793 research outputs found

    A self-determination theory analysis of reflective debrief themes about dietetic student placement experiences in hospital: implications for education

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    Background. Healthcare placements in dietetics education contribute significantly to student learning. Exploring students’ self-conceptualisation of placement experiences may provide insights to better support learning. Self-determination theory (SDT) has been used to seek insight into clinical and educational settings but has not yet been applied to dietetic placement learning. This study investigated dietetics students’ reflections of key influences on placement learning experiences and their alignment with an SDT framework. Methodology. A post-placement two-stage critical incident debrief was conducted with seven successive cohorts (168 students) of dietetic undergraduate students on final placement. In debriefs, students’ anonymous themes were collected and discussed, inductively analysed, and then mapped against an SDT framework of psychological and motivational constructs. Results. Nine key themes were identified that impacted upon placement experiences. Four themes related to framework constructs: 1. Supervisor (and peer) autonomy support: 2. Perceived competence; 3. Relatedness; and, 4. Autonomy and intrinsic motivation. Non-SDT themes were also present including: 5. Learning environment and experience; and, themes about professional behaviours and identity: 6. Teamwork and interactions, 7. Managing emotions and self-care, 8. Dietetic professional communications and behaviours and, 9. Developing a professional identity. Conclusions. Embedding a structured debrief in the curriculum and using a psychological motivational SDT framework to analyse themes arising can provide valuable information about the learning needs of students on placement with potential for wider application in dietetic learning and teaching and workforce employability. The current findings may have application in university curricula before and after professional placement

    Reflections on the Centenary of Sir William Osler: Science and Humanity are One, for Nursing and Medicine

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    Sir William Osler (1849-1991) was Regius Professor of Medicine at the University of Oxford in the UK and a founding professor at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The centenary of Osler’s death is a time for recognition in nursing, as well as medicine, of a pioneering and highly influential Oxford physician on both sides of the Atlantic, an influence that extended to nursing from the UK to the USA. This letter captures reflections and discussion on contemporary nursing issues from an Osler Seminar Series, held at the University of Oxford in 2019 to mark the Centenary of Sir William Osler’s death, focusing on his thinking and influence related to nursing. This extended letter illuminates issues on themes of science and humanity within a clinical and educational context, exploring a range of key contemporary nursing issues. These include the significance of interpersonal relations as they relate to care attitude and care technology; the therapeutic influence of the nurse; nursing education and clinical-academic development; the value of a life world perspective on nursing and wellbeing; and practice development within the context of person-centred workplace cultures. These issues are contextualised with examples from practice and include some from nursing developments and those illustrated in part by the clinical speciality of dermatological care. The letter concludes by considering the significance of the nursing service to promoting access to quality health care in the twenty-first century and its relevance to recognising the nursing contribution to universal health care through the WHO International Year(s) of the Nurse and Midwife in 2020-21

    Integration of tools for binding archetypes to SNOMED CT

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    Background The Archetype formalism and the associated Archetype Definition Language have been proposed as an ISO standard for specifying models of components of electronic healthcare records as a means of achieving interoperability between clinical systems. This paper presents an archetype editor with support for manual or semi-automatic creation of bindings between archetypes and terminology systems. Methods Lexical and semantic methods are applied in order to obtain automatic mapping suggestions. Information visualisation methods are also used to assist the user in exploration and selection of mappings. Results An integrated tool for archetype authoring, semi-automatic SNOMED CT terminology binding assistance and terminology visualization was created and released as open source. Conclusion Finding the right terms to bind is a difficult task but the effort to achieve terminology bindings may be reduced with the help of the described approach. The methods and tools presented are general, but here only bindings between SNOMED CT and archetypes based on the openEHR reference model are presented in detail. Background The Archetype formalism and the associated Archetype Definition Language have been proposed as an ISO standard for specifying models of components of electronic healthcare records as a means of achieving interoperability between clinical systems. This paper presents an archetype editor with support for manual or semi-automatic creation of bindings between archetypes and terminology systems. Methods Lexical and semantic methods are applied in order to obtain automatic mapping suggestions. Information visualisation methods are also used to assist the user in exploration and selection of mappings. Results An integrated tool for archetype authoring, semi-automatic SNOMED CT terminology binding assistance and terminology visualization was created and released as open source. Conclusion Finding the right terms to bind is a difficult task but the effort to achieve terminology bindings may be reduced with the help of the described approach. The methods and tools presented are general, but here only bindings between SNOMED CT and archetypes based on the openEHR reference model are presented in detail.Original Publication: Erik Sundvall, Rahil Qamar, Mikael Nyström, Mattias Forss, Håkan Petersson, Hans Åhlfeldt and Alan Rector, Integration of Tools for Binding Archetypes to SNOMED CT, 2008, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, (8), S7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6947-8-S1-S7 Licensee: BioMed Central http://www.biomedcentral.com/</p

    Guidelines for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis for general practitioners

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    Copyright © 2002 Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Copyright to Australian Family Physician. Reproduced with permission. Permission to reproduce must be sought from the publisher, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.Background: Osteoporosis Australia has been committed to the education of general practitioners and the community with a series of updated guidelines on the management of osteoporosis. Since the last series was published in Australian Family Physician (August 2000), there have been further advances in our understanding of the treatments involved in both prevention of bone loss and the management of established osteoporosis. Objective: This article represents updated guidelines for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis to assist GPs identify those women at risk and to review current treatment strategies. DISCUSSION: Osteoporosis and its associated problems are major health concerns in Australia, especially with an aging population. While important principles of management are still considered to be maximising peak bone mass and preventing postmenopausal bone loss, new clinical trial data about drugs such as the bisphosphonates, raloxifene and oestrogen have recently become available and the relative role of various agents is gradually becoming clearer. The use of long term hormone replacement therapy has mixed risks and benefits that requires individual patient counselling.O'Neill Sheila; Sambrook Philip; Diamond Terry; Ebeling Peter; Ferris Linda; Flicker Leon; Findlay David; Singh Maria Fiatarone; Lord Stephen; MacLennan Alastair; Markwell Alex; Nowson Caryl; Pocock Nick; Williamson Margare

    Corn Yield Potential and Optimal Soil Productivity in Irrigated Corn/Soybean Systems

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    In 1999, an interdisciplinary research team at the University of Nebraska established a field experiment to (1) quantify and understand the yield potential of corn and soybean under irrigated conditions, (2) identify efficient crop management practices to achieve yields that approach potential levels, and (3) determine the energy use efficiency, global warming and soil C-sequestration potential of intensively managed corn systems. The experiment compares systems that represent different levels of management intensity expressed as combinations of crop rotation (continuous corn, corn-soybean), plant density (low, medium, high) and nutrient management (recommended best management vs. intensive management). Detailed measurements include soil nutrient dynamics and C balance, crop growth and development, nutrient uptake and components of yield of corn and soybean, radiation use efficiency, soil surface fluxes of greenhouse gases, root biomass, C inputs through crop residues, translocation of non-structural carbohydrates, and amount, composition and activity of the microbial biomass. Selected results for corn are presented

    Corn Yield Potential and Optimal Soil Productivity in Irrigated Corn/Soybean Systems

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    In 1999, an interdisciplinary research team at the University of Nebraska established a field experiment to (1) quantify and understand the yield potential of corn and soybean under irrigated conditions, (2) identify efficient crop management practices to achieve yields that approach potential levels, and (3) determine the energy use efficiency, global warming and soil C-sequestration potential of intensively managed corn systems. The experiment compares systems that represent different levels of management intensity expressed as combinations of crop rotation (continuous corn, corn-soybean), plant density (low, medium, high) and nutrient management (recommended best management vs. intensive management). Detailed measurements include soil nutrient dynamics and C balance, crop growth and development, nutrient uptake and components of yield of corn and soybean, radiation use efficiency, soil surface fluxes of greenhouse gases, root biomass, C inputs through crop residues, translocation of non-structural carbohydrates, and amount, composition and activity of the microbial biomass. Selected results for corn are presented

    Inhibitory effect of green coffee bean extract on fat accumulation and body weight gain in mice

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    BACKGROUND: An epidemiological study conducted in Italy indicated that coffee has the greatest antioxidant capacity among the commonly consumed beverages. Green coffee bean is rich in chlorogenic acid and its related compounds. The effect of green coffee bean extract (GCBE) on fat accumulation and body weight in mice was assessed with the objective of investigating the effect of GCBE on mild obesity. METHODS: Male ddy mice were fed a standard diet containing GCBE and its principal constituents, namely, caffeine and chlorogenic acid, for 14 days. Further, hepatic triglyceride (TG) level was also investigated after consecutive administration (13 days) of GCBE and its constituents. To examine the effect of GCBE and its constituents on fat absorption, serum TG changes were evaluated in olive oil-loaded mice. In addition, to investigate the effect on hepatic TG metabolism, carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) activity in mice was evaluated after consecutive ingestion (6 days) of GCBE and its constituents (caffeine, chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid and feruloylquinic acid mixture). RESULTS: It was found that 0.5% and 1% GCBE reduced visceral fat content and body weight. Caffeine and chlorogenic acid showed a tendency to reduce visceral fat and body weight. Oral administration of GCBE (100 and 200 mg/kg· day) for 13 days showed a tendency to reduce hepatic TG in mice. In the same model, chlorogenic acid (60 mg/kg· day) reduced hepatic TG level. In mice loaded with olive oil (5 mL/kg), GCBE (200 and 400 mg/kg) and caffeine (20 and 40 mg/kg) reduced serum TG level. GCBE (1%), neochlorogenic acid (0.028% and 0.055%) and feruloylquinic acid mixture (0.081%) significantly enhanced hepatic CPT activity in mice. However, neither caffeine nor chlorogenic acid alone was found to enhance CPT activity. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that GCBE is possibly effective against weight gain and fat accumulation by inhibition of fat absorption and activation of fat metabolism in the liver. Caffeine was found to be a suppressor of fat absorption, while chlorogenic acid was found to be partially involved in the suppressive effect of GCBE that resulted in the reduction of hepatic TG level. Phenolic compounds such as neochlorogenic acid and feruloylquinic acid mixture, except chlorogenic acid, can enhance hepatic CPT activity
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