45 research outputs found

    New Ways to Soft Leptogenesis

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    Soft supersymmetry breaking terms involving heavy singlet sneutrinos provide new sources of lepton number violation and of CP violation. In addition to the CP violation in mixing, investigated previously, we find that `soft leptogenesis' can be generated by CP violation in decay and in the interference of mixing and decay. These additional ways to leptogenesis can be significant for a singlet neutrino Majorana mass that is not much larger than the supersymmetry breaking scale, M<100mSUSYM < 100 m_{SUSY}. In contrast to CP violation in mixing, for some of these new contributions the sneutrino oscillation rate can be much faster than the decay rate, so that the bilinear scalar term need not be smaller than its natural scale.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Observing Ultra High Energy Cosmic Particles from Space: SEUSO, the Super Extreme Universe Space Observatory Mission

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    The experimental search for ultra high energy cosmic messengers, from E1019E\sim 10^{19} eV to beyond E1020E\sim 10^{20} eV, at the very end of the known energy spectrum, constitutes an extraordinary opportunity to explore a largely unknown aspect of our universe. Key scientific goals are the identification of the sources of ultra high energy particles, the measurement of their spectra and the study of galactic and local intergalactic magnetic fields. Ultra high energy particles might, also, carry evidence of unknown physics or of exotic particles relics of the early universe. To meet this challenge a significant increase in the integrated exposure is required. This implies a new class of experiments with larger acceptances and good understanding of the systematic uncertainties. Space based observatories can reach the instantaneous aperture and the integrated exposure necessary to systematically explore the ultra high energy universe. In this paper, after briefly summarising the science case of the mission, we describe the scientific goals and requirements of the SEUSO concept. We then introduce the SEUSO observational approach and describe the main instrument and mission features. We conclude discussing the expected performance of the mission

    Constraints on the Local Sources of Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays

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    Ultra high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are believed to be protons accelerated in magnetized plasma outflows of extra-Galactic sources. The acceleration of protons to ~10^{20} eV requires a source power L>10^{47} erg/s. The absence of steady sources of sufficient power within the GZK horizon of 100 Mpc, implies that UHECR sources are transient. We show that UHECR "flares" should be accompanied by strong X-ray and gamma-ray emission, and that X-ray and gamma-ray surveys constrain flares which last less than a decade to satisfy at least one of the following conditions: (i) L>10^{50} erg/s; (ii) the power carried by accelerated electrons is lower by a factor >10^2 than the power carried by magnetic fields or by >10^3 than the power in accelerated protons; or (iii) the sources exist only at low redshifts, z<<1. The implausibility of requirements (ii) and (iii) argue in favor of transient sources with L>10^{50} erg/s.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to JCA

    Cross-Correlation between UHECR Arrival Distribution and Large-Scale Structure

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    We investigate correlation between the arrival directions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and the large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe by using statistical quantities which can find the angular scale of the correlation. The Infrared Astronomical Satellite Point Source Redshift Survey (IRAS PSCz) catalog of galaxies is adopted for LSS. We find a positive correlation of the highest energy events detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO) with the IRAS galaxies inside z=0.018z=0.018 within the angular scale of 15\sim 15^{\circ}. This positive correlation observed in the southern sky implies that a significant fraction of the highest energy events comes from nearby extragalactic objects. We also analyze the data of the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA) which observed the northern hemisphere, but the obvious signals of positive correlation with the galaxy distribution are not found. Since the exposure of the AGASA is smaller than the PAO, the cross-correlation in the northern sky should be tested using a larger number of events detected in the future. We also discuss the correlation using the all-sky combined data sets of both the PAO and AGASA, and find a significant correlation within 8\sim 8^{\circ}. These angular scales can constrain several models of intergalactic magnetic field. These cross-correlation signals can be well reproduced by a source model in which the distribution of UHECR sources is related to the IRAS galaxies.Comment: 21 pages,7 figure

    Propagation of ultrahigh energy nuclei in clusters of galaxies: resulting composition and secondary emissions

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    We study the survival of ultrahigh energy nuclei injected in clusters of galaxies, as well as their secondary neutrino and photon emissions, using a complete numerical propagation method and a realistic modeling of the magnetic, baryonic and photonic backgrounds. It is found that the survival of heavy nuclei highly depends on the injection position and on the profile of the magnetic field. Taking into account the limited lifetime of the central source could also lead in some cases to the detection of a cosmic ray afterglow, temporally decorrelated from neutrino and gamma ray emissions. We calculate that the diffusive neutrino flux around 1 PeV coming from clusters of galaxies may have a chance to be detected by current instruments. The observation of single sources in neutrinos and in gamma rays produced by ultrahigh energy cosmic rays will be more difficult. Signals coming from lower energy cosmic rays (E < 1 PeV), if they exist, might however be detected by Fermi, for reasonable sets of parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, version to appear in ApJ (minor changes

    A Search for Correlation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with IRAS-PSCz and 2MASS-6dF Galaxies

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    We study the arrival directions of 69 ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) observed at the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO) with energies exceeding 55 EeV. We investigate whether the UHECRs exhibit the anisotropy signal expected if the primary particles are protons that originate in galaxies in the local universe, or in sources correlated with these galaxies. We cross-correlate the UHECR arrival directions with the positions of IRAS-PSCz and 2MASS-6dF galaxies taking into account particle energy losses during propagation. This is the first time that the 6dF survey is used in a search for the sources of UHECRs and the first time that the PSCz survey is used with the full 69 PAO events. The observed cross-correlation signal is larger for the PAO UHECRs than for 94% (98%) of realisations from an isotropic distribution when cross-correlated with the PSCz (6dF). On the other hand the observed cross-correlation signal is lower than that expected from 85% of realisations, had the UHECRs originated in galaxies in either survey. The observed cross-correlation signal does exceed that expected by 50% of the realisations if the UHECRs are randomly deflected by intervening magnetic fields by 5 degrees or more. We propose a new method of analysing the expected anisotropy signal, by dividing the predicted UHECR source distribution into equal predicted flux radial shells, which can help localise and constrain the properties of UHECR sources. We find that the 69 PAO events are consistent with isotropy in the nearest of three shells we define, whereas there is weak evidence for correlation with the predicted source distribution in the two more distant shells in which the galaxy distribution is less anisotropic.Comment: 23 pages, version published in JCA

    Astrophysical tau neutrino detection in kilometer-scale Cherenkov detectors via muonic tau decay

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    Kilometer-scale deep under-ice or -water Cherenkov neutrino detectors may detect muon and electron neutrinos from astrophysical sources at energies of a TeV and above. Tau neutrinos are also expected from these sources due to neutrino flavor oscillations in vacuum, and tau neutrinos are free of atmospheric background at a much lower energy than muon and electron neutrinos. Identification of tau neutrinos is expected to be possible above the PeV energy range through the "double bang" and "lollipop" signatures. We discuss another signature of tau in the PeV-EeV range, arising from the decay of tau leptons inside the detector to much brighter muons.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Search for Anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with the Telescope Array Experiment

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    We study the anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) events collected by the Telescope Array (TA) detector in the first 40 months of operation. Following earlier studies, we examine event sets with energy thresholds of 10 EeV, 40 EeV, and 57 EeV. We find that the distributions of the events in right ascension and declination are compatible with an isotropic distribution in all three sets. We then compare with previously reported clustering of the UHECR events at small angular scales. No significant clustering is found in the TA data. We then check the events with E>57 EeV for correlations with nearby active galactic nuclei. No significant correlation is found. Finally, we examine all three sets for correlations with the large-scale structure of the Universe. We find that the two higher-energy sets are compatible with both an isotropic distribution and the hypothesis that UHECR sources follow the matter distribution of the Universe (the LSS hypothesis), while the event set with E>10 EeV is compatible with isotropy and is not compatible with the LSS hypothesis at 95% CL unless large deflection angles are also assumed. We show that accounting for UHECR deflections in a realistic model of the Galactic magnetic field can make this set compatible with the LSS hypothesis.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Searching for a Correlation Between Cosmic-Ray Sources Above 10^{19} eV and Large-Scale Structure

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    We study the anisotropy signature which is expected if the sources of ultra high energy, >10^{19} eV, cosmic-rays (UHECRs) are extragalactic and trace the large scale distribution of luminous matter. Using the PSCz galaxy catalog as a tracer of the large scale structure (LSS), we derive the expected all sky angular distribution of the UHECR intensity. We define a statistic, that measures the correlation between the predicted and observed UHECR arrival direction distributions, and show that it is more sensitive to the expected anisotropy signature than the power spectrum and the two point correlation function. The distribution of the correlation statistic is not sensitive to the unknown redshift evolution of UHECR source density and to the unknown strength and structure of inter-galactic magnetic fields. We show, using this statistic, that recently published >5.7x10^{19} eV Auger data are inconsistent with isotropy at ~98% CL, and consistent with a source distribution that traces LSS, with some preference to a source distribution that is biased with respect to the galaxy distribution. The anisotropy signature should be detectable also at lower energy, >4x10^{19} eV. A few fold increase of the Auger exposure is likely to increase the significance to >99% CL, but not to >99.9% CL (unless the UHECR source density is comparable or larger than that of galaxies). In order to distinguish between different bias models, the systematic uncertainty in the absolute energy calibration of the experiments should be reduced to well below the current ~25%.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. v2: reference added, typos corrected, accepted to JCA

    SUSY Renormalization Group Effects in Ultra High Energy Neutrinos

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    We have explored the question of whether the renormalization group running of the neutrino mixing parameters in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model is detectable with ultra-high energy neutrinos from active galactic nuclei (AGN). We use as observables the ratios of neutrino fluxes produced at the AGN, focusing on four different neutrino production models: (Φνe+νˉe0:Φνμ+νˉμ0:Φντ+νˉτ0)(\Phi_{\nu_e+\bar{\nu}_e}^0 : \Phi_{\nu_\mu+\bar{\nu}_\mu}^0 : \Phi_{\nu_\tau+\bar{\nu}_\tau}^0) = (1:2:0), (0:1:0), (1:0:0), and (1:1:0). The prospects for observing deviations experimentally are taken into consideration, and we find out that it is necessary to impose a cut-off on the transferred momentum of Q2107Q^2 \geq 10^7 GeV2^2. However, this condition, together with the expected low value of the diffuse AGN neutrino flux, yields a negligible event rate at a km-scale Cherenkov detector such as IceCube.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Version accepted for publication in JHE