anymore over frequency equidistantly distributed, 3) the frequency scales of SRS differ in the two normal modes. The theoretically predicted properties could be found in the observations of a low latitude and some of them even in the data of a mid latitude station. The verification, however, is not as straight forward because the predicted effects do not only depend on magnetic inclination but also on the wave angle of the lightning induced electromagnetic wave k-vector with the normal to the magnetic meridian passing through the observation site. So far the formalism is simplified as it deals with a single source situation alone whereas the actual observation is a composite of excitations caused by an average of about 60 flashes of lightning operating all the time, world-wide